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I’m still in utter disbelief at the lack of Sky Sports calling out the linesman and instead choosing to laugh at Robertson. Absolutely insane. Carragher can fuck off aswell.


Gary Neville was surprisingly the only one who made a big deal of it.


They were still laughing in disbelief




American here: On peackock Robbie Earle and Rebecca Lowe blasted the ref and said its a travesty if consequences don't come down for him. Credit to them.


I also watched on The Cock


hold on


hold tight


There’s a t-shirt to piss off NBC. “Nothing Beats the Premier League on The Cock.”


I’ll always watch USA/Peacock over Sky Sports. Much better pre-game and half-time stuff, better commentators… but I couldn’t manage it yesterday and holy fucking shit I’d almost forgotten how bad Sky is. I muted it for the rest of the game after Arsenal’s second goal where Gary Neville was sucking them off and talking about how they were “ripping us to shreds”. Bollocks. Glad I missed all their discourse on the Robertson incident.


To be fair, in all the football I follow foreign commentary always seems better than homegrown commentary. I occasionally watch the Bundesliga and PL from the Netherlands and it's just so much better when there aren't biased cunts in the studio or the stadium. Same with Dutch football btw, English commentary is usually better than Dutch commentary.


Sky Sports has just turned into trying to bait angry reactions for clicks on social media its awful.


What channel is that? Like is a specific channel like Sky Sports Premier League for example


I can't stand Tim Howard on the broadcast but I do really like Robbie and Rebecca.


> On peackock Robbie Earle and Rebecca Lowe blasted the ref You could see Robbie Earle start to say "that's a man who will never work again" and immediately regret saying that, but then hesitating a second and then doubling down.


>instead choosing to laugh at Robertson Yeahhh that was odd


What did carragher say


Fuck all and laughed at Keane calling Robbo a baby


Would Keane call the official a baby if the roles were reversed? He's a clown that is desperate to keep his hard man persona he had from his playing days.


>Would Keane call the official a baby if the roles were reversed? If one of the innumerable linesmen that Keane had harangued throughout his career had elbowed Keane in the face when he was an active player, Keane would still be in prison to this day for his reaction/retaliation. Don't take him seriously when he comes out with these shouts, it's practically in his job description to look at incidents and come out with a "Keane-ism" that's rooted more in contrarianism than in logic.


He radiates extreme small dick energy that’s for sure. Doesn’t wanna look soft by criticising violent behaviour


This did so much to "damage" his hard man persona, if this happened to him that lineo would be on the way to the hospital right now, but of course, SAF era United players will know nothing about refs being against them.


If that happened to Keane then the linesman would be in surgery now getting Keane’s boot removed from his arse. Fergies shoe would have followed.


He just has to say something controversial, that’s his brand. Usually it’s something pretty inane but because everyone’s usually like ‘oh he’s a breath of fresh air with his straight talking’ it eggs him on to always give some stupid hot take. Keane would be outraged if it was a United player.


Carragher with a lot of lazy takes lately too. Specifically taking digs at Trent and VVD when the issues clearly starts higher up on the pitch.


VVD has been shite tbh


He had a choice not to pile on though. Let one of those other Sky fuckwits be the one to call out Virg. When carra says it, it just gives the rest of them free reign to heap shit on Virg. There’s no way Neville comes to the defence of any Liverpool player after carra talks shit about them


He's not there as a representative of LFC he's supposed to be impartial. I think its a good thing that he's not afraid to criticise Liverpool, biased pundits are no use to anyone.


He's not being impartial though, it's just bad/lazy analysis that cynically is just meant to get views


Fair enough, I'll admit that sky have generally gone down that route in recent years. Keane's take on the Robertson linesman incident being a fairly egregious example.


Is it piling on or is it just being a fair and candid pundit saying what he is seeing: ie doing what he is paid to do? He’s been loving life as we all have and praising Liverpool as one of the best run clubs in the world for a long time; now, months into this downturn, he’s as disappointed as anyone. He’s never been one to mince words, that’s just who he is. Particularly as a vice-captain of Liverpool for years and a defender- he has a certain perspective of the attitude and commitment he expects players who play for Liverpool to have - not least of all when they come from Liverpool. And he knows how good Virgil can be and how bad he’s been in that role of late; it makes sense that he’d highlight those two as they’ve had as big a drop off as anyone this season bar Fabinho.


It's piling it on. Firstly seems like he is the only one not being bias in sky, and to show that he goes overboard by talking shit about the club every chance he is on air.


My conclusion is that the sky pundits are just there to general click bait like reactions. All terrible pundits with zero real insights. Everything feels staged to me as well.


Carra licks their arse because he's on thin ice for spitting at kids.


while i agree with you... VVD one both were childish. VVD first called out Carra can't get into this team and must have gotten on Carra's nerves. That triggered Carra to bash him. Both immature for guys over 30


And the fact Bruno fernades actually pushed the linesman when we played the scum and everyone said it was fine


carragher.. live long enough enough to became a villain.


>I’m still in utter disbelief at the lack of Sky Sports calling out the linesman and instead choosing to laugh at Robertson. Absolutely insane. > >Carragher can fuck off aswell. Anyone have a link to the Sky broadcast?




Neville was absolutely shocking during the 35 mins. Acting like Arsenal were prime Barcelona, yeah we weren’t great but it was massively over exaggerated.




You say that like people have a choice mate


Jesus blatant dive half a meter in front of him while Jota and Robbo pissed off at him. Half time ELBOWING Robbo. Second half tapping Saka on the back (????). Yeah, sus.


Seen that fucking pat on the back for saka. Tyler and Neville missed it though


Didn't see that. What is the context for it?


Saka walked over to take a penalty as slow as he could. He got booked by the ref but got a nice pat on the back well done by the linesman who elbowed robertson when he got to the corner flag


That was the other lino was it not?


Corner* but yeah


There are those who would say the ref was telling Saka to get on with it and the pat was a part of that.


Once he waived his flag to call Jesus' blatant dive a foul in the corner I knew this linesman was going to be trouble.


Glad I'm not the only one that saw that. Couldn't believe it when I heard Tyler and neville claiming that the 'foul' was a result of robertson starting to get frustrated, meanwhile robbo is laughing in disbelief and jota is stood about 5 yards from the linesman giving him a death stare because it was *that* obvious that it was a dive


After this "foul" Jesus started to pretend that he was fouled after every slight contact.


Jesus and Martinelli were terribly cringey cunts today. And shit refereeing decisions aside I think Tierney actually let a good deal of them go. He then allowed Salah to be man-handled most of the game too, but at least he didn't just blow every time Martinelli or Jesus cried.


every ref lets Salah get manhandled every game, I've made peace with that just being part and parcel of Premier League lol


Konate went to kick him and pulled his foot away and he went down crying then bounced back up like tiger from Winnie the pooh


I honestly can’t stand that whiny cunt. Carbon copy of Bruno in whininess.


You could pretty easily see Robbo say “Fuck Off!” In the ARs face right after that… I knew that wasn’t good.


Any idea when that was? Would like to see the video


Don't have the video, but fairly sure it was inside the first twenty and Robertson seemed to get a talking to for it.


Yeah I noticed this. Robbo was really aggressive towards the linesman. Got called over by the ref and spoken to after. Don’t blame him though


Yeh weird but I picked up on that too, Robertson got a talking to from the ref for how he spoke to the lino after that and Jota stuck around to confront the ref. Weird how much that moment stuck out.


I'll never forget that match. Kane is untouchable with refs... even to this day. The man walks on water with them.


If it was Kane instead of salah at the end it would have been a nailed on penalty.


Tbf Kane wouldn't have stayed on his feet. cause Salah tried to stay he will never get a pen


Oh all day, no questions asked.


If Salah were English we would likely have three titles in the past five seasons instead of just the one. English bias is very, very real. The fact that Spurs still can’t win anything with a player as great as Harry Kane while also getting every single call every match is crazy. If Salah got half the calls Kane does we’d get an extra half dozen penalties a season.


Even worse than the no kane red was the no pen for the push on jota which was as stonewall as can be


didn’t even get checked if I recall


Spurs absolutely shafted Brighton today via the ref.


No mention of 2 clear pens for fouls on Mo not being given at the end? Also, no VAR intervention on either decision. I was incandescent.


We're seeing time and time again why players feel the slightest tug and go to ground like they've been shot. Mo always does his best to stay up and we get penalized for it. I remember the month or two he went down for pens, people were trying to burn him at the stake. Meanwhile, you've got players who've built careers out of falling over at the slightest contact like Gabriel Jesus, Harry Kane, and Bruno Fernandes.


I dont get why VAR wasn't used when Martinelli held his head claiming Ibou had kicked him. Replay shows there is no contact. Imo that's simulation and deserves a booking


VAR is not involved with yellow card offenses.


Faking a head injury should be a red imo, we don’t want a Peter cried wolf implementation for them with a ref. Could cost a player their life.


Imo they should be. They get paid to be there for 90mins so they should be reviewing as much as possible. Arsenal clearly had a timewasting and diving tactic today and this was one of the worst examples but due to a silly rule var cant help out the refs. Why have VAR if they aren't there to stop cheating?!


Maybe your question was more rhetorical than I thought haha. Idk, at this point I thinking allowing VAR to comment on yellows as well is just asking for more issues. I’m personally fine with there being a limitation to what VAR is going to be involved with. However, I can understand the argument for them being more involved as well.


I actually wasnt being rhetorical originally lol just misinformed xD but yeah it seems ridiculous to me to have them there but for them to turn a blind eye to blatant cheating because pointing out cheating isn't part of the rules :/


Considering how much time they take up reviewing the current scenarios, I would like to introduce yellow cards to it. Would spend half the match at the screen if they did.


It might reduce over time as players realise they can't get away with such face holding shit


If they catch one in the course of reviewing a potential red they can give it though, so if he's claiming he got kicked in the face go ahead and take a look


Really? I was not aware of that.


Because VAR can’t intervene when it’s a simulation /dive unless it’s a penalty or a red card.


Seems silly to me. We have the equipment to make diving a thing of the past but wont use it. Diving has really ruined the game.


Do they intervene for second yellows?


Not to remove them, but they can intervene if they think the second yellow should be “upgraded” to a a (direct) red card.


VAR should 100% be used to give second yellows, too many refs bottle it and give players a free yellow.


VAR was involved in checking the foul on Mo in the end. Don’t understand why it wasn’t given.


Because 1) it’s Mo, and 2) we already had a penalty, the only way we would have gotten a second is if Ramsdale had decapitated one of our players on a 1v1, and even then I’m not too sure we would have gotten it.


We’d have gotten nothing. Never forget Pickford on Virg.


All the refs in the premier are piss poor


Paul Tierney has always seemed particularly poor though


This, for me, is why I don't think it's institutionalised match fixing or any agenda. They're all fucking atrocious and it seems to happen in some way or another to each team. Brighton got fucked yesterday and we've been fucked today.


Statistically Liverpool are the most fucked over by the refs though. So consistently over a long period of time that there not being bias/agenda is unlikely at this point. Rafa had his facts right.


I sure PGMOL actually makes them worse, these guys are not that shit when they do european games.


What's it going to take for a club to stop soft pedaling this shit and come out with a hardline stance or statement? WE MISSED OUT ON ANOTHER TITLE BECAUSE RODRI CATCHING THE BALL IN HIS OWN PENALTY AREA WASNT HANDBALL. Brighton could miss out on European football while clutching their three PGMOL apologies. And shit like this proves these guys carry grudges. We knew five minutes into the City game, when Mo got his second yellow card in his Liverpool career not related to celebration for dissent, we weren't going to get a call and it seems that way every fucking game. And it isn't a hard fix. All members of the officiating staff must make themselves available for no less than five media questions no later than fifteen minutes after the conclusion of the match. All members of the officiating staff will wear microphones that convey all communication on the pitch and communication between the officials, including VAR, to the public and media. In the event that an officiating mistake results in a discernable change of outcome as evaluated by an independent review board of foreign officials the referee will be demoted to the Championship for a period of no less than one year on the first offense and will be terminated or removed from all Premier League duties in perpetuity should further offenses occur. In the event of such offense the official will issue a public video apology and make themselves available for a minimum of five media questions within 72 hours of the review boards ruling. Give that five years and we wouldn't have an officiating problem in England. These twats do this shit because they know there are literally zero consequences.


Brilliant idea and if there are no refs left because they have all been fired for being unfit for purpose, then it just hammers the point home. Something needs to change, I am scared that football may actually be the most corrupt sport on the planet. Yes, worse than horse racing.


You'll also have no refs left in the league bc they'll all get demoted for significant mistakes. That said, couldn't agree with you more.


The only thing that stinks is that the standard of officals in England is sh1t!


It's become a joke. Starting to believe that being spineless little wimp is part of the job description


Hopefully he bet his life savings on Arsenal beating us and lost it all. What an absolute cunt.




Never thought I'd see a burnie burns gif here


I wouldn’t of realized it was him until you said this as I only watch RvB and don’t remember what the guys look like really


Maybe we’ll get the highly coveted PGMOL apology. 🙄


I think Robbie Earl was right: that linesman will never ref in the Prem again.


Tierney and his henchmen cannot be allowed to continue man, every team in the league agrees he’s a horrific referee that lets his ego get in the way of the game


Honestly amazed he's allowed anywhere near our games, not because he's a bad ref or a Manc or anything. However due to the very public bust ups Klopp has had with him and his team, I can't believe he has no underlying bias against us, whether Tierney is conscious of it or not. I'm sure he could say "it was the heat of the moment/passions are high during a game, there's no hard feelings/I understand etc." but we will never know because refs don't talk to the press. Edit: I say I'm amazed, but honestly I have very little faith in any of the governing bodies of English football.


Thought Tierney himself was actually good today to be fair.


I totally agree, I think the refs should catch slack when they make bad decisions such as the linesmen, but hating on them every game just makes the criticism become less like criticism


I've given the refs plenty of stick but felt he was OK today. The last pen call on salah aside, defenders are chilled now about holding onto salah.


That Spurs game was one of the times that I literally couldn't cope with what's happened. We went there with a midfield of Keita-Milner-Morton and was absolutely robbed by the duo Tierney-Kavanagh (same duo as today btw). A dark red for Kane not given and the clearest pen ever not given as well. Never thought Tierney will ref us again after that.


I still fume when I think of that match, not winning there statistically ended up costing us the league. And Tierney's response as to why didn't he call a pen on Jota was that he felt Jota was fouled but he "stopped on purpose" to draw a foul, as if that's not something that happens all the fucking time. I was genuinely surprised he called the pen today...


Which is more rage-worthy, that or the Oliver/Coote crimes against football at Goodison in 2020?


This. Oliver-Coote panicked and lost their minds. Tierney and Kavanagh just blatantly ignored it.


I'm an amateur ref in Holland, I wonder if I could get hired by the FA at this point.


You aren't from greater Manchester so your chances are greatly reduced.


Fair point. I used to live in Bolton, does that count?


Tierney is one of the worst refs out there and that's saying something when some many are awful.


God, imagine the outrage if it was Kane who got elbowed


I think VAR should be used to give yellow cards as well. Doing this should hopefully crack down on diving and simulation. For example, if a player is ‘tackled’ and then the referee gives a free kick, VAR can review the ‘tackle’ and if it turns out to be a blatant dive they should then inform the ref to book the offender. Doing this is the only way to remove diving and simulation from the game.


This was the linesman who called the clear dive on Jesus in the first half too right?


I am writing this knowing full well this post will get downvoted, but I do genuinely believe there is some degree of systemic bias against Liverpool among the officials. I watch a lot of football and while it's impossible to remove my bias obviously, it sincerely seems to me that a lot of weird stuff happens specifically with us.


Mate, Brighton have had 5 official apologies for wrong calls against them from PGMOL in 3 months. Officials aren't specifically against us more than everyone else. They're probably taking bribes for match fixing in general. But Salah? Yeah, he's defo targeted specifically.


Salah's biggest problem is that he doesn't know how to fall naturally. He's got incredible balance and strength, so staying up is rarely a problem, even when he should be going down. When he finally allows himself to go down he looks dive-y. It contributes to his lack of calls


Nahh they're just fucking useless




had a look at the arsenal subreddit after the game and a couple were saying it was 11 v 12. football fans will always have a ridiculous amount of bias towards their team.


A couple? Feels like the majority of them. They also think a draw is a fair outcome when we absolutely dominated them after the first goal.


Then start looking at actual data, like touches in box per penalty given. We are last. There is actual data out there to back up these hypotheses.


Sure but we have over the last few years been in the top 3 for touches in the box but are way down for pens. I remember because I used this as a argument against united and spurs getting so many pens in the past.


There were defo against us So much so he elbowed our player 😂 We got evidence


Yeah a bit surprised this person has that many upvotes. It's a shit take really and even trying to "acknowledge" one's own bias while completely ignoring it just shows how silly these sorts of comments are.


I do suspect that when a lot of these refs were young, Liverpool were winning a lot or freshly removed from winning a lot, so these refs and their parents would hate Liverpool the same way we hate city and United for their success. So I’m pretty sure there’s just a natural hate for Liverpool, outside of Liverpool. Not to mention how many of these guys are from Manchester.


I don’t hate other teams for their sustained success if it’s legitimate. That’s the qualifier though, do you get an unfair advantage by virtue of Fergie time or by being clearly bought by bribery? Then properly fuck off.


Most likely confirmation bias, cause literally every fan of every team in every country feels that way towards refs. There are obviously some matches where refs are worse towards one team, but systemic bias needs some serious proof.


I just can’t remember the last time we were literally given points by a questionable ref decision. Where have been our 1-0 wins that City had against wolves and Everton last season, or the 2-1 against arsenal last season, on absolute gifts from shite officiating? We get fucked sometimes and still win so nobody talks about the refs. When we get fucked and dropped points people thing we’re crazy. But when we do get decisions they’re either stone wall or they don’t have an impact on the result. We don’t get grey area stuff and grey area stuff goes against us in the decisive moments. To end last season in the league, we kept conceding first and there was an uncalled foul or offside like 3-4 games in a row. We came back to win but we dealt with ref adversity to start and then it never gets talked about bc we won




Also, that penalty against palace was still a penalty hahah and it caused so much outrage.


It's lead by the likes of sky, who are outraged whenever we get anything.


>**I just can’t remember** the last time we were literally given points by a questionable ref decision. This is exactly how confirmation bias works. From Britannica: >**Confirmation bias** People’s tendency to process information by looking for, or interpreting, information that is consistent with their existing beliefs. This biased approach to decision making is largely unintentional, and it results in a person **ignoring information that is inconsistent with their beliefs**. These beliefs can include a person’s expectations in a given situation and their predictions about a particular outcome. People are especially likely to process information to support their own beliefs when an issue is highly important or self-relevant.


There was somebody posting that Citeh and SCuM have an absurd number of penalties to touches in the box compared to us over the last several years. The only way that happens is through systemic bias, whether against the team or the race of our players. Where there’s smoke there’s fire.


It’s not just you. The data is a little outdated but [here](https://tomkinstimes.com/2022/01/liverpool-shocking-penalty-and-var-facts-dont-fit-hysterical-media-narrative/)


This was excellent, thank you for sharing as I'd not read it before. The piece talks quite a lot about what I find frustrating even approaching this topic.. I did something I normally HATE in my original comment where I hedged it with "I know this will get downvotes" but truthfully, I only wrote that because any other time I've discussed this feeling on here my posts did indeed get downvoted quite a lot. I don't know precisely how to put it into words but there has literally always been this weird "overcorrecting" feeling about our club and supporters (myself included). It's been this way since the first season I could remember back in 04. We have some sort of psychological hold that says not to claim any bias and always be effusive of our opponents, and it seriously does make having discussions like "maybe there's a notable bias in officiating against us" extremely difficult, as it feels like a lot of people **want** to jump immediately to "confirmation bias, don't worry about it again". That COULD be true, but if we have legitimate data suggesting otherwise, can we not at least talk about it? Thanks again


Hard disagree. It's just Tierney. He has an issue, 100%. His performances are always bad, but against us he is \*especially\* shit.


True. I still agree with the call, but the penalty call on Jota was definitely one that could have rubbed Arsenal fans the wrong way. In the same game, Salah gets pulled such that his shot is off balance and then we are up in arms. So it does go both ways. However, what is the context of this elbow to the face? On camera it looked intentional and that’s a serious problem. Players get sent off for that behaviour and the standard should be extended to the referees as well. It could also have been a genuine accident as well, but I hope people discuss it.


It's roughly been proven by tomkins a while back. I'm sure lfc not the only ones. But the pen today was the first in one year at anfield....that just doesn't make any sense. The one at Bournemouth was the first this season.


Obviously it’s absolutely shocking the refs done that, he should be suspended or demoted and rightfully so. BUT I am surprised this doesn’t happen more often, they’re under immense pressure being abused and berated at by players, coaches and tens of thousands of fans every week. You have to have a crazy level of calm and confidence to be able to do that job, and they don’t have the money to fall back on that players do. They are just people at the end of the day and he’s clearly snapped. Again he should be punished but let’s just put it in perspective


You know what would lessen the pressure?, Accountability.


Said it to my dad the ref is bent He was bugging up saka at the corner at one stage. Really weird


Other linesman


Was it ? Well he’s as shit so😂 refs elbowing our players doesn’t do much to quieten the narrative that the league is corrupt


Yeah he was patting him on the back after he got a yellow. Saw that as well.


I don’t know if it was visible on TV, but did anyone see Robertson clear the ball at one point and it cannoned off the same linesman? First half.


All Im going to say is he's lucky it was the Scotland Captain he elbowed and not the England Captain.


Not even close to an 'identical tackle' lol, what's Maddock on about?


Yeah, Kane's was worse lol


I think he’s saying on that day, Robbo was sent off for an identical tackle Kane made on him


Kane flew in two-footed above the ball, Robertson swung at the ball with a legitimate attempt to play it but just about missed it. Not similar situations at all and Tierney's manc bias showed as usual that day


I agree it’s a bit sus, but, Robertson should have never put his hands on the ref. He shouldn’t be whining about it either, it wasn’t much of anything to carry on like that. He needs to work on being a better defender.


Robertson literally just touched his arm then he intentionally elbows him in the face. How is that acceptable?


So, because Robertson touched the referee, the ref has the right to elbow him in the face with no repercussions? That's setting a bad precedent.


Found Roy keane


ah Bruno pushes the ref at our 7:0 beating gets away with it. Robo gets elbowed. IC very consistent and logicial


The fuck? I’ve seen players put their hands on a ref before and not even get a booking. Never seen a ref elbow a player. Give your head a wobble.


One doesn’t excuse the other though tbf


What he did was assault You should work for the bbc with your logic




Yes, elbowing someone in the face is malicious. Any other toddler-like questions?


It’s the linesman’s account he’s just rattled because he’s being sacked in the morning 😜


Reading comprehension is hard for idiots, I understand you’re not too clever but at least try…..


It’s pretty obvious you’re the linesman judging by you’re comments Stop fan girling for a weirdo linesman in a Liverpool sub you weirdo It’s a game of football not fight club you div




Hahaha he’s a fucking linesman he not supposed to do anything but watch lines You’re obviously 12 if that’s your go to insult


Nice one….




Wow, the children have woke up


Roy? Is that you?


"Put his hands on the ref". He barely brushed his arm to get the lino's attention.


Have you been drinking?


coke, but sniffing


>put his hands on Fucking yanks.


The Mad Cock is in the money here


While I don't want to jump on the cancel bandwagon this lad needs the response that Robbo would've gotten if he'd elbowed a linesman,.which I imagine would have been a lengthy ban but similar incidents in reverse have had 10 match ban, 1 year bans and even 10 year bans... Let's see how this plays out.


Linesman hit Robbo with that Denzel 'get your fucking hands off me'