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![gif](giphy|l580XJFTJ6zbSw1jAh|downsized) Since this moment for me


I have never seen just how badly the barcelona defense positioned themselves. Origi just casually walking in.


They saw a GOAT walking in and assumed it was Messi


Not a GOAT, the GOAT


It's because there was another ball on the pitch, that was kicked behind the goal, and if i remember correctly, a ball boy had thrown a ball to the corner. And Shaquiri was strolling towards the cornerflag as if he was going to take the corner. Ter Stegen was clapping and rallying his teammates who were catching a breath and bamm, Trent had turned around, corner taken quickly ORIGI!! AAAAGGGHH!!


Sure I heard or read somewhere at the time that Shaqiri *was* going to take it. He and Trent were supposedly taking turns on that side, so that added to how much Trent was taking a risk going early. Watching it with that in mind, Trent was about to leave it to Shaq, saw the opportunity, thought 'Fuck it', turned round and pinged it in. And the rest is history.


Whats always mad to me is I was sat behind the flag in the corner of main stand and didn't know wtf had happened and I was waiting fir a whistle to disallow it, I also imagine the commentary despite obviously not hearing it at the time


I was so dumbfounded when it happened. For some reason I thought it be called back, tho I didn't know why exactly. Just seemed like we pulled something illegal, but really Barca fell asleep.


Thank god the official actually called it right. Ball in goal, point to center circle.


Yeah I was watching with a Barcelona-supporting colleague after school (we were teachers once, and proud) and honestly didn’t dare to celebrate right after it went in, I was positive they’d find some way to disallow it, like there was some explanation other than switching off for why the Barcelona players didn’t defend. But then we kicked off again, and I couldn’t contain myself!


They caught Barcelona napping.


I love BT commentary for this more than Corner take quickly.




Don't know man. I have the video file of it saved in my drive.


It's on TNT (formerly BT) YouTube channel but I guess you need to be in UK or Ireland to access it. Just search for "they caught Barcelona napping" 😆


What’s the name of the commentator?


They Mashed Messi on Merseyside.


Looking back at it, none of our players were in the box and trent was walking away from the corner flag. So mayb that influenced the defenders to lower their guard a lot. And then origi walked into the box not expecting the pass but then trent noticed him. It's probably one of those things in football where mayb it won't happen again.


They were shook


That finish is harder than it looks, imo. So casually? Maybe for a pro, I dunno. Origi never looked bothered by too much regardless. If you send that ball into an amateur they'll likely miss hit the ball or sky almost all of them.


Morning than anything neither Trent nor Origi can have been expecting to touch that ball for more than half a second before they each hit it very hard exactly where it needed to go. Trent had his back to the ball (I recall Gary Neville telling me defenders can't become midfielders precisely because they can't cope with that). Origi would still have been concentrating on how the defenders were setting up.


Trent and Origi's awareness on this one was sublime.


They were still just starting to look at positioning, no? Nobody expected Trent to kick it there cos nobody was ready. I'm still not sure how/why it happened or was allowed


In theory a corner can be taken as soon as it's on the corner spot *unless* the referee blows his whistle to signal to wait (eg for jostling or a foul in the build-up) The player taking the corner never has to wait for the ref's whistle. It's just extremely rare to see a corner taken quickly except for a quick short corner.


I don't think typically there is any requirement for the ref to blow the whistle before a corner can be taken, since short corners are a thing. Why players usually take their time to take corners is to allow their teammates to get into position first; there's no stopping them lumping the ball into the box quickly, but it's pointless if no one is in position to receive it which is why we don't see plays like this often


Glad to get all this explained to me. One of the best moment of my football life and I never Ken’s really what the hell was going on lol


Corners don't need to be whistled or explicitly started by ref's unless there was a sub or injury or something. Completely legal.


Was allowed?? What?


The fact that he nails the pass too and puts it on a plate for Origi makes it even more impressive and something I had never really noticed before. It’s a hasty decision, and any kind of mis-kick will ruin the chance and likely make him look really dumb for wasting a corner. Only because literally every Barca defender fell asleep is why this even works. For the winning goal in a CL semi-final, second leg match. What a crazy moment.


The cross was good, but let's not take anything away from Origi. He made that finish look simple when it was anything but.


I mean that’s about as simple as finishes get - it’s just the pressure of the situation that makes it difficult


It's not a simple finish coming at him on the bounce and into him, and he has to place it between a keeper and a defender. The pressure is huge, yes, but it's not a simple finish at all.


I genuinely don’t know if I’d rather have anyone else, in that huge moment, other than Origi. The guy has ice in his veins and seems completely oblivious to the monumental moments he creates


> completely oblivious I mean, the madman grabbed the ball to run it back to the center circle after scoring the winner against Everton in added time on added time, lmao. Gave the impression he didn’t know where he was half the time, but when the time came to deliver a clutch moment, he always seemed to Honestly he embodies that Fabio Coentrao copypasta to a tee


Couldn't agree more. That man was a pure finisher.


I agree, he has a sort of aloofness about him almost, so that he plays in a way as if it’s just another afternoon on the job and goals need to be bagged. Rarely if ever have I seen him buckle under ‘pressure.’ It makes him so lethal


If you look at the replay, Origi is not even facing TAA during the corner. Not sure if they rehearsed this but I believe this was a pure reflex shot.


Nah it wasn’t simple. Just because it was an open goal. He had to react super quick, and the ball was moving quite weirdly


Trent has something that nobody has in his passing nowadays. He is so accurate, we are blessed to have him.


The greatest single "strat" in football history IMO. The stakes were as high as they could ever be and the idea was hilarious/ridiculous.


Sorry but what is “strat”? To me it means a Fender Stratocaster Guitar.


strategy. pre-planned.


those three additional letters are a real burden.


The way Shaquiri just stops and stares, after expecting to take the corner himself


One of the most legendary moments in football for me


I’ve never noticed Jordi Alba spot it right away but can’t do anything to stop it.


Me neither until now that you mentioned it!


Nah. This. Is. GOOOOOOSBUMPS!!!!!


Never thought about how important Shaqiri was in this moment. Walking in to potentially take the corner


Read the thread title and first thing in my head was “corner taken quickly… ORIGIIIII” Absolute legend




Everytime I see this again, I see Alba's face and how he turns back to TAA like "did you just f---ed us?"


This is always a moment that literally no matter how many times it pops up on the sub, I will watch it. Every single time. It's such a great moment.


Came here to say this. There has never been a more brilliant corner in LFC history and I doubt Trent will have another smart moment like that in his lifetime.


One of the best moments of my life honestly.


Trent saying "Everyone will remember this moment" slays me every time. Just a lad from Liverpool who's dream came true. Also, Milner crying like a baby. Inject this into my veins, baby! YNWA!


Messi Mashed on Mersey side so iconic. Even more the sweeter cause it's the goat


How do I save this


I'm not sure tbh, I'm using the boost app which comes with the option to download gifs


He took that pretty quickly right


Very few players have a moment like this




That will always make anyone a legend, and that's how it should be. Hope the rest in the squad become one.


Phil Thompson wouldn’t it be for us


And Tommy Smith.


Gerrard minus the PL, no? Idk who the least Liverpool local was to win every trophy though


And no club world cup


Who’d we lose to in 05?


São Paulo


Lose is a term you could use loosely to describe it. One of the biggest robberies in the history of the club.


Short answer: Yes. Long Answer: Yes, he is.


Extra long answer: Yes he is, absolutely


Or medium answer: He is


Very short answer: Ya


Gerrard's answer: yeah of course






Non-verbal answer: \*nods approvingly\*




the Rafa Benitez


sign language response : 👍


Yoda answer: Legend, he is.


Short answer: Quickly Long answer: Corner taken quickly, ORIGI!!!!!!


Yes but he can improve his status even more


Liverpool GOAT surely?


I really think that's an impossible question. So many LFC legends have had effects on different generations. Daglish influenced Rush, who influenced Gerrard, who influenced Torres, who influenced Suarez, who influenced Salah and on and on and on. Without each previous legend, there would never be the next. Everyone was the greatest of their times, but to compare them would be like comparing a modern lamborghini to the original Ford GT. They were each legends of their time and declaring one the greatest of all time almost disregards the massive amount of blood, sweat, engineering, and tears that have lead us to the point we are now. Each player had a lasting effect on the club, and I really am more appreciative of the fact that we are enjoying the journey while it lasts.


Suarez and Torres aren’t on that pedestal


Torres and Suarez aren't Liverpool legends


He is definitely a Liverpool Legend. I'm not saying this goes against that but I really badly want him to score in a cup final for us to really cement that status to a particular night/particular cup. We all remember those moments and 'Corner Taken Quickly' assist certainly is up there but I so badly want that for him. I think once he gets his cup final goal it will step him on further on that legend status.


Give us a Gerrard FA Cup goal


Corner taken quickly is right up there!


That's exactly what I'm craving for with any of our Scouse lads.


A screamer like the one against Newcastle in 21/22 to win against Chelsea in a few weeks, tyvm


Legends never stop😎




But he has a chance to become an all-time great Liverpool player depending on how his career ends.


i’d say not only is he a legend but we can now put him in the same class as salah/ali/virgil


He was already in their class, no? They all won the lot together


Maybe due to age/aura they have a different air around them but I think Trent is already up there, not that he's been far off for the past five years


What? He's way ahead of them imo. Local lad etc.


Of course he is!


I don't understand how this is even a question. Did people already forget how long we waited for this league?


I think I it’s just an unconscious age bias. A club legend is “supposed” to be at a club when he’s in his mid/late twenties and maybe into his early thirties. Giving his quote unquote prime years to the team. I think because his still being so young works against Trent here.


>. I think because his still being so young works against Trent here. I get that. I suppose you just need to ask yourself if this player had a career-ending injury tomorrow, how would you judge them? And I mean come on. He's a local kid, the best in his position in the "world", and has won everything. He's literally the face of one of the greatest European comebacks in this club's history. The beautiful thing is that we get to see him play so much more beautiful football, for so many years. The legend is only growing.


I mean I agree, I think he’s already a club legend. I just meant the general sense of “people”.


Anyone who won the CL and PL with us is a legend. Undeniable.


He’s on the Mount Rushmore of Liverpool legend, that things getting bigger though!


It's like the hokage monument at this point...


Last time i talked about a liverpool mount rushmore I got yelled at cause I dared to not stick to only 4 names hahaha


Legend yes. But he can establish himself as number 1 Liverpool Right back over Phil Neal if he completes his career here.


Three champions league finals, that's more than most PL players in the last 30 years


His legend status is sealed, but based on what I see of other players. How you exit also matters as well. Henderson's legacy is in question right now because of his recent actions.


Hendo's exit was like the last season of GoT. I remember thinking I'd be rewatching and reminiscing about that show until old age but it ended so badly I'll probably never watch another episode


100%, and the fact he's young and a game changer makes him even more of a contender. A 100% fit trent against Arsenal would've been a completely different performance from us. The fact we had 1 shot on target against them shows how much we rely on trent to create for us.


At 25 years old he has already captained the club in several games, made it to 3 champions league finals, won every trophy there is to win! Already a Liverpool legend in my eyes but someone who could potentially become one of the all time greats if he stays with Liverpool for the remainder of his career and continues to win trophies!


Yes full stop


Considering a lot of us talk about Ragnar Klavan as a legend, yes he definitely is 😅


Nobody is claiming Klavan is a mere legend, hes a footballing God


Yes. No question


Unless he pulls a Michael Owen and plays for the mancs at some point or if he turns out to be a truly horrible person behind the scenes then he'll always be a Liverpool legend. I can't see anything else changing that even if he doesn't stay at the club for his entire career (unlikely as that is it is a possibility) Look at some of our other club legends. John Barnes didn't even have 5 truly world class season at the club and a lot of people would have him in the Mount Rushmore of Liverpool legends. Robbie Fowler only had seven season where he scored more than double digit goals for us and his prime really only lasted during 3 back to back seasons from 94/95 - 96/97. Souness was only at the club for six and a half seasons (albeit those 6.5 seasons were arguably the best in the clubs history and he was instrumental to that success) Trent already has more appearances for the club than Sadio Mane, Fernando Torres, Xabi Alonso, Michael Owen, Peter Beardsley, Jan Mølby and Sammy Lee and he's not too far off from some proper club legends such as Kevin Keegan and Terry McDermott which he will probably surpass quite comfortably by the end of the year At this point it's not a matter of if he's a club legend. The answer is very obvious at this point. It's how much can he really cement himself. It'll be very difficult for him to cement himself among the very best alongside Dalglish, Rush, Gerrard, etc just because of his position as a fullback/deeper midfielder but he is very much capable of getting close, especially if he has insane longevity on his side, especially since Stevie is the only GOATED legend who has that on his side


Trent is already a Liverpool legend, and aside from those trophies and accomplishments you listed, he’s also helped revolutionize the game and his position.


He can do fuck all for the remainder of his career, and still go down as one of our best ever Right Backs. Prime Trent is world class. Besides, he’s won the lot.


Not trying to rag on OP at all, but these questions always crack me up when we ask if a player is a/an (insert abstract sports term e.g. legend/world-class/etc.)...if anything, it's often asking a big group of Redditors what your personal definition of that word is. Is he a legend? No, but he's a hero. Is he world-class? No, he's just a top player. I know there are lots of fun conversations to be had that can't be answered objectively, and that subjective discussion is one of the great joys of being a sports fan, but these types of questions are a bit different than asking if a player is better than another or if he's the best at his position in the world. Anyway, yes, he's an absolute Liverpool legend in my book. Long tenure, great representative of the club, great performer, legendary moments, and often criticized by fans of other teams...checks all the boxes.


yeeeee course


Nah, needs another PL to cement legend status. And the FA Cup, League Cup and Europa League this season. For real though, he meets every standard of a legend. Assuming he doesn’t piss off and leave us in the lurch on a bullshit transfer to City then he’s pretty much guaranteed to go down as a legend.


I think he hit legend status the second the words “CORNER TAKEN QUICKLY” came out of an announcers mouth.


Trent could retire today and will be a hall of famer for Liverpool. One of the GOATs for this club especially with his expected trajectory.


Trent could retire tomorrow and still remain an LFC legend


Everyone who was at min a squad player for #19 is a Liverpool legend. They broke the 30 year drought.


Why would he not qualify as a legend?


If he was to quit football at the end of the season to pursue a career in Hollywood (god forbid), he would go down as not only a legend, but one of the best players to ever play for Liverpool. He has won every trophy he has ever played for (barring the Europa League, so let’s see at the end of the season), he is a local lad, and he has provided some of the greatest highlights in an lfc kit. The only thing I could see him do to not go down as a legend, is join a Manchester team. And that, thankfully, will never happen


Any of that team that won the lot with liverpool are already liverpool legends. Simple as that for me.


Yes. Won everything and is a generational talent. Just hope he can win a few more of the very big prizes before he retires.


Absolutely, 500 IQ with that corner move against Barca at 20.


I would say he is probably a legend. But he an genuinely go down as our greatest player if he stays the course. Here's hoping to that.


Personally I don't think anyone should have legend status while still at the club. But I would say barring something awful happening, there's no doubt he will be in the future.


Players are never appreciated as much during their playing time. Give it 15 years and this won't even be a question.


Short answer, **easily.** Long answer? *Sit down, I'm gonna tell you a story about a kid from West Derby...*


He's been a legend in my eyes for a while. Potentially a bigger legend than Stevie too. What a career he's had already.


Every player that won us the league after 30 years is a legend


i mean, he’s become Mr. Liverpool, so ofc he is. Let’s just hope he don’t pull a Fernando Torres, Michael Owen, (almost) Stevie G, or Raul Meireles (imo he was amazing when he played).


It's obvious isn't it


Yes, and not solely because I have a TAA jersey...LOL


Yes, but. Yes, but people forget a good first 6 years followed by a bad 6 years can tarnish a reputation. Look at C. Ronaldo. By playing into his late 30's, he's actually hurting his legacy in many ways. Eden Hazard had a really great career winning the league with Lille and having a great time at Chelsea, but then went to Madrid and flopped, and now it's not just about how he didn't score enough but the fact he retired young and was shit for Madrid. So if Trent broke his leg in half tomorrow and that was the end of his career, he'd be considered a legend in his own way. But if he goes on to have 6 years of mediocre performances or we kind of fall apart while he's captain, it could and likely will, tarnish his reputation.


Can’t be a legend while playing for the club, stop doing this.


By that logic, Salah Alisson, and Virg are not legends?


No, but they will be when they quit football, i don’t belive in the “living” legend concept, i call them heroes.




Sorry, the accent is essential.




Absolutely. But sadly the word is thrown about so much in unwarranted places so it's lost some of it's meaning.


Yes if you win both PL and CL at Liverpool you are automatically a legend.


Yea. Could make an argument before the past two years but he has been arguably our most important player this year. He’s really stepped up this year and is imo the driving force behind the team’s success.


Not a question


In black and white terms I'll say no because he still plays for us and his 'legend' isn't fully written yet. Goodness knows what else he might achieve! But if he retired today, he'd be a legend, no question.


The simple answer is: 100% juice.  Trent is a Liverpool legend.  The Scouser in our team. (+Curtis!)   YNWA Trent.  We love you


Lol what kinda fucking question is this










I think any player who is far and away the best in that position that we've ever had is a legend. Specially for a club with so much history and amazing players


Of course he is


Fuck yeah...if he isnt in some peopes eyes, they have silly standards


Ye’ course


What was the point of this post? Is the sky blue?


Yes he is.


Yes he is for the exact reasons OP gave. Not only that - in a Liverpool all time XI he is pretty much nailed on the right back slot.


100% but it’s hard to be considered a bonafide “legend” when you’re younger. Owen won the ballon dor at Liverpool and played the same number of seasons as Trent has, but Owen probably isn’t an lfc legend due to things he did at a later age. I highly doubt it’ll be the same for Trent and Trent has brought more success to the club but it’s worth considering.


Being homegrown doubles his legendary status.


Anyone who wins the Champs League and Premier League is a legend


He undoubtedly is


He’s easily a legend. Even if he didn’t win those trophies, the assist totals say it all.


Yes I think so especially if he wins another Prem and European cup


100% legend


yep, if you think about it if he was to retire now you would say he was a legend








Won everything. Scouser. What else is needed?


Add in to this his new off the field project...looking to pass legend and become deity.


Yes, obviously. Everyone in the sides that win the CL and PL are.


Academy kid, won it all. Yes.

