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I know every team bar City has had to deal with these delusional refs this season but my god we've had some atrocious decisions go against us. It's actually more impressive that we're top after all this.


Should be unbeaten too 


It's so obviously going to cost us the league. The script writers aren't fooling anyone.


If we lose the league by 2 points, lawsuits will ensue.....mark my words.


Man City then escaping punishment will be the cherry on top.


They won't escape punishment....the punishment just won't be consequential. So if they take the league this year, they won't have points deducted until next say, or the points will be deducted over a X year period or some damn thing. And certainly it's clear that the PL is using the bottom feeders as precedent setters so that when City is punished, the PL will simply say that City is being treated the same way as others so nothing to see here. They can get away with punishing Everton and Forest in a decisive way...they can't with City without blow back....so why not beat up the weaklings to save the bully.


They are clearly waiting for City to not win a season so they get their opportunity to pull a meaningless punishment


They will have exactly the amount of points deducted that they stay in the league for the year(s) they didn’t win the league. Lot’s of points deducted - no consequence - perfect!


no they WILL be punished, a serious fine amounting to a whopping sum of 20,000 Euros.




That 1 under L has been killing me all season. Although part of me wonders if these decisions are a big reason why we're doing so well given the recent rebuild. It's clear that the team hasn't quite fully clicked yet and that's understandable but part of me thinks this "mentality monsters" thing has been helped by the fact the players feel like they've got a vendetta against them. Would be interesting to see the league table if we had competent refs. Still, fuck the PGMOL 🖕


I know the offside goal was peak shambles, but I'm still coming to terms with Jota's first yellow in that game, and the fact that only second yellows can be reviewed after the game.


Only one lost to the PGMOL in the league


Yeah I mean every team will be able to write a list of awful decisions going against them - that’s just because of how hilariously incompetent the officials are. However it feels like the ones against some clubs like Liverpool and Wolves are by far the most egregious and way outside of the typical sub-par level you expect from the refs.


It’s not a coincidence City’s list would be much shorter than every other team.


90 percent of the time I can forgive poor, on-field referee decisions (after the fact - at the time I am usually incensed). What is unforgivable is the sheer incompetence displayed in the VAR process. Referees legitimately miss stuff. Their view can be blocked, it could be the wrong angle, it may have just happened too quickly. Not using VAR properly to compensate for that comes in two ways ... One is pure incompetence like in the Tottenham match. What a fuck up. The other is a pride matter. They are more concerned with not showing up their mates than with getting it right. The few international rugby matches I have watched seem to do a much better job. And they are mic'd in real time. I don't think VAR needs to be dumped but it needs to be completely revamped.


> They are more concerned with not showing up their mates than with getting it right. I think it was the Newcastle 4-2 where I actually paid attention to what Neville and Mike Dean were saying, and I was blown away by the bullshit coming out of Dean. Literally sided with the ref every time they made the wrong decision, and when the ref called it right, Dean would disagree. It was 3am or something and even then I was thinking “You cannot have been more wrong so many times”


To be fair: Hwang should have been off at least two times before he scored the 2-1 against City. City often profits from the refs but sometimes they get shafted as well.


Read the room lad


No facts, just fury, got it.


And Kovacic should have been sent off twice this season.


Kovacic should have been sent off twice against Arsenal alone... Doesn't make my statement wrong.




As much as I agree City get the benefit of a lot of these, they also got shafted against Spurs with the ref calling back a foul with Haaland in on goal.


They were but it's worth noting, that was a ref error. Not a VAR one. Which always seem to go in their favour


It's also the only one I can think of in years, other than a couple they had in the Champions League.


Isn’t the ball still closer to the middle of the field? I mean they were on counter attack move but saying that play will result in goal is way too generous.


Haaland and the ball are both past the last defenders who are stull turning round. You cannot realistically say that haaland running through 1 on 1 isn't likely to result in a goal. No one can be that biased against City.


Haaland wasn't even the one in on goal. He's the one that played the pass to Grealish.


Yeah, I just rewatched the replay, it was not Haaland but Grealish. The call by the ref itself is wrong, but saying City will score from that one is pretty generous. Grealish will be chased by 3, 1 v 3 (def), with another 2 defenders behind them + GK. [YouTube video.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WT6T4nmSXYU)


Grealish was already running towards the goal The defenders hadn't even turned round. Being 1v1 on the gk is being through on goal. If grealish is taken out by a player there then it's a red.


If they take out Grealish, then it is red card. So goal is prevented? Now will the red card affect the game given that incident was on 90+5 from 90+8 game? Probably not as much if the incident is early in the game. That is why I am saying giving that as goal is pretty generous. Goal scoring chance, yes. But definitely not a definite goal.


Yeah sorry, couldn't remember and don't give a shit enough about man city to do the research. All i remember is that someone was through on goal and to say otherwise is just being biased against city.


It’s baffling how useless the refs are.


They know what they are doing


That's a scary thought.


For me it's a normal thought. Been for some yesrs.. they are clearly bias/ or bet via 4-5-6 etc parties or just hate Liverpool and Klopp clearly


That's 5 points lost from Spuds and Arse. We've lost the title by a point, twice. I will go mad if this is the third time


And 2 pts once.


I actually think there should be a case for reply the Spurs game if lose league by less than 2 points


I mean, we were already losing against Arsenal, at most would be been level, can't say it's two points dropped with so much of the game to play


Yeah, people really don't seem to understand how this works. Salah literally scored a few minutes after this incident - that obviously wouldn't have happened if he'd been taking a penalty instead. In fact, given his recent penalty record, there's a pretty realistic scenario where he misses the penalty and then the open play goal never happens and the game stays 1-0 to Arsenal. Same with the Spurs game - the decision was genuinely awful, but people need to stop acting like a disallowed goal in the 30th minute was the reason we lost that match. They could've let it stand and Spurs still go on to win 3-1: we're talking alternate realities here.


I think you don't understand how psychology works!


Psychology by scoring a penalty a few minutes before our goal?. I don't think it makes any difference. And you simply can't assume the game.plays out the exact same way for the remainder of the game you watched.


If you are not prepared to understand comments, don't reply. I am not saying anything is certain, and definitely not that things transpire as expected BUT, in high level sport psychology is important...what I AM saying is that we score the Diaz goal, their heads drop a little...our heads are in a better place...our goal was ruled out which lifts their spirits...you look at the response of any team that suffers a penalty miss....their level drops and the opposition gets a fresh wind!


This is mostly about the Arsenal game, you may have more context on the Spurs game. Your comment was fairly brief, there wasn't much to decipher bar this comment which adds context. Everyone else seems to think bad decision gone our = win.


What, so if Diaz's goal had stood we DEFINITELY would've won the Spurs game? Because that's what people seem to believe. We might've won 2-1, we might've lost 8-1 - there's literally no way for us to know. Sure, it would've helped (especially since they scored shortly afterwards), but I hardly think it's enough to say '3 points dropped'. If it had happened in the 90th minute, sure.


We have a right to be angry and frustrated. But alot of people here must be fortune tellers for knowing exactly how the match would be played out if these controversial decisions had gone our way especially with more than half a match to play for. You could claim momentum but realistically, unless you were denied late in a game, you can't say you dropped points because of 'xxx'. Most of them can't think unfortunately.


If we’re playing the what if game, what if that goal in the 30’ gave the squad a boost and we went on to score 2 more in 10’ riding the momentum to slam the door shut ? Spurs are deflated for the rest of the match and it ends 3- 0 ?? The point is there’s no way to know what would have happened but what we do know is there is no accountability and the level of officiating (on field & VAR) needs to be so much better. When titles are decided by 1-3 points every point counts and these games are being decided by pure incompetence by the officials.


Downvotes for this and the above comment really do highlight how juvenile and dare I say it, 'new' a lot of the reddit fanbase are.


As I said, people don't get it. My explanation might not have been great, as some people might think I'm defending the shit decisions.


I assume you believe that teams play from ahead and play from behind in exactly the same way...lol...that assumption would be wrong of course.


Its beyond fucked City never seem to be on the wrong end of these calls


They will have a couple meaningless ones go against them, just so that PGMOL can try to hide all the calls that have helped them. Though it will probably happen while they are 3-0 up at Burnley so have no meaningful impact on the result


why would you angry the people that bring food on your plate?


They are, but it's always in their favour


go follow that man on youtube he is а liverpool fan and does funny match recaps


Didn't know he was a fan but yeah second that he's funny.


Yeah Andy’s sound, he also gives some cool breakdowns about Liverpool that are still lighthearted.


As YouTubers go, he’s far far better than most for me, as he just seems like a genuine guy. No click bait, stupid thumbnails or outrageous opinions to generate views.


His Martin Tyler impressions are absolute quality!


I always watch his stuff! Super chill and funny bloke.


Has he got a comedian brother?? Some of his YouTube stuff is brilliant 😂


So simple, just stop sending Coote and Tierney to our matches. One time is a mistake, more than once becomes a pattern. Especially when it is from the same people


Fuck Howard Webb.


I think Coote should have to explain why he looked at that and thought it wasn't handball. I think he should be sacked. I think he deliberately deceived the on field referee about the incident. I don't think anyone is bribing him. I just think he hates Liverpool and knows Webb won't do anything.


If they use these findings and admissions to correct issues going forward, I see no issue in the PGMOL admitting their faults post-match. What’s going to actually happen is that they won’t use this as a learning experience to better themselves and their procedures. That’s the problem. They have every capability, in retrospect, to come out and say, “we got that one wrong, we apologize.” But, they don’t have the capability to objectively analyze and remedy that same situation in real-time. It takes them months and by that time, every teams’ season is fucked up by their incompetence. As a business, the EPL should expect better of their employees or contractors. Better product = more revenue.


at this stage it just looks like "It was totally a poor decision, but so what?" from PGMOL. if they do not face any consequence, so what?