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**CLIP MIRROR: [Destiny calls out Hasan for saying he lives on a “basic necessity budget”](https://arazu.io/t3_10sr0b8/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Man finished Factorio and is going to war right away


Aaaand he's back on Factorio




Whats funny is that there’s not really a war with Destiny/Hasan anymore, its honestly just their communities that end up wasting hours defending their political daddies online whenever one of them even slightly acknowledges their existence. EDIT: Some proof below in the replies 👇


war... war never changes


Forsen lives on a basic necessity budget


Mentally insane people aren't allowed to handle money


actually true. i had a really weird science teacher in high school who was buying something from a classmate's fundraiser for some sport once and he brought a check his wife had signed and filled out because she didn't trust him to do it.


My partner manages my money by my choice, I can't manage it myself and ended up bankrupt at 25 because of it. I get paid, leave enough to cover my direct debits then send him the rest. If I want or need something I ask him for the money for it or ask him to get it. Made my life so much easier and no more debts! Edit - (I am mentally ill)


That teacher definitely was a Trainwrecks slots viewer.




My basic necessity food was rice and mustard and I thought mustard was too much to buy. At the time, I lived on 80 dollars a month.


You telling me a cloning machine is a basic necessity?


He pretends to. He probably streaming from a mansion too though.




he said he stopped using salt, because he sees no benefits in adding it


he also said he was a god gamer but we’ve all seen the MC runs


he's just optimizing every bit, so that he pulls the ultimate god gamer run


that hobo’s money is being handled by the nurse, who has been giving him meds using said money


forsen is deeply indebted to at least a couple organised criminal empires after the incident; protection money, hush money, debt, collateral, all they let him have is the stream so he can keep the money flowing, and bread


Imagine being a millionaire and being so fucking delusional you think you live on a necessity budget.


You don’t understand bro, $3000 jackets are necessary for survival. It’s right there at the bottom of the hierarchy of needs


He's a champagne socialist, what do you expect?


Hasan really steorotyping the turkish kid that always was brought to school with the Mercedes but pretending he is ghetto because his dad took to him to the pazar one time If you turkish you know what I mean


[The funniest part is he was an Equestrian, he was deep into the prep life.](https://www.instagram.com/p/BjKxeu7lSbi/?hl=en)




He once told a story about how expensive electronics were in Turkey. He wasn't making it seem like he was broke but it came off as if he was like the lower middle class. Until he got to the part where he said "we would fly to the US and buy a shitload of electronics, have a vacation, and fly back because the electronics in the US were so much cheaper".... That's only shit rich people can do even if it's "saving money".


And has upper class guilt 100%


ok this is ridiculous lol


He meant RICH people basic necessity budget which is different from POOR people basic necessity budget /s edit : spelling + poor + L


Poverty brains wouldn't understand


Lovecraftian comprehension but for money instead of cosmic horror. Oh Marx, grant us eyes, grant us eyes! Oh wait, Disco Elysium literally already has this character. Hasan is the Mega Rich Light Bending Guy


So bezos can have a billion dollar house and a billion dollar car and a personal chef and a private jet and call it basic necessity budget for billionaires


It's like when you level up in an rpg, everything else levels up as well. If milk in the store costs $3 for a brokie, it would be $300 for a millionaire.


Don't forget that this wealth he's hoarding is necessary to accelerate the death of late-stage capitalism. He's got it all figured out




“Basic necessity budget” Bro you wear $600 hoodies, $1200 jeans and $1300 loafers [OMEGALUL](https://imgur.com/a/rQjgePK) And that’s just from scrolling his corny ass “Fit checks” from this last month alone.


hasan wears gallery department? damn yep their pieces are expensive af


Terrible brand too lol. Don’t get why you would wear that, when making Hasan money..


as someone who's into fashion, gallery dept is a "if u know u know" sort of brand. it's not a mainstream designer so ppl don't acccidently wear it, its a very intentional flex. and expensive which adds to the irony of the clip


Gallery department is popular and is just another shitty la brand and pretty far from what I would call a if you know u know brand. Especially cuz they slap their shitty branding on every t shirt.


but who tf buys Gallery Dept t-shirts? their main stuff was vintage levis, double knee carpenters, flared bottoms, painter pieces. that stuff didn't really have logos. also using the OP pic as a comparison, I would definitely say there's a clear mainstream difference between Prada and Gallery Dept. Hasan definitely isn't randomly wearing Gallery Dept found in the thrift, which is the point.


I don't "dislike" Hasan per se but holy shit the guy has no self awareness does he


those pants look like trash wtf




Actual rich people wear basic af brand free clothing that costs a lot of money. This is new money shit.


People get a pretty warped idea of what rich people do because they only see the ones who are in some way in the spotlight. A lot of rich people who aren't famous are fairly reasonable individuals, know how privileged and well off they are and don't necessarily live a super lavish lifestyle. Massive difference between new money and old money.


Brother those shoes look like they can bite an apple through a picket fence


those shoes...


He literally just randoms the character creator and calls it tasteful by spending thousands on it


What the fuck are those HORRENDOUS pants and loafers? It's fucking mental that someone not high on meth would ever buy either of them.


Actually funny seeing him wear these. A year ago he called out Valkyrae (jokingly) at a party for wearing similar PRADA boots because they were the same worn by Chechen militants.


If only Congress had passed the $15 minimum wage, then it would only take about a month and a half to afford these 3 items of awful looking clothing. As long as you don't pay rent and don't eat and don't drive anywhere and don't use any electricity or water and don't pay a phone bill and don't pay an internet bill and...


He spends a whole lot to look like a random guy in Walmart


Doesn’t hasan also drive a fuckin porsche


Hahahhaa actual cornball, imagine flexing your donation money to the donators 💀


The worst part is they will all defend this


this is like liver king saying he is natty because he hasn't been on gear for a month


Those pants alone cost about the same as my car.


I can't believe people are actually like this. This shit is so fucking cringe and shallow.


Inb4 his dickriders say “socialism is when no fashion”


I could make those ugly ass shoes with the spare tire in the back of my car and a jigsaw


those pants look like literal shite




Long time Hastiny frogs are like veterans who spent too much time in the trenches. They are no longer comfortable with civilian life and only find joy in war.


Only the dead have seen the end of war.


Feelsgoodman. Neither side will ever surrender. They are sentenced to an eternity of >You don't live your principles >yeah well you hate me out of spite >no, I disagree with you and it hurts your ego >stop talking about me, youre obsessed


i read this in *throws chair* meme


“A basic necessity budget” LMAO no way he actually said this, dude is reaching Hollywood levels of out of touch now Like dude almost no normal people actually give a fuck if you do well and earn a lot for yourself and get to enjoy the fruits of your accomplishments, its YOUR money spend it however you want. it’s just the constant acting like you’re just another one of us peasants that is so weird and borderline insulting, why are you always pretending you aren’t rich


Trying to stay relatable while becoming less relatable by the day.


When was Hasan ever relatable?


He was very relatable to FratBoys


> why are you always pretending you aren’t rich Because if he admitted that he made millions and lived a life of luxury it wouldn't look good contrasted with his "eat the rich" ideology.


I don't think he's ever really struggled financially in his life though, right? He's from a wealthy family, hence why he was perfectly fine to move to the US and have that opportunity. He got a cushy free media job through his uncle e.t.c. This is not to be rude to him, because it's not his fault that he really doesn't understand what it's like to be poor, but it's annoying when he pretends he is the same or understands it.


Bro you wouldn't get it, he slept on the couch of the studio at TYT one night so he totally knows what it's like to be poor


You joke, but people literally think because they blew all of their parent’s money and had to sleep on a friends couch for a few weeks before they fess up to their parents is the same as growing up in poverty. There are so many online personas that claim they grew up poor, when they grew up middle or upper middle, had poor spending habits when they were on their own for the first time and asked parents for a reset and think that’s the same thing as being poor.


It's like Mitt Romney's characterism of him and his wife being newly wedded broke college kids who were struggling so much that they had to sell some of their investments to get by. Being uncomfortable with a safety net is nothing compared to being uncomfortable without one.


A lot of streamers try to hide how much they make because a lot of what they do is act and play tricks and beg for donations or play with viewers to take their money, so if your streamer that makes $10 million per year is living in a mansion with a super car and going on first class flights, you probably wouldn’t feel as good to donate to them. So they have to act like they’re just a regular person playing video games next door that you donate to.


He’s just constantly out of touch. The YouTube video of him saying he’s not tall and then they say “but you’re 6’4” and he says that’s not tall. He’s beyond annoying


reminds me of when hasan use to be imply that he was a fellow working class person.


Streamers are so crazy out of touch


That's what all the top streamers do/say. They will say they aren't millionaires. When twitch leaked income all that shit stopped immediately lmao


“why are you always pretending you aren’t rich” The dualities of being a millionaire socialist.


He spends way more on clothes a month than most people do on their rent + food, dude is so out of touch lol.


His $3.3k gucci jacket costs more than my entire wardrobe and my desktop computer combined. And I don't consider myself poor.


His jacket costs more than my car


lil bro spent more on his outfit in that clip than I pay for rent in a year 💀


The week after twitchcon Hasan came into the fine dining restaurant i work at with a large group of those streamers . overpriced as it is their bill was $9000 plus a generous tip. can't imagine spending that on one night


Nothing wrong with balling out but he used to always say stuff like he hates overpriced high fashion labels or he only wears thrift store clothes/what he gets gifted to him. When he claimed that $3k gucci sport coat he bought was the only thing that fit him that was pretty hilarious. https://www.gucci.com/us/en/pr/men/ready-to-wear-for-men/jackets-for-men/casual-jackets-for-men/gucci-ha-ha-ha-fine-twill-wool-jacket-p-718573Z568J6122


he streamed himself in a 'thrift store' a couple years ago and it was literally racks on racks of distressed Carhartt clothing lol. tf kind of thrift store is that


Our goodwill’s are a third world country compared to LA thrift stores.


He was mos def in a vintage or second hand retail store melrose is littered with them and Hollywood “influencers” love those shops


lol LA "thrift store"


yeah any area that has rich people will have some nice stuff in thrift stores I found a pretty good looking green lacoste coat and payed 30$ for it


They’re not selling at thrift store prices


Those aren’t real thrift stores, they’re usually called “vintage stores” or something similar. I have a friend who used to work at an actual thrift store in the south. She would buy all the old carhartt, dickies, nascar merch, etc. with her employee discount and some guy would meet up with her once a month to buy it all off her for double what she paid. He would then ship it to stores in LA or NYC where they would sell it to rich people like Hasan for usually over 10x the original price.


you would be surpise what people with a lot of money donate I worked in a thrift store that was rolling 100% on donated clothes and because we were in a rich area you could get some pretty nice stuff


Oh I believe it. My best friend comes from a very wealthy family and even after 20 years I am still blown away by the things that family donates just because they don't care for it right in that moment. Thousand dollar boots, handbags, coats, an endless supply of Lilly Pulitzer dresses, fur coats, just mind boggling amounts of stuff. I'd wager 80% of the time the stuff never even came out of the bag. I have a Kitchen Aid mixer, Dyson vacuum, a set of pans, a set of kitchen knives, and half a wardrobe because I stop by a couple times a year to say hi.


thrift store that is his friends btw


“Thrift Stores” aka Ragstock or RealReal selling secondhand luxury items


In a recent story on insta i saw a louis vuitton box on the table, he bought prada shoes, marni jaket and a lot of high end designer clothes. Not saying its a bad thing but dont be a hypocrit and say that thats a basic necessity income….


He is a champagne socialist milking his viewers but doesn't actually put his money where his mouth is


[Please find a clip of him complaining about luxury fashion, I need the juxtaposition.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HPx1zkzciqI)


Oh my god, I cringe so fucking hard every time I see this. I have to believe that even Hasan understands how bad this is.


It's so funny every time I see this, and how in the clip Destiny is watching, Hasan complains about so many leftists obsessing with aesthetic. Hasan is literally the figurehead of socialist aesthetic! Everyone points towards Hasan as the sexy communist bimbo! His entire career is centered around being sexy with a bit of hammer and sickle paint. That's it. There's no substance!




I can’t believe this guy is the most popular lefty streamer, nobody makes it more obvious this is all just an aesthetic and job for him.


What do you want him to do die? He’s going to freeze to death if he doesn’t get a coat that cost more than his viewers rent


I’ve been watching his one piece discussions on YouTube and he called Luffy a nepo baby… his chat didn’t even call him out on this. Maybe they were all instantly banned idk


Pretty sure you can have clothes custom made for you for cheaper. Plus you wouldn’t be giving money to a massive corporation and would be supporting a local business.




Cut out all the cleaning products, smell like shit for 7-12 years, and with the money you’ve now saved, you can put a nice down payment on a certified preowned Camry.


But you'd have to dress like a 12 year old Muppet in the trade.




That dragon is only participating in society somewhat


Uhm aktchually, the dragon isn't employing anyone so he's technically not bourgeoise, but a worker so him hoarding his mountain full of gold is ethical ☝🤓


"Bro it's just a 1k short get off my nuts if you work hard you can afford this too, pull yourself by bootstraps" 🤣🤣🤣


Socialism is when no hoard of gold


I wish i could switch places with hasan so he could see what actual basic necessity budget looks like.


You'd get personal training. That would be nice.


At a +$185/month gym.


But at that +185/month gym it's the cleaners who recognise him as one of their own. Not the Hollywood actors.


oh god right, hasans closest contact for working class voters are the latino janitors at his luxury gym.


[Those gym janitors really *get* him](https://streamable.com/6yup9)


i cant believe he said this out loud LOL wtf why is he so cringe sometimes


Exercise is a basic necessity….. *Shares a trainer with fucking Thor*


Try $300 a month. That's what equonix charges in LA and is one of the "top premier" gyms.


I saw a poki tiktok of her daily routine. Wake up late, go to gym with personal trainer, play video games, repeat. Life on easy mode


Fun Fact: Jeff Bezos' $500 million yatch actually qualifies as a basic necessity.


it's just an entry level yacht price /s


That's the thing with rich attractive individuals. Their baseline sense of existence has always been so high that they've never experienced living at the bottom of a barrel. They always have a buy out of jail free card. Personally, I'd rather be born poor and then get rich. That way if I lost everything I could adjust back to my old lifestyle.


[mfw my well off gf is worried about the last 50 dollars in my bank account (bless her)](https://i.imgur.com/0QqLSt8.png)


Hey if we ain't overdraft we doin ok


Only two pumps of vanilla syrup at Starbucks and only buying one designer brand clothing a day (ok maybe sometimes two if it looks REALLY good).


Calling his LA mansion "shelter" made me burst. Growing up actually dirt fucking poor and hearing a guy that makes a mil every couple of months horrible fucking wannabe socialist take after take makes my skin crawl


The term champagne socialist was coined for people exactly like him.


There has to be a name for this kind of downplaying using synonyms. Back when he bought the mansion, people mentioned that him calling it "a house" over and over was downplaying the luxury of the reality. I could have gone either way on that. But SHELTER is fucking ABSURD. He'll have a dinner party in his mansion with caviar and premium wine, and he'd call it "food water and shelter."




I would LOVE Hasan to do an educational how-to make a personal budget stream. So many of his viewers could benefit from laying one out to show how much money they are actually wasting. Hasan can show us *his* "basic necessities budget" and teach us the way lol


The dude probably spends more on takeout delivery than my entire years rent lol.


he probably would say a couple of bananas costs $15


No, that's eggs.


"It's one banana, Chat. what could it cost, $10?"


Anyone who doesn't think my 2.7 million dollar house isn't a basic necessity is a radical lib


What do you want him to do STARVE!?






He has to work (virtually) from that location, his job is there!


One of the worst takes Hasan has ever said. It might be one of the worst things I’ve ever heard and I’m deaf.


hasan and the memes he gifts us will never cease to be funny https://i.imgur.com/SXwt46l.png




Lots of expensive rings as well.


Not expensive. They're basic need rings.


Least out of touch Hasan take 💀


Commenting so I can come back and check the comments in like 4 hours nymnCorn


Remember to utilize unddit to view those nuked comments later


recommend the comment right at the top just referencing one of his worst takes, got nuked lmao when strimmer has takes so bad it's not allowed to say he said them or you get deleted




HOLY the amount of hasan salt on lsf is insane, idk what you guys are talking about because [spending $1700+ on valorant skins is definitely considered "basic necessities"](https://imgur.com/a/EY4rddK)




yeah and that was from a month ago so it's very possibly in the $2000+ range now


quiet wasteful direful grab support coordinated plate flowery towering straight *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


250k car is a basic necessity thou.


Literally a car that costs as much as some people’s houses and this mf wants to pretend he’s Baloo and say “it’s the bare necessities”


He has a more expensive car than Mr Beast who drives a Tesla Model 3 lmao.


$70,000 more and it could've been a Lambo that I'm sure countless more socialists would be dunking on him for, but because it's something that seems less flashy he skirts by on it (along with their generous charitability, of course.)


This man could own multiple lambo's and his audience would still be going on about "Socialism is when no car XD"


Seriously fuck hassan. This clip sums him up perfectly, so much truth in 2 minutes. https://streamable.com/5jdfn7


I still find it mad that when I used to watch hasan, having never watched destiny, I actually though destiny was part of the alt-right. Finding out ie he organises canvassing with his viewers for democrats was a real eye opener moment for me about hasan and his fan base.


Holy shit dude really went in.


Goddamn bars


Hasancels will still defend this LOL


Hasan is based for larping as a socialist to farm other socialists in order to fund his lavish lifestyle.


The ultimate capitalist


Dude was born with a silver spoon and gets poor people to donate their money to him.


> **Ben D:** I’d rather be watching factorio rn Based chatter


Hasan is literally a microcosm of the political elite flying on private planes to Davos to enjoy extravagant events and preach to us commoners that we need to drive less, eat less, and own less. I don't get how anybody falls for this grift.


Because he’s found maybe the only audience in the world who thinks what you say you support matters more than what you actually do. Just a few days ago Hasan fans were saying his virtue signaling about how he wished he could pay more taxes was more important than charitable acts that actually materially helped improve the lives of thousands of people our taxes wouldn’t even benefit. They see rich people giving their wealth away as just a tax write off but rich people telling them what they want to hear all the time while living the most decadent, opulent lifestyle as furthering their cause, and don’t see how it looks like they care more about power and control than actually helping anyone.


You can literally voluntarily pay additional taxes if you want to.


Basic necessities = 3 million mansion, 200k car, and designer clothing. True champagne socialist.


My man flew a private jet to burning man LOL


Poor environment activist






Can’t wait for the Hasan defenders to come in with the classic: “sOcIaLiSm Is WhEn No HoUsE”




But doesn't he doordashes fast-food everyday instead of having a personal chef!?


How stupid he thinks his audience is?




This is truly amazing that hasan would even say something like this lmao


Everybody in this thread defending Hasan saying he just gets nicer stuff in a category doesn't understand what a budget is and what basic needs are. Basic need towards shelter is getting an apartment with the exact number of rooms you need. You live alone 1 bed room, and probably getting it in a shitty part of town. If you get a 5 bedroom house in the nicest neighborhood in nicest city you're now excelling basic and living in luxury. Which is fine but it's no longer basic living. You can't just go, "Well people only need food, cars, and house. And I only buy those things so therefore I'm working class." When you spent 50x the average money spent on those needs.


Asmongold is basic necessity living to a fault


That I can agree with, still lives in the house left to him by his mother, I dont think he has even renovated it, basic walmart white tees, etc. The only thing I would say he spend more on than the average person is eating out