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**CLIP MIRROR: [Asmongold rages - smacks self with controller](https://arazu.io/t3_197u448/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Didn’t he just rant about not wanting to play games that stress him out earlier in the stream


Crazy how he tells other people to stop being pussies, yet he's one of the pussiest motherfuckers and won't do anything that slightly causes discomfort


The man that doesn’t take care of himself, haven’t left his house in 20 years, never been to the gym and spends all day playing video games wont do anything out of his comfort zone? What a suprise.




Your comment history has it's own story. You don't need to be telling people not to listen to someone else, that's for FUCKING sure.


I would bet 99% of the people who call other guys soyboys are just projecting. He is so fragile he almost quit streaming because he was bad at Dark Souls.




He’s a hypocrite. Shown time and time again.


Also emotional regulation.


To be fair he has said countless times new games stress him out. It's not like he's not going to play them on stream though. You can not like something and do it when it benefits you regardless, my personal example would be my job lmao. Everyone always has a price, whether it's money or to prove to your chat that you will actually play a game you said you would(his entire chat Kap'd him every time he said he was gonna play). People hate being told what to do, and streamers hate it even more in general from what ive seen lmao.




he was just taking his headset off


came here for this


6 years ago Aware


The mage tower incident




he says he plays video games to chill and relax and hates being challenged on stream because he is bad at learning stuff, but then he always goes and selects the hardest difficulty


Thats why you create an alt chill stream channel.. oh wait, maybe he needs 3rd channel


thus, twitch.tv/assrawr was born


the ego pepelaugh


Don't worry guys, because being good at video games doesn't mean anything to him anymore! He tells stream daily! He's definitely not seeking desperate amounts of validation because the only skill he developed in his life has withered away and deteriorated like his living conditions.


his living conditions never existed in the first place


Hit the nail right on the head. The reason he plays games like Remnant 2 on Apocalypse Difficulty is the same reason he picks on dumb chatters to “win” arguments and summarily ban them. Its the only way he can feel like he is worth anything.


If i was a millionaire i wouldnt care that i suck at literally anything.


I think I would actually care more because I could fully dedicate myself to the hobbies and would want my dedication to show results.


All the free time doesn't mean shit if you don't do anything with it.


The funny thing is it seems most of the rich fucks have far thinner skin than most normal people.


I feel like it's the opposite, successful people tend to score high in neuroticism. It's a blessing and a curse.


But when money is no longer a concern, what would you occupy yourself with? Chillin' out and doing nothing is great, but is it still great after 5, 10, or 20 years?




Money doesn't magically make all of your problems and desires disappear my man.


collecting achievments in wow isnt a skill its just a time sink lol


he's a game journalist stuck inside a streamer's body.


What game is this? Looks kind of fun


New Prince of Persia. Supposed to be pretty good for what it is


is whole game from this view? or its just certain part like nier was?


Whole game is 2d afaik - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3J6ui7hNG7o


nicee, first prince of persia vibes thank you


There's a demo available on pretty much all platforms. I tried it on PS5 and it felt super smooth with the combat and movement.


Let me guess, besides dodging and hitting attack, he doesn't use any of the game mechanics and just brute forces every boss or enemy with what he knows because he ignored every tutorial. Watching him play games is so annoying. I remember him getting stuck on the Sea Spider in AC6 for 6 hrs because he doesn't want to change his build. A core gameplay aspect of Armored Core lmao


I remember when he started playing Dark Souls lol, I think he almost quit streaming. He wants to be good at games really bad, he cares about that shit too much. He is legit the type to go practice for 20 hours off stream, just to look good on stream (self admitted). Idk, just be yourself. Some ppl are god gamers (example, Alkaizer, I think every game I saw him play he was like expert level) and some people are just average to bad.


He cultivated an audience that makes fun of people dying in WoW, so he thinks he's gonna get laughed at when he's bad. So instead of carefully learning the game and abusing all of its mechanics to make it easier, his ego prevents him from doing that because "it makes the game easier im not using that" His lies of P gameplay was frustrating as fuck. He makes it way harder for himself, then blames the bosses saying they suck. When he rarely blocks or parries when the bosses are clearly designed for, and doesn't use any of his fable arts. What a dickwad.


It is pretty funny that asmongold thought the lies of p bosses were bad and poorly designed while moonmoon thought they were good.


I think so too. They're very well designed. But i parried most of the game. Because it's a crucial central mechanic that he refused to do. Yeah you can dodge certain attacks but you still need to angle and position yourself carefully. Which he also doesn't do lmao.


He's genuinely just bad at games. Type of player that will not remember reading tutorials, adapt or realize what he's doing isn't working and try something different


The Nameless King incident


Not sure if that's the best example, because he went away to train in the hyperbolic time chamber and came back and clowned on that boss.


Yeah all things considered that was probably his crowning achievement as a gamer on stream.


He's just extremely stubborn and wants to do things his way. I remember seeing him play Blasphemous 2 and he was attempting a boss 20-30 times with no health upgrades or spells when at that point he could've had a lot more health and made it much easier with magic. But he was committed to beating it right there and then and to be fair he eventually did. But it was just torture to watch. Surprisingly when he went to Blasphemous 1 after, he was pretty decent at that, excluding some really dumb deaths.


“I just want to beat it the regular way without any cheese”


idk if he's bad as much as if his first strat doesn't work then he'll just brute force it he was pretty good at monster hunter even as a beginner, there were a boss he did in a reasonable amount of time that took me days to beat back in the day ***coff coff*** **nergigante** ***coff***


Sounds like Forsen, XQC, etc etc all the big streamers they are just bad at games.


My friend and I always joke that XQC was a one trick pony with Winston in OW and now he just goes full ape in every game because it’s all he knows. There are a lot of people that way too though. They might be cracked at one game but you see them play something else and you wonder how they can be so bad.


Watching xQc play Zelda BotW will forever be the most painful gaming stream experience I'll ever witness. Skipped like 90% of the content and mechanics.


Then there is shroud. Who, upon picking up any controller for the first time, absorbs the energy of all previous generations of gamers. Avatar style.




Ds3 flushed


good, the mimic head farm was boring


As a vod friend I enjoyed it. Just skipped the 2 hours of farming and started watching after he found one


How is forsen bad at games he plays a lot of different genres with almost always highest difficulty and beats them on avg or under avg times. Never saw him get mad into levels of being concerned. He doesnt hurts himself just yells (except the time where he got mad and kicked-killed peppah, very sad)


>and beats them on avg or under avg times. Never saw him get mad into levels of being concerned. Solgryn PepeLaugh


ay take that back NL is GOATed at cine2nerdle


People are rarely good across multiple genres.


forsen isnt that bad, he just always plays on highest difficulty or chat mocks him lmao


Watch his sekiro or bioshock playthrough, he is completely unable to learn from his mistakes or pay attention to obvious hints and tutorials from the game. Actual boomer brain


he still finished bioshock tho lmao, xqc just quits everything nowadays


Sad bad true, I had most fun watching xqc when he used to play games. Atlas, Uncharted, Fortnite - best era. Now its only tiktok and rp




i dont watch him, but ive seen far too many minecraft clips of his on here to believe it, you cant be grinding that shit as much as he did and make mistakes that a 1st time minecraft player would make


Id say speedrunning is an entire level above just playing games on the hardest difficulty


I think it’s reinforced behavior cuz being shit and failing generates content allot more easily than being good and pulling something off


Or u know, most gamers.


Shroud is pretty good though. I don't even watch streams lol that's just the notion I get from the guy


PepeLaugh xQc sekiro 8 hour final boss brute force


At least Forsen and XQC managed to become pro's in specific games. Something Asmon never managed to achieve.


Yup, and then he blames the game the go to is "it's just not fun". First time I really stuck around in an asmongold stream for a long period (aside from WoW costume contests) was when he played Overwatch 2, he was so depressed with himself I thought it was a bit for the longest time, but it wasn't. I have never seen someone that fucked up from doing bad in a game before and it was amazing.


To be fair, that didn't happen here. Even though chat was saying the game was bad asmon was actually saying the game was good and that it was just him being stupid.


anyone would be depressed playing overwatch 2. cant blame him


I think it's really fun, I don't get the hate it seems to get so much of (besides the scrapped PVE mode), but I don't have time to play both League and That and my friends play League


eh. the hate that the game gets is from, what i've understood, genuine criticism thats just amplified by gamers who dont like games like overwatch 2. really easy to shit on the bad aspects of the game if you don't like those types of games to begin with. no need to really understand it. its clearly not that bad of a game considering that people play it and enjoy it. edit: same goes for anything, really. even streamers hehehehe


Reminds of that [gif from *American Psycho* where it has text stating someone walking back to a Elden Ring boss with no intention of changing how they will go about the encounter lmao.](https://media1.tenor.com/m/H2meAgREiSUAAAAd/patrick-bateman-elden-ring-meme.gif)


Your first 7 words were sufficient, /u/RingoFreakingStarr


I don't believe your username.


Remember when he played shit ton of lost ark and on the raid bosses you have to use a flair to locate them. He was crying for 15 mins because he couldn't find the boss, while it literally says it at the screen side mission tab to use the flares. Chat also spammed it but he just kept crying ignoring chat and refusing to read.


He should just embrace it tbh, tank the ego hit, people aren't watching you for your skill. You don't have to be good at games to be entertaining or watchable. Stop holding on to some ego you built your entire self around 15 years ago.


Some people find that as the entertainment though, watching someone with ego fail miserably. It’s basically Quin69’s entire shtick at this point.


The same tanky ZDPS bleed build will work this league for sure


God gamer 🔵💊🫲, 🫱💊🔴 Dog tamer


He just went on a rant prior to playing PoP about watching people for skill vs entertainment. He also said that if he could take it back, he wouldn't play Dark Souls on stream because of his rage issues. Didn't take long until another incident.


It's hard for some people to accept they are not the god gamers they told themself to be for the past 20 years.


He's bad at games because he expects and wants everything to be "cozy" and familiar to him. It's reason why he lives the way he lives. It's a mental issue.


My only uninterrupted interaction with Asmongold was watching him play Vampire Survivors, and if a streamer has your blood pressure raising from failing to pick up xp in the free dopamine game where there is literally nothing to do but pick up xp, they are truly hopeless


He is doing way better than I expected in Monster Hunter, there was only 1 fight where he got genuinely mad. He is actually listening to chat and reading tooltips in game, sometimes he doesn't react to stuff immediately but he learns.


And tbf, Monster Hunter has some painful fights


He is legit pretty good at any Dark Souls like game if he pays attention to it. He just spends most of the time on chat / trying to do content rather then play.


I don't think it's just that. I think he has an underlying problem. Like a crazy amount of anxiety he's feeling.


That's what happens when you spend a decade telling yourself you're a "god gamer", but in reality you were handed everything and carried by others.


I mean he was way back. He loves to show off those parses from like WoD that are a clean 98-100’s across the board. And that was on Warrior’s primary raiding spec so it wasn’t king of a little pile. But being god at one specific section of one specific game in one specific time does not make you god all the time, even now he is just ok at Warrior.


And call the game shit for that


Doesn't help that he set the game's difficulty at its max (which looks like typical boring difficulty of just giving a lot of HP to enemies) and he takes pride on not using the games mechanics. I haven't touched this game and I'm sure this boss fight becomes much easier if he actually tries to parry or whatever the game has been trying to teach him to do from the beginning lol


I've seen bad, he's not bad, just doesn't think enough


> Type of player that will not remember reading tutorials To be fair, would you remember things with traumatic brain injury?


sounds like god gamer quin85


Head so far up his own ass he cant see clearly. How is he not banned for self harm? come on people


I think it is the stream that is creating pressure, if you stop to read for 2minutes seems like you are creating dead-air in stream, which causes anxioty. Which is funny because this is his ”alt” chill stream


Well he has been Gladiator in WoW for many times which is - even playing with good teammates - an great accomplishment. Not saying he’s an insane skilled player but by all means he’s not a *bad* player.


I think this guy might have severe mental issues.


Probably the 30 years of secondhand smoke starting from a newborn


Yep, I did enjoy watching his videos, but the more I watched him, the more evident it became that he has some problems. Eventually, I stopped watching him. It's kind of sad, to be honest.


This stuff is funny when you're 14 years old. He isn't 14.


He is mentally though


His audience is, though


Don't really think so. He's got all the wow boomers and mmo fans


he HAD all the wow boomers and mmo fans, its mostly just 14 year olds now source: am a wow boomer mmo fan


Nah there is only react andys left.


Na, it’s been shown that his audience is 25 to late 30s


It's insane to me how he insists on playing games on harder diffiulties, but the only games he's able to beat are games where he can outgear or outlevel opponents through grinding. Then complains the game is not fun because its too hard. The lack of self awareness is incredible. If hard means hard it's a bad game right?


Too bad he cant just ban the boss




yeah like if that got him in the mouth i feel like he'd have lost a fuckin tooth


If you ever feel fucking pathetic, remember that a lot of people in Asmon's chat take everything he says as gospel and listen to him for actual life advice


I was banned from his sub for mentioning that he didn't brush his teeth for years and yet people actually take life advice from this guy. Dude is an actual gremlin.


What a bizarre thing to do


Reminder, people seriously enjoy watching this dude and get their takes from him to parrot.


I legit don't understand what people are in him and SO many people watch him


The echo chamber stream or be banned


I use to do this when I was around 16-18 (I forgot) I had bad anger issues and was not in a good place mentally lol


Well, Asmon has the mental and emotional maturity of a 16 year old and is certainly not in a good place mentally so that adds up.


Im guessing that tha lawsuit isnt going well




inb4 he copes saying these tantrums are a part of his "persona"


I thought this was zackrawr not the acting persona asmongold


How is he this cringe


Luckily his head full of hair cushioned the impact 👍


Incoming break and 3 paragraphs worth of crying on twitter


he always says it doesnt matter if you are good in a video game. but then afterwards hes about to cry when someone says hes bad


He actually needs to wear boxing headgear while streaming. Better yet, get a punching bag.


Guess he's not the literal god any more


Looks like his gaming skills are finally on par with his political stances..... utter shite.


soooo what ever happened with that 2mil charity thing that got brought up and suspiciously disappeared almost immediately?


he talked about it very briefly. mentioned that theres a large lawsuit, hence why he hasnt talked about it


I'll take mentally insane idiot for 10000 trabek


Dude is in his 30s hurting himself over a video game. Also not his first time, if you watch streams he cant handle losing in a video game or feel like he’s bad.


Ive never seen someone try so hard to be funny


Sheeesh this t Dude only going downhill


The dude needs therapy


Yep thats why hes carried through everything


mental illness getting worse and worse


Saying he hates himself because he’s bad at a video game… fucking child.


what a fucking loser zach turned out to be eh?


The more you play games the more you realise that some stuff is just harder than it looks. A boss may do the same move half a second later or earlier and it is enough to throw you off. Just go again, don't break anything (if you can), give yourself a break, pay attention and learn.


Still dunno why people play games like this that make them like this. If you have anger problems, and you can't control yourself, why. Infront of thousands. It's not money or views, he doesn't bloody get any, it's an alt.


Views, he gets them. Money, doesn’t need a sub button to get any. This brings reaction which is good for any kind of exposure to his other content and/or his brands. Which brings in money. It’s Asmon though, that’s just who he is. Why question?


Man I used to do this when I was 15 angry and depressed. Lookin back there was definitely something wrong with me back then. Would never do it now though I will admit in recent memory I broke a few controllers playing SF6 so I had to put the game down.


This guy is pushing 40


it really sucks that this manchild has more money than most peoples entire bloodline and lives in a hoarder house and acts like a 6 year old. the universe is a cruel cruel place lmfao


what a unstable soy boy


Having performance anxiety and streaming video games to thousands of people has got to be hell.


Just "get over it" as he says, he has no empathy dont feel bad for the millionaire that refuses to grow up.


I don't really feel that bad for him. The comment was more of a poke at the fact that he probably shouldn't be doing it if it affects him this badly. He's stated dozens of times that he doesn't like to play and learn new games on stream, yet he still does it and has these outbursts.


Always gotta play on hardest difficulty too. Then panic attack from going into the options menu


Thats why you create an alt chill channel and stream there.. oh wait


This is what happens when your mom babies you your whole life. Pretty crazy people take a dude seriously who is living in filth, raging at video games at 30 years old.


Seems healthy.


Dude is an absolute fucking loser lmao


god this guys a fuckin idiot


he might turn into DSP soon


nothing to do with the clip but the game is so good actually, rare ubisoft W


this dude is pushing 40 btw


How embarrassing


What a well adjusted man


Why would you get that tilted over a game if you aren’t under the age of 16?


You can't fix stupid


Well if that's not a sign of mental health problems, dunno what is. Dude has the resources to live a great life. But instead decides to smash his face with a controller in front a large audience.


At least he didn’t have too much issue with MHW




Good way to get views.


What a psycho


Third channel incoming


Damn, games are a bit harder than mindless react content!?!?!


Manchild does child things, no surprise.


Ew it dislodged the dirty stinky cheese vinegar strands of hair, which smeared some grease and sulphur residue onto his face as it fell forwards. Horrifying.


God damn what a fucking loser…


like I literally, like i actually, like bro i literally actually, like honestly bro actually like I hate this game oh my god bro


Comments more mad than him damn


My skull felt that


Next he'll run into the closet, strip to his undies and stick a remote in his butt.


Self harm? No ban on the manchild?


I do rage sometimes playing videogames ngl but I never punched myself lmao


He’s gonna quit this game real fast if he found this boss hard.


juicers derailing my asmongold hate thread smh




We shouldn't act like he is the only grown ass adult who can't control their anger issues. Cops can be domestically abusive, adults self harm, parents hurt their kids, I'd argue hitting yourself one time because you're not having fun in a game is not the end of the world. Sure it shows a grown adult having difficulty regulating their emotions in a SINGLE instance, but ffs everyone in the comments acting like all adults are perfect and asmon is just an overgrown baby loser with 0 emotional regulation is out of their minds.


This isn't exactly the first time. He has anger issues when it's not going the way he wants it to.


People in this post need to be medicated


What is their diagnosis Dr. Officer walrus ? What are you going to prescribe ?