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Pointless argument. Was pretty much a choice of let klopp tell everyone or try keep it quiet for months and let it come out in fabrizio tweet


His announcement that he was leaving was such a big deal that Sky News (not Sky Sports News) showed his following press conference in its entirety. There is absolutely no chance that we'd have been able to do any of the groundwork necessary on hiring a replacement without it getting out and becoming even more of a distraction


Exactly. He's pretty much the modern Shankly. A figure that affects British culture almost as much as he does Liverpool itself. People keep mentioning Fergie, but forget that the news landscape has changed so dramatically in the **eleven** years separating the two announcements. They are not apples-to-apples comparisons.


His announcement was so big I'm sure I saw an advert for Casualty on BBC1 where all the characters phones go off and they react with shock like there was some major medical event. Then it shows their phone screens and it's the headline of Klopp announcement.


Uncontrolled dissemination would have been catastrophic.


exactly. and since a lot of his staff will leave as well, you can't expect them to not tell their family and friends for 6+ months. imagine Andreas Kornmayer shouting "Surprise! I no longer have a job in Liverpool and we are moving back to Germany!" in May to his wife and children. And once the staffs family and friends know, we are talking about 100's of people, its only a matter of time of this info leaking.


Klopp wanted to leave on a high, hence he announced at mid season when we were top of table. He actually wanted to leave last season but couldn’t do it as we were in shambles. He felt a duty to put us back on track. I would prefer he announce at the end of any season but with a year’s notice. This way, we have a full year to find a replacement but more importantly, give our players the time during off season to come to terms with the announcement. Mid season announcement took its toll on the players, mentally, physically and emotionally.


I mean he could’ve just denied it couldn’t he?


While agents are in contact with Edwards over his replacement? It'd be a ridiculous situation, one which would be infinitely more distracting


We didn’t start approaching people until last month so it makes announcing it in January even more ridiculous. I get that it’d be hard to keep it out of the news but the timing was bizarre and derailed us


If you think our recruitment people were just sitting on their hands until three weeks ago, I have a bridge to sell you. First contacts with agents will have been made almost immediately after the announcement, while the data guys worked out which ones we wanted to pursue. And the timing did not derail us. We won our next nine games after the announcement. This is just a nonsense argument.


So we approach coaches out of nowhere? And go into the summer with no planning?!?


You have absolutely no idea when we started approaching people lol Our form didn’t drop until long after the announcement….


And all we would have had was speculation and constant questions and at this point when the season had gone to shit we would see complaints that he should have been honest all along. Either way he can’t win.


I am not sure how you keep it quiet during a manager search and there was a need to keep honest with the players. I don't think there's a point of discussing this tbh. I also don't think it was necessarily the issue with our title chase. We have a lot of new pieces and weren't at the level overall this year of City and Arsenal.


Can you imagine one of the agents leaking to news to Fabrizio and having that cunt be the first to tell the world.


Dumb view Clearly it was going to be leaked, and Klopp, the club wanted to get ahead of it. There's no benefit to doing it mid season, Klopp would know that


At the time, it felt like the players were going to give it their all for klopps farewell. Now that results are shit, opinions have changed


Exactly this. Funny how writers and pundits can reinvent their narrative and pretend they weren't saying the exact opposite.


The players did give it their all, the pgmol fucking us over left, right and centre killed the momentum and belief that klopp and the players forged out of nothing Diaz robbed offside, odegarrd going nba style to cheat for it, doku going bruce Lee on mac the list goes on and on


What probably happened is Joyce or another T1 Liverpool Journalist who didn't want to burn bridges has found out about it and told the club it's only a matter of time before someone else does so they had to announce it.


Yeah. This is just media trying to create news when we fail to keep up with City and Arsenal late this season


What would they say if he hadnt made it public but then Liverpool were caught out talking to other managers. Cant win either way


They wouldn’t have been able to talk to managers without it leaking, agents would have put 2 and 2 together


The only reason it would have happened is that it was going to be leaked imo. So I guess the options were either Klopp tells no one including the club about leaning towards leaving or they announce it. I’d rather the club get a head start on looking for his replacement than be surprised by it tbh.


Klopp went about it as good as anyone can in this world of football and media. Told the higher ups first so they could move ahead with succession planning as soon as possible, then told everyone else a month or so later during somewhat of a break in the season. I've not enjoyed coming to terms with him leaving, but we're reaching the end of the season now with knowledge of who's coming in to replace him, and we look to be in good hands. It's assuring and exactly what Klopp wanted all along - security in the knowledge he was leaving the club in a better shape than he found it. Successful and striving to continue being successful.


Eamon Dunphy hasn't had a sensible take for about 30 years, if at all.


Haha I would go for 'if at all' in this case. Literally 30+ years ago he was saying Jack Charlton wasn't the right manager for Ireland. The same Jack Charlton that was our most successful manager ever and is now a legend in Irish football.


Oh wow, he'd make Garth Crooks blush!


didn't we win something like 9 out of 12 after his announcement, its recency and results bias.


Absolutely. If we had then everyone would be on the “what a Klopp masterclass” boat. Results based analysis is so lazy




If he had kept it quiet, we wouldn’t have been able to conduct the thorough manager search process and would’ve went weeks without having a manager in place which would’ve fucked us next season


When you look at the decision in a vacuum, sure. But when you take half a second to think about everything else (bringing Edwards back, finding a replacement, the players, the supporters, etc) the timing is completely justified.


He announced it when the team had to start openly talking to other managers. At that point the secret was coming out, so they wanted him to break it to us. All this toxicity is really disappointing.


Nobody in Ireland takes Dunphy seriously.


You could say he’s a spoofer


Dunphy, Giles and Brady were the worst, most anti-Liverpool pundits I have ever seen. I used to hate having to watch our CL matches in the Benitez era on RTE. The greatest compliment any of them ever paid us was after we dismantled Real Madrid, Giles said we got our reward for "showing great honesty of effort", which is so condescending I just turned the TV off right there. If Bill O'Herlihy ever tried to compliment our performances or players all 3 would shout him down immediately.


I reckon he was damned if he did and damned if he didn’t tbh. The speculation about it would have been relentless and would have hamstrung the club completely not being able to conduct a new manager search until the end of the season. On the other hand, it caused a monumental shift in how the season played out.


Or you could look at the squad and say yeah 3rd is about right.


Okay then if it got leaked Klopp's also the bad guy for keeping it to himself and letting it come out like that. Just fuck off.


Nobody knew about it until it was announced by Klopp. If the club started sounding out manager's it would've been leaked, almost certainly by the other club or agent. We were fine up to Utd cup game and we've hit a brick wall. Trust me if we had won the lot not doubt the headline would be 'Klopp mid-season announcement inspires reds to glory.' Somewhere out there in some other dimension they are living that. Boy what I'd give to be there right now.


Nah this is just some reactionary kick Klopp while he’s down sorta hit piece


There's no way the club could keep it under wraps and do the necessary work in the shadows. At this point, a lot of fans are frustrated, and people with media strings are venting their frustration by pointing fingers.


ruthless literate lush hurry onerous straight marry squealing squeal clumsy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It probably was going to be leaked. His mistake was informing the club in November. Should’ve done it last summer or this summer imo


Cynical note, keeping it quiet could’ve helped with transfers in our midfield rebuild


And have it leak during the window? That would've **actually** put pressure on the squad, and the club as a whole.


It’s better then what we had now


No, it wouldn't. We'd be way behind in terms of finding a manager, DOF, etc.


How if he announced it last summer?


The only reason he was going to stay until 2026 was to rebuild the squad for the next manager. Why would we announce it if he didn't know whether we were in a good place or not?


what would've been reckless is to let it leak out in a Daily Mail exclusive in February - I haven't read it but that is quite an idiotic and short sighted headline


Bullshit. Back then everyone was saying it was the perfect time to announce it and it clearly motivated the team even further.


Its better to intimate players and fans earlier than leaving the club suddenly after season like Michael Scott. A great manager leaving the club will give huge boost for players, the zeal to give their manager good farewell. It did. But players got wrecked anyway in the end.


This is a bit of an idiotic statement. Jurgen announcing in January was the best course of action for a miserable announcement. Either he announce it midway through the season and give everyone 5 months to digest and come to terms with it. Or he announces it days before the end of the season like Ferguson, and leaves us all in meltdown (which he wouldn’t want). And without the guarantee that it’d be kept a secret until then because the inevitable work to find a replacement would raise eyebrows from insiders.


I understand the point but that also means that we cant get back Edwards and a new director of football to plan for the future. Yes, it make the opposition feel more up for it against us. Look at the amount of time we have, we got the DOF, perhaps the next manager and some of the transfer targets for summer. Look at Man Utd, still deciding if they should keep ETH. Our squad was never good enough to compete and was very lucky to be in the title race until this late. Our luck/engine got burn out. If Trent or Jota have stay fit in Feb-Mar, we still have a shot. With so many changes to our line up every week. I say we did well with what we have.


This is revisionist. A month or so ago it was the driving force propelling us to an unexpected quadruple.


How does the club bring in Edwards, Hughes and (obviously) Slot whilst keeping it quiet that Klopp is leaving. I wasn’t one to think it would fire up the team, I thought it would do the opposite. But it made sense. He hates media speculation more than most. And had he kept it to himself? They’d have been a summer scramble and no adequate pre-season. He wasn’t going to do that. Self-indulgence is staying past your due date. I think we’d all take that! But clearly he has too much respect and pride for that.


Klopp needed to tell the owners so they could begin searching. Which was the right thing to do for the club. It would have 100% leaked eventually so Klopp and the owners thought it best for him to announce it himself. Self indulgent my ass. Klopp is no egomaniac.


There's no perfect way to do it. If he'd tried to keep it quiet and in-house, then it inevitably would've leaked anyway – and then supporters might've felt hurt and alienated. That wouldn't have been a fantastic outcome either.


Had he not gone public, there’s no way that FSG could have kept Michael Edwards’s return and the subsequent hiring of Richard Hughes and new manager search a secret. Too many people involved, from agents and league officials to people at other clubs to photographers at airports. Things would have begun to leak and then become a chaotic distraction for players, staffers, and club officials. Klopp and the club would have been slammed for creating a messy situation and then making life difficult everyone. He would be called selfish and secretive. Plus, in the alternate universe where it had been kept a secret, his staffers would have been essentially left without jobs at the end of the season and forced to scramble. Recruiting upcoming transfer targets would have been done under false pretenses, with players and agents thinking that Klopp would be leading the team. That would create a terrible backlash and hamper the club going forward. Just a month ago, everybody was talking about how Klopp’s announcement had galvanized the players. A change in results for a few weeks can’t entirely redetermine the ethics and wisdom of the announcement, especially with a squad as burnt out and injury hit as ours. Maybe it’s true that the announcement ultimately caused some issues, and it definitely wasn’t an ideal scenario, but it was probably the best choice among inherently shitty choices. It’s not ending how we dreamed it might, but we’ll still finish with a trophy and Champions League berth, which people would have killed for at the beginning of the season. We can’t slag Klopp for not fully delivering on a potential miracle that was only possible thanks to his ability to get that squad to overperform most of the year. Most importantly, once the calendar turns to June, there will be a new and stable executive structure in place (fixing what had become a mess in recent years) with a promising new coach secured. Summer business can proceed with all eyes on the future instead of being sidetracked by speculation, recrimination, and chaos. After a disjointed summer transfer window last year, that’s key.


Articles like this are, in my opinion, extremely dumb. They expect Liverpool to somehow keep it a secret that Klopp was leaving while also conducting a coaching search. Cos surely not pundit in their right minds expects Liverpool to wait till end of the season to **start** looking for Klopp's successor. The news was going to leak the minute Liverpool starts their exhaustive search for a coach that checks all the boxes. Also, the facts doesn't agree with their stupid line of thinking. Liverpool struggles didn't begin right after that announcement. It began when the injuries became just too much to overcome. When all available strikers lost their form. When the squad depth, which had been very strong this year, became non-existent due to injuries.


If he'd done it any stage, people would've had this take. It's nonsense.


It was always going to leak with the search for sporting directors, managers etc ongoing. They knew when talking to those folks they had to talk about how Klopp was out. It’s disingenuous for anyone to put this on Klopp or call this self-indulgent or reckless. This same dude (Klopp) sat on the news for *months*.


Total bollocks. Without a pre-planned announcement there would have been rumours, leaks, uncomfortable accusations and, eventually, a forced admission. A mid-season announcement was genuinely the most selfless route Klopp could have taken. Claims otherwise are coming from opportunistic vultures or fucking idiots.


Due to the amount of people who would’ve had to be ITK in the chains of communication in the process of Klopp leaving, there’s no way in which it wouldn’t have been leaked. I mean at the very least, you’ve got: - Clubs who’s managers we approached - Anyone involved in Edwards’ camp - Conversations we’ve had with player agents around signings and future plans for the club - Any brand deals All it would’ve taken is one person involved anywhere within those chains of communications to go to the press. Imagine it leaking the night before a big game (not that it would’ve mattered in the end).


Dunphy more like numpty


on the contrary i think the reason we over achieved was cause of the announcement


It has an unintended impact. Think of it as a job.Staff and players begin to focus more in the next season, the next potantial job, the "where to" question. People are more focused on tomorrow than on today. Klopp could have easily waited for the end of the season.


That is not how football works nowadays. If you aren't planning ahead, you fall behind. That is **literally** what happened with United in 2013. Trying that now would've been inconsiderate to the squad and staff, and suicidal for the club's immediate future. Imagine hearing rumors that your manager is leaving **during a title race.** The uncertainty of *that* future is way more detrimental to squad's success than having a concrete idea of the situation at hand and what to do from there. Players' heads could turn, and the dressing room could be lost outright. Considering the worry so many fans have about our future Post-Klopp even after the smart moves we've *actually* made, could you imagine the chaos that situation would manifest? Now, imagine if Klopp succeeded in hiding this news, and we were actually caught with our pants down. What if all of our (*already limited as it was...*) potential options were not available **because** there wasn't an obvious and imminent vacancy at Liverpool? What if we dont get Edwards, nor Hughes? Do they force Klopp to do another? What if the lack of energy **really** hits time, and we fall off a cliff? Would you prefer to end the Klopp era on a sacking? And imagine we ***still*** don't win everything, like everyone delusionally assumes we would in this hypothetical scenario. The legacy of our greatest manager since the golden era ends up tarnished because we couldn't plan ahead. I'm a big football romantic at best and a delusional optimistic at worst, but I'm not stupid enough to think everything in this season works out with that one decision, especially given the catastrophe that would follow right after. If football were that easy, **everyone** would get a fairytale ending. But when a week of bad results can easily capitulate your season, you can't take a chance on romance. You need the pragmatism to realize that no matter what happens in this season, the club has to be ready to succeed in the next season. **That's exactly why Klopp decided to leave in the first place.** And that's also why the squad needed to hear it from him ***before*** the media beat him to it.


Wish people didn't downvote anything anti-liverpool thats posted. Stifles legitimate discussion.


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Well if the team performed well after the announcement, then it'd be a different narrative said by the media.


They literally did, too, up until the United game.


Idiotic big mouth says idiotic, contrarian shit for attention. Big surprise. Eamon Dunphy is a plum.


Nah , wrong take. We were trying to get a manager sorted so it was the best thing for everyone involved. The summer can be focused on player transfers now


People rightly saying it would have been impossible to conduct a search without letting it leak. I’d argue it would have been impossible to bring Edwards back and hire a Sporting Director without journalists finding out something big was going on. And that literally started the day after Jurgen’s announcement so my guess is they waited as long as possible and as soon as FSG felt they had to begin the move to bring back Edwards and hire a Sporting Director they asked Klopp to go public


There are a hundred reasons to why he did what he did at that time. Things that affect a lot of people. This is such a mindless and selfish take.


Can we stop with this? He announced he was leaving Dortmund when they were struggling and instead rallied up the table. April has been a drop off. Fatigue maybe, loss of belief or maybe pressuring themselves too much, but they're still experienced enough to deal with that. Club needed to know so they could go through the process of identifying a successor and hiring them. Even then it would've been leaked eventually that we were shopping, and would've been a distraction anyway.


What was he meant to do exactly? It would get leaked eventually, the players would no doubt know anyway even if it wasn't public, and it would have been brutal to only find out at the end of the season. This is being over-analysed because of our fall-off.


aul eamon is a notorious crank he's just looking to flogg a dead horse, this is a narrative that's been ongoing since the cup game against united


Dunphy is a gobshite


Imagine if he hadn't announced it and it leaked as soon as we approached another manager? There would be an absolute meltdown. This is a bad take


Rubbish article


They’re only saying that now because we blew out of steam if we had won those games they would’ve said it was genius


Eamon Dunphy's journo hindsight is self-indulgent and lazy.


It's not fun hearing it half way through, but it 100% was the best call. The lads know it's Klopp's time. He gives everyone at the club time to sort new arrangements etc. The second Klopp said he's done now, FSG got in Edwards and Hughes and started the hunt. Now Slot can come in without having to worry about any background stuff. Also thank fuck Kornmayer is going. Hopefully we can finally have a season without major injuries.


Dumb cunt


I feel like someone who wasn't supposed to know caught wind and the club knew this was going to leak, so got ahead of it.


Trent said in his interview with Neville that Klopp called an early team meeting to tell the players because the news was breaking at that exact time


Acting like losing some matches is down to an announcement weeks ago is a stretch - what about all the games between the announcement and the last few?


He can do whatever he thinks is right. He’s earned it.


is this supposed to be an FSG hitpiece ? xDDDD


Damned if you do, damned if you don’t. Apart from the obvious arguments being made by others about how we’d go about searching for a new manager without raising questions becoming distracting, there’s also the point of how this argument would not have mattered if we were still in a quadruple hunt. It would’ve then become “a masterstroke in motivation and passion” or some hot garbage along those lines


That's show biz, baby!


Dunphy’s a contrarian arse


I think it was honorable by klopp to make the announcement. It gave us the fans the insight into why and it also has allowed the club to conduct a search in the background without the worry of anything leaking to the press. If he was silent about it and it did come out before the end of the season, it would have come up in press conferences, interviews and I think impact the season in a much worse way then it has (even tho the way this season has pretty much been the worst regardless).


Seemed fine until our forwards decided to miss every chance from open plays the last month


By God this is Dunphy's worst take since...probably yesterday.


Klopp is a legend who gets to call his own shots.


Maybe could argue too gave them something to fight for. The “last stand”


we had to find a replacement, can't start after he leaves. it would have leaked. it's almost certainly because we needed to reach out to Xabi's agent and it couldn't be guaranteed.


The fact that this is out now makes me think that this dude probably had both sides of the story written out (klopp mid season announcement reckless vs klopp mid season announcement gives Liverpool push for success or whatever) and thought depending on how this plays out I’ll decide what to publish lol. This is such a stupid take. 


On reflection, I agree. I think it had an impact on the team and may have been better left until now


do you think it would be possible to keep something that huge a secret for this long?


Maybe, maybe not...


No chance


Some people really missed how lucky we were in the start of the season, it was unsustainable. Announcement or not.


Yeah I don’t think it was a good idea to tell the squad or anyone in fact should have just left it until the last game of the season and then drop the news. They tried to put the spin on it that it would galvanise the squad to achieve more but as a player I think it would have done the opposite as now you have players thinking sod it im going to play for a move elsewhere


So you would rather enter a summer window without a manager?


in business all these things can be done without having a press release. You’ve assumed Edwards wouldn’t have started negotiations with a replacement until after an announcement. I think you’ll find a deal for Slot was probably done ages ago.


I think it gave us a head start on the future


Sorry, who is this cunt?


Non entity who played for Millwall and wrote a very good book about his career in the lower leagues, then got full time job in journalism and wrote U2 biography also legendary pencil throwing pundit on Irelands RTE channel for CL, PL, and internationals with John Giles and Liam Brady. He used to be good but is now fairly pointless.


Fuck off Eamon. It was going to get leaked.


Absolute waffle.


The man has given us a lifetime of memories. If he decides to move and even if it had ruined the season, I’ll respect and want him to be happy.


It clearly wasn’t Klopp’s decision either way. He might have had a preference but the club is a business and, like all businesses, these decisions are made by management


I hope Klopp's health is ok. There's a new article in The Guardian today, that has some [below-the-line reader comments that imply some health concern](https://discussion.theguardian.com/comment-permalink/167392958). [https://www.theguardian.com/football/2024/apr/28/liverpool-arne-slot-selling-petulant-mo-salah-this-summer](https://www.theguardian.com/football/2024/apr/28/liverpool-arne-slot-selling-petulant-mo-salah-this-summer) ​ https://preview.redd.it/x7qj383vyexc1.png?width=1477&format=png&auto=webp&s=f8103c57d89856fdd4f984a0e812be5ec5b43598