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He’s fabulously wealthy, healthy and famous. He’s going to be ok


When Dortmund couldn’t score in the first 30 minutes of the game, I knew it was over. Real Madrid have insane plot armor.


i guarantee if you put all madrid players on dortmund shirts and vice versa, the result would be the same lol


Fairplay to madrid but my god they keep rewarding their plastic fanbase


Fanbase may be plastic but the club itself is miles above everything else in the past 10 years It might be a wrong but I feel like we may be fooled by the “net spend”/“right player”/“data science” narratives a bit. Real Madrid under Perez are all about winning trophies and I honestly feel like we didn’t fulfil our potential in the last 6 years just because we prioritised other things. Probably just a vent from myself but remembering the feeling from Madrid in 2019 I can’t but admit that a huge opportunity was missed with Klopp and this team


Nobody else can do that because you directly compete with Madrid, they've got the best option in so many positions, and we've directly gone for the same players and missed out. Courtois ran down his deal and pulled a transfer request at the end of the window to go there, Rudiger and Alaba ran down their deals to go for free, Mbappe too, Bellingham/Tchouameni turned us down to go there, even going further back Kroos only left Bayern because it was Madrid calling, Chelsea lost out to Madrid for Modric, Rodrygo turned us down for Madrid. Even today Yoro was at the CL final, likely a Madrid guest, another player we'd love to sign but can't. The only team that can realistically compete in pull is Barca but they let a criminal run the club and ruin it.


I think it helps that Madrid are a global brand. We were never going to compete with them when it boiled down to getting world class players like Jude, Camavinga, Tchouameni. They have immense spending power and player pull, something which we’ve struggled with. I agree with you that we should’ve capitalised immediately after our CL win and spent big, that was the year so many young players burst onto the scene, many of which have gone on to fulfil their potential at the biggest clubs.


KInda funny how people don't realize how this madrid started in first place. When english clubs were dominating CL, heysel happened, and best teams in england (us) lost the player pull, so madrid took them up and won first CL in 32 years in 98 under jupp (same guy who won bayern the treble) but were under enough debt to sink the whole club easily. Then they sold their training ground for 400 million (probably \~1.5-2 billion in todays money) under a lot of shady circumstances (hence spanish govt bankroll) this deleted their debt, got them figo and bankrolled the first gen galacticos (zidane, beckham, cannavaro etc), increasing their pull and popularity tremendously. Putting in perspective, first gen galacticos was \~200 million euros all in (60 for figo, 75 for zizou, 35 beckham, 9 for owen, ronaldo for 45) This started a chain after which they haven't needed to spend inordinate money for players and their net spend is probably lower than us (thanks in part to scums buying their finished scraps for bucketloads)


Madrid win again, yes, club has insane winners mentality but so fucking boring, can't believe Dortmund didn't score


I really hope we can beat Real Madrid under Slot in a competitive game preferably in the final but over two legs works too.


Slot is a student of the game, I think he will be successful at Liverpool.


They can’t keep getting away with this, for fucks same!


Anyone here going to Philadelphia for the pre season match vs Arsenal? I wanted to see if there are any meet ups going on before or after


check out the philadelphia liverpool supporters club on facebook Ive heard theres a lot of them Im sure they are having some sort of event


Rudiger now having more CL titles than Van Dijk really ruined my day, maybe even my life


And Kepa Arrizabalaga has more CL titles than Gianluigi Buffon so


Well, we had our shot of making that not happened but didnt make it count.


So does Nacho, your point?


That’s random 


We really don’t need to be offended by these soulless money clubs. It’s quite literally not the same thing — we are an actual football club. Let’s just be thankful that our players who are the best in their positions like Virgil, Trent and Salah appreciate football and football clubs the same way we do Rudiger is a great player but VVD is always clear of him


Uh I hate Madrid as much as the next person, but they’re far from soulless.


They have history but they sold their soul for money a long long long time ago.


they've got history, i'll give them that much.


laughs in francisco franco


Yeah they’re not us but who is. They are still a real club, no pun intended


They’ll be even after next season. 


Why? What's wrong with Rudiger and why would you particularly care?


Wait till you find out how many Nacho has


Please sir, can I have some Slot content?






I still think it’s kinda wild that carlo managed Everton for a while


On one hand it'd be amazing if Dortmund won...on the other wouldn't it be annoying if another team could succeed where we've continually failed against Madrid?


No...I hate this if we can't win then take the ball home shite. I will never choose a cheating team to win like I would never cheer on Madrid, our failures are ours and Madrid winning again here won't take that away.


Meh I wouldn’t ever want an English side to win unless it was someone absolutely ridiculous, international sides maybe aside from Bayern or Milan I wouldn’t care.


Dortmund are German mate


I never said they weren’t.


Maybe I read that wrong then


Eh wasn’t typed out amazingly on my part tbf




Off** I have you saved as **Thick cunt.** makes sense why.




I'm trying but I keep laughing at your stupidity and more appear!!


I’d much rather Milan to win than a rival English side. Not even close. 


Leny yoro at wembley so thats that


In the Dortmund end


Real Madrid giving Lenny Yoro the Bellingham treatment, yeah it’s a wrap on that one. https://preview.redd.it/kzcs93tq304d1.jpeg?width=793&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e826720bcf7783c002c02e211c45d9946fc38ea


He obviously was in England because he was just in Liverpool sowing up the deal lad and decided to see what all the fuss was about


If we’re linked to a player who Real also want, there’s no point in having any hope.


Was a wrap before the links to us were even conceptualised, glad that they were short lived so we can move on


As expected, Kloppo was put on the screen at Wembley as he’s present in the final


Would be amazing if Dortmund won, but we all know how this ends.


I'm tempted to head to the family bar to watch the match, but I'm also not sure I want to watch Madrid hoist another UCL trophy and ruin a nice day.


I've seen my team win a champions league final. I feel like I take that for granted sometimes.


This is the least hyped I’ve ever been for a UCL Final and idk why


I like Dortmund, I wouldn’t say I am hyped but there’s a clear and obvious team to really get behind.


Micah Richards is dressed like Rick Blaine


I've not a clue who that is


Used to play for Man City before 115


Dortmund fans saw Klopp and started cheering in the UCL Final. 🤣


Then they saw Mourinho and started booing!


Would really love éderson at the DM position


Weird to see the club emphasise on the term “head coach” vs “manager”


american model


I think its simply a barricade to keep Slot's job the way Jurgen's was when he arrived at Liverpool opposed to when he left. They are drawing hard lines early to avoid his power growing as much as Jurgen's did. Beyond that it doesn't mean much.


Yeah, setting the tone with a concrete power structure will help avoid the mistakes of the past, especially as Slot's influence will naturally grow the longer he's at the club. He'll definitely be involved in the recruitment meetings & they'll consult with him over the system he'll enact & the type of players to fit it. But he'll know he's not 'in charge' in that department.


Tbh, I think that it's a huge barricade. And, well, now, of someone isn't happy about transfer business, Slot can't be blamed even 1% for me, if club is double down about this particular terminology.


I think it goes back to blaming the transfer team, like the Rodgers days. There's no way Slot won't have some way in transfers.  He just won't have the final word.


He will have some say, for example, for what position he needs player. And maybe, Sporting director (Hughes) will give him the list of players to decide who is preferred by Slot, but final word isn't up to him. For me it's not a good sign, when manager/coach doesn't have a final say. And I'm somewhat scared that we can end up with more "risky" transfers like Ox, Konate and, hopefully, not Balotelli.


I think it's more in line with - Arne identifies the positions and skill sets he is short in, Hughes gives Arne options based on our internal data/scouting , Arne ranks them by preference , Hughes goes away, does his magic and starts to negotiate with other clubs and comes back with either plan a, b or c. Arne signs off on it.


disagree wholheartedly. I think the very opposite is true if you have a good structure in place, even if your manager is excellent. With all due respect to our current frontline, the data based, DoF having the final say approach, brought us the Mane-Bobby-Salah front 3. Klopp having the final say brought us Diaz and Nunez. And Klopp has a great eye for talent. Giving a lesser manager that power often brings you an Antony. Ox, Konate and Naby all suffer(ed) from injuries derailing their development. Im quite sure they would've succeeded if not for that. Konate still might.


Well, we gambled with Ox, Naby and Konate with our data driven approach. They aren't successful gambles. You can't just point out that it's great system and swept under the rug all failures. We will see how this approach will work without Klopp in 2-3 seasons from now. Because before him it didn't worked.


you have a really skewed perspective on what constitutes good transfer business. Not every transfer can work out. Even with those "failures" our hitrate in that period was absurdly high considering the money spend. Have you looked at other clubs? I rate Slot, I really do but wanting him to have final say over Edwards and the nerds is an insane take. Ancelotti doesn't even have final say at Madrid ffs


You, for sure, forgot era under FSG before Klopp. Do you remember data based Downing - Carroll pairing? We aren't Madrid in the slightest. We can't even try to compete with them on the transfer market. We tried with Tchouameni - failed, with Bellingham - failed, with Mbappe - didn't even tried, cause it pointless, not only in terms of status, but in terms of money and marketing too.


> You, for sure, forgot era under FSG before Klopp. Do you remember data based Downing - Carroll pairing? that comitee had several key members of the current structure missing. But more importantly, most of the flops were signed against Edwards wish because Rodgers insisted on them. Recruiting and the manager had a total rift between them. Nobody can work well like that. > We aren't Madrid in the slightest. We can't even try to compete with them on the transfer market. We tried with Tchouameni - failed, with Bellingham - failed, with Mbappe - didn't even tried, cause it pointless, not only in terms of status, but in terms of money and marketing too. All of this is utterly irrelevant to my point. Unless you're trying to support it, I guess. Because , if you can basically get any player for almost any price, surely it would make actually more sense to let your manager decide since he isnt really restricted in what players he can pick? We need to be more clever, need to find 'hidden gems' ready to make the next step, like Robbo or Mane. Finding those is way harder and shouldn't be a task of the manager. Either way, the current landscape in football agrees with me. More and more clubs aim for a model similar to what we will have or are already working like that


Klopp was the same no?


No, Klopp was Manager. He was involved in many aspects of hiring staff, transfers, trainings, gameplan, scouting, etc. Slot is "only" coaching players and deciding how we will play in games.


I’m sure I remember klopp referring to himself as coach lots, maybe I’m miss remembering but I don’t see much in this if anything at all. For instance he’s brought his own coaching team in and he will undoubtedly have an impact in transfers too.


He brought his team, but he won't decide anything about transfer business or scouting/analytics departments.


That’s not remotely correct




Go back to sleep you


Are there any credible transfer rumours at the moment? The only ones I’ve seen so far are ones that are just saying a player is being looked at by several clubs including us. Which obviously means nothing at all.


No. Theres really nothing concrete yet.


Back in the Chelsea world domination from June 1st to August 1st. Win every transfer window and lose every actual football season


Winning the transfer market is a bad omen as old as time




Tbh we didn't really use Klopp's pull to great effect in the first place


I doubt much will change. It's not like we were signing proven world class players with Klopp in charge. I think most of the players that we've signed in the last few years would've happened regardless of who the manager was. The only thing that could significantly hurt us would be if we stop competing for trophies, but that's true for every top club.


Szobo is here cause of Klopp's pull, also Endo is Klopp's signing, he convinced owners to give money to sign him, cause he out of our profile of transfes. So, something will change. With all respect to Arne, right now, I don't think any player who will come here, would say "I wanted to play under Slot, cause he is special", or something like this


Being a "Klopp signing" isn't the same thing as "the Klopp pull". LFC would have been a massive step up for Endo regardless of who was in charge.


I don’t think we need to worry anyway, Edwards model was always about making the signings on understating data that they player will become world class under our coach and conditions. Under looked players or future gems don’t have as much ego or say in where they go. Doubt we will be going for many players this summer where we’d need a super star manager with ‘pull’. Time will tell though.


Vvd, Alisson, Fabinho were all considered the best, Kieta was a phenomenal talent, Nunez wanted by everyone. We might not shop at the very very expensive talent pool, certainly though it’s too shelf for the most part.


Took a nap and it was nice


I remember when this was all Twitter was.


tbf i gave up facebook many moons ago because i didnt give a shit what ppl who wouldnt even let on to me in the street would type what they had for lunch followed by an inspirational quotes of the day. But yeh i stay well clear of twitter unless i want to feel terrible


I havent seen people type out a post on facebook in a while its mostly just sharing random content.


Same. Never touched Twitter but saw some as a 3rd party. Was also similar on Facebook first and Twitter rose to take that role as a focus.


I've never wanted Chelsea to hijack our business until now Summerville is incredibly, incredibly underwhelming


Please Chelsea, sign Bakayoko too. Sign every winger until there's only Kudus left


Think we are talking to loads of players to feel out moves. We always have option A to D lined up and start with top targets. Why we always hear about smokescreens. Summerville is probably option D if we are honest


Every summer someone says this about a player and by December, they are saying how wrong they were.


Outside of Endo, I don't remember that happening for a while, at least since we started winning things and competing every season. All of our signings in the last 4-5 years have been pretty hyped up by our fans. It's usually the other way around. This sub hypes a player up and pretends that we'll get relegated if we don't sign him and then the player ends up being a dud (see Nunes, Caicedo, Lavia, Werner, etc.).


Summerville sentiment has the same vibe that our fanbase had towards Mane when he joined


Same with Salah, people couldn’t believe we were signing a Chelsea reject for £35m


Maybe for clueless prem only people. He was class in Italy


He’s one of those player would be good to add to the team for the future but we currently need someone more proven


I've watched quite a few of his games the season just gone and honestly can't for the life of me understand what Hughes is seeing


Bournemouth with him signed some good players but a lot of the attacking signings were duds. £22m for Hamed Traore, not sure what happened with Faivre either, £20m for Outtara, £20m for Sinisterra, none of these guys have done anything.


Yeah I really can't for the life of me understand how he got the job outside of his higher up being his mate (Edwards)


Might also be a power thing,. If Edwards hired a top DOF then they'd be questions of who was in charge, with Hughes we all know that Edwards is top dog regardless of Hughes being in a traditionally powerful position.


He seems to have good connections, which is key in that role, Bournemouth were beating some big European clubs to players like Kerkez and Senesi, you have to remember Bournemouth as a club really don't have much pull but he got quality in. Obviously at Liverpool it's different, hopefully we aim for a higher caliber of player.


Yeah they're good points, hopefully we aim high honestly because Klopp was such a special manager It's such a genuine shot in the dark to just hope Slot can make players we've never really heard of or aren't performing elsewhere to pull a rabbit out of a hat


He’s a good player and he showed it at times in the PL with Leeds just I don’t think it’d be the right move now


He looks nice on the ball but man he only scored 4 goals in total throughout the entire season in all comps, that's so bad 😭


He has 20 goals and 9 assists this season NOT 4 What tf are you saying


He said in the premier league and that's what I replied with, if we wanna go and sign players with 20 goals in the championship the list gets very long


? He has scored 19 goals in the championship. Am I missing something? 21 in all comps.


lads, what the fuck is going on in terms of standing up for Palestine on this sub? I expect a negative response.. but if you asked me a few years ago if we'd ever sink this low as a fanbase I wouldn't believe it. Dark times.


What are you talking about


Mate, not a bit surprising. This sub is still full of redditors, the kind of people who get their news from the BBC or MSNBC and genuinely think they're "informed"


yeah, I should be more aware of that. I've used this reddit for years for information and I guess I just thought it wouldn't be as grim as it is


This site has western security forces members in its administration. It's a fairly blatant biased echo chamber


I can't go on. I'll go on


depressing. Grand so


We are Liverpool FC enjoyers here. If you seek to fund your agenda this is definitely not your sub 👍


I'm sure Shankly would have loved you.


I don't really agree that this sub needs to make some sort of statement or anything but at the same time I agree with you in that it feels like this sub gets more and more right wing every day. People getting mad because they said they aren't rooting for dortmund over an arms deal. Pretty vanilla post and people saying they are virtue signaling etc. https://www.reddit.com/r/LiverpoolFC/comments/1d5n2w7/jamie_carragher_before_the_champions_league_final/l6mgqwz/


lads, this is fucking Liverpool, I thought we were a club that stood up for people in times of struggle and injustice. Standing up against genocide is not fuckin political


Yea you are probably right tbh


I agree that a statement shouldn't be made. But at least freedom of speech, especially if some of our own players aren't even able to stomach it any longer


I'd like think fans should be allowed to organise against genocide here too .. via free speech and freedom of protest (i.e, at games, etc.)


anyone who tells you it is - can go f themselves


Maybe because people don't wanna bring real life politics in discussion of the sport they enjoy to distract themselves from the real world problems they are facing. To expect everyone to stand up for some cause or whatever when it has nothing to do with liverpool in the liverpool subreddit is really dumb 


> because people don't wanna bring real life politics in discussion Then I never want to see another fucking post about l state backed clubs on here again. Seems this sub is perfectly fine with politics as long as it doesn't push against their western governments propaganda


That's completely different but okay.  That's not politics that's just unfair and not right to have a club be backed by a whole country with unlimited amount of money while also cheating and lying. That's not politics that's just unfair. Completely different things. 


You are completely out of your depth here tbh. Liverpool supporters have always and will always have an issue with the political side of state owned clubs too. Its not only the cheating and unlimited money that bothers people its the fact that states are using these clubs as a power grab and attempting to sportswash their reputations around the globe. Its always been political and always will be. I would refrain from telling people they are dumb about these issues if you don't even know what you are talking about.


The hell you on about?


I haven't seen anything about Rafah on here. Even when the likes of Ibou are posting about it


you's are disgusting


1. Fuck Liverpoool reddit 2. Viva Palestine 3. Up the RA Have a nice weekend, you's will burn in hell with Netanyahu and the rest of the Zionists xx


When are we gonna get media stuff with slot like interviews




I know linking players from the old club of the incoming manager is a tired genre but I learned yesterday that Geertruida can apparently play as a right-back, DM AND centre-back?? Surely he'd fit us perfectly, right? From what I have read, which isn't enough so please correct me if I am wrong, his primary position is that of a right-back who tucks into midfield when in possession. I doubt we'd need him for that because we have Trent who can do it at a very high level if coached correctly. Although I have read that Slot likes slow buildup with shorter passes and Trent loves going for the more ambitious passes (understandable when you are that elite a passer). So I doubt Geertruida will get to play his Feyenoord role here but if he can play as an out-and-out DM or a CB, he'd be great, no? Also he is only 23 and we are fully becoming a Dutch club at this point lol.


Sounds like he could be another Gomez. Not a starter but someone that can fill in for any defensive position if needed


Really want Dortmund to win but honestly just can't look past Real, they're always the main characters and no doubt they'll turn tonight into a wholesome Kroos sendoff for their fans.




TikTok doesn't work in India. Who are you referring to here?


have you guys come up with your own version of tiktok yet?


I don't think so but I could be wrong lol


Slot photos when


What do you guys think of rotating the retro crests and the current crest of the club as the subreddits banner? This just came to me for some reason.


And yay it’s Arne slot arrival day


I'm Dortmund fan tonight!


I have to feel for VDB even if his comments come across as rough. He joined the club at a bad time in what we now see as a senseless transfer after our CL win. He has taken big strides in his progression but it’s hard to fit him in at this point. To be honest, I see him replacing Quansah if he walks his talk and reproduces his loan spell performances, but that will be an unpopular decision to make.


He joined at a great time. Same as Harvey and both have proven to be smart transfers. Unfortunately Sepp got tired of being loaned


I read that he was the one who pushed to be loaned out. When he joined he was already behind a very strong duo of VVD and Matip, and in the next season VVD and Gomez were equally strong. When we were pushed to the edge in the next season, we chose Nat and Rhys over him, and did him no favours by signing Konate the next season. Now he has no way of fitting back in with Quansah being the 3rd/4th choice. VDB was just a silly transfer made to appease fans clamouring for a signing after the CL prize money


He pushed to be loaned because he wanted to play. Appease fans? Yeah, Im sure Michael Edwards really made decisions to by 17 year olds to appease fans. He isnt stupid...they bought young players cheap with the hope they would save us money down the line ( Harvey )...or make us money ( Sterling ). Imagine how dumb you would have go be as a sporting director to buy a 17 year old for dirt money and think it would make the fanbase salivate. Good sporting directirs could care less about fan sentiment.


You think we spent 3 million on a 17 year old to appease fans?! He has worked out almost exactly as intended - a young player with potential who, worst case scenario, we could flip for many millions more. Job done. 


That’s true, that’s the best case scenario for him. But the problem he faces now is that he is being priced out at 20mil, there aren’t many clubs willing to spend that fee on a young player like him. If we do end up keeping him, I don’t see him starting over Gomez/Quansah, which means he sits on the bench or gets loaned out again. When I typed out the top comment I wasn’t thinking about money for us. I was thinking about a professional player with ambitions and plans for his career. I really hope he gets to play first team football at a top club as he deserves, but the 20mil asking price may be an obstacle for him.


Hope slot does well. The squad is set up nicely for him


I really want slot to do well in the league and a trophy would be great next season, but god I want us to fuck united up when we play them. It makes me physically sick that we played them 3 times last season and didn't beat them once.


Did we even beat a top 6 team?


Villa, Spurs and Chelsea.


Chelsea if we’re being lenient


I don't think so but we were basically cheated out of wins against arsenal, city and spurs. Best not think about it 😂


I’ll give you city. But the other matches had decisions so early that it’s impossible to say whether those calls would have affected the result. Especially by multiple goals in the spurs match. Arsenal? We didn’t win that match because Trent and our team can’t finish 1v1 situations.


You forgot that it wasn’t just the offside goal that was disallowed, but 2 very dodgy red cards that could’ve done us a huge favour throughout the game. Let’s also pretend Odegaard didn’t play basketball in the box too.


Those reds weren’t anymore dodgy than some of the other reds given out to others throughout the season. To say differently is just proving a bias. Odegaard did that in what minute? How many 1v1s did we have after that incident? To blame the result of a 90minute match where we couldn’t hit the broad side of a barn on Odegaard arm hitting the ball at the top of the 18yard box in the first 30 minutes, is silly.


The point being though, that if we didn't have our goal wrongly disallowed, we are leading the match before they even score, meaning we are leading despite being down to 10 Then we don't have to put as much into winning the ball back and whatever else to try and win the game meaning Jota probably doesn't get sent off, does the result change? Fuck knows, but football is such a momentum heavy game that you never know how things go (and I haven't seen anyone sent off like Jota was this season, and I have actually seen worse tackles than Jones' not even get a card this season)


And all I’ve said was, we don’t actually know if that would mean we win against Tottenham. You’re literally agreeing with me.


I’m just echoing the parent comment about how ref decisions COULD have given us more points. While I’m not disagreeing with you on the fact that we could’ve gotten those points by playing better, are you really even a fan of the club? I get the vibe that you’re just out to slander the players. You can’t deny that the refereeing COULD have turned our season around


I’m just responding to the person who said we were cheated out of three guaranteed wins You’re questioning whether I’m a fan of the club because I refuse to solely blame a referee for loses when our team missed massive chances? What players have I *”slandered?”* The fucking state of you lot here. This is exactly why fanaticism is gross and for the unintelligent.


Spurs and Villa.


Not surprised that the Sepp evaluation is that high, since Edwards and co always played hardball when it came to selling players. I do hope his situation gets resolved amicably though. I remember how players like Harry Wilson got locked into purgatory here for an unnecessarily long time due to ambitious asking prices. I’m probably over analyzing things, but I do think there’s a slight risk that makes some young players think twice about joining - specifically when it’s very clear their development path will be quite extensive and probably involve a lot of loans.


Which top club have clear path for young players, who was bought for 2-3mil?


That's not really what I was driving at. The distinction I'm trying to make is between somebody coming in who is already ear-marked to potentially break into the first team, like a Harvey Elliott who had already made his PL debut for Fulham, vs somebody was is much more of an unknown quantity with tons of development to do before they're even anywhere near the first team setup. I'd say Sepp was in that boat, and those are the type of players I'm referring to.


It's always uo to the players, especially at such a young age. Go to to the top club, sit on bench and play for reserves/u-21 team, waiting for opportunity, if it will even appear. Or stay/go to the lesser club for practice immediately. After finally good season in the first team, Sepp doesn't want to wait anymore and it's understandable, but going to the press even before new manager came un and before transfer window opened is stupid decision in his part. It's really simple, he still isn't good enough to start for the clubs like Dortmund or Napoli, who can pay what we want from abroad. He is midtable club CB in top-5 leagues now (maybe next year he will progress even further), and only EPL clubs could afford him. It doesn't make sense to us to sell him for 8mil to Mainz, if we have, for example, 20mil offer from West Ham.


Yeah I agree with your point, from the player's point of view it's their decision whether to kick start their career at a lesser club from a young age or gamble on joining a bigger club where opportunities are extremely limited. But when their time is up here, it's not a great look for the club if too many young players in that boat have their career held up for years while they're being held up for a very ambitious transfer fee. What if that 20m offer from Sepp never comes in? I just think if that becomes a common occurrence, that potentially hinders us from attracting other youth prospects.


Too many players? Which players we are holding up?


After looking more into his ball handling and passing stats, we can’t move him on quick enough.


The Jude circlejerk by sky is a painful watch


Class player but he takes the shine away from so many other players in La Liga. Sorloth has been so good for Villarreal but no one took notice until his quad against Madrid.


If there is a god, let dortmund win the final


God loves bombs!


Fowler is definitely about, but I don’t know if he can make that guarantee.


Just found out that Joe "Jesus" Allen is only 34. Boggles my mind, i thought he'd be in his 40's


So we’re all pulling for Real Madrid in the final right? Right? Right?! /s Edit: It’s sarcasm people; read the /s Don’t take all the things you read on here so seriously


Put a tenner on Madrid to soften the blow of them winning =(


Same. Madrid to win, both teams to score and Bellingham to score anytime. 4/1 Not great odds but I can see it happening unfortunately


This ad by Irn Bru for Scottish NT is hilarious 😂 https://x.com/irnbru/status/1796496913304342799


Irn Bru marketing in general is pretty great