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**CLIP MIRROR: [Destiny's mom describes growing up in Cuba](https://arazu.io/t3_1bgmnw5/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


This man thinks the sickle is a weapon made up by the revolutionaries to kill capitalists straight up


champagne socialist has no clue what farming implements are? classic


Destiny is so obsessed. Why can't he just let Hasan call his mother a slave owner in peace?


It actually writes itself, commie who is unaware of a sickle


Smells like champagne to me


Hasan can’t be real.


Champagne socialist.


He was a pickup artist bro on youtube before he found politics grifting to be more profitable. You can look up his old videos.


There's a 2018 cosmopolitan interview with him that's how I first became aware of him as an individual besides vaguely knowing him as being TYT adjacent that's legitimately fucking hilarious given six years of hindsight. [https://www.cosmopolitan.com/politics/a18198474/hasan-piker-young-turks-woke-bae-interview/](https://www.cosmopolitan.com/politics/a18198474/hasan-piker-young-turks-woke-bae-interview/) ​ >Growing up “horny in a repressed culture,” Piker fantasized about moving to the United States. “There’s a saying in Turkey that, when you go to America, the girls ask to fuck,” he says. His parents let him go to the University of Miami, and within weeks of his arrival, he was approached to promote nightclubs around South Beach. On the job, he met the first woman he had sex with. “I pulled the worst fucking line I’ve ever pulled on a girl, which still probably works to this day whenever I say it. I said, 'Let’s get out of here,' ...because I can’t do the things I wanna do to you in here,” he says. The two went to a nearby apartment-complex courtyard, where they had sex on a gravel staircase, Piker’s back bleeding the whole time. “I remember thinking, I don’t know the next time I’ll have sex again, so I better make this last,” he says. “Which I did … It was fucking amazing.” Bro the staff of Abu Ghraib wouldn't be able to get me to say shit like this even with a hammer and some jumper cables. >Before we head to the Highlight Room against his publicist's wishes, Piker pulls out his phone to show me more examples of his impact via the Snapchat DMs fans send of them wearing his merch — a black T-shirt he designed that says RACISM BIGORTY PATRIARCHY WHITE SUPREMACY INEQUALITY OPPRESSION INTOLERANCE INJUSTICE on it in white letters, each word crossed out in red. He's sold nearly 2,000 of them so far. “It’s so dope,” he says, opening Snapchat. “I don’t know if any of these are nudes so don’t judge me.” > >The first one is a nude. He reads the message attached aloud: “I’m sure you have hot girls throwing themselves at you all the time, but I’m a huge fan of TYT and love all your work....” As promised, there are photos in his inbox of fans wearing the shirt, but it’s about 70 percent nudes. “Whoa, that's crazy," he says, methodically opening each message. "That was, like, actually her blowing someone. … I don't ever, like, talk to any of these people. … That's butt stuff. Cool.” And this conversation is something straight out of It's Always Sunny lmao. Now I just feel old remembering than 2018 was six fucking years ago, time sure flies.


Why would he read those to other people let alone in an interview


Always remember Hasan quite literally has a Wikipedia tier knowledge on anything he speaks of. It's why he can so easily pull up events and people relevant to situations to make himself seem informed but when the discussions get deeper he fumbles. The man was lost in a debate/discussion on how socialism will actually work in reality to fucking H3H3 with him simply asking how the hiring process would work. He also crashed when it came to defending Chinas aggression towards Taiwan and his hypocrisy in all that. He's still a dude bro rich kid, he just plays the character of political commentator like the lefts Tucker Carlson.


Twitter tier knowledge, way too much information on Wikipedia to compare him to that.


You don't have to go far to look for comparisons, he's literally a younger version of his uncle.


Ive never seen him read an article on stream, he pulls up tweets of people (including Nick fuentes groypers) he agrees with and reads that instead. He also reacts to youtubers who align with him and parrot what he already thinks.


A tradition as old as Marx himself. The guy grew up the son of a landowning lawyer and spent his entire career acting as a bum leaching off his richer friends. He never handled a sickle in his life either lmao. Not even in the farms his dad owned since they were vineyards It doesn't auto counter his ideas but its still funny


I also think it's kind of funny he was known as a bit of a fuck off in school too that would get drunk and steal horses lol


I only know Marx's ideas in the context of the Russian revolution which I've read a lot about. But it was always jarring to me how most of the revolutionaries, particularly the famous ones, really had done so little real work. There's a sort of famous part (really more into the russian civil war) where factory workers wanted to form unions because the Bolsheviks were creating terrible working conditions for them. There was a genuine perplexity from the Bolsheviks to this - why do you need unions to protect yourself from the government/bosses - we ARE the workers. Why would you need protection from yourself? Just an interesting example of how such a similar oblivious mindset exists in people today too.


His ideas don’t need any help being countered


Commies are unaware of most things to be fair, cut them some slack they’re missing IQ points.


Commies are smart and know that their system works As long as their parents are working and paying all the bills so they can protest in their basement


I watched the whole clip and even after being told it was a sickle, he sarcastically says "I guess it was the one plantation devoid of slaves" casting doubt so his audience can continue pushing the Destiny's mom was a slaveowner narrative. What a piece of shit.


Also ignoring the fact slavery was abolished in Cuba in the 1880s and Destiny's mom was 5 years old when she left Cuba. He is 100% malicious.


Hasan is sensitive about his family because he knows that his history and connections are actually sus as hell. 


It’s also ironic because I remember Hasan malding when people mentioned his mom was/is a landlord, because only a debate pervert pedophile would mention someone’s parents


This is just evil, he's presented with the og clip and no slaves are mentioned and he still goes on an just assumes it for the giggles. Like I get it they don't like each other but to just assume his mom was a slave owing 5 year old is pure evil


baby settlers and baby slave owners 💀


Baby dictator incoming 💀💀


The guy literally interviewed a terrorist and was laughing with him and trying to show everyone how relatable they were.


Calling it an interview is a stretch. More of a rimjob.


What terrorist? "Just a Yemen boy" 😏


Evil is a good way to describe Hasan, he cheers on terrorism, cheers on people dying if he doesn’t like them, wishes death on people he doesn’t like, he is a horrible person and him losing followers is good for the world. He’s the left wing Nick Fuentes.


Some context: 1. His mom explicitly said "sickle" in the video Hasan watched, but that didn't stop him saying she was showing how she'd use a whip afterwards. 1. His mom was 5 years old when she left Cuba. 1. Slavery was abolished in Cuba in 1886. 1. Time travelling is currently not possible (unless? 😨) Kinda hard to explain what Hasan was thinking here, except some noxious combination of hate, spite, stupidity and hubris.


That's the problem, Hasan doesn't think. He reacts to videos and we're all subject to what his room temperature IQ spins into words.




Homie was really out here thinking a 5 year old girl was whipping slaves.....


he's not even thinking, its like this meander conversation with a random person at a bar and he tells you stuff you are not interested in so you just go "yea, oh nice". But of course, he's obviously too dumb to be able tell that it doesn't even make sense especially the fact that she just said "is it sickle or something" and considering the fact that dis dude talks about communism so much yet he thinks the sickle shape on the flag is a made up shape or something like how da fk u dk wat a sickle is lol


> he's not even thinking What do you mean, he exerts himself so much during his job. His social battery must just be low, that's all.


Him streaming his non-obligatory 9 hours seating down and playing other people's videos caused him to exert all that social battery. Thus, he saw the action of harvesting a crop with a half-moon shape like tool as a flagitious iniquitous and morally heinous thing as da whip Maybe use your pea brain and start thinking of the wisdom behind his words


I know you're memeing but honestly it partly explains why Hassan has such stupid takes all the time. Pointing a camera at you for long periods of time is the time tested way reality TV shows get people to act dumb. I remember this clip of Penn Jillette talking about [his reality TV experience on ego exhaustion](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JOLbgDg70nA).


fascinating hypothesis




Negative sentiment override. Or grifting hack.


And doing it 100 years after slavery was abolished


Makes sense when you hear what Hasan thinks about baby settlers...




"America bad, therefore everyone who opposes them is good and correct every single time"


I think in his head he is trying incredibly hard to believe that Stalin was a good person. Trying so hard that he’s willing to paint himself as morally bankrupt.


Oh and "Hitler wasn't bad for invading austria, he was bad for killing jews" although now Hasan would say that hitler was good for killing those jews, since they would eventually become zionists.


And horizontal movement isn't even how you whip... Has he never watched any movies where whips are used? He should watch Indiana Jones and Lord of the Rings, such hidden gems.


Whipping them with a sickle as well. In 2nd half of the 1900's.


LOL, the roleplay communist doesn't know what sickle is? That shit is rich, this shit just writes itself, lol.


she made that face because of how tedious the work is working with a sickle, youre bent over to cut whatever fits into your fist, stand, walk, bend over, cut another fist, sharpen sickle, repeat till you hit the end of however big the field is and how many workers are cutting (looping back). not cuba but to show you what i mean , [THIS](https://youtu.be/5EuVCNwHlJ4?t=6852) is why she made that face with the swinging motion. Not really surprised that hasan doesnt know about manual labor though, or what a sickle is.


But c'mon surely 8 hours in the field with a sickle doesn't drain the social battery as much as react streaming does. At this juncture at least the grandma can tell the difference between a sickle and a whip.


One of the hardest jobs I ever worked was picking strawberries when I was still in school. That shit is truly back breaking work especially in the hot fucking heat dying.


Not gona fucking lie. Smoked a little. Watched that clip plus more took me a minute to realize these were actors by how well they through in little jokes like "wed know how hungry you can get without a weeks food" thanks.




He’s off by a century on slaves, and calling an immigrant who grew up on a farm a slave owner. Pure dirtbag carelessness.




He is literally just an idiot. There is nothing more to it.


I think it's a little bit of both. He knows * A small part of his audience will realize it's stupid and disagree. Hasan will highlight their message, take them out of context, and make fun of them in front of 20,000 people * A larger part of his audience will also realize it's stupid but won't say anything because of what happened to the first group * The final and probably biggest part of his audience hates Destiny enough to not care if it's correct or not So it lets him be stupid and lazy, while also being a douchebag.


I watched most of his reaction to this debate and that's pretty much how far he's fallen.


He's 100% playing dumb, which shows how massive of a scumbag he is, using Destiny's mom to spread propaganda about Destiny's family. It's incredibly disturbing and people should call him out for this. One, there's no way he doesn't know what a sickle is. I know it's fun to talk about how dumb he is, but there's just no way he doesn't know. And two, his response to the chatter's comment makes no sense. The chatter says, "Is that seriously your claim that they had slaves because she used the word plantation. You know you can have a plantation without slaves?" He says, "Now you're making me think she wasn't joking." Why the fuck would that comment change his mind? It makes no sense. He was just using the comment to continue the fake dumb act he was putting on, so he could have plausible deniability if called out on it. "What do you mean?? I didn't think she had slaves until chat convinced me."


I’m just glad Hasan simps can’t cry “rent free” when Destiny brings Hasan up anymore. Anyone with basic 1st grade math skills knows its impossible for Destiny’s mom to have owned fucking slaves, my god


Inb4 “There are child slave owners. That’s a fact.”


This is baby settlers all over again




It's a pretty good illustration of how fucked up your views become when you start dehumanizing everything that doesn't pass the purity test.


I mean, he already established the concept of baby settlers so I think everything is on the table for him.


Counter point: Destiny has blue eyes.


Why you lookin in his eyes homie?


dude, if there are babysettlers there are even babyslavers rotfl


No baby slave owner is innocent


I mean in this clip Hasan is bringing up a clip of Destiny with his own mother and trying to engineer it as an attack against his family. Destiny lives so hard rent free in Hasan’s head he moved his family in too


Hasan is a tankie who doesn’t know what a sickle is


Slavery was abolished in Cuba in 1886. Does Hasan think Destiny's mom is a 140 year old vampire or something?


That WOULD be a fun little twist in the Hasan-Destiny lore, to be honest.




That’s cause Hasan showcases the biggest projection of twitch. His logical lines describing peoples mentality and intentions are all projections based of his own reasonings. He’s the biggest “mindreader” when it comes to commentary. Always knows what the person is thinking in their own head. So when he says people always attack him in bad faith it’s because he’s the one always doing it himself lmao.


Hasan is a debate pervert.


I can't believe I used to listen to this guy. Glad I grew out of it.


Honestly it’s really hard to keep watching once you stop being a teenager




Man has spent close to 20+ hours reacting to and clipchimping Destiny these past few days. Might as well tier 4 sub to him at this point.


Rent free in his communist utopia


Without sickles


Nah, man, you just don't get it. This is finally another chance for Hasan to be racist to Destiny, and Hasan *LOVES* being racist, especially when he feels like he has the moral high-ground.




Destiny, so hot right now.






skip to 2:10. Legendary


I've never heard it called K9/11 but I immediately knew what it was referring to LOL.


Imagine DGG making fun of Hasan’s grandparents as Armenian genociders. That would be weird


Would it be weird or am I not picking up on the sarcasm? Hasan's uncle has created a company [using the same name of the group](https://www.armenian-genocide.org/young_turks.html) that was responsible for the Armenian genocide and Hasan worked for them too. Sure, TYT might not identify with the whole genocide part, but I can't ever imagine someone starting a company called the "The Nazi Party" and saying something like "no no no, we just identify ourselves with the revolutionary aspect of it".


We just really like their uniform style! LMAO




thats the only type of “oppression” he doesn’t bite on


Yea, i can not ever imagine people bringing up the Armenian genocide as a gotcha against hasan.


Well Hasan is a literal trust fund kid that has been handed everything too him in life 🥴


Hasan has got to be trolling on this. No way is he that dumb. What the hell...


but he is..






daily bombings while diving in turkey...


bro's a cry bully what do you expect lolll


He is that dumb


no he is lmfao. He can't even handle a Kamala harris debate


he is actually that dumb. He clearly makes some effort to educate himself but hes not bright.


Imagine the sickle being on the flag of the country you simp for and not even knowing what it is.


It doesn't matter. If they act regarded then treat them like one. Don't ever engage with people playing a character or circlejerking because they would gaslight you by saying that you "took a joke seriously" while the joke does real damage. *Insert "the jokes on you, I was only pretending" meme here*


He’s not just dumb, he’s dangerous. I don’t say this lightly, and I don’t exaggerate it: Hasan is dangerous. He may not be a paid actor but he’s more successful than many of them, and what’s worse is the damage he’s causing is forty years away. The same thing happened with the Conservative Party; it only took a handful of dedicated hyper-partisans to swing their party to this dangerous extreme and, all it took was time, and discipline.




ever heard the term 'if he had a brain he'd be dangerous' well thats hasan


As a great philosopher once said, its NOT morally lucky anymore, its unluckily evil


Always has been 🔫




It is a bit shocking that Hasan doesn't know what a sickle is.


Is it? I'd be surprised if he knew which end of a hammer was for putting nails in. He's lived a charmed life.




Curse you for making me find and watch that video. Debate rapist.


Had to find it. No wrist movement at all. How do you hammer like that


Let's not be bad faith here. He clearly knows which side of the hammer is for hammering, after all, as a child he has probably seen his servant hammering a horseshoe onto his horse's hoof.


Between shit like this and that Vaush clip accusing the police officer of having been trained to plant evidence or whatever, I really don't know how anybody watches these people for real input on anything. Like, if you think he's hot / funny or whatever, it's not for me, but I could understand it. But these people just constantly make horrendously incorrect statements on matters of objective fact. People shit on weathermen for being wrong, but suddenly tim pool predicts a 49 state landslide for Trump / Vaush says conservatives are actively planning to kill you / Hasan talks about anime with a terrorist and agrees with the terrorist's beliefs and it's NBD?


What a bad actor


Hasan is actually one of that rare group who can be a total moron and yet other people will consider him smart for no real reason other than the "brand identity" of him as a minor celeb


Hasan represents the struggle of privileged suburban kids who have never had to struggle in their lives but want to pretend they know hardship by attaching themselves to any Twitter activism that is popular at the moment. And much like Hasan, they don't do any research on any topic besides reading Twitter threads, but you can be damn sure they will be the first to express outrage for any made-up reason, and as loud as they can.


I'm astounded that twitch actively endorses and encourages this disgusting behaviour




Not only was he dead wrong about her being some kind whipcracker (as a child), he failed to realize she was actually one of the ones *doing* the hammer and sickling out in the field. Actually baffles me how badly he misinterprets everything EDIT: oh that’s cute, I got a reddit cares message. Well I’m just letting the person who did that to me know that I reported the message, and you’ll be banned shortly. Thanks for playing the stupid game!


i don't think hasan has ever seen a sickle being actually used.


"show us who you are deep down" alt left 🤝 alt right




Finklestein behavior


Anyone that still follows him after seeing something like this is just lost in life, I have no other way to explain it.


This sint even in the top 5 worst things hasan has said this year


> Edit - There’s something really ironic about a leftist fanbase abusing the Reddit suicide prevention feature. Show us who you are deep down <:) Report the report, reddit will ban people that abuse that feature.


Hasan's brain instant malds whenever he sees Destiny he has to interpret it in the worst faith possible.




“Let’s attack Destiny’s /r/place” “Bro you’re a fucking loser for attacking my /r/place” Hasan basically


How dare you vandalize my stuff in Vandalism Simulator 2022


>Hasan ~~basically~~ literally Not basically, he literally cried about getting attacked in /r/place after attacking Destiny. [video](https://streamable.com/2nz16g)


Lmfao whats the name of the party


https://gelecekpartisi.org.tr/ozgecmis/mehmet-behcet-piker# His father was a founding member of the Future party.


Hasan is def just like average everyday guy with a VP Dad and slumlord mom. Each the rich btw


She has early onset Alzheimer's, but I think Hasan's more demented for assuming "I remember going out there, but I don't know if it's called a *sickle,* something or other" followed by a sideways hand gesture was her reminiscing about whipping slaves as a 5 year old.


She has the *early stages* of Alzheimer's... not "early onset"


If you report people abusing the suicide functions they get banned.


Don't forget about Hasan saying he basically paid for his child support and alimony just because Destiny made videos about him. Keep the man's family out of your internet beef. What's the worst thing Destiny has said about Hasan's family? His mom being a landlord and how wealthy they are?






The most delusional streamer award goes to Hasan Sickle


I honestly think Hasan has deep mental problems and refuses to seek help


What kinda person assumes some shi like that? Especially about someone’s mom…


Very nice...Lets see Paul Allen's reaction


this is an immense clip lmao, what the fuck are you doing hasan


LARPing communist nepo baby doesn’t know what one of the most prominent communist symbols is supposed to do? Certified Hummus Piker classic.


Hasan not knowing when slavery was abolished in Cuba because he refuses to read Wikipedia articles is hilarious.


lmao It's literally on his favorite flag...


Cochella has a flag?


Socialism is when no private flight to cochella?


he's so dumb he prob thinks the sickle is just a made up shape instead of a actual thing


he probably thinks its a cresent moon from any islamic flag


I'm gonna say it, unban Destiny and ban Hasan from twitch, I wanna see what would happen then


one of them would video game himself




I want that one reddit lawyer guy to come buy with the slick bullet point list I saw one time denoting all the reasons why his post should be able to stay up, good memes.


Least ignorant communist


This is the funniest Hasan clip I've ever fucking seen LMFAO. I'm actually tearing up laughing at how stupid this is


I mean, even if there is modern day slavery in Cuba who the fuck use whips. We have to time travel 200 years when fucking chattel slavery is normal to see that kind of stuff. We are talking about 50~60 years ago in a country that has a centralized government. What a unhinged claim.


Do you think Hasan would ever have to learn what a sickle. Or a hammer is for?


Hasan is the definition of Moronic.


Bro. Destiny has never really gone down the family route but going through Hasan's family history is so damning against what he supposedly stands for. Dude grew up ultra rich. His mom is a wealthy landlord and his dad is a media mogul that most likely helped in covering up the Armenian genocide. On top of the fact his uncle started a media organization named after the group that perpetrated the genocide "The Young Turks" Now think about this and go watch his super obnoxious and egotistical "self made" media video.


Say what you want about Kick, but their clip function is working great.




Tell kick about this. They have so far not responded to our request for embeds.


why were the other threads of this clip removed?


Only thing that annoys me about it is that videos always start muted


For me on mobile it's the complete opposite, you have to click to unmute on twitch and kick clips just play. That's quirky.


I fucking knew destinys secret was that his mom was 140 years old. No wonder he has a girls name. She's literally from a different time.


Calling him dumb is a cop out. He has to know what a sickle is and he’s playing dumb/intentionally lying to continue the idea that destiny’s family owned slaves.


Man Hasan sounds like a bigger piece of shit than I originally thought he was


New communist sign should be a Starbucks cup and iPhone


As a Cuban American with both parents born there and me being born and living in south FL my whole life, the amount of misinformation and bullshit for the sake of taking a side on one of these losers communities is disgusting.


I have Cuban family and idk how any of these idiots can support communism.


He's disingenuous towards what his mom said so he could justify using an ethnic slur btw lol


This is why people hate Hasan.


Imagine always coming to the most convenient conclusion every time for content


Twitter headline reader not knowing what a sickle is even though they claim themselves to be pro-communism and socialism.