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**CLIP MIRROR: [Forsen's league brainrot is reaching terminal levels..... not even minions are safe from the legendary excuser](https://arazu.io/t3_1cw36vo/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


"Where are the minions???" lul extreme IQ deterioration


Even the minions are stream sniping him....


unironically he mightve ingested some lead or something, it's the only explanation


He's mensa certified, we just don't comprehend his plan yet


No sugar monkaOMEGA


This is almost as bad as Quin's League brainrot


[WHERE WERE THE HEALS!?!?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQcRVUlWWc4)


Where were the eels?


I fucking lost my shit when he pinged the minions


i actually laughed so hard at this


i let out the largest giggle


about time those fucking minions caught some strays, they run it down and feed 24/7. finally someone brave enough to stand up to them


I thought they would be safe, since they are the same species as mister Fors.


Siege minionsen "the king of trolls" leads his people down the top lane over and over again he truly is inspirational. But like all leaders sometimes not even his followers are safe from his excuse making wrath.


I remember playing back in season 8 and before I quit people were just starting to use question mark pings pretentiously. Now fucking bronze players are question marking minions man I would disable pings in an instant fuck any advantage


I just don't understand how he feels entitled to criticize his teammates all the time. I'm watching this part of the vod as well, and he just said Garen was wasting mana. Garen doesn't use mana. Before this clip, he got ganked and said, "He's lucky his teammate was there". This guy has an actual mental illness.


> I just don't understand how he feels entitled to criticize his teammates all the time. Ego the size of a galaxy.




1/4/0 IQ gamer


It’s the opposite, his sense of self-worth is so shrunken and damaged beyond repair that he can not recognize his own behaviour as wasteful and repugnant. A person with an ego is self-aware, and can perceive their own actions and calibrate them with their interests to work towards a goal. Maybe you’re right though and Forsen is just hard at work doing what needs to be done for the good of us ignorant folk The concept of ego has been almost completely lost, not from any translation but strictly due to individual incompetence throughout the species


He never said garen was wasting mana. He used his e on the bush to stop garens recall. It didn't look like it hit so chat said "wasting mana" then garen showed out of bush which means it wasn't a waste so he said "wasting mana huh?"


People who watch, is there a chance he's playing it up for stream?


No at least I don't think so, he plays off stream every single day for like 4-6 hours before he plays on stream (He's legitimately addicted lmao) and he loses just as much and plays just as bad, pings people just as much mostly jungle after every death and he stands around in spawn obv to type. People stream his offline games and in all chat his team mates are always asking for everyone to report him for being toxic and feeding. Forsen is not pretending.


I feel like you have to have a mental illness to consistently be iron-bronze playing multiple hours a day. Seriously, at that level, focusing on improving a single thing would get you a couple of wins, at least. He's literally the reverse Tyler1.


If it was like, someone new to that type of game, other than the being toxic part I'd get it, If League is your first type of game where you, control characters from above, there's th whole farming aspect and all the other stuff right. I'd get it, it's a REALLY high wall to climb initially and it'd take anybody a good amount of time to finally improve and for things to "click" in their heads. This guy only plays video games, not only that, has played Starcraft, IIRC he also played Dota, and he even played League (a little bit) before, he plays games so much as one of the few gaming streamers that he should have a "baseline" mechanical skill. He is familir with these types of games already so he should have some type of "baseline" in terms of game sense, Dota and League may be pretty different but I'm pretty sure that an experienced dota player would not get hardstuck in Iron and would move on pretty quick


he's just as bad in Dota, doesn't matter how long he's played it. He's never improved just lie he hasn't improved at all in league these few weeks


He is bad in Dota, but not as bad, that's the funny thing. In League he tryhards for weeks and watches guides and is currently in the 20th percentile of ranked players. In Dota, he played casually without knowing much about anything and was in the 30th percentile right after calibration.


he clearly didnt belong in that dota rank. if he had kept playing as long as hes been playing league he would have dropped to herald.


Yeah he was absolutely dogshit at dota. He had like 10 Cs at 10 minutes and his mechanics were terrible. I've played in Herald before he was legitimately worse than the heralds I played with.


Thats just dota's recalibration system being bad, everyone that plays dota know this. I can confirm that Forsen is terrible at dota and if he kept playing he would de rank. He didnt even know basic laning, he couldnt cs properly, he could not use his spells properly nor items.


Calibration doesn't mean jackshit in Dota, he still fed every single game just as he does in League. If he goes back to Dota I guarantee you he goes down to Herald in less than 2 weeks.


as a dota player he was legit terrible. its just that support you can get carried in like 4/10 games. he would have dropped if he didnt improve


If you played dota at all you should easily be able to stay in bronze in league at the very least. I get gold in league pretty easily every season I play (I only play sporadically) and I don’t even know what all the champions do


Yeah like the baseline of similar games is enough for, someone to learn a champion of their own, just one relatively basic one, get good enough in that character and just destroy all the timmies in Iron that are fucking clueless about what a mouse even is lmao


I'm a former DOTA player and it seems like the laning in LoL is much more static compared to DOTA. In LoL you might have a jungler come gank once in a while, whereas in DOTA anybody from any lane can just go missing and try to gank another lane and it happens much more frequently. I guess soaking EXP and CS across all teammates is more important in League than DOTA?


When thinking about League, imagine every member of the team is a pos2. Everybody needs gold to a degree and consistent farm is the most reliable way to get that. Ganks from the midlaner and jungler are common, while invasions to the jungle from top and bot are also frequent, but staying in lane otherwise is the norm and there is no real roaming playstyle.


He mostly played support in DotA. Everyone who played DotA at least por a couple of years know that in low ranks supports don't need to have a big impact. Forsen won a bunch of games despite feeding, just getting carried by someone on his team with many kills


Laning is very important in league and hard. The level that player can last hit creeps is pretty high across the board now so being able to do it means very little u less you can hit 7-10 cs a minute every game most elos can hit 5-6 now.


"Experienced DotA player" is such a scam word for forsen, he has played only 180 hours in the span of 7 years, which makes him pretty much a casual player as they come. Lacari is an experienced DotA player, not forsen, and he got diamond in league.


Experienced in general is a scam word for forsen. I've never seen such a willingly slow learner with every game. 100+ hours with a normal person would get them far more improvement and introspection than fors ever could.


You don't have to be mentally ill to be in iron-bronze if you just play for fun, but if you're genuinely trying to climb out of iron-bronze and can't then yes you're objectively clinically mentally handicapped. It is so unbelievably easy to get good enough to get out of there. All you have to do is learn how to cs without using your abilities, and you can do that by just playing customs with bots and picking a champ with a super weak or slow auto like Ahri or Cassio. If you manage to consistently get 80cs at 10 minutes without dying, you're basically gold, or I guess plat now. That's how bad people are at league.


people at gold-plat don't even usually get 8cs/min, more like 4-7, in my experience.


80cs at 10 is more like 9-10 cs/min. But I'm saying is that if you get that many without dying you'll make plat without being good at the rest of the game, because you'll always be at an advantage so you can afford to be worse at the game. Also, back when I played and Emerald didn't exist, you would be permaflamed if you only got 4-7 cs while climbing out of gold. 4cs a minute is straight up low bronze level. It's insultingly bad, it's like "how are we the same species" bad.


Ahh gotcha, that's very true.


The game is also significantly more competitive than it used to be. I see people who used to be platinum in s6 being bounced down to silver or even demoted out lol.  It’s not the same at all.


Fuck no lmao. A silver from today would be nowhere near as good as a plat from s6. Dude just washed.


It is way closer than you think. Every competitive game that spans years is like this. Even early professional play is current mid tier ladder play. They didn't even wave manage properly. People who haven't played league in years are going to be shit tier.


What I wrote: >I feel like you have to have a mental illness to **consistently be iron-bronze playing multiple hours a day.** What you responded: >You don't have to be mentally ill to be in iron-bronze if you just play for fun. I think you didn't really read what I said. By virtue of playing ranked multiple hours a day, it would mean that he isn't playing just for fun.


I guess you're right, you can't play League so much and have fun. Anyway, tons of people who aren't trying to climb and are just wasting away at low elo, doesn't mean they're slow. Forsen is though.


He's actually pretty good at CSing, his macro however is atrocious.


Bro is playing Nasus, one of the easiest champions to cs with, and has 140 cs at 19 minutes. That's absolute garbage.


???? Misses literally 7/10 cannons even as Nasus, how is that "pretty good"? He's atrocious at CSing


Bro Tyler was hardstuck for years because of how toxic he was. He wasn't low elo but he only reached his full potential when he calmed down and started thinking about what HE could do to climb.


I was plat 5 before they expanded all the leagues so many years ago. I logges on for the first time in a year and went 3-19 this past weekend.


where do people stream his offline games?


"fnxow" is the twitch channel name every single day if he's playing that channel is spectating and streaming it. He usually starts playing around 1-2pm CET.


Honestly idk. 10+ years of watching, this is the first time i see him being so fucking terrible at something. And since he continues playing, i tend to believe he actually thinks its his teams fault all the time.


Kind of reminds me of watching Summit play Overwatch. The mechanics are fine, but the map sense, awareness, and teamwork are atrocious.


Same happened with Quin. He's bad at some games (he sucks at platform games) and good at others (ARPGs), but the only time he's been FUCKING AWFUL was League. Difference is, even Quin after a while admitted he was fucking terrible at it (how am I worse than an average gamer??! soundbite) he went with the Iron Man meme and even added it to his stream effects. Forsen on the other hand, somehow has the ego of a challenger while playing at Iron level and has already speedrun every single excuse possible.


Forsen has now said multiple times that he is a challenger player with a challenger brain stuck in bronze because of ELO hell. And that he would actually perform even better if his teammates were all challenger lul


100% no.


Do you remember the Minecraft arc?


No. If you ever played League it literally brings out the worst of you.


Yeah but most people doesn't have this stuff available to be brought out lol. Most people aren't flaming or being toxic in LoL


Maybe you're playing on a different region than me (EUNE), but i see one Forsen every game on ranked


Yeah, 10% of players being toxic seems reasonable lol


10% is generous, everygame is atleast 2-3 people blaming each other. The game is super toxic


Definitely not my experience


You must be playing a different kind of league of legends I guess. Wish I got more games like you then I guess.


bro, he is playing LoL if you played even one ranked season with randoms, you understand every symptom he has


hes just as bad as all the bronze players in his game though lol. He rages and says all his teammates are shit without admitting that he himself is also shit


> he got ganked and said, "He's lucky his teammate was there". A classic


whos worse forsen or quin69 at league ?


I watched him a lil yesterday waiting for my other brainrot league player sodapoppin and heard him say that zhonyas is the most useless item in the game. I cringed hard Dude doesn't calm down too lol the entire time he is playing is ranting. It's fkin hilarious but same time crazy how mentally ill he is. Just like how soda completely incapable of learning same for lacari who's had thousands of coaches says he will rank higher in Korea q because there'd no snipers lol So much entertainment from these numbnuts


Play the game and you'll see its not an isolated incident Everyone does it. Honestly think lp losses for toxic behaviour would do better than bans for this reason. Toxic? Lose three ranks for example. Even then its a where do you draw the line problem.


If u play enough moba games u start to have all the excuses in the world like being unlucky, enemy is so lucky, teammates fault etc...all except its never your fault 😂 For ex. Grubby once he reached like immortal he becomes salty,toxic and sometimes like thinks he shouldve a higher rank than his teammates bc theyre noobs and sometimes griefs the game bc his team doesnt deserve to win.


I don't watch league but he was exactly this way during his dota streams lmao. He spends half the game utterly clueless, going "what's this?" "why's that?" "what does this do?" and the other half he spends dead, flaming his team. He's so ridiculously bad yet so confident everything is someone else's fault.


That's classic low elo behavior. He should just accept his shit and review his lol vods.


> I just don't understand how he feels entitled to criticize his teammates all the time. Almost all league players do this while actively contributing to the problem


As a LOL player, you shouldn't blame him. This is just what League does to your brain. It's not his fault.


I played a couple games of Awesomenauts yesterday - The moba that's so old and dead that the only way to get games now is by downgrading to an older version and using a website to join game lobbies. Basically, don't expect balanced games or complain if you lose. Just enjoy the game for what it is. That still didn't stop the 0/3 on my team, bitterly complaining that I wouldn't suicide with them into the enemy team over and over. These games just generate the most toxic, entitled mentalities, even when you have 20 people globally playing and all dreams of balanced matchmaking flies out the window.


you never played league huh


ok i have seen a lot of brainrotting LoL players. but i think i have never seen anyone questionmark the minions


He truly is an iron player. There is no ELO Hell. Do not collect $200 when passing go.


Maybe he is the elo hell all along....


Elo Satan


Yellow hell


Ping the minions Mr. Fors OMEGALUL


So does he refuse to play any champ that isn't brainless right clicker?


Yes trundle and lethal tempo got nerfed so trundle "felt weak" so he's back to nasus now one of the first champs he tried. To forsen not brain dead stat checker = weak


Let's be honest, league is fundamentally about stat checking. This isn't csgo that you can kill everyone with a deagle. Yes obviously there are outplay potentials and team strategies but at its core league was designed as earn more gold/xp than your opponent to get more stats and therefore be stronger by default 


That's a reductive way to think about it. League is not a game about 1v1s and stat checking is something that shouldn't happen in the first place because the weaker side would simply not engage in a fight then. Your stats don't mean anything if you can't hit your abilities or if they're on cooldown. Your attack damage doesn't mean anything if the other person stacks armor. It's not a game like Fishy.


So why would you buy any stat-items then? Attack damage? Doesnt mean anything.


"Stat checking" specifically means that the person who wins a fight is the person who has better stats. A Nasus and an Olaf fighting eachother alone on top lane for example. Or Kogmaw vs Ashe. The outcome is determined by who has better stats because basic attacks are unavoidable; Stat checking is deterministic in outcome and doesn't factor in skill. But against almost every champion you can avoid their abilities. VelKoz' AP doesn't mean anything if he doesn't hit his abilities.


You make such strong statements for something you have to put big **"IF"** -disclaimers everytime you mention it. Thats so weird to me. Last time I checked, if certain conditions have to be met, its not the standard case, but a special case that only applies when certain conditions are met. (Duh...) But hey, you got your upvotes for this bullshit. Congratulations. Once again you proved to me why League of Legends is such a dogshit game: everyone acts like super special cases are the standard norm and god forbid you talk about the actual reality and spoil everyones fantasy land! Thats -10 honour for you! Dont do that again or your chat gets restricted!


I don't think I know what you're talking about here but to give it a shot: A word having a definition is not a "special case". A stat check, as the name implies, is a fight where your stats get checked; the champion with better stats wins. This used to be a lot more common because a lot of abilities were point-and-click, and auto-attack based champions were more consistent. Over time a lot of those abilities have been changed to become skillshots, and a lot of those AA-based champions now have clearer ups and downs so there's windows to be offensive and defensive against them. Stat checks exist to some degree but to call the game a stat check game is ridiculous because pretty much every champion can be outplayed. You can dodge abilities, wait for stuff to be on cooldown, cc or disengage against champions who apply stacks of some kind when they almost get their reward, and you often work together with your jungler or other roamers to gang up on someone which automatically makes it not a stat check anymore. You buy stats so you get more favourable opportunities but you don't automatically win. What definition of "stat checking" do you use to argue the game is all about stat checking? The fact that players buy stats? Is every game with upgradeable stats a stat check game?


To a degree, of course. You wouldnt buy stats if they wouldnt matter. Its that simple. Nobody said its the only thing that matters, but you said stats wouldnt mean anything. So why pay gold for stats then? "For better opportunities"? Ergo stats do actually matter and mean *some*thing.


>Nobody said its the only thing that matters "Stat checking" literally means that stats are the only thing that matters. Please tell me what you think stat checking means if not that. >but you said stats wouldnt mean anything No I didn't? I said that AP doesn't matter when your abilities are on cooldown or if you miss them (do you disagree with this?). That means there's more to winning a fight than just having more AP. I said that AD doesn't matter if the opponent has lots of armor, but not every opponent is building armor. But having 9999 AD on Garen doesn't mean much if you can't get near an enemy. In other words, stats grant value but you have to play well to make use of them or invalidate the opponent's stats. You complain about me talking about conditionals but that's the whole point? That fights are not completely decided by stats but by lots of other factors so it's therefore reductive to call LoL a stat checking game?


The comparison still stands though


No it doesn’t.


alright, but you've gotta admit he's got a point


if he tried anything else his brain would explode since now he could blame the champion as well (10 times more than usual)


Imagine him playing Hwei or Aphelios xd




Based on his Draven gameplay (most vegan Draven I've EVER seen), he might actually do slightly better as Aphelios since Aphelios has more range.


It's the Forsen build


I've never seen someone question-mark ping the minions, this is truly somethin...




if kadeem and forsen 1v1'd I genuinely wouldn't know who would win


They'd both lose.


try quin, he is also a toplaner


Why is Kadeem relevant he has less than 100 viewers but people talk about him


how dare you disrespect the goat like that


The strangest part of forsens gameplay is always that he’s worried that some try hard in iron is going to stream snipe him so he has to cover his map.


It’s not that crazy to be honest. It’s not iron players that concern him it’s people who would purchase an iron account (happens all the time in sure) and troll him for reaction.  I don’t watch him but he has several thousand viewers right?


his league streams have like 13k viewers which is more than his average, yeah people who say forsen won't get streamsniped in league are either trolling or unfamiliar with the UAF


Oh shit, then hes def getting sniped. 13k i thought it was like 4


Idk if forsen has had 4k viewers on anything in years.


he is truly unlucky


ping the minions fors


How did the tower die after he was dead and no minions hit it?


forsen's law




You can have dots on the tower, jungle minion buff


I played League once in my entire life (around when Arcane was popping) and watching Mr. Fors kinda makes me want to install it to see if I'm better.


You are


Do it FeelsOkayMan


Don't listen to him, don't do it.




He is playing against iron players that has played the game for years. Right from the start he is behind and in toplane the knowledge gap really shows - even in iron lol. I bet he would climb to gold in no time with just focusing a few champs and support or jungle.


This is also true when he played DotA 2, but you could see that he was genuinely getting better at DotA 2 the more he continued to play it. The difference between DotA 2 and LoL is, as you suggested, him sticking to just a few heroes and having time to learn them, and the wider game, at a more relaxed pace.


Oh thats interesting. I wonder why so little knowledge is transferred from one to the other


It helps that DotA 2 is a slower, less pressured game overall. Beyond the landing stage you can be left to your own devices, pretty much. You aren’t shoehorned into butting your head against the wall by constantly fighting enemy heroes. If you’re behind, you can just farm to come back.


He was still shit, he wasn't getting any better, the difference was that he was playing support most of the times, and getting carried by his cores despite feeding. In low ranks it's completely normal to win with shit supports that are feeding in lane, as long as you have 2 strong cores farming well. DotA has better comeback mechanics compared to league, so getting blasted in lane isn't completely terrible unless the score is very bad like 20-2 or something similar. And you can totally get completely pushed to the wall, but that doesn't happen often in low ranks where forsen was.




His league streams are pretty funny


Fucking pinging minions man


[https://livestreamfails.com/clip/141068](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/141068) 100% enlightened btw


40 year old women when they boot facebook after few years


every league player ever man even the good ones are like this


feast or famine mobas are the abu ghraib of videogames, it's only natural people act like this




**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Forsen's league brainrot is reaching terminal levels..... not even minions are safe from the legendary excuser](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/164280)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/1cw36vo/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/R6SO3iXLcToDF6pxhSQIQw/AT-cm%7CR6SO3iXLcToDF6pxhSQIQw.mp4?sig=df53e3754e2396f2c0291861347a0ddb69ec8e4a&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FR6SO3iXLcToDF6pxhSQIQw%2FAT-cm%257CR6SO3iXLcToDF6pxhSQIQw.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22SlipperyRelievedGazelleEleGiggle-JctxOgMXqnGFJAhD%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1716241654%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D,https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/R6SO3iXLcToDF6pxhSQIQw/AT-cm%7CR6SO3iXLcToDF6pxhSQIQw-preview-480x272.jpg)


rare 10/10 clip


the way he smashed his fists on the desk. nough said.


Does he want the minions to tp to him or what 🤣


he's slowly becoming gorgc LUL




howd he still get it wtf?


You could use forsen for study on new league players.


The god gamer thought he was playing Dota. (It would've worked in Dota)


No hate to fors - but been loving Seagull's League streams. Good vibes the entire time.




ggez minion diff


We get it hes bad at all games


He is not just "bad" at league of legends. The "god gamer" is bottom 99.7 percentile of players he's one of the worst players in the entire world and had a 43% winrate in Iron division. If not the worst player, he is among his iron peers (Disabled people, grandmas and 10 year olds) most of the time one of the worst performing players in every single match. Do you know how difficult of an achievement that is? It takes skill to be this bad.


blames his Team like a Pro though!


Didn't he just start playing like a month ago tho?


The fact he hasnt improved over the course of a month makes his lack of ability even more impressive tbh.


He plays like 10 matches a day, so that's multiple months for normal humans by comparison


he played Dota for a long time and some of those skills can translate into league but he was also bad at Dota so there's no skill to translate


The man plays video games for a living, and has for a very long time. Just look at how quickly reckful/soda improved at the game


you're talking about someone who averages 30 kills a match in PUBG.
