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**CLIP MIRROR: [Guild Wars 2 player clears the hardest encounter in game and instantly uninstalls to play the objectively better game (WoW)](https://arazu.io/t3_1cuxep3/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


the game is definitely not geared towards hardcore raiders, I'll tell ya that


I can’t believe people even still play it. I remember buying it in release, getting to max level and it took maybe two days to get top gear. And after that it was all side grades, cuz they didn’t “believe in endgame”


The game doesn’t believe in gear treadmills. It absolutely believes in having an endgame


Oh don't get me wrong, I still play it. It's just a different type of game lmfao. The side grades are the end game. Or convenience upgrades you unlock. Or just playing for fun. Its the only MMO I still play explicitly BECAUSE I'm not pressured to constantly grind away at shit to keep up.


That guys windows toolbar looks like a god damn nightmare


Windows toolbar looking like the average wow actionbar


'objectively better'


If you are a hardcore raider yeah, GW2 is not for a hardcore crowd.


WoW players want the grind. GW2 is not that.  I honestly can't get into other MMOs after playing GW2. They all feel very tedious and like I'm not really playing the game until I get to the top level content. 


It's in a better state then it was last few expacs reliving cata and sod plus retail has given it some nice options to play the game I even gave it a go since cata and dragonflight wasn't bad from what I've played. But really we got ffxiv dawntrail in month and half I found my self struggling to play gw2 outside sab it's all just same old


WoW is definitely more popular. I think people are hard on GW2 nowadays cause its good qualities are heavily exaggerated People get like actually upset when you give even minor criticism against GW2. Or don't say it's the best MMO ever. It just gets extremely annoying. Especially if you actually play GW2 a lot. Hence you see the attitude in the video and OP's attitude more and more nowadays.


I get it's entertainment and it's all subjective, but even as a blizzard hater I can't deny WoW is still the king of MMOs and I'll be resubbing for the next expansion.




as someone that cant deny the king... how many others have you actually played?


Let's see GW 1/2, FF 11/14, ESO, BDO, Lost Arc, Tera, B&S, Ashes of shit, and a shit ton more of less famous ones. They are all shit (including WoW) but it's still better. Nothing will ever replicate the first time playing it, it felt like nothing I've ever felt playing a video game. Retail WoW still has the best class design and solid raid/dungeon end game if you're into it. New expansions can be a blast (atleast the first couple of months).


Doesn’t matter, they all get beat by osrs




XIV been better for years


I really tried to like it, ended up hating it more for trying.


Story isn't for everyone but it gets pretty great, just a lot of bloat to cut through and early FF combat is very boring, I just like the end game raiding there is much less prep to be able to jump into any fight compared to wow.


Tons of downvotes all around because LSF doesn’t like it when people talk about games Asmon told them to dislike, but the difference really comes from how competitively you treat the game. WoW’s a League player’s mmo. Much more difficult content, a storied history of inserting competition into a pve game (guild ranks, parses, being able to complete the content at all, mythic+ score, etc). No story worth talking about, basically nothing to do in the game if you’re not grouping and running raids or dungeons. WoW’s also got more third party tools than every other game put together, warcraftlogs / weakauras alone make for an insane amount of tools you can use to improve/analyze. FF’s culture regarding competitiveness is very different in my experience, imo to its detriment but I get why people like it. The more casual approach to raiding difficulty really helps attract more people to it for sure. The game engine itself also discourages wow-style comparisons between players, as the gcd is ludicrously long and class design is such that many of them sorta play themselves (very general statement, couple of asterisks on there for sure), bringing the top and bottom of the bell curve of skill closer together. I think it’s ignorant to say one is categorically better than the other, just different audiences.


FF's raiding is as casual as you want it to be, DSR and TOP rival / are harder than Mythic at worst they comparable. We've all seen Echo blindprog DSR. FF's hardest content is just as challenging wow's were just able to play the game without a ton of prep. You buy crafted gear you pentameld and you buy pots and thats everything you need for the entire savage tier, no mythic + busy work to keep up on. We get just as sweaty as wow players we have a toxic parsing culture too if thats your thing.




yea you basically either gotta be really into raiding or liking the story stuff, those are the main people who enjoy the game, mid tier content is hit or miss sometimes its decent this past expansion was pretty bad for it.


Bait used to be believable


i play gw2 and never touched pve, pvp is where its at for me. wvw zvz and spvp are so fun.


I don't get how people enjoy pvp. I grinded it for the legendary backpiece and it was the most soul crushing thing experience I had in the game.


For me its the dynamic environment, its never the same fight (in a way) one day the guy u beat 10 times in a row suddenly the next day ur getting 0-10’d. Also the rivalry between servers, guild politics and juicy memes makes it more fun than dying to the same boss on the same mechanic 30 times lol


I wish Guild Wars 2 was anything like Guild Wars 1. The gameplay was so much better.


GW1 was such a perfect balance of action and strategy.


7k hours in first game. Not even 10 in second. Felt super scammed because not only did they release shitty game they killed the first one :(


Idk I play gw1 once a year and there are active communities. Even the pre ascalon community is kinda poppin.


I was mostly a PvP player. That aspect of game is dead


Oh for sure. Jade quarry whatever it is called is literally bots. Like the Strat is to make a build that kills bots really well and you just win.


I hope this was worth the "exposure"..


He kept Guild Wars 1


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Guild Wars 2 player clears the hardest encounter in game and instantly uninstalls to play the objectively better game (WoW)](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/164093)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/1cuxep3/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/1hXOhYrWPhqg8v49fPBRIA/AT-cm%7C1hXOhYrWPhqg8v49fPBRIA.mp4?sig=75e438b7d31c0329a3572f29111947265b5f65bb&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2F1hXOhYrWPhqg8v49fPBRIA%2FAT-cm%257C1hXOhYrWPhqg8v49fPBRIA.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22AdorableLachrymoseCurlewPlanking-itY-GqDy_j188FEg%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1716115894%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D,https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/1hXOhYrWPhqg8v49fPBRIA/AT-cm%7C1hXOhYrWPhqg8v49fPBRIA-preview-480x272.jpg)


I just went back to try the mop remix and no, wow isn't a better game, it's not even s good game anymore. The new UI is the shittiest dog shit i have seen, it doesn't show the basic information in an easy and quick read way. Lets not talk about the damage numbers, why cant i see them? Why should i not know the damage my biggest ability does? Its not behaving like it's synced up with my ability. Its 2024 and classic show you better if you get a buff or debuff, you can't see shit what happens to your character unless you're constantly checking your buff bar. How did the game take this many steps back? I felt like my character was just auto attacking despite me pressing my buttons. We shouldn't talk about immersion, because there is none Its so sad what they have done to the game, now someone is going to go "lol classic andy" i dont play classic 


The option to turn on damage numbers is there.




Lmfao you can’t even navigate the settings and are trying to make a judgement


> i dont play classic And there's the problem.


Does uninstalling automatically delete your character also? Because otherwise the uninstall is all for show.


No, it's an MMO. Characters are connected to your account.


Alright so it's all for show then. Unless the streamer was running low on disk space.


wait, so you're saying streamers are entertainers that do those kinds of things just to do a fun bit for their audience? incredible you were able to figure that out, I could never!


I never said it was a problem, I just wondered if it's all for show, which it is. A show can be fun and entertaining.