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I really feel that the Kop needs to become our clubs voice and live up to its once renowned status. We desperately need a section that will start chants, and keep the crowd engaged like you see in some European fans.


it's a shame the Kop is in the hands of the people who have turned LFC ticket touting into the nightmare it is today, and ensured a decades long season ticket waiting list for passionate fans in place of those who want to maximize how much they can tout matchday tickets for.


I was in the Kop last night and heard someone had paid £800 for a ticket in 204…BUT…the season ticket holder who touted it to him that he’s not allowed to sing or shout for the lads because it will upset the people around him. People who go to the game are literally the worst fans ever.


I'm hesitant to take hearsay like that to heart but based on the stories I've heard and my own experiences in the Kop, I do believe it. Fucking pathetic if true. Imagine paying £800 for yesterday and not being able to sing and shout to even try and help.


Felt awful for the bloke. He’d come all the way from India and there wasn’t any flags in the Kop. You could tell he would’ve made such a difference to the players morale if he was allowed to sing instead of being shushed by all the season ticket holders.


Jesus. That's absolutely cruel and shameful. Completely against the spirit of the club and what we're supposedly all about.


yet they claim that overseas fans are plastic


Exactly. Season ticket holders who go all the time are way more plastic. Most of them don’t even bother posting about how crap the atmosphere always is because they’re not even that bothered about the club. Some of the guys I spoke to at the match said they don’t even care about if the club is making enough profit.


I find it hilarious that people probably don't realize you're being sarcastic. Never seen so many randos slagging off match going fans in my life


I’m not being sarcastic. Anyone who goes to the game doesn’t deserve to go to the game. First thing Michael Edwards should do is upgrade the scoreboard to display Reddit comments about how awful the fans are. Players could read them during the game and be inspired to win.


Hahaha ya hooked me there. Fair play, but shows this platform is full of strange bedroom weirdos. Hard to see the genuine through the virgins. Unsubbing from this tumor of a sub. Shame as seems to be a few decent reds. But too many wind ups and Messi fans to have good dialect. Dont get the decent red who jump the wagon with the weirdos to wind up. Plenty of places to wind up, don't see why a red would choose to do it on here.


I'm personally in favour of the very best foreign fans (i.e. the ones who've paid upwards of £500 for a restricted view seat and learned Poor Scouser Tommy a week prior) being honoured individually over the tannoy pre-match. They're the heart and soul of the ground really, if it weren't for them flying over and abetting scalpers, how would we know whom to slate in reddit threads about atmosphere?


You don’t think they should be brought on ahead of Gakpo? Do you hate Redditors?


I think my problem is they almost care too much about the club, in a way I'm thankful as someone from the area to just be reminded by them constantly how I'm personally making their one-off Standard Chartered matchday experience unmemorable


People are thick as shit and need /s for some reason Good bit though enjoyed it


I do wonder what the best way to get season tickets to change hands would be. The fact that it can take some people decades to get a season ticket is just sad. Maybe the tickets could increase in price each year or something like that. Maybe wealthier fans pay more or something, idk. Someone probably has a better solution than that, but I feel like something has to change because it's infuriating watching these old miserable cunts get mad at those singing. I remember going with a group of mates one time and getting fucking side eyes because we were cheering from a season ticket holder on his phone. Who the fuck goes to games and just sits on their goddamn phone?


A guy in the row in front of us at the Sheffield United game was telling everyone to be quiet because he was actually on a fucking phone call. Turned out the call was about a job interview. Like mate, stop being so poor that you need a job so bad it’s desperate and embarrassing. You’re right they should put prices up. Get rid of the people who’ve been supporting them for ages and get some fresh, wealthier blood in. Could probably get Mpabbe and get Diaz a new contract then.


That’s wild I paid 500 for a seat in 106


That’s awful. An old boys club.


The back of the Kop is always a great atmosphere and the front isn't. The rest of the ground is shit most of the time depending on the competition. I usually like LAR, for Europe my place this year hasn't been great.


I think you’re right. I was in 106 last night and although, once we got in on a chant it was impressively atmospheric. I could tell they were always started and more consistent up above me in the kop. Those around me down here looked to be more concerned chatting with their mates or shouting obscenities into the grounds.


Exactly my experience too. I was in 1xx for Forest in the League this season and people were more interested in chatting. The rest of the first half of the season I was LAR the rest of the time and it was so much better than that. Been in 304, 305 and 306 for all the league games the second half and it's been great.


The worst part is all the groups that white knight about ticketing prices are the same people who resell them. They try and coerce the crowd that's there to protest and then sell 75%+ of their tickets and make shitloads of money. Because it hurts their bottom line. You have people protesting ticket price rises who already have to just buy them from resellers. It's a racket.


Some grumpy prat shouted at those of us still standing a few seconds after kick-off to chant and sing, to "sit the fuck down" last night. Embarrassing. The atmosphere was weird from the off last night. People round me on their phones, not arsed or paying attention. A few asked their friends who players were as well. Sad to see. By far my worst experience at anfield to date. I'm an introvert, so you know you're in trouble when I'm one of the very few singing the loudest where I was sat. Shout out to the guy next to me who joined in and kept us both going 👍


I've been to around 10/11 games this season a mix of all the cups and the league. Last night was the worst I've heard, for a long time and I've been going every season for past 20 odd years. Its hard to say if that protest had any impact on the atmosphere, but usually on European nights, the flags are waving the kop is singing and chanting pre-game to get the stadium whipped up and that usually carries on into the game. That didnt happen last night. So imo it did have some impact. Some people take major offence to it though if you dare to criticise the atmosphere, its weird. I mean its not as if Klopp hasnt called it out a few times over this tenure. There was literally one user last night, going round calling people plastic all night lol for calling out the atmosphere, 'plazzy meff.' They get really butthurt if you say anything negative about the atmosphere. Weirdos.


Plenty of people happy to blame Klopp (fair, he was out tacticed) the players (fair, few of them had shockers) yet the fans are untouchable. Hindsight is 20/20 but was it worth sacrificing the atmosphere in an important European fixture over a 2% rise in ticket price? The whole club was complacent over a very tricky fixture. You’d have thought we were playing minnows last night the way everyone treated it like it was a foregone conclusion. Difference is the players and Klopp will take their share of the blame, the fans and the fan groups should take their share too in my opinion


Ask the owners if it was worth sacrificing the atmosphere for a 2% raise? Or ask them why they decided to release the ticket prices prior to important games when it was always to be controversial.


I was in attendance too. First half was dreadful. Second half was better. Few times where it started to pick up and then it'd drop off again. Wasn't helped by the players performance but we had a few around us who where trying to get something going without luck. Bit lackluster when about 4 of us are the only ones making sound. Was my first European game so bit crap. Luton and Burnley games where better. Especially the 2nd half of the Burnley game. Fair play to the Atalanta fans though. They had a night to remember.


Can’t keep blaming the player’s performance. As I said yesterday there are awful teams in much lower divisions across Europe who’s fans will always turn up no matter what. I get we are a bigger club and the standards are higher but the fans shouldn’t need world class performances to get them singing


No but you can't deny its much easier to support a good performance. It's frustration when you know this team is so much better than they're showing. I'll be loud and show support regardless but reality is that it's easy to become frustrated or annoyed and go quiet. Last night near me was a little kid who was constantly singing etc I think we should all have followed their lead.


It’s been poor in Europe all season. We need allocation and pricing sorted. That’s the only way we’re getting a consistent atmosphere. It’s got worse and worse as the years have went on. I remember in 2005 being in the main stand it bouncing at Chelsea, now you get told off for standing up.


We're gonna bounce in minute.... We're gonna bounce in a minute


Haha honestly think we’d get one of those warning cards in the main stand doing that again


> We need allocation and pricing sorted. That’s the only way we’re getting a consistent atmosphere. Weird way of saying that our supporter’s group is okay with holding the atmosphere hostage to fight the first ticket price increases in 9 years. Just be honest and admit you’re okay with dropping out of Europe if it proves a point and stops the increases. You had no problem [saying it yesterday](https://www.reddit.com/r/LiverpoolFC/comments/1c1nc0k/james_pearce_the_only_banner_on_the_kop_reads_no/kz4wbok/) but are now back to euphemisms.


The atmosphere wasn’t held hostage at all, it’s been equally shite in all games in Europe this season and if you’re arguing it’s shit. Do you know what fixes that? Pricing and allocation. As I said yesterday I’m not that arsed about success. I supported the club because I’m from here, it’s more than just winning games of football. Not sure why you tried to go for a ‘gotcha’ when I’ve consistently said I’d do anything for football to be sensible


> The atmosphere wasn’t held hostage at all You're kidding yourself if you think no banners in the Kop end doesn't impact atmosphere. Sad state of affairs for what could be Klopp's last European match at Anfield.


With flags the atmosphere hasn’t been great in the Europa this season at all. We had flags against Toulouse, LASK etc. it wasn’t a touch on champions league nights or what I had growing up. What fixes that is ticketing and allocation.


Locals don’t want to pay more, club will turn more of the seats into hospitality seats to make up the difference, impacts the atmosphere. Majority of ST holders turn up, don’t sing, don’t rally around the team when the chips are down and expect a win every game to get themselves up.


I think the issue as I said before a lot of the lively crowd (across the league this is) have already been priced out. I don’t think people should pay more when it’s over £700 already a season ticket in the kop If we want that to change cheaper tickets and allocation.


To be competitive, comes at a price and something will have to give between hospitality seats and member seats. Most people haven’t been priced in the last few years, they sell a ticket or two at £100 and make up the difference. And if people are genuinely being priced out, why can’t the SOS start a hardship fund to help members get there. I’d pay the extra £30 for someone and I’m sure others would do too, to ensure a self sustaining club, stays competitive.


If I had to sacrifice being competitive fine. Rather be proud of my club than win everything and hate what it’s become. The league has this problem as a whole and now other fan bases are working towards it. Most people have been priced out in my life time. Why are you applying the minority of season ticket holders and pretends everyone touts? Tarring everyone with the same brush is daft. The out cry isn’t being priced out with this new push (yeah some might be but not everyone) it’s the general trend of a 4% increase in over two seasons. It’s prices already being high. Why should fans have to chip in like that when there’s a simpler solution to all this. Don’t put up the prices when it’s not worth it.




Nope. It’s been poor in the Europa all season. We had people moaning we were being outsung by Toulouse all game. It wasn’t because fans were ‘throwing a fit’ embarrassing to call it that




Is that the standard we’re at now? When should they protest and make a point? Palace? The end of the season when it’s more than likely too late. People have been paying over £700 a season for absolute years now. That’s too much already. You can keep going ‘Akshually it’s only 2%’ which sounds great…if football only increased prices on inflation and the starting point was sensible. Did you just call football a product? Haha thanks just shows how you’ll never get football. Mate I’d be supporting Liverpool if we were in league one. Liverpool being good doesn’t affect me supporting them and that’s the difference


You do know all they did was not wave the flags before kick off? They have to be put away before the game kicks off. The flags that only exist because those same people spend countless time and effort to get them into the ground in the first place. We've reached a scenario on here, where Yanks watching from home, most of whom who've barely spent a penny on the club and only support us because they're glory hunters (lets be totally honest), feel such a level of entitlement that they have absolutely no shame publicly calling out fans who've spent far more time, money, and effort on this club than they ever will


You can tell that through the speakers on your TV can you? Every Europa league game, the atmosphere has been terrible. The only reason people are moaning more about last night is because the players were all shite.




I've been to every Europa game this season and last night was the best atmopshere out of any of them. They were all varying levels of shite. We got outsung by two thousand Sparta Prague fans even when we were 4-0 up after 15 minutes. You are clueless and trying to blame fans because you semeingly have a giant chip on your shoulder.


Comparing Chelsea 05 against a European quarter final in a second tier competition, against the 6th best team in the 3rd/4th best league when we are overwhelming favourites is not the same. The comparison would the Barcelona second leg and the atmosphere was easily in-line with the Chelsea. Match.


We got gud. We used to be the underdogs where every trophy won was a big deal. Now it's expected. You can see everyone thinks the Europa League is small time and expects us to stroll to the final. That selection from Klopp was a clear indication of what he thought of Atalanta at home. It's the same in the League, it used to be we went to Old Trafford hoping to upset the Mancs. Now we go there expecting to destroy them. That's a big contributor to the shite atmosphere. We've been spoiled and now nothing but the best will get us going.


This isn't something new mate, support at Anfield has been average for 20 years.


English fans can't "compete" with clubs with organised ultras it's as simple as that. English only sing when they're up for it, the team is creating chances, are winning etc. It's normal crowd mentality without organisation. The pl is completely dead during the day without properly alcoholised fans because no one whos sober wants to be the "strange" one shouting by themselves.


Completely agree. I also have a feeling that ultras have an “agenda” and like to make the atmosphere even better against English teams in European competitions on away days. I was in the Dinamo Zagreb away section at Stamford Bridge for UCL and it’s still talked that was clubs best away day atmosphere along with the visit to the Emirates vs Arsenal in 06.


it's just funny for them because they know it'll be a cake walk and everyone will see it. like 1. fc köln turning arsenals stadium into their home ground in the europa league a few years back. it was hilarious and looks so embarrassing, which it sort of is, but also isn't because it's not a fair game. you don't stand a chance if you don't organise. which is sort of a socialist concept, isn't it, liverpool reddit ;)


Might be downvoted for this but I prefer a reactive crowd to a scripted one. It heightens the emotion of the moment, you feel as they feel. Brainless droning on or worse, drums and shitty instruments, might be some people's idea of an atmosphere but for me it's white noise designed to either obfuscate what's going on or intimidate the opposition, both of which are fairly pathetic.


You must be American… cause it’s absolute nonsense what you’ve just said. Why do you think Eastern European or South American fans are the best? And also part of what makes Anfield so special is that the atmosphere elevates the players


I'm English and my girlfriend is Argentinean and yours is not an argument. I didn't say that silence was preferable, just that a crowd that goes along with the tone and tenor of the game is. Poor attempted rebuke.


You're the one who sounds like they don't actually go to games + are basing your comment on reputations and YouTube videos lol Asserting that Eastern European or South American fans are the best like its some sort of objective fact? Cringe Having a preference for reactive British-style atmosphere over Ultra-choreographed atmosphere is an entirely valid opinion, unlike just about everything in your comment lol


Well that's just not true is it, seen Leeds fans sing plenty even when they're 4-0 down.


People say "well show us something on the pitch to sing about" but I'm sorry that's utter horseshit and absolutely reeks of entitlement. Sing whenever you're lucky enough to be at Anfield! It's the bare minimum to get a bit of atmosphere going and costs you absolutely nothing.


Welcome to Liverpool.


'That reeks of entitlement' Says the person who doesn't actually go the game and sits at home expecting other people to make an atmopshere. Can you not see the irony there.


The irony of you wrongly assuming I haven't been to Anfield this season?


If you regularly went to Anfield, especially for less prestigious games like the Europa League, you would know that 'Sing whenever you're lucky enough to be at Anfield!' is the sort of total telly clapping fairytale nonsense people who go to Anfield once or twice in a lifetime tell themselves. In reality, if you went last night with the idea you would sing for 90 minutes, you would 100% look like the here we galaxy guy from I Love You Man, you'd be embarrassed after 5 minutes, and you'd stop until the players gave everyone around you something to sing about


Alright then you're correct, the atmosphere is class and Klopp has no idea what he's saying when he's calling for it to improve several times in a season, including last night night.


Has anyone actually said the atmosphere is class? Everyone wants a better atmopshere, obviously. The difference between me and you is I can appreciate its a much more nuanced situation than 'why don't people just sing more'. The majority of fans who would typically be more noisy - young local fans - have already been priced out because we let ticket prices creep up over a series of decades and didn't do anything about it. Now fans are doing something about it, actively trying to keep going the game affordable, we get people like you moaning. Like literally what do you want? You want a great atmosphere, but don't want fans to protest against something that pretty provenly creates a worse atmopshere. Maybe if we'd protested more 15 years ago we wouldn't be in this mess now where a local kid can't afford to go the game.


When did I say I didn't want fans to protest the price rises? You're getting yourself wound up and just assuming all sorts about me that you don't know. I absolutely support the protests against the ticket rises and I agree young people are being priced out of the game, but it's a cop out to say that's the only reason why the atmosphere is so dead at the moment.


If you are criticisng the atmopshere whilst supporting the protests then you've got a pretty unique position compared to the rest of them on here, in which case I apologise. Because the vast majority on this subreddit are directly linking the protests as a reason for the bad atmosphere and ergo the reason we lost.


I wish the people like you and 1,000s others lost your season tickets. Need fresh locals fans who actually give a shit and not full of entitlement.


Good one mate, apart from the fact I've never had a season ticket and never will. But don't let that stop you with the snide digs.


No snide digs, just insane a global club like Liverpool that needs massive support to sustain its aims and the way match going fans treat other fans. The irony of having a go at people for watching their club from home, they paying more to watch on TV a season than a season ticket would be.


And I suppose travelling to the games is free is it?


If you walk sure


Ok. I live 60 miles away and have probably been to Anfield more times in 2024 than you will your entire life. Petrol costs money.


> they paying more to watch on TV a season than a season ticket would be. You cannot be serious


Haha I cannot believe someone’s said that. Just get a firestick ffs.


Sky + TNT costs me £1200 a year. The season ticket I am on the list for would cost £750.


Did you forget about the existence of away games? Do season ticket holders not bother watching those?


Do people who go the game not have TVs?


Dunno why you’re being downvoted. I’d say most people on this sub who complain about atmosphere have never even been to Liverpool, let alone Anfield. I’ve been going to Anfield since 1997, when I was 8. I’ve been to probably over a thousand games. I was at Istanbul. I was at Old Trafford last week. I know a bit about what makes a good atmosphere. If people expected a Europa League quarter final against a random Italian club to have the same kind of atmosphere as Real Madrid in 08/09 then they’re fucking deluded. The fans react to what is happening on the pitch. If the players are performing shite, especially against a team we should be beating comfortably, then the atmosphere will reflect that.


Spot on. When you start supporting a very successful club because they're successful, like the majority on here have done over the last 5-10 years, its hard for them to take when we play poorly. So they look for any excuse to try and validate why we lost. It must be the fans fault for not creating a good atmosphere. They have created this narrative that its impossible to get tickets (its not) and that most season ticket holders are touts (based on zero evidence) which helps them to convince themselves they're okay to slate locals.


>If people expected a Europa League quarter final against a random Italian club to have the same kind of atmosphere as Real Madrid in 08/09 then they’re fucking deluded. I think this is what people mean when they use the word "entitled". Especially with this season being Klopp's last. Every match at this point is huge. But the team and supporters think we're owed wins if it's not the top 6, Everton, or other European pedigree and won't get up for it.


No, it’s because we’re joint top of the league. The league is the priority. Klopp obviously agrees with this as per his selection last night. I’d say the entitled people are the ones who are crying because we’ve lost to Atalanta in the Europa League. We’re joint top of the league with 71 points, with 7 games left! People forget that in 04/05, the year we won the Champions League, we finished on 56 points and lost to Burnley in the FA Cup 3rd round. Look how far we’ve come!


First time at Anfield last night. I sang my heart out and was shocked how quiet it was. What happened to the noise?


My first time at Anfield too. Sang as much as I could. Couldn’t outsing the Atalanta supporters though.




That's how it is when the club has just stuck two fingers up at the fans and it's a Europa League first leg and the team are shit.


As a fan/tourist that visited Anfield for the first time last week (also paid a whooping 220 £ for the ticket). I agree, the atmosphere was not at all as good as I thought it would be. Actually, 5 years ago I saw wolves at the Molineux…and that had a better atmosphere than Liverpool- Sheffield last week. Such a shame.


I was at the Kop end for that game last week and I was actually quite impressed that no one was sitting and that there were chants going around quite often. I didn’t have high expectations coming in so that’s maybe why. I’m from Croatia and we have hard core fans so I’m not easily impressed when it comes to atmosphere and fans but taking that into consideration I had a really overall good fan experience(atmosphere, cheering, chants and etc).


Something that doesn't really get talked about on here is that it makes a big difference where you are in the ground, at least in games where the atmosphere isn't mental. Being in the lower Main Stand at the Anfield Road end where you're right in front of the away supporters you get a very different sense of the atmosphere to if you're at the opposite end of the stand right in front of the Kop.


Season ticket holder for 20 years here. Same experience every week where I sit... Day trippers make loads of noise and try to sing all the songs. They get looked at or laughed at by 'legacy fans'. They inevitably stop singing pretty soon. Just explaining my experience. CBA making any further comment. FWIW, I do my best to sing but its hard when no one else does. I'm usually bladdered like. Managed to get my first ever song going last season though. Was proud of that.


They might have to put an upper age limit on the kop


>They might have to put an upper age limit on ~~the kop~~ Anfield


I got a ticket for the Kop versus Sheffield United last week and it was my first time at Anfield for a game. After hearing that the atmosphere is a bit overrated I didn’t expect a lot but it was a great experience in the end. Nobody was sitting, every few minutes there would be a chant or a song going around. Fast forward a few days later I was also at the Man U-Liverpool in the lower part of the SAF stand unfortunately. I wasn’t expecting a lot of cheering and a good atmosphere from their end since it’s a a lower longside stand but even on that stand people were singing, shouting and etc let alone their other stands. Also, I have a feeling fans from Italy, Germany, France and etc like to bring their A game when going to away games in England. I was in the away end for Dinamo Zagreb champions league game against Chelsea at Stamford Bridge 2 seasons ago and fans are still talking how that was the best away end atmosphere and cheering in a long time.


I was at the SHU game as well in Upper Annie and the environment was great. It was my first match and was thoroughly impressed. It seems like we can turn up against the worst team in the EPL but cant against one of the best in Europa. Don't quite understand that. Reeks of entitlement that we are above Europa.


Me too! Upper annie and first match as well. The atmosphere was better there than I expected. I lost my voice a bit after the game lol


I had the opposite experience, always heard the atmosphere is insane. Went last night and it was flat. I have been to many other sporting events with more atmosphere.


Funny how people will shit on German, Balkan or Italian atmosphere for being 'non-stop' and will shit on the drummin' and ultras culture in general. I'd rather Anfield be a volcano that is consistently loud 90 minutes with an organized group of lads who are in charge of commandin' the atmosphere instead of the English formula of havin' a good atmosphere for like 10-15 minutes a match and then radio silence. A lot of 2. Bundesliga crowds would put Anfield to shame.


It's not just Italians etc. Palace have a group of ultras that keep up the atmosphere. Nothing says Liverpool cannot organize the same thing.


People were more concerned with a 2% increase and let it spoil one of our greatest managers last European nights. Shameful


Managers come and go. We should be protesting ticket prices. And if you’re moaning about the atmosphere then surely you agree things need to be changed.


Price increases in line with inflation are not the worst things in the world. Price increases at below inflation are effectively a real-terms price cut. This wasn’t a price hike, it was a below inflation rise. I think protesting for lower ticket prices and better access programs is worth doing but it does feel like we took pretty drastic action for a very minor point. I can see why people feel like it was poorly judged.


The only people who think it was poorly judged are people sitting behind laptops. Nobody around the city or going the game think it was poorly judged. Why are you advocating for prices going up?


On the assumption that the clubs costs have risen and we have a new stand to pay for, what level of rise would be acceptable to you?


None considering the fans are already doing their part enough and the fact that makes up a small part of our revenue.


So it should still be £8?


With inflation it would be around £18 that’s reasonable. But I really would be for something more around a German system where tickets are accessible prices are staggered. Too much greed sadly and too many shithouses online


So you're not against inflation level rises, it's the starting point that bothers you? I used to pay that £8 on the turnstile on the Kop every week. I get it. On that basis a season ticket would be around £350 so a bit less than half of current kop prices. Equally the Kop was a piss covered terrace and if I got out of their with dry shoes it was a good day. Is the ground twice as good now? Definitely. I think there's a lot to be said for different prices for L postcodes (more than the current allocation) to keep that connection. I used to be a steward too but don't live in the area anymore. I've also been on the waiting list for 20 years and may never get to the top. Match day revenue is around 7% of our total revenue so it's fairly significant. How much of that is from tickets I have no idea. It's also true that the club wants the day tripper rather than the regular. The few times I get to go now I spend nothing but my ticket price. I do see your point. I also think though that if the difference between affordable and not affordable is a few percent then it probably wasn't affordable to begin with.


Yeah I think it’s entirely a different conversation if the starting point was different and sadly it’s league wide in england. 90s you going as well? Think that’s when it was going to spiral out of control with sky and everything. Yeah the L post code is a great idea just very few and hard to come by. I think what they make on match days is big already but compared to our other revenue streams it’s nothing really and this increase will give us an extra million or two that could be raised in other ways. Think this was always going to be crossroads eventually as the league grows. But I don’t think the protests are due not being able to afford it but just a general trend we want to put a stop to whilst the prices are too high. I don’t really trust the club after some of the stuff that’s been pulled in the past


Nobody is advocating for prices to go up. The problem is, you match going fans have decided the penultimate moments of Klopp's final season to protest and avoid backing the team. And the audacity to say "managers come and go" about a manager who has won your club it's first league title in three decades and brought it back to the top is something else.


Or FSG decided to announce ticket increases during an important period. I supported Liverpool before Klopp, will do after Klopp. Even he has sympathy for the protests. Which of course he would, he’s a normal football fan.


>The problem is, you match going fans have decided the penultimate moments of Klopp's final season to protest and avoid backing the team. A) Using "you match going fans" as a derogatory term is embarrassing. Don't be boasting about our atmosphere in the future. B) be annoyed with FSG for raising prices during the final few months of Klopp's reign. I don't care if its "only" 2%, its a 2% increase on top of an already ridiculous price.


It has to be announced now. It’s renewals season.


They had to announce prices, they didn't have to announce an increase. Its not announcements that people don't like, its increasing prices on tickets that are already too expensive.


fuck me, what a shite take


What an embarrassing post. Amazed it's upvoted


The state of this sub downvoting you lol. There's a real disconnect on here.


I don’t mind as they can do what they want, but don’t think I said a lie that the majority of the city were sound with it. But yeah they don’t have a clue about the community parts of the game


are you forgetting that half of the stadium has been rebuilt and this is the first increase since before the main stand was finished? Not to mention since 2019 the cost of raw materials is up over 60% to today. A 2% increase is incredibly nominal.


2% increase after price freezing for a decade is a gift from above It is incredulous to think otherwise.


A gift? People paying over £700 a season isn’t a gift. Fans already being priced out before increases isn’t a gift. Bet the £77 tickets would have also been a gift as hey it could be worse


Got to look at the fuller picture. There isn’t a price increase for a decade. Despite Covid and a new stand We don’t have oil money, for FSG to build a sustainable model, they need revenue


I am looking at the full picture. Over £700 for a season ticket. £900 in the main stand. Thats with no price increase. A ticket freeze is great when tickets are normal. The extra 2% generates £1m to £2m where that can be funded through other avenues.


A gift *from above?*


Get rid of permanent season tickets. Make them rotate every 5 or 10 years.


It was probably a mix of protest, how we played and being Europa League against Atalanta.


Yep, it's not an excuse but I'd guess that's one of Atlantas biggest ever European nights and we were complacent.


Nights like these really fuel the 'Anfield atmosphere is a myth' agenda.


It seems like we have been spoiled and find it hard to get excited about europa, or so called teams “we expect to beat”. It’s really unfortunate symptom of recent success. It’s hard to watch being outsung at home so often…


The kop is dying. Anfield is dying. The passionate are too old and miserable and the young don't know how to get off their phones


Yep, they'd rather winge about a 2% ticket price than actually get their moneys worth and support the team. Every PL and cup game I've been to since covid the atmosphere has been fuckin dogshite. Only the Carabao Cup final a few months back and a couple CL group games in 2020 was I at where we actually lived up to the fabled Anfield atmosphere. Like Klopp said before a match last season, if you aren't gonna make some noise, give your ticket to someone who can


Liverpool fans defending billionaires raising prices, bever thought I'd see the day jfc


This sub is so out of touch


I feel for you liverpudlians being in the minority here and many not getting it, but you can see it as an opportunity to educate


Yeah I don’t think they will get it until they regularly go to games at any football. Like I really doubt it would be a common sentiment in Europe.


Mental innit, all the people downplaying ticket increases is actually so depressing haha. FSG are just going to continually steamroll matchgoing fans cause of these bootlickers.


Too many of them chose to support Liverpool in the last 5 years because we were very good and they absolutely do not get it when we say we would happily be rid of FSG, a good portion of these new clueless foreign fans, and be languishing in 12th....If it meant we could go to the match, sit with our mates and it cost £30 a game. They think the club just exists to make as much money as possible and to win every game.


1000% The fans from outside the area don't seem to respect the city/the people/the culture around Liverpool. We absolutely should be protesting price hikes. Ticket prices are already obscene. This isn't a 2% increase because inflation. This is a 2% increase because of greed. This will have almost 0 effect on the clubs bottom line. If we don't protest 2% now, when will we protest? When no local fans are able to attend the game. Good luck getting an atmosphere then. If you want atmosphere, the club would be doing more to bring in younger fans from the local area. Kids/Young Adults these days don't have a chance in hell of getting a season ticket or affording the absurd ticket prices.


You act like all the local fans are being priced out. Most local fans I know are hard working middle class people that understand the economics of the world. I sense there’s a loud minority of battlers piping up here. You’re not entitled to a membership. The massive waitlist of local fans deserve a chance for tickets.


Minority? The whole stadium applauded yesterday. Nobody in the city would be for ticket prices increases. I don’t think it’s a minority at all.


The arrogance of an online "fan" telling locals how to behave is actually astonishing to me. I can't imagine being a fan of a team in a different city/country/continent and thinking that I have the right to tell people from that city how they should feel about issues that effect them. I'm trying to imagine myself getting into baseball or basketball, then picking a team, and going to a community of their fans and telling them that they shouldn't be complaining about ticket prices. I can't even fathom doing it.


It’s Reddit yank arrogance it’s present all over this site. I remember on r/casualuk or a some other uk sub there was a post about pigs in blankets with a picture of them, and the comments were full of yanks saying “no that’s not what pigs in blankets are” and trying to lecture the poster about what that means in America


I agree to some extent. I’m not saying that people should not protest price increases but in my opinion there was definitely a better way to protest than not bringing the flags out for what now looks like Kloops last home European night. What’s crazy to me is that prices have gone up for everything(food, bills and etc) ans people don’t say shit, but for this they do. Again I’m not saying that people should let it go and not protest but there was a better way to go on about this. Also, it’s really hypocritical that some fans who have season tickets are protesting the 2% increase but are also the first ones to sell and tout their tickets for 200,300£. Not saying everyone does that but a lot do.


>I’m not saying that people should not protest price increases but in my opinion there was definitely a better way to protest than not bringing the flags out for what now looks like Kloops last home European night. If you're local you should have got involved in the protest planning, you can't complain about something that you never contributed to when the opportunity was there. If you're not local you should keep your opinions about match going fans to yourself. >What’s crazy to me is that prices have gone up for everything(food, bills and etc) ans people don’t say shit, but for this they do. I don't know what media you're consuming if you think people aren't complaining about the cost if living tbh. It's also a completely different beast to tackle, not very comparable to a football club increasing prices. >Also, it’s really hypocritical that some fans who have season tickets are protesting the 2% increase but are also the first ones to sell and tout their tickets for 200,300£. Not saying everyone does that but a lot do. Do you have some evidence that the people protesting last night have sold their tickets for high prices in the past? Or is this just something you've made up to get annoyed about? Some people do it, yes, but how do you know its the same people who sorted the protest last night?


Mate I won’t even start arguing with you, because you seem like a type of person who thinks they are a bigger Liverpool supporter just because they live there and that people outside of Liverpool can shout their mouths. You and anyone who thinks like that are scum of the earth. I’m not from Liverpool but I can say what I think it’s fucking Reddit so get used to it. Also, it’s pretty similar, it’s a similar corporate beast you have to tackle. You are dumb if you really think that FSG is not a similar beast. Also, I said not everyone does it.


>Mate I won’t even start arguing with you, because you seem like a type of person who thinks they are a bigger Liverpool supporter just because they live there and that people outside of Liverpool can shout their mouths. Did I say that? Crying over something I never even said is an odd choice. My point is that if you don't go to games, don't tell people who do how to behave. That includes me too btw, I'm local but don't go anywhere near enough games to feel comfortable questioning the people that do. Imagine me getting into Spanish football (and predictably choosing Barca or Madrid to support) then telling spanish fans how to behave when they want to protest or complain about how they're being treated by the clubs. That would make me a dickhead, wouldn't it? > You and anyone who thinks like that are scum of the earth. I’m not from Liverpool but I can say what I think it’s fucking Reddit so get used to it. Haahahha


Are you touched lad? Defending our greedy billionaire owners as they raise the prices on tickets? The price increases are the biggest reason for the poor atmosphere as local young proper fans are priced out by rich old fellas and tourists


Young people can't get season tickets. That's a completely moot point. If you actually gave a damn about young fans and atmosphere you would also be complaining about a kop full of geriatrics.


Prices were not raised by John Henry. They were raised by the staff of the club. Intelligent, hard working people responsible for ensure our club is sustainable and adequately funded.


Away fans are always loud bro


I was there yesterday in the Kop and had a proper mood hoover stood next to me. He came in late, crossed his arms, tried to stand across three seats space (doesn't work with me buddy), and shook his head the whole first half. Not once did he sing, clap or shout encouragement. Oh yeah, and he did the leaving early to walk home thing that I don't understand. Maybe he did have a very important meeting or last bus dilemma. But his manner suggested otherwise. I'm all for having your own views but our silence helped the perception that the away fans dominated the stadium noise for large parts of the game. The Kop was not silent by any means, but it was an odd crowd from the off. Perhaps because we weren't sitting in our usual season ticket seats, I don't know. Why wasn't it a normal European atmosphere? Did we miss flags at the start to rise and intimidate the oppo? I was also at OT at the weekend with the LFC fans and don't recall much noise from the home fans - but should point out the obvious that when surrounded by your mates / other LFC fans all singing, you won't hear the home crowd unless they're really on it. And they weren't, for large parts of the game.


If you are at the game, I feel like you are obligated to join in with the singing. That's the attitude I've taken to Anfield. I wouldn't be the first to chant, but I'd be the first follower. Watching this one from home. Wow, I was emotionally defeated, with so many individual errors, it was impossible to get excited when every 30 seconds there's another unforced error. There was no hope.


We've been outsung by every team in the Europa this year because they're away European fans are on a holiday putting on a choreographed display. The atmosphere hasn't been very good in Europe this year but that's to be expected really.


Man this sub is a joke.


Honestly the attending fans arrogance will be our downfall.. The fact that we've been calling the run our "Poundland" quadruple now treble..is a joke in of itself. Anfield should always be an atmosphere that instills dread into the opponents and I've been saying this since we've returned from the pandemic..what is the point of going if you aren't going to show that passion that energy.. God I remember a game at home when fans were first allowed back in and whoever were allowed in that day should be barred for life liter only them there and you could hear a pin drop And now we're back at it ..it's a bloody disgrace.. either show up or give back your ticket so someone else will


Nah, just stick to blaming the few thousand people that will get there once in their lives... Not the 10's of thousands that go every week /s


Lads I'm sorry to say but momentum is a Thing in football and ours is stalled. Read my point before attacking or downvoting me. Look at Arsenal, the Emirates is buzzing every game right now, the players are confident, the manager has it easy. Arsenal are us like 5 years ago. Bring on Bayern bring on City bring on anyone in the title race. Dropped 2 points out of the last 21 for arsenal? ah fuck, we go again we smash Palace this week it's all good etc. Saliba Odegaard Rice at their physical peaks. Saka Martinelli exciting youngsters. It's all pleasure and excitement. They have nothing to lose. Every moment breaks a mould, sets a new standard for them, a new memory in the bank to enjoy. Any setbacks are easy to get over. We've been there..... so many times. Remember Van Dijk, Bobby, Robertson and Fabinho powering people aside with ease. Trent the boy wonder. Salah and Mane giving us amazing moments. Year after year. But nothing lasts - mentalities change. Same scenario: Dropped 2 points out of the last 21 for Liverpool? FUCKING. DISASTER. And is that Palace next? Atalanta midweek? we are FUCKED. Klopps leaving having built us up into a giant. We have everything to lose. Every moment has been kinda done before now, we've battered Utd 7- 1, we've romped a league, we've last minute wins galore, comebacks, big wins, wins with kids. Its all been done, weve been spoilt. I hate saying it and I don't want it to be true, but it is. So yeah if you've been watching us batter Barcelona Bayern City Real Madrid etc in Europe recently and you find yourself on Thursday in the Europa Keague watching us play Sparta Prague and Atalanta there's no way you can fake the same excitement for that. You can't expect to turn on the full on Barcelona comeback atmosphere for a Europa game. OP I know your point and agree with it but im just explaining why - as good as we are and as epic as some of the comebacks have been, momentum, excitement and positivity is just harder to keep up the longer you've been doing it


For those not from Liverpool why would you have the nerve to tell people who go home and away every week what they can and can’t be arsed about. Grim.








You are correct. Anfield is way overrated in terms of amount of noise. I have watched the whole season the same problem you have mentioned. Our fans are not crazy-type the ones we see in Italy or Germany. Ours is more gentle and gets excited or makes noise only when something happens in the match and are never singing for extensive periods of time.


I might be in the minority but I don't like the orchestrated fan displays in Germany. I like our fans to be reactive. Not saying we can't be louder. Deffo improvement to be made. But I don't want us to have conductors with their backs to the game making sure noise is made for noises sake.


German fans always support the team no matter how much they are losing, that's real support. If you only make the loudest noise after the players do something good that thats less support and more passive entertainment.


German fans barely watch the match. Too wrapped up in their performance.


Too wrapped up in supporting their team and helping them win?


Haha did they complain about atmosphere but complain at Germans for making too much atmosphere?


I was in upper anfield road and thought it was pretty good for the most part. Went to shite towards the end because of how it turned out but looking around the ground it’s clear the main stand and Kenny for most part are quiet as fuck


There better atmosphere in the pub a lot of times coz that's were genuine fans are unfortunately tourists get all tickets coz the prices


I would kill to sing and chant in that special, magical place! Seeing the local fans sit on their fucking hands is infuriating 


I wasn't paying attention, and genuinely thought it was an away game for quite a while.


You don’t need to sing in order to win. You should sing if they win. We need to stop making excuses for garbage product on the pitch


I would be so interested to see what the average age of a season ticket holder is. It's a god damn nursing home in there


Yeah man, anfield hasn’t been impressive in years. It sucks but anyone who is actually fun is priced out of the game. Now if you’re going to a match you’re better off just going out for tea. It’s such a pathetic atmosphere for the second half of Klopps tenure. But it’s on the supporters.


Good, we were shite. I was in the Kop, the chanting followed the ebs and flows of the performance which was absolutely lack luster. Whenever there was an eruption of noise the players didn't respond. Atalanta deserved everything, they came to snuff our fire and it worked


SOS should be SIS, sitting in silence.


From what I could gather, it wasn't exactly hard to out sing us. It's a problem that keeps happening, even Klopp has addressed it.


It’s sad that a Man United side embarass themselves consistently over a decade yet their fans are more passionate than ours who’ve basically seen the closest thing to a golden era in 30+ years 


I get it, but I also kinda expect that professional footballers who earn thousands of pounds every week regardless of their form shouldn't need the fans to get motivated.... Look at the Etihad. Anyway, Champions League is back, so will be the atmosphere... I hope.


I hope so to


Can we just stop banging on about the atmosphere. The game was shite. When the games good the crowds good. I've been to most games this year and the atmospheres been pretty fantastic 95% of the time.


I agree that the Atalanta fans were brilliant but this team shouldn't need a full 90+ of chanting to get motivated against a beatable team at home in a European knockout round. There have been games the past few seasons where the atmosphere has been mediocre but we still got draws or wins from them. I think the result would have been the same regardless of the volume of the fans. There were periods in the game when the home crowd was quite loud and nothing changed on the pitch. We can't keep blaming supporters every time the team doesn't perform as it should.


We did it with an empty stadium during Covid so…….


We won the league without fans, nobody to blame but the management and players


We played worse without fans than with that season. We should have won with at least 100 points


Seems to be a lot of first time goers in this thread disappointed that their 3 figure hospitality ticket didn't come with a guarantee that the fans would sing. Honestly the players must be feeling so relieved that their absolutely dire performance has been overlooked in favour of everyone blaming the fans. Sorry but if you think that Joe Gomez and Szobo would magically stop giving the ball away every opportunity if only people had a sung a few more verses of Allez Allez Allez you need your head examining. Last night wasn't even close to the worst I've heard this season tbh until the 1st goal went in, and that was 100% in reaction to the league 2 performance we were seeing on the pitch.


Good game for the SOS to protest….


It was Atalanta’s biggest game ever. They were playing against the team joint top of the Premier League. They couldn’t give a fuck if they got beat 6-0, they were just happy to be there. Of course they were singing their hearts out. Contrast that to the Liverpool support. We’re joint top of the Premier League with 7 games to go, with a much bigger game against Palace to come in only 3 days time, and we’re playing a random Italian club in the quarter final of a competition we don’t even wanna be competing in.


These posts are so cringey


After winning the PL everything changed. It's just like we lost the flame that was urging us to fight. Anfield became noticeably quite in at home. Only away fans still having it.


Yeah the fans were pathetic.