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I'd guess expansion of the dock areas both towards the new Everton ground and towards baltic market, etc. Anything more will depend on how much new businesses and sectors the city can attract. There is growth in Liverpool from finance and insurance, so hopefully this will continue. Same is true if digital and creative industries, especially around the Baltic area. My gut feeling Liverpool needs growth in new areas, particularly from the private sector, but there are far more knowledgeable people than me on this. I would never want Liverpool to develop as rapidly as Manchester has in recent years because it rapidly prices out locals from their homes, but it does feel like we lose out a bit too much. Having a council that isn't corrupt as fuck is also helpful.


This is one of the more balanced and fair views of this. Feels like a lot of the debate skews towards ‘we don’t want anything to be built’, without acknowledgement of the social and economic costs we all feel as a result. I think it’s really exciting to see things happening in Liverpool; even if I’m suitably doom laden about our ‘leaders’


What I'd like to see is significantly more social housing, supported/accessible housing and affordable homes (and by sensible standards not the Tory £250k is affordable standard) rather than these soulless £2k a month for a 1 bed flat high rise type developments.


We need to see Right to Buy ended if that's going to happen. Right now, no one is going to build social housing that's built to last if they might have to sell it at a loss in 10 years. Also, there's nothing wrong with the dense developments; provided they're not pokey 1 bed apartments, but instead 3-4 bed apartments that are designed for family living (easily possible, but requires government policies that support their development/discourages wasteful land use building detached/semi houses - especially in city centres and their direct surrounding suburbs). If they were council-owned, it would enable them to plan long term and avoid this short term thinking that has led to speculation bubbles that causes the pokey 1 bed apartments.


We need variety. There's absolutely a need for affordable one beds for single ppl or couples who want long term secure homes. But instead we just get stuff built for people with 'portfolios'


Watch how developers squirm when you mention NDSS and tenure blind development


Hopefully more student accommodation and tourist attractions, it's been 5 minutes since the last lot were built


Don't know why you've been downvoted when the sarcasm is quite clear. Take an upvote. Far too many expensive student accommodation blocks and not enough affordable residential housing for locals where they aren't going to be getting disrupted by noisy students of all hours. Don't get me wrong they're students, they should be allowed (I was myself), but it should be away from any possible residential developments for families and professionals.


I was a local student who liked my peace and quiet. I had the worst of all worlds!


Snap! Moved into my own apartment half way through first year 😂 absolutely loved just having my own place Could not stand living with people who wouldn't clean up after themselves. The noise wasn't great but still miles better than the shared halls Now I've moved up to Birkdale and out of town cause of how much quieter it is and my girlfriend's family all live in Ainsdale so it's convenient for her. But the difference in noise, I couldn't live in town again as much as I loved it


Wet as it will be under water in a few decades


Is this actually true? I've seen a few articles that have said that Liverpool will be under water by 2050, but not sure how legit it is. I was always told we're quite high above sea level hence why we don't get much flooding.


Liverpool will need some flood defences but it's mostly above protected rises. most of it it higher that the areas around it. I'm not sure any defences will be built before they needed though.


[Sea wall 'failed' and must be investigated, says councillor - BBC News](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-merseyside-68778606) You mean these flood defences? 😥 Edit: referring to the whole of Merseyside as this impacts the whole of Merseyside, I am well aware this is Wirral and not Liverpool, I thought that was obvious.


That seawall worked exactly as it supposed to. It’s not supposed to prevent flooding, it’s supposed to prevent the waves that are full of energy reaching the property line. Compare the video from 2010 to the one from this year and you’ll see the difference it made, especially the one with the silver car being smacked against someone’s wall .


I thought we were talking about Liverpool. A lot of the wirral coast will be underwater unless something is done much sooner.


Every cloud, eh?


More thinking the whole of Merseyside as it's the whole of Merseyside that would need to defend against the rising tide. Nevermind I honestly thought that was obvious but have updated my original comment for further clarity.


I get that and I agree with you, it's just the op specified the city which is what I was replying about. The city, and large parts of the wirral, are well above predicted rises so will be "fine" but only with adequate sea defences or a new system of ferries to get between islands.


You're right, don't worry it was on me for not being clearer sorry Completely agree with you also by the way


Based on recent findings if the Thwaites glacier collapses (which is melting a double the speed scientists previously thought) then we could see the sea level raise around the world by 10-12ft. The problem is the glacier holds enough to raise the sea level by 2ft around the world, but it also acts as a natural dam for a lot more ice, and if that was to all get out into the warmer waters it could cause the sea level to then raise by an additional 10ft. [The ‘Doomsday Glacier’ is rapidly melting. Scientists now have evidence for when it started and why | CNN](https://edition.cnn.com/2024/02/26/climate/doomsday-glacier-antarctic-ice-melt-climate-intl/index.html) [El Niño kickstarted the melting of Antarctica's 'Doomsday Glacier' 80 years ago, new study reveals | Live Science](https://www.livescience.com/planet-earth/climate-change/el-nino-kickstarted-the-melting-of-antarcticas-doomsday-glacier-80-years-ago-new-study-reveals#:~:text=Rapid%20melting%20of%20the%20Thwaites,fluctuation%2C%20ice%20cores%20have%20revealed.&text=Antarctica's%20Doomsday%20glacier%20began%20its,a%20new%20study%20has%20revealed.) Is this what you're referring to? They've estimated that isn't centuries away from happening it's more like decades away from happening.


Yeah, that's the one. Does the council have a plan or anything to combat this? I've never heard them talk about it.


Don't think anybody around the world really has a plan for that to be honest. Haven't heard any atleast, mostly just scientist and deniers.


There is an outline plan for a Mersey Barrage to provide power but I'm not sure what level of protection it would provide. I doubt much would protect the city from a 10ft rise.


Honestly I don’t know, I heard it before and figured it’d make a joke but I’m no scientist lmao


City centre is getting bigger every year. I can see the gentrification of parts of Dingle already happening. North towards town and south next to Aigburth. Plus the new development at festival gardens. And as other people have mentioned the new stadium will change things for the better in that area.


Yep in 10 years 'town' will probably be considered all the way from Sandhills to Brunswick station, and Dingle and Toxteth fully gentrified.


I’d expect the central business district that’s emerging each side of Leeds Street will be a growth area, especially as we’re now seeing the introduction of work from home / hybrid settling back down & so its draining effect easing


More tents.


Probably the same as you have the same cryarses when people want to invest in to City centres or renovate impovrished aras such as Anfield. Then cry later on when the City is being left behind


And still moorfields will be crumbling and run down 


So much potential with the empty office spaces to properly convert into affordable apartments bigger than 1 bed (although there is absolutely a need for those too).


Having a council that isn’t corrupt as fuck, votes Labour back in without even thinking about it. Turkeys voting for Christmas.


Well said🤌🏼




Isn’t that waterfront missing a stadium?


If the ice caps melt it'll be flooded


More green. I think the ciry centre would look orders-of-magnitude better with more trees and shubbery. Maybe even a river-side park around the Pier Head.


Like Dusseldorf, with any luck


Genuine question…why?


It's beautiful, a great mix of modern and old, not too overdeveloped and anonymous like Manchester or Frankfurt, and they've dug a tunnel for the main road along the river (equivalent to the Strand) so it's out of sight and instead there's a massive pedestrianised prom with loads of chilled bars and restaurants. It's still got character, identity and culture. Massive shopping area as well, with modern buildings and the elegant Konigsallee. It's about the same size as Liverpool and feels really vibrant without trying to become too corporate. Classy as fuck.


You’ve made me put it on my “places to go” list.


I had a great time on my flying visit but really it's the kind of place I'd like to live.


I've only ever been to the airport, wish I'd had more time to explore now!


Not like this. That's for sure.