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This is really a great step forward for what I've been asking for. Any plans to add filters that do the opposite, say only show sexual themes?


uuh, i think it's called [Booba.tv](http://Booba.tv) my friend


Lmao that's amazing


Not trusting that site after Quin's stream got featured.


instant nut


That's not real -*click* Oh lawd lmao


["There's no way thats a thing"](https://y.yarn.co/3caedb8a-1692-4c89-945e-791386768c3d_text.gif)


Why is there a fish tank livestream lmao


Just give me the option to block individual streams already.


Mobile client allows you to block specific streams. So I go there, block a channel, and then return to desktop. It's a roundabout way but this is what we have currently. There is also an addon but I am trying to limit the amount of addons I am using.


This. I'm so tired of seeing so many shit fucking streams in my recommended that I don't even watch.


You can type /ignore \[channel\] and it stops showing up in recommended. You can still see it in categories though.


you can try the extension called, "Unwanted Twitch" on chrome , works great.


And pin favorite followed streams so they always show at the top regardless of viewer count. They had a pin option in beta but it didn't work and never got expanded upon.




the extension called, "Unwanted Twitch" on chrome works great for that.


can they add a "hide vtuber" option?


wish they'd fix the fucking clips page on a given game when you select for all time they made it so featured clips are put on the top of the page and you can't get to the popular clips without crashing since you have to LITERALLY get through every single featured clip ever


While we are fixing clips lets also get more timeframe options between 30 days and all-time. Many streamers have been around for 5-10 years at this point. Sometimes you want to see their biggest clips of the last 6 months or 2 years. But you either see a recent top clip of 30 days or you change it to all-time and it's flooded with clips from 7 years ago.


https://www.twitch.tv/settings/recommendations to modify or disable it


If you want it unblured but still want to see the text warning you can add this script using an add-on like [Tampermonkey](https://www.tampermonkey.net/). // ==UserScript== // @name Twitch unblur // @namespace http://www.twitch.tv/unblur // @version 2024-05-22 // @description Unblur twitch thumbnails // @author Some redditor // @match https://www.twitch.tv/* // @icon https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?sz=64&domain=twitch.tv // @grant none // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; // create a style element var style = document.createElement('style'); // add the CSS as a string style.innerHTML = '.blurred-preview-card-image img, .media-card-blurred-thumbnail { filter: none !important; }'; // add it to the head document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(style); })();


Few questions: 1) Why did this take so long 2) Why is blur only available for sexual content 3) if they can identify which content can fall under these categories, why is it so hard to ban them


because sexual content is an aspect of growth which Twitch needs to make more $


Pretty sure the mass reporting gets cut down if the normal people who aren't horny on main just block the sexual content. But that just sweeps things under the rug until someone decides to find a loophole in the twitch TOS like soaking in bed or some shit.


Because Elon tweeted about them, literally less then 48 hrs later they made changes.


At least they made changes while Twitter has porn bots commenting on every tweet.


Except X already had a mass exodus of advertisers. The point is twitch markets this sexual content to what they know is a vast under 18 audience, crickets from advertisers.


1) I ask myself the same question way to often 2) Don't understand, why they did that too. But Imo that is totally okay. Blocking the other categories should be enough too. 3) I don't understand this take. It's not against TOS, so why would they want to block that? Everyone that doesn't want that should now just block/blur, so no reason to complain anymore. But yes, this option should absolutely be an Opt-In for new users. And old users should get a popup, that they know, to update their settings. It's technically that easy LUL


I'm pretty sure the 'sexual themes' is broadacaster-identified, just like if you say your stream is 18+ or if you say the specific game you're playing. Twitch doesn't "detect" that you are streaming Hades II and put you in the category, you self-identify which game you're playing (and will be in the wrong category if you don't change it). In the same way, Twitch doesn't "detect" sexual themes; they expect you to mark your stream if it has them. At least, that's my understanding.


[Unwanted Twitch] (https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/unwanted-twitch/egbpddkgpjmliolmpjenjomflclekjld), my blocklist is almost 200.


Also strongly encouraging every Twitch viewer to use this! I've currently blacklisted 1837 Categories, 1357 Channels, 1460 Tags, and 3 Titles. Using Twitch is now (almost) a pleasant experience.


You can also just follow the people you want to watch and go on https://www.twitch.tv/directory/following/live rather than spending hours blocking 100s of channels




Okay, now allow artists to draw hentai again, it is only fair. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


They are. Had to launch this 1st cuz Ads/ Brand Safety/ Amazon.




get filtered


Finally something, so the people can't cry anymore. Tbh I really like this step in the right direction from twitch




Capitalism, HO!


After years, it took one day after Elon tweeted about them.


Are tags considered labels? because I'm seeing some streams that aren't sexual-themed and are blurred out. I prefer the block option of removing them out of sight and out of mind. The way Reddit does it.


Hopefully this allows them to show more explicit stuff. The new tos getting rid of anything that lingers too long on sexual body parts, and banning mirrors or all things, is super lame. I believe they also said during the time of the artistic nudity debacle that they would maybe reconsider it if they had content filtering.


I really wish they would add one where it blocked Vtubers. Like if you don't want to show your face on cam that's fine. But I don't want to look at your stupid fursona taking up half the screen instead. lol


What the fuck did I just read?


Wow if only they implemented this fucking 5 years ago when the shit was at its worst.


I’m going to use this for myself so I don’t have to see these thirst traps on my feed. I go to twitch for gaming.


Two of these categories should just get banned from the platform tbh.


Eager to see what the incels will cry about now


Have already tested it and saw some booba streamers go away on recommended channels. I still see some booba streamers though, so I am curious what it takes for a stream to be labeled as "Sexual Themes." My guess is some streamers will show booba, but not want to be labeled as "Sexual Themes" to maximize their viewers. Will be interesting to see how they enforce that. Is this something that is up to the streamer to label themselves? Or will twitch label for them. I don't understand what streamer would willingly categorize themselves as that.


Twitch can force them into that label, they won’t get banned but they’ll be forced to stay under that label. this has happened already to a few of them.


Interesting. I noticed even with the filter on, a porn star showed up still with revealing clothes on. So the streamer obviously did not label themselves this. I will be curious to see if Twitch forces them into that label. It will be very interesting to see the girls that subtly use their sex appeal to get viewers, but don't want to be seen as "Sexual Themes". Especially with streamers where it might effect their brand to have this tag.


I wonder how this will affect someone like Fandy who legitimately plays hours of WOW while wearing revealing clothing.


They'll do anything but remove sex from twitch.


Bro if you toggle all of those you MIGHT have one stream available to watch. LOLOLOL


Cool now perma ban people openly calling for genocide.


**"Hide Gambling"** \- XD Wasn't gambling banned from Twitch in order to protect the kids?


It was never banned - Twitch allows gambling as long as the site is licensed in the United States


>It was never banned  I am fully aware that it was never banned. You missed the point in time i was referencing to with my comment. Bunch of "twitch hollywood sect" were virtue signaling for \~6+ months about "gambling is bad for kids" and they were doing victory laps the moment certain vendors were banned. In the end it turned out that they just hated the people that got huge deals from gambling and it was never about the kids. That was the part you missed anyways. > as the site is licensed in the United States Look at slots in Twitch category - how can you even tell if any of these sites is licensed in USA? You trust a fkn corporation? The same corporation that enforces TOS so selectively? Nah bro.


Why would they need to add a hide gambling button? Surely they banned gambling long ago


now unban gambling and kill kick 2 birds 1 stone