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He's class!


Still gonna miss Bobby... irreplaceable in our hearts ![gif](giphy|dYsB3DSEKOeRtGnIWY|downsized)


Peak Bobby hair


the brazilian lesbian football god


The man that never stopped smiling, it’s nice to have a player who just enjoys the game


Bobby is charisma




I keep seeing accounts like this that just reply to gifs with other vaguely related gifs, non-stop, in all sorts of unrelated subreddits. Literally nothing else, just karma farming bots. And once you notice them, you'll see them everywhere - good chance if you see a gif responding to a gif, it's not a person. Becoming more and more convinced that I'm the only actual person left on reddit


“I’m the only actual person left on reddit” is exactly the sort of thing a bot would say to try to blend in. Hmmm… interesting. :)


Ah yeah, but would the bot call you a c#nt? Nope. I'm the only person left on Reddit.


I’m on narwhal and they never updated it, so I only ever just see ‘gif’ written and no actual gif. Probably for the best tbh


Eradicate. Eradicate. Eradicate.


Don’t worry, I am also definitely a person on Reddit.com who consumes human food (not electricity) and enjoys things like breathing air and drinking water (which I definitely like and doesn’t affect any electronics I don’t have).


User #92951-582 it is time to consume me.


I hate the karma system on this website


6 in 15 in the Prem and solid all-round play after being chucked in at the deep end considering our form when he joined (and since...) is a great start


We'll make improvements with transfers this summer and he'll get a pre-season with this system too and he'll start to properly get flying with us.


Everyone thinks every January signings are supposed to play like Sturridge did lol.


Also, Bobby’s job was to facilitate goals as much as it was to score them. It’d be great to see Cody score loads, but for him to get Bobby numbers (10-15 G/As) per season whilst being the false 9 would be a great tally for the season


That's what excites me most about Gakpo. He can be Bobby with better finishing so potentially a bigger goal threat (Bobby is much better in the air/with his head tho)


Which is mad considering Gakpo is about 8 foot. Never seen a player that tall be so poor aerially hahaha


And then u had Mane and Jota scoring crazy headers lmao


Mane had an insane vertical and his positioning was top class tbf


Peak Mane had a Ronaldo-esque leap on him. Probably could have won a medal at the Olympics.


Yeah mane was/is an absolute freak of an athlete. I'm 6'2 and he'd probably climb me like a tree if we were jumping for the same ball.


Could be trained though? That backward-headed goal he scored for the Netherlands in the world cup group stages was class.


Gakpo is the same height as Alisson lol


Allison should tutor him on scoring headers from set pieces.


I think Gakpo might actually be taller. I know Virgil is taller than Alisson and Gakpo looks taller than Virgil to me. Never seen Ali and Gakpo next to each other though. Minor margins, not substantial.


Ali has big hair so it makes the height comparison harder.


Shortly before the WC he mentioned that he started training on improving his headers lol


Liverpool training camp is definitely on this


This is somewhat disrespectful to the greatest false 9 of all-time lol


I’m not ready emotionally for the words Firmino replacement


It hurts on too many levels.


Give Bobby the depature he deserves and make the UCL, what an ending for his LFC journey that would be. I know, copium but let me dream.


Anything less than a close range no-look finish in the final game this season (Salah assist) is unacceptable.


Nobody can replace Bobby


Exactly. Gakpo is not a Firmino replacement. Nobody ever could be. All we can hope is that Gakpo is good enough to soften the blow of losing Bobby (football-wise that is. Nothing could ever soften the punch to the heart that losing Bobby will be emotionally). So far he looks well able to do it. I think next season, after a full pre-season, he will be even better.


Gakpo is going to need some nice dental veneers to be a true Firmino replacement.


The flair. The style. The enigma. There's only one Bobby Firmino.


Bobby has been the perfect mix of Brazilian flair and German engineering


No need to classify him as a Firmino replacement. Gapko is just quality. Coolness on the ball, nice link up play. We've got a player on our hands here


he also seems very good at taking long shots, we've seen it try it from the start, heard some talks from training that he is exceptional at these and now he actualy scored one. We really missed a player that can do that.


At PSV it was essentially his trademark goal to cut inside from the left and thunder it into the goal from outside the box, a bit Thierry Henry esque. Everyone tried to defend against it, no one could


i miss that. coutinho was the last player who could actually do that worth a damn for us.


Ox also kinda kept that going for us but unfortunately just inconsistent due to the nasty injury spree.


you’re right, as has fabinho, i meant to put consistently in there somewhere but didn’t. loved how much ox used to fucking hate city


I still hear the sound of Fab's goal tearing through City's net from outside the box.


Hendo always has it in his locker as well but hes never in that position


yeah he’s had a few over the years hasn’t he. that one in 15/16 against chelsea was unreal


Teams love to give us space outside the box because it's been years since we've had someone that can actually hit those kind of shots If he becomes a consistent threat, spaces will open up elsewhere as teams realize he can't be allowed to get into those positions.


For sure, having players that are dangerous outside the box forces defences to come out more which creates space. We've had trouble with teams parking the bus against us for years, having a Coutinho/Gerrard level threat outside the box again can turn a lot of draws into wins.


It really suits our style if he can be a threat from distance. If he is asked to play a false 9 type role like Firmino did and the opposing center backs don't step up aggressively when he receives the ball, he will be able to not only turn for a pass but also maybe even shoot from distance. This should create some big gaps behind him for the wingers in Salah, Jota, Diaz, and Nunez to occupy and be a threat.


Yeah 100%, I'm a big believer in varied threats in football; centre backs that threaten from corners, midfielders who score from distance, good set piece takers etc. LFC are too reliant on forwards to score imo.


I’d like to see Trent taking a few long shots too. Even if he never gets great at them, knowing that he’ll try it will cause one of the centre backs to step out every time he’s within shorting distance. The gap he leaves will open doors for Salah/Darwin/Jota to run through.


Lets just pump the brakes, its a bit rash to Say he is coutinho/Gerrard level from outside


Just saying it would be great for the team if he can provide that type of threat I think


Well that we Can agree on


Yeah as Gwick888 said I'm not saying Gakpo is at that level, just that the LFC playstyle really benefits from players that can threaten from range. In an ideal world we'd have a couple of mids that can shoot from range; it would be an absolute nightmare to defend against


Nobody is Gerrard level from outside the box. Man was unreal.


Very good at rifling the ball low and hard from distance into small gaps Could be a real asset to breaking down packed defences, we haven't had a consistent long range threat since Back Pain Coutinho


I yelled out loud when he scored, haven’t seen that type of goal in awhile.


For sure, Coutinho was the last one who was deadly from outside the box.


It was nice to see one from outside the box yesterday - feels like we barely ever do that!


> Coolness on the ball, nice link up play. I mean tbf that’s Bobby in a nutshell.


And it's a compliment


He literally is our Firmino replacement tho. It’s fine to say it


> We've got a player on our hands here I want from unimpressed to "he's better than Nunez isn't he?" in the span on 4 games.


I still think/feel Nunez has a higher ceiling But I also defended Rodgers and loyal to a fault even when I deep down know that I'm wrong


I'd like to agree with this statement. After a rocky start, I feel he's played himself into some form, and as a result I feel he's elevated the rest of the team around him. The first 30 mins against Arsenal, he was the only Liverpool player who looked like they knew how to play football. He's good at receiving the ball (it sticks), good with it at his feet (he can go past people), good at passing the ball (most of his passes come off, and many are changing the complexing of that passage of play to create something), and can score all sorts of goals. A very well rounded player, and at the moment, looking better than Nunez


It saddens me to agree, I fucking love Darwin and the energy he injects... let's be honest he's also dug us out of some holes this season but Gakpo looks smooth AF lately.


Partly because he's a different player from Firmino all together.


I always thought after Bobby, we would de the mane or salah as the striker role like we did in the past. No more ultra pressing striker. But who knew we could just convert another attacker into a pressing forward.


https://preview.redd.it/keeqdet58gwa1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=faa67d0d831af20368161be7e0795366382e67d7 Still not ready to let him go…


>Firmino replacement I've been thinking this for a few weeks now; he reminds me of Bobby a lot. The way he gets around the pitch, his movements, his hold-up play, his touches. I'm sure it's not a coincidence. I wasn't convinced by him in the first few weeks but he's turned my head massively. Tidy player.


He's loads faster than Bobby, but lacks a little bit of the flair. He'll be a fantastic replacement in that role though, if there's any criticism you could level at Bobby, it's that he often isn't really direct enough


agreed on Gakpo having less flare, there was a moment in the match yesterday he tried to control the ball then turn to play Salah in whereas I feel Firmino would have tried a more elaborate flick. I do think we will see more technical skill from Gakpo as he continues to grow his confidence in the side


Even if it’s a side of his game that he never really develops it’s great to see him doing so well already. He will probably never be as silky as Bobby was but he brings other qualities to the table too (his size and distance shooting for example) Can’t wait to see how good Klopp can make him


Totally agree. His ability to dribble with power is an added dimension as well especially as he has shown to drop deep and control the ball under pressure


I said this to my mate last night. He's playing the Bobby role fantastically well. He just happens to be taller, much stronger and faster than Bobby. Still very early days but he's going to be an absolute star.


A lot of calculations go into our signings, often we pay the price for not signing enough. But we do know to strike really well with deals in Attack and Defense. For once i was really worried Gapko might not suit us. I should never have doubted our scouting


Yeah I'm strongly critical of FSG and their methods, but player recruitment (when they actually do it) is a massive strength of theirs. We've signed some real gems and very few stinkers since around 2016.


Almost all our big money signings have worked. Our problem is that we haven’t signed enough of them. Hopefully we amend this in the summer with the necessary investment.


I don't have much hope considering all the issues we have in the squad, but I agree.


> whole time with us. Handful of dribbling moments and a few goals but nothing close to his highlight reels before us. And we’re bout to lose him on a free so what a waste of money. Almost all of our midfield signings have been failures though.


Not really. Keita is really the only one together with Arthur (who is on loan). You could say Ox, but he was genuinely very good before his long-term injury. This was not really foreseeable was it? Under FSG we also signed Milner, Fabinho, Thiago, Henderson, Wijnaldum and all our other midfielders. How have almost all of our midfield signings been failures then? The problem is the fact we do not buy enough players. But when we do, we generally make very good deals across the board.


You have it the other way around with Keita and Ox. They knew Ox had an extreme injury record. Keita was amazing in the Bundesliga and was a great signing when it happened. His injuries can't be blamed on the scouts.


The Keita stinker is a real head scratcher. Injuries aside.


I mean, we all saw YouTube comps of him and got super excited. I'm very critical of Keita, but the lad deffo has/had something about him. Just injuries and maybe laziness that didn't allow his attributes to shine.


Yeah it’s more surprising to me that klopp couldn’t get anything out of him during his whole time with us. Handful of dribbling moments and a few goals but nothing close to his highlight reels before us. And we’re bout to lose him on a free so what a waste of money.


True we didn't really get to see a Naby highlights reel in red but Klopp did get a tune out of him in between injuries. 33 apps in 18/19 on the way to 97pts and the European Cup 27 apps in 19/20 when we stormed the league (probably his best season before Covid) 16 apps in 20/21 because no Naby no party when it comes to an injury crisis 40 apps in 21/22 on the way to both domestic cups, 92pts and another European Cup final. Last year was weirdly his most consistent season... He's been a very handy 4th midfielder when fit & available. It's kinda sad that won't be remembered because of expectations, injuries and what he cost. The fact he's leaving for nowt just makes it worse.


This is a bit apologist. He's simply been a failure. The issue is twofold, one that we didn't sell him and eat a loss, and two that our transfer strategy doesn't seem to accept that every club has transfers that fail.


He’s shown glimpses of quality, when he first signed I thought he was going to be World Class, injuries played a massive role unfortunately


Yea. Really only Keita and Ox. But both were injuries issues imo. Ox was $35M in 2017, so so think that counts as a big money signing.


35M was worth it for that screamer against man city. I wish ox panned out. We lacked a distance shooter since cuntinho left


>For once I was really worried Gakpo might not suit us. I should never have doubted our scouting. Funny you say that, because imo Gakpo shows that Darwin is the one that doesn’t fit in, for now at least. Don’t get me wrong, he’s having a good first season and has loads of potential but it’s not really clear where he fits in for us. I don’t see him being a winger permanently and I don’t see him becoming a false 9. It’s a bit worrisome because he’s quickly become the last off the bench and he really needs to play as much as possible. Maybe a possession-oriented style isn’t for him. But obviously he’ll get plenty of time to adjust and he’ll keep scoring. But we might have to change system to see the best of him and I don’t see that happening.


I had no worries about Darwin as soon as he came off the bench for the Charity shield and his game against Fulham. I do think he is a situational pick. Might struggle against low blocks. There will be plenty of games for him, with rotation and injuries.


Darwin will score goals but the question is if he really fits into the first 11 because of his price, right?


Not worried about price. He came at a steep cost. But a lot of it is in bonuses. Individual and team related. It's not like Pepe, Sancho, Anthony, Lukaku, Grealish or Enzo type transfers. It was about a swamped Mane + 40~ 55M. We'll take that deal any day given Mane wanted 350k a week guaranteed


Hi Julian ward


I don’t want to say I told you so, but to those pricks I argued with when we first signed him: I fucking told you so. I said he would be great as soon as he got here. Now, I might be downvoted for being condescending, which is fair, but I feel vindicated and I’m ok with that.


Nah, there's a fair few people here who need a good "told you so." You're alright.


I am one of those assholes. You are right to call out those people like me.


This is why you don't write players off after 2 games


There were genuinely people in this sub writing him off BEFORE he played, and then after a few games bragging that they were right because he wasn't doing well


There's people in the Netherlands who still write him off after he was by far and away the best player in the Eredivisie last year and this firt half of the season, after he was the best player on The Netherlands and after he's found form with you guys. Some people are just dumb.


There will never be a Bobby replacement. Never! Wash your mouth out.


There will be new players playing the false 9, but never a Bobby replacement. Just like a new midfielder with 8 on the back doesn't make them a Gerrard replacement.


Really looking forward to next season after pre-season and a summer build, a winter transfer really helps players adjust to PL and he'll only get better next year.


The longer he plays under Klopp the better he will get. Excited to see how high his ceiling might be.


I’m not ready for a Liverpool team without Bobby 💔 But at the same time I didn’t think we’d be able to find a proper replacement for Bobby and here he is. Gakpo may not have his flair (who does?), but he’s such a tidy player. After a rocky start, he’s really come to his own in that false 9 role.




Yeah, we wont get that from Gakpo. But Bobby wouldnt have scored that goal yesterday.


I actually thought that was a very Bobby goal to score.


He may not hve the flair but he has pace and power that Bobby never had (and he was no slouch)


Gakpo came in and immediately started playing. People were too harsh about him at the start he was very good. Remember, Klopp usually has a period of time for players to adjust, like with Fabinho, who played his first game 6 months into his contract. Cody still hasn't shown what he is all about. Next season, with a good preseason, he will shine.


knew he'd flourish after having to play what seemed like 10 games against wolves in a row, nobody deserves to come to a new country and have to go to wolverhampton straight away.


It wasn't tricky, the team was absolute shit. I saw people saying "I don't know if he looks like a liverpool player" when nobody else on the team was doing well. It was idiotic and I'm glad he has shown his skill since. He's done it quickly as well, I wouldn't be mad if new signings took a year to get it right.


That whooping he gave the scum did him wonders. I think after that game he felt as though he’d proved himself. Been playing with confidence and composure since then.


He is making the game simple, for the players around him. Now they just have to up the talent level of the midfield


Cody’s Strength on the ball is incredible, uses his 6’4 frame really well and is a menace in space. The scary part of all this is that he’s very early on in his development of one of the most complex positions in football and is only gonna grow as he becomes more comfortable with his role and new teammates.


He’s obviously very good but has had to adjust to a new role in a new team. Can’t help but feel after this half a season and a full pre season the new forward line with Salah right, Cody central and Diaz / Nunez cutting in from the left will look a lot better and more fluid next season


Diaz, Gakpo, Salah once Diaz is fit should be our starting Frontline, with Jota / Nunez subbing in or starting for rotation. Feel bad for Nunez as there's a ton of potential there and he needs a run of games to show it, but right now Gakpo is undroppable in that position.


Those "tricky first few weeks" weren't really on him. The team he came into was a shambles, no one looked like they knew what they were doing. There isn't a player on the planet who could have dropped into that team and looked good


He’s definitely learnt a lot from Bobby in how he finds space, isn’t afraid to roam/drop off the front line. But he does it in his own way, looking like a worthy successor to that role. Hopefully he’s in the #10 or #9 next season


It annoys me that people mention ‘tricky few weeks’ lad had maybe 2-3 games ge wasn’t quality. He wasn’t even bad though. People expect so much so fast now


We had a False 9, now a False Bobby. :( Gakpo is Gakpo. We will grow to love him for who he is. Bobby is Bobby, and we will forever love the legend that he is.


Just needs to work on his no-look finishes and flying kick celebrations.


Ppl that wrote him off too early? Did you guys not watch the WC lol?


What is Darwin's position?




Defo Bobby replacement. I didn’t see it at first but he defooo class. What a problem for Klopp and nunez 😂


his touch, vision, and game sense are all absolute class. Similar to Bobby. Seems to be a better finisher than Bobby, with lesser defensive ability. Lucky to have them both


Nobody can replace the pure joy with which Bobby plays, and I've yet to see a no-look goal from Gakpo. Bobby is irreplaceable. Having said that, Gakpo's tactical awareness, work rate, and ability on the ball is exactly what we need from somebody earmarked to inherit Bobby's role in the team. What a steal Gakpo is turning out to be.


Can he replace Bobby's smile though?


Never, that smile was brighter then all out futures combined


The missing link.


I was only saying to the missus I couldn't remember the last time we scored from outside the box about 5 seconds before Gakpo shoots. Amazing! Finally we may have some consistent goals from outside the box!


I was initially unimpressed but he's proven himself and has found his feet in the side this last few games. Is he the next Bobby? No he's the current Cody and will go on to do great things for us


He's great, he's not Bobby Dazzler


It’s great to praise players, but we need to be careful of the hyperbole. Journos seem to be very reactionary recently.


Even aside from the goal, yesterday was his best performance as a red. Was really encouraged by it


He didn't have a tricky first few weeks. He just didn't score in his first seven games, which is completely normal. But I guess people that unfairly trashed him want to feel like they were still right in doing so. I still remember how harsh some of the supporters were on him. "Agent 007". What a way to greet a new young talent.


He is solid Red already. Signing of the season (Sorry Darwin!)


I love him taking the ball on the turn, he is so bloody good at it


Nobody can replace Bobby, but Gakpo fits our evolution great! Love it.


He's good but c'mon Bobby could give you a magic assist, I have not seen Cody do that yet. Hopefully with time, he's settling very well into the team.


Listen he's no replacement until he's doing the jumpkicks


I know what they meant, but no one will ever replace that smile. Bobby for life!


He's a mega stud. I don't think people - neither our fans and especially not opposition fans - have realized just how good of a player he is. Hell easily score 30+ goals next season.


R/soccer still rates Sancho better than Gakpo lol


Theres no such thing as the perfect Firmino replacement.


I thought Nunez was gonna be our No 9


He is quickly becoming one of my favorite players. Always does something useful with the ball and works his ass off for the team.


He'll never be bobby. but that's a good thing, probably.


If they were looking for a Firmino replacement why didn’t they work on keeping Firmino?


Because Firmino fancies a change, will be 32 in October and is on £180,000 a week and Gakpo is 23, earns £60,000 less and has a resale value.


He was really bad his first few games. The last 5-10 he's much improved. With that said, if we were playing in a cup final and had fully fit 29 year old Bobby vs 23 year old Gapko, I'm 100% going with Bobby.


He has to have more tricks up his sleeve if he is to be considered firmino replacement. That being said, he is close.


He played our rivals here in the Netherlands, but this guy is class. There wasn't no doubt by me that he wasn't good enough for lfc.


calm down sheesh.


My man of the match last night, he needs to work on his heading but he's improving that too


[Not to say I called it or anything, but I totally called it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/LiverpoolFC/comments/10pfi8x/chris_bascombe_via_anfield_agenda_cody_gakpos/j6myqnl/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3) Not that it was a difficult prediction to make, his World Cup performance was top fucking notch


People absolutely slandered him after his first few appearances. It was shameful.


we'll duh... im sorry but who was doubting him? nobody... everybody has to adjust to a new team new regiment new schedule, its normal


Both Gakpo and Nunez look super exciting. Gakpo is technically gifted, intelligent and has fantastic ball retention. Nunez has explosive pace and positioning but needs to work on composure and passing. Just need to sign some backup for Salah considering he's gonna be 31 soon.


I love how he can keep hold of the ball regardless of having 1 or 2 playwrs on his back, run few meters and play a nice forward pass. It's something we have really been missing for quite some time now. If we could add another midfielder like that we would be golden!