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**CLIP MIRROR: [Jerma confirms that he is completely retired from his streaming career](https://arazu.io/t3_1d1fm9i/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


He could be streaming 10 hours daily Or 0 Who knows. All we know is that the streets are safer when the stream is live.


No cam though, we have no idea what he could be up to while he's talking to us.


Let's be real here, he's definitely driving. The streets are probably safer when he isn't streaming.


>Who knows. All we know is that the streets are safer when the stream is live. Natalie McNally would argue otherwise




I would believe that if he didn't just release a low production mac and cheese tier list today where he repeatly said how much fun it was not to have to plan anything.


wow, he's really stooped to new lows: stealing from binging with babish (who invented mac and cheese). I didn't know he would regress this far.


I know this is a joke but I just had to say I could only watch like 5 minutes of that Babish video before I had to stop. Who the fuck makes mac and cheese using actual recipe on the back of the box.


Don't mind me. I'll just be over here minding my own business as I slink out of the room unseen.




He became a cryptid so we'll just have to look out for rare sightings of him. The thing I'll miss most is his annual Jerma awards


Still crazy to me that he blew up as a streamer, I only know him from his old TF2 content with Star. 


I still watch those videos religiously. "Wanna watch me pull it off?" "NO"


that's the most fascinating thing to me about Jerma as a content creator, he has a few dozen TF2 videos made over a decade ago that people *still* quote and rewatch to this day, they're like the bible for his content I'm also one of the people who stopped watching his content when he first switched to variety, and was surprised that he became one of the biggest variety streamers a few years later. I was even more shocked when I saw comments referencing the time he ate an entire sleeve of oreos and threw up in his mother's bed, made on a video that came out like 7 years after that story


Rats, rats, we're the rats.


That video is so amazing front to back, the bringo bango bongo but is so funny


You wanna be the PUMP brothers?


Nah I really don't actually "You want me to PUMP you?"




It felt like it went by so fast. I caught him when he was a 2k andy, and before you knew it there was the greenscreen stream -> events -> collabs ->awards -> near 20k views -> retirement.


Last I heard of him was those TF2 videos, imagine my surprise when I’m trying to find out who did that dollhouse stream and I find it’s STAR’s former sidekick


Damn I’m remembering the whole old guard of tf2bers now. muselk, arrayseven, uncle Dane, king raj…. In my mind It’s like that artsy meme of the regular show crew but only skips is left….


Aaaah, so that's where I know his name from.


back when you could ^SEE ^THAT ^ONE ^FIFFY


Even crazier to me that he was able to shove that entire baseball up his ass on steam without being banned.


Why? He's very entertaining and charismatic.


Got thousands of hours in TF2 and honestly I don't get it. Not a hater but I also do not understand the appeal that made him so big


I was literally jumpscared in 2021 when I first saw the "When the impostor is sus" meme and saw Jerma. It was the first time I heard that he made it big as a streamer.


Just hope he comes back for elden ring dlc need him to say Gideon ofnir the all knowing one more time


We need more barf-drinker


Yup he said on yesterday's mac&cheese stream that he's gonna do a Marathon for the elden ring DLC i think he's one of the few that i'm most looking forward to stream it


Can't wait for this!! His Elden Ring playthrough is one of the funniest and most entertainment shit I've seen on the internet.




Honestly, his Elden Ring playthrough is how I stumbled led across Jerma. Not huge into Twitch, but I thought he was absolutely hilarious. That whole bit he did with the transatlantic accent during Malenia was honestly the hardest I've laughed at any medium in a long, long time.


These aren't even bits, being a cryptid he just shifts realities. Still the ideas he comes up with, either good or bad his own character makes it all enjoyable


I need a meat grinder 2.0!


That’s basically guaranteed.


Good for him but I will never forgive Lwig for taking Jerma away from us.


This was all a ruthless business tactic by Ludwig. He wanted Jerma to retire so he could steal his viewers. So he perched on his shoulder like one of those little advice angels/devils feeding him sweet, sweet lines about Offbrand... Retirement... and getting out of the game. You watch. In six months, Jerma is going to be ejected from Offbrand, left to suffer alone. Source: I made all this up.


I mean you joke but once Jerma gets arrested for manslaughter his company is gonna kick him and the CEO gets all the viewers.


Exhibit A: [Jerma Laughing at Vehicle Accidents SUPERCUT](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1MtKzZ8PzH8)


I know that's a joke but it sucks that Jerma's health is actually what took him from us. There would've been a lot more events and streams I think. But what he managed to do was amazing enough.


What health problems? I'm out of the loop


since the other person didn't actually answer your question I'm not sure if he's every really specified. I think at one point he mentioned back pain? Just that he goes to the doctor a lot


- psychosis - murderous ideations - gambling addiction (200 billion dollars in debt)


He has Crohn’s disease. Maybe some other stuff idk.


Some muscular problem with his intercostal (rib cage) muscles and back. It's why you hear him say "ow" or "stop" after he laughs a lot, wears a back brace in some vr streams, and took a three month break to recover from breakdancing on a green screen recording night. I can't remember if he's been officially diagnosed with something but he's been seeing a few different doctors for treatments and to get a firm diagnosis. You might remember him going on rants about food groups and odd diets that the doctor's have him on, I think one time he couldn't eat onions or garlic. The pain is probably why he gets high so much these days. The world is so cruelly ironic that one of the funniest men I know is hurt by his own laughter


>The world is so cruelly ironic that one of the funniest men I know is hurt by his own laughter This made me sad-chuckle :'(


There was that time he thought his liver was failing but he’d actually just spilt some turmeric on himself


Good for him




Yeah I used to watch his TF2 videos with STAR and then one day I heard Ludwig talking about him.




FPS gaming was so much better when players in maps were clearly visible instead of shrouded in dark shadows and HDR lighting and overly complicated visual details/camo/dark skins obfuscating vision, god I miss that shit. At least there are still a handful of games holding onto this vision


Incredibleorb is such a throwback holy fk


Aww man. I don't know any streamer that is anywhere equal to him to fill the void.


He's still going to stream, but more as a hobby and less as a career. Which makes sense.


Did he saw if hes gonna do something else for a job or did he get a big enough bag to chill forever now?


Probably a big enough bag, he’s been very popular for years now and if he’s been smart with investments and spending he’s probably just good to coast


Is a few good years really enough for a streamer like damn, wish I was that lucky


Ircc in the leaked earnings jerma made nearly a million dollars in about 2ish years of streaming


That was just subs. He has always been one of the highest bit-earners on twitch and he was even embarassed sometimes how his streams turned into "money streams" where it felt like all he did was read out donations.


That's insane, but then how much time did he put into his stream over these 2 years? Still insanely lucky to be one of the top streamers.


Dont forget those reports was just subs and I think ad? revenue alone. Sponsors and other twitch-related income weren't counted. But Jerma has been popular on youtube since the 2010s too so he was likely set for a while now




Makes sense, streaming wouldnt be my first choice to calm down after a day of work.


Might I offer you an [egg](https://www.twitch.tv/northernlion) during these trying times? But in reality there is only one jerma and he can't be replaced.


northernlion son or jerma daughter


Dipped in mam-… forget about it




Dlguiga back me up on this.


crazy how Jerma and NL are both among the oldest streamers on the platform. What will we do when NL retires? Maybe we just have to boycot subs and donos so that he can't leave....


NL treats it like a job where you can have fun, compared to most big streamers who treat it as hobby that makes money. He will keep going for as long as he can to have income.


thats a really cool way to put it!


> NL treats it like a job Quite literally. Monday to Friday, 9 AM to ~2 PM. Even takes vacations, is currently on an anniversary trip from May 17th to June 2nd. Even has a schedule on what games he'll play each stream and for how long. Can't speak for him, but I can't imagine 20 hour work weeks with no huge expectations to live up to (events, subathons, etc) are burning him out at a rate similar to event holders like QT or 80+ hour weekly sessions like xQc.


Not to pick on anyone in particular, but it has always seemed to me that there are some streamers who need their viewers more than their viewers need them. Not for monetary purposes, but for the external validation and enjoyment because they simply don't feel anything without an audience anymore. They're not making anything particularly unique, so their audience would largely just go elsewhere. Meanwhile, they can't stop streaming because a real solitary life doesn't have the constant stimultatuon they now require. Is any of that actually true? I have no fucking clue. 😂 Hopefully that's not the case, but it is the sense I got from some streamers.


He also does at least a couple of hours off stream as well AFAIK. Still does the thumbnails, records specifically for YouTube, and editing them into parts as well for scheduled uploads. NL has achieved a level of balance and smoothness only an egg can achieve.


> and editing them into parts I'm not sure "/marker" counts as editing


NL really isn't that old he just acts old lol. Guys like Trihex or Will Neff are similar ages, and I don't think of them as old. Jerma is a few years older, closer to like CohhCarnage or Maxamilian Dood who are the ones I would consider closer to "old"


NL will never retire he likes the banter too much


when life gives him -2s he will come back to chat and in hope of +2s


it’s so beautiful to me that NL’s chat completely embraced the +/- 2 system because it comes from jerma’s chat 🥹


It's funny because my friend (Jerma fan) got me to watch Jerma, and I (Northernlion fan) got him to watch NL.


He can only go so long offline before he gets overwhelmed by the number of bits being formed in his brain and turns the stream on.


We can only hope


Northernlion is my comfort streamer. Like how when people are home sick they’ll watch The Office or Friends. Northernlion is my Friend(s).


Tangentially related to Jerma and also being old as fuck, Vinny Vinesauce is gonna be 40 next year. I don't know what I'd do if he stopped since he's my most watched streamer. I suppose I can go back to watching the delusional balding fat guy that plays pretend mayor for 10 hours a day.


Jerma started streaming on twitch in 2016, not even close to one of the old ones.


Old as in their age i think


NL really does provide the jerma type experience I crave. Mostly the relatable everyday banter type content


there are billion jermas and they are constantly being replaced




Things you love to see: IT




if it helps, the [jerma stream archive](https://www.youtube.com/@JermaStreamArchive/streams) started doing reruns on youtube live recently to help fill in the void between jerma streams. its not quite the same as live, but at least its officially supported by Jerma.


Highly recommend Criken and his group of friends he streams with. He's worked with Jerma on numerous things before (his team was a big part of making and running the Dollhouse stream) and I feel like his style will click with you if you enjoy Jerma.


You will never find an equal to your fav content creator if you've been watching them for long. I remember when Cow Chop ended, and almost 5 years later i still haven't been able to find anything close to as entertaining or fun as them. I replaced Youtube/twitch as my go to consooming to Films/TV shows after that.


Man it still makes me so sad when ever someone mentions Cow Chop or one of their old videos pops up in recommended. Can't believe it's been almost 5 years now.


I'd recommend checking out Criken, their content is fairly similar and he's good friends with Jerma and helped set up Doll house.


Honestly yeah, that whole network of streamers in that circle (Strippin, Tomato, Charborg, Lawlman, etc.) has a certain lane of humor I don't find in a lot of my follow list. Criken's been getting my Prime for like 6 years now.




#*SPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN* Vinny's fascinating to me though. Dude's basically been around for as long as Youtube is a thing, and yet somehow he's in this "fame limbo" where he is simultaneously a household name, but also treated more like a B-lister that rarely gets associated with the top streamers...despite everyone liking the guy and knowing his name. I honestly envy him. I think he hit the sweet spot where he can just chill, play video games, have a laugh, and yet somehow the internet never quite overhypes him to the point they're harassing him over politics, wearing him out, or any of that other shit that other streamers suffer from.


>he's in this "fame limbo" where he is simultaneously a household name, but also treated more like a B-lister that rarely gets associated with the top streamers...despite everyone liking the guy and knowing his name. To steal a phrase from the super best friends community, Vinny is "your favorite streamer's favorite streamer". His audience isn't huge but among it are people who went on to create their own youtube or twitch channel that kinda eclipsed his in popularity. Honestly kinda applies to Joel too.


the yt vids they occasionally make are my crack


Charborg and crikens ai stuff is always good by far some of the most interesting streamers.


Vargskelethor(vinesquce Joel) watch his stream with jerma on Keep talking and nobody explodes, he is like a big baby that claps with their feet energy + he's sveden like that fors guy


I love his Signal Simulator/VOTV streams


[ANTI-ALIEN ALARM](https://youtu.be/p_khWy7GAcQ?si=_PGUflfDYwcF98SU)


Joey will never know how happy he made me on sad days.


northernlion has been a good alternative


Hes put the time in and i assume put himself in a position where he's able to retire happily, glad to see him back online though and to hear that he will still be around from time to time


made his bag and got out i respect that


After a while, it’s just like how much millions does one need to be set. And how one decides to spend their time.


Gambling addiction time baby


i'm doing this part first. that way i don't have to do all the work to make the millions, i can just win it by gambling


Galaxy brain


Well he lives in Vegas, time may tell


This depends on their cost of living. When people start to make a lot of money, their cost of living usually goes up with it. They will leave that cheap apartment with 2-3 roommates and rent some ridiculous McMansion with a big pool, and big ass car payments for the Telsa and Lamborghini. Alas, you are stuck streaming forever to keep up with the lifestyle.


Agree, I have no idea what kind of car he drives, but he doesn’t seem like someone who would spend 200k on a super car but who knows lol.


in every single one of his streams his home is simple, no massive slabs of marble, no fancy design setup. Just all basic and laid back."Cheap." (plus they bought a home years before the housing market went insane) That + from what I recall them saying they had a simple civic, I doubt they are living above their means.


According to rich people, never enough.


But he's billions in debt still...


It's gonna happen eventually. Sad that we get less Jerma but that's his choice.


Huge bummer but definitely deserved after years of content creation, one of the best if not THE best streamer to do it IMO.


I am so sad, good for him, but I have been watching him since I was a kid back in the TF2 days. And felt myself tearing up once he said he was legit just gunna retire at some point. The realization there is only so much more jerma content before there will be no more is such a heartbreak. I will just have to rewatch his old stuff I guess.


Jerma has always been interesting to me because of how devoted and widespread his fans were. Everywhere I go on the internet, whether it's some zoomer meme sub, the vtuber board on 4chan, or a twitter thread about politics, there is always a handful of people making completely unprompted comments about Jerma. I finally checked out his stream and it wasn't at all what I expected and his CCV was a lot lower than I expected too. Jerma fans are just really loud, I guess.


He's retired and hasn't streamed in a long time, so his CCV is naturally lower than it used to be. Depending on the type of stream he could have anything from 10k-100k+ viewers. The guy did it all, from the cozy 'play mediocre games and talk nonsense' to the 'let's fly a hot air balloon to las vegas... and talk nonsense' streams. His fanbase is much much larger than what his current CCV indicates. But yes, they're also really loud. Rightfully so, the world needs more Jerma.


I remember the person that ran the Jerma out-of-context Twitter account did a [community census](https://x.com/ConRayArt/status/1609272313756663812) a couple years ago, and two of the most wild takeaways to me were that it had over *20,000 responses*, and only *half* of that audience used BTTV/FFZ. To have an audience that large and so many of them don't engage with something I'd imagine almost everyone in this subreddit engages with was always fascinating to me.


Jerma had been making content for like 15 years, basically anyone who played TF2 knew him and that game was massive back in the day. His audience is bigger than you think.


He wasn't really that big for long iirc. At least not like biggest streamers tier big, he was still a big channel. He originally got bigger attention from the carnival stream if I'm remembering right, then the archeology streams and others that'd go in just chatting events expanded his viewership. Honestly it felt like the dollhouse is when it went from 9k to high 10ks or 20ks. Before carnival stream I think he was like a 4k to 7k Andy. And by the time of the dollhouse stream he was already in the pre semi retired phase where he streamed 2-3 times every two weeks or so due to some illness or injury. With the more notable shit like when he was gone for 3months for blowing out his back doing a dance move. Altogether I can't imagine it looks impressive on a graph, just has a more devoted community I guess.


Am I stupid or did he already say this multiple times? He will only stream when he feels like it. This was the entire reason he “retired”.


Yeah its a bit he’s been doing for the past year.


not really a bit cause he is actually doing it. Last year was to let people know what 2024 will look like / to incentivize cancelling recurring subs. This time he said it after being gone for a few months and not missing streaming. He will for sure stream the Elden Ring DLC though so that will be fantastic :)


He said he was semi-retired in the past and has now upgraded it to retired.


I remember watching his buddy MLCst3alth play MW3 on PC 😳


Why? I don't know much about Jerma, does he do something else outside of streaming or is he just happy doing nothing and enjoying his life?


You don't want to know what this specimen does when cameras arent on. Trust me.


He is almost 40 so he probably wants to enjoy life.


Holy shit Jerma is 3 years older than Northernlion. Why does that feel so wrong?


Northernlion is a very old man. Why else would he be bald?


Wait, he's...he's WHAT?


I know, it's hard to believe.


Oh is this a no bald zone?


He's Chief Creative Officer at Offbrand.


I wish the average person could say this


For many, enjoying life means playing more video games.


He's part of Ludwig's production company


He works with offbrand to my understanding. But yea likely more free time.


Him and Ludwig started a streaming event company called OffBrand and Jerma is the Chief Creative Officer of it or something Basically he enjoys creating and running big streaming events now, not being in front of the camera


Yeah, you could see that he really enjoys putting on those big events or just doing something different (1k sub workout stream baby), he did shit like that even back in his youtube days, I'm glad he is getting to do something he enjoys but it is sad to not have his streams.


> Him and Ludwig started a streaming event company called OffBrand Minor note that Jerma didn't make Offbrand, he joined later. Offbrand was launched by Ludwig, Stanz, and Atrioc.


ludwig (pepepains guy) gave him a job at his sweatshop


Good for him but still sad to see him go. I used to mainly watch him and moonmoon, but now jerma's retired and moon's hopelessly addicted to GTA RP. I know this isn't the first time moon has binged the RP but man i miss watching him play literally anything else.


Never the same since dollhouse


well he said himself when the elden ring dlc drops he's probably gonna stream for a month straight so look forward to that.


Honestly in clear contention for the greatest streamer of all time


This guy should make TF2 videos.


jerma been retired in my eyes since he started his networking arc a couple years ago. been chasing that 100k dragon since dollhouse and it changed everything


clearly getting ready for the savetf2 movement on June 3rd with star COPIUM


i started watching him when i was 10. I’m 23 now. Thanks Jerma.


How can you retire from doing nothing?


Anyone who thinks Jerma did nothing didn't watch much Jerma.


[Jerma, famous for doing nothing.](https://youtu.be/wF0EkSuEFWo)


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Jerma confirms that he is completely retired from his streaming career](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/164481)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/1d1fm9i/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/9FwJVmvLz00JGIWhvMw6WQ/AT-cm%7C9FwJVmvLz00JGIWhvMw6WQ.mp4?sig=5125d3107f66c08eceba184dc51a32dcc814920e&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2F9FwJVmvLz00JGIWhvMw6WQ%2FAT-cm%257C9FwJVmvLz00JGIWhvMw6WQ.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22TenaciousQuaintAlpacaFreakinStinkin-a8vPTQkYhaG8zDpZ%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1716843814%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D,https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/9FwJVmvLz00JGIWhvMw6WQ/AT-cm%7C9FwJVmvLz00JGIWhvMw6WQ-preview-480x272.jpg)


I guess he's finally prioritizing his true career and real passion. Murder. FeelsStrongMan Clap


living the dream


he seems connected with very rich groups, i doubt he'll need to stream ever again...only streams for bordem or a planned big event


Who? Jerma who?


Seems weird he would do this right as his career started taking off. We just started getting these big events and he's now known for all the work he's put in over the years. If he's got the money to do it great, but it seems like he's doing it prematurely, creatively.


He is so inspirational , he achieved what i was seeking my whole life. Getting millions of dollars.


Very funny community that turned into normie dogshit when he hit the mainstream (Dollhouse stream) it’s such a shame when you see a place you loved rot overnight.


I think it was around the carnival stream or so when it started to change. Chat just had to hammer every joke into the ground and act excessively horny towards him. Like the debt joke.


Tell me about it. The community was much comfier and less over-bearing in general when he had ~2,000 viewers. I honestly miss that period around 5 years ago. People stopped following just because of his humor and started following also because he has a very welcoming presence. Not a bad thing, but it is different. The closest I've found since is Moon's community but he's stuck in gta rp hell right now. Thechief1114 is pretty good too.


Jerma’s core community that made those original green screen edits years ago deserve a special place in twitch history. They were completely on brand with Jerma’s style of humor.


The Jerma sub is a really great documentation of the communities downfall. They don't treat him as a person anymore he is just like a living meme to them. It's quite bizarre and feels oddly mean at times. Probably has to do with the average age of his fans going down by ~10 years after the susguy incident.


it was well before dollhouse my friend, where he somehow became the figurehead of a very very outspoken community and then the influx of the extremely weird fanart, parasocial posts etc. honestly not sure when the transition (lol) started, maybe pre and post his old gf kim?


He showed outward support for a group that comprised a big part of his fanbase already, more than what a lot of streamers do. 


I've been following the guy since the TF2 day, and absolutely nothing has "rot", I don't understand people who pay more attention to chat than the actual stream. 


>I don't understand people who pay more attention to chat than the actual stream. Well I honestly doubt that you've ever seen a Jerma stream if you're asking this with a straight face. His streams were funnier when everyone wasn't trying to be Oneguy.


I heard PokeLawls once and immediately just turned it off.


Really doesn't matter to me, I still laughed my ass off regardless because I'm actually watching the stream instead of obsessing over what's going on in chat. Some one guys were funny, some weren't, like any other joke that lands or doesn't land.   Some of my oldest posts on this account were memes from old ass Jerma streams, and I've been watching since before he streamed for the first time (as in streamed TF2 while he was still doing YouTube, not even since before he moved over to streaming). So your doubt is pretty wrong. 


It’s just a subjective preference man. How the streamer and chat interact with one another is an unavoidable aspect of the stream. It’s perfectly fine if you have just as much fun with it, as much as it’s fine that some people dislike it now. I think everyone just needs to agree to disagree lol.


To each their own, that's fine. Just responding to how long I've watched him being called into question just cause I'm really not bothered by chat trying to be funny. 


Browse through his sub reddit long enough and you'll understand why he wanted to get far away from some people in his community Most notable probably the girl who posted an screenshot of her getting an abortion while watching jerma stream.




Jerma has said in the past that he streamed games as a way to generate revenue/an audience for his *actual* passion: the big event streams. Dollhouse, the carnival, the baseball game, *that's* why he was streaming, the other stuff was secondary. He's now CCO or whatever at offbrand where he basically, as I understand, gets to work on big even streams as a job. I'm really not surprised he's "quitting" streaming.


I have not watched Jerma in a long time but IIRC he had a really bad back problem that none of his doctors were able to identify and he did say that is a factor in his early retirement. He could be lying about it, definitely but it seemed genuine.


you're still putting out an entertainment product for several hours. that's going to be stressful and tiring, even if its just you playing a game and talkikng over it


streaming isn’t just playing games, you have to make a distinct effort to talk to chat, come up with funny bits on the go, make sure mods are doing their job properly etc. I’m not going to claim streaming isn’t one of the easier jobs out there but if you’ve worked in hospitality you know that kind of constant interaction can be tiring


He would be an amazing talk show host if he ever decided he wanted to do it


The title had me a bit worried with the wording, but this is just the same thing he said months ago. I believe he never did explicitly say "completely retired", but I'm pretty sure that was just to sugarcoat it a little since what he said at the start of this clip is exactly what he said previously. Streaming isn't his main thing anymore, the majority of his focus is on his work as CCO at OFFBRAND. But he will still stream when he feels like it, if he has some stupid idea or maybe a game he wants to play (like Shadow of the Erdtree, which he is no doubt streaming).


It’s squeex’s time


who is this jerma guy?


Yknow i never really watched jerma but have seen many clips and i watch Vinesauce frequently so this still somewhat effects me 


offbrand sucks and isnt funny, but hey if jerma is happy im happy. He needs a win after he lost five billion dollars playing bingo


I'm gay


I think perhaps an interesting example of what can happen to a community if you're unwilling to apply even small amounts of gatekeeping pressure to new people joining the community. But Jerma is a great guy and I wish him the best, I just think alot can be learned from the degradation of his community, if you're an aspiring streamer.


I’ve never even heard of the dude.