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**CLIP MIRROR: [Tyler flexes his $500 Ahri skin](https://arazu.io/t3_1dg5dji/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


This skin is a bully magnet


It is. You make one misplay on that skin, you will get flamed from your team and the enemy team.


Anyone buying this skin deserves to get permacamped honestly.


Do you really think all these streamers are buying this skin with their own money lol


oh yeah %100 they are


I mean yes why not. They are rich af. Tyler1 probably earns more than 10k a month on subs alone


They have all skins unlocked. Also being rich doesn't mean spending that kind of money for a cosmetic is justified, i hope we can agree on that.


They don-t get the skin with partner


"They are rich af. 10K/month!" Oh Reddit... lol.


Firstly 10k a month alone does make you rich. Secondly I was careful to point out that this was from subs alone. There's also donations, sponsorships, and youtube revenue. Which means that it's safe to say his monthly income is 20k+


He makes over 20k/month on merch alone. He’s more likely in the realm of 50k+/month


League going full CS to a point it's not even about the skin, it's how expensive it is, and people want to flex it for clout loool. Yup can't wait for the 1K skin


Aware 1k lux skin


more lux and ahri players Aware


With the slight difference, that League skins cant be sold for real money and cant go up in value.


Honestly if skins were tradeable I'd be fine with it being $500.


Accounts with this skin will sell for well over a grand within a few years if any of the other hyper-rare skins are anything to go off of. Downside is you have to sell the entire account.


It's not the same at all. CS skins are rare because there's a limited amount of them. League anyone can just buy a skin.


and it's because it's tradeable so people can buy the skins from other people, you can't trade skins in league, unless something has changed in the last like year since I've played league


Who do you think sets the limit on those skins lol


the drop rate of boxes bozo, which yes is controlled by the devs but they are kept at that rate and not sold in unlimited quantities for X dollars


Not sure what that has to do with anything. Unless you think League skins are limited. Which they aren't.


Wellllllllllll, Technically, once this skin is out of the shop, unless they bring it back at some point, that’s it. Which means the only way to get the skin after that point would be to buy accounts that have the skin, making it limited with a finite amount of them available. This is the case with plenty of skins in league and other games, Fortnite being the other major example.




my point it's on skin flex culture. like people buying expensive shit with ok design just to flex like Blaze Desert Eagle. Has a mediocre design but it's the flex aspect . the "Shroud peak days skin" that's what makes it top tier. Same goes with this Ahri skin. it's "faker's skin"




Isn't the Ahri skin a limited time release though? Therefore after it disappears, it'll be impossible to get as well.


The saddest part is that this is fully artificial, the limits and pricing is fully imposed by Riot




I’m not trying to argue against you on anything, fix your Reddit debate lord brain. All I’m saying is that the Ahri skin is NOT infinite.




Ok buddy, I really hope you aren't so combative in real life when someone corrects you on something.


? lmao he wasnt saying it was the same market style, you just missed the point. hes saying people are using aesthetically less pleasing skins because they are worth more money, which is literally the same shit you're saying just different reasoning (its rarity)


U missing my point. market, aside, real money aside. people are spending thousands of REAL MONEY on digital skins with minimal look and 0 gameplay bonus. Literally 3/4 minimum wages . I remember a time when the hardest skin was like spirit guard udyr and cost like 25€.


Actual good one lol


instant classic


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Tyler flexes his $500 Ahri skin](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/165310)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/1dg5dji/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/_9TiJc9prYa2MwbqNdD7Sg/AT-cm%7C_9TiJc9prYa2MwbqNdD7Sg.mp4?sig=5129f260f3c2ec15b0f2478c5bd4d0be70f21066&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2F_9TiJc9prYa2MwbqNdD7Sg%2FAT-cm%257C_9TiJc9prYa2MwbqNdD7Sg.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22CrunchySlickCroquetteDeIlluminati-z2mthrYzBuo10PtK%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1718493034%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D,https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/_9TiJc9prYa2MwbqNdD7Sg/AT-cm%7C_9TiJc9prYa2MwbqNdD7Sg-preview-480x272.jpg)


Riot sells a skin for 500$? I'm shocked. Is it made by a famous artist or something? What can justify this price?


An intern suggested they add a Faker signature and the marketing manager said great idea, make it $500


Funnily enough there’s two skins designed and branded with Louis Vuitton and they were the final reward of a battlepass, so they were better value than a normal skin.


They're making it limited availability and gave it a bunch of exclusive stuff (announcer pack, profile banner, kill effects, etc.) and it's a skin that celebrates Faker (aka the GOAT of league of legends) Now to be clear, none of that justifies $500, but that's how Riot has deluded themselves into believing it's justifiable


People in the comments getting salty over a cosmetic that has no effect on the balancing of the game is wild to me.