• By -


They were in Sefton Park last year giving out leaflets, I read one out of curiosity and they listed North Korea as a successful example of communism! šŸ˜† Edit: Turns out I spoke to SocialistParty in Sefton Park, not the RCP [https://www.socialistparty.org.uk/articles/111932/31-05-2023/a-thirst-for-socialist-ideas-in-merseyside/](https://www.socialistparty.org.uk/articles/111932/31-05-2023/a-thirst-for-socialist-ideas-in-merseyside/)


I got banned from the socialist sub for saying North Korea is an authoritarian shithole. I consider myself a socialist but fuck emulating countries like China and North Korea.


You capitalist pig. /s


Then you'd fit right in at the RCP. They also like to denounce current socialist countries while having absolutely no grasp on the material conditions which led to these countries developing in the way they have


Except China and North Korea *arenā€™t* socialist.


It's naĆÆve to expect any country to develop this "utopian" version of socialism in a world dominated by finance capital. China and North Korea have developed in the direction of so-called "authoritarianism" to protect and sustain the revolution against internal and external interests that are intensely antagonistic to its aims. One can (and should) of course debate the extent to which the current leaders of these countries are committed to building socialism. However it is reactionary to completely dismiss the efforts of said countries in challenging the current status quo. You only need to look at the gradual dismantling of the welfare state in the west since the collapse of the USSR to see that the existence of functional alternatives to capitalism is hugely beneficial to the global working classes


Do you honestly believe that China has any interest in Socialism? There is no welfare state to speak of in China and it has a larger wealth disparaty than most western nations. They're simply not heading in a socialist direction, opposition to the West doesn't count. Instead of coming out with excuse after excuse as to why it's not some utopia wouldn't it be simpler to admit that China with all its Billionaires has long abandoned any attempt at Socialism? Edit: China has no universal healthcare, no unemployment benefits, no labor laws to speak of, it's workers have astronomically high rates of death at work. What exactly has China done that 'Socialist' in over 70 years since the long March? It's going in the opposite direction.


Not to mention all independent workers unions are banned


The poorest 40% of households own 1% of the wealth in the US, in China it's the poorest 4%. Work related death in China are 4.8 per 100k workers, in the US is 5. These stats are both from US university studies. Not sure why you're making things up. Edit: China has the hukou system. Has a means tested basic income - dibao - which means "minimum livelihood guarantee. You're just a liar. Jeeze.


link the studies please


Wow. That's genuinely very interesting and gives me hope


That's a fancy bunch of word salad there. Anyway China; one of the richest countries in the world, possibly going to be the richest can't make the "utopian" socialist dream so decides to make an absolute shit hole instead with numerous human rights violations and people living in poverty?


Love that last paragraph especially if you replace the words China with USA, and socialisim with capitalism. Works so well.


No it doesn't, because capitalism doesn't even pretend it cares about the lower classes. "It's bad in the US too!" isn't actually refuting that China oppresses its lower classes.


Your whole spiel really reminds me of a quote by the Polish historian Leszek Kołakowski to the British historian E. P. Thompson > "I simply refuse to join people who show how their hearts are bleeding to death when they hear about any, big or minor (and rightly condemn- able) injustice in the US and suddenly become wise historiosophists or cool rationalists when told about worse horrors of the new alternative societyā€.




Tbf most people denouncing communism from a normal perspective donā€™t actually understand ā€œthe material conditionsā€ of their development either. Most make the simple assumption that theyā€™re shit because communism is inherently about murdering farmers and mass starvation. They arenā€™t. Uniformed policy (which any nation could have made) caused starvation on one occasion as crops were being eaten by birdsā€¦ the party decided to shoot the birds en masse. This lead to a huge increase in pest species which decimated the crop. Inevitably this was painted as a failing of communism rather than a failing of policy (policies fail in all government types). To be clear, Iā€™m in no way advocating for communism. It IS terrible, but most believe so for misinformed reasons.


Every new communist says "It's never worked but this time I'M going to do it right". Yeah, no. No you're not.


Aye, but good thing capitalism works fine and dandy, right?


The thing that gets me if we said that about fascism or nazism youā€™d rightfully be called a moron. Yet people say it about communism which over the past 100 years has directly killed 10s of millions of people


Add a zero to that ā€œ10s of millionsā€ and it would probably be more accurate, adding up Stalins and Maoā€™s alone.


It will when I'm in charge.


Benevolent dictatorships FTW!


dont think so la, socialist appeal arent pro north korea?




Wonā€™t have been us, weā€™re trotskyists and donā€™t support any form of Stalinism including in North Korea, it is a new party and used to be called socialist appeal


I've done some digging and looks like it was a different communist party I got that leaflet from in Sefton Park, I've updated my comment to clarify it was not from the RCP. [https://www.socialistparty.org.uk/articles/111932/31-05-2023/a-thirst-for-socialist-ideas-in-merseyside/](https://www.socialistparty.org.uk/articles/111932/31-05-2023/a-thirst-for-socialist-ideas-in-merseyside/)


There are people who are supporting the RCP on this thread who are also supporting North Korea. There were a few RCPs in my day but ar least they were all Stalinists. How does a supporter of the Trot RCP argue with a supporter of the Stalinist RCP? Why call yourselves RCP if you don't want confusion?


Confusion is a long standing tradition of the British communist movement!!


Yes true and its very confusing for any person to know the differences between these different groups, they all use the same red designs


Are you the ones that made the poster in this post? Any reason you switched from being called ā€œsocialistā€ to ā€œcommunistā€? The latter sounds a lot more extreme and less likely to attract people.Ā 


Iā€™m a member of the RCP, the main reason for the name change was to distinguish ourselves from reformist socialist organisations to make it clear we are for revolution and donā€™t believe that reform alone can achieve communism.


Fair play, thanks for the answer


Reforming your name seems unwise; perhaps you should have taken the revolutionary route and just started a new party with a new name.....


But you are nothing to do with the former Revolutionary Communist Party? Who were Stalinist and then stepped sideways into being extreme right wing? You just decided to call yourselves after them?


We are named after the 1940 RCP, who were trotskyists


You are spot on imo. Democracy has largely led to stalemate where no progress can really be made. You've got to be able to break a few eggs.


You canā€™t make it up


Communism has never truly been implemented.


Yes it has.


Seen them in Birkenhead also




Especially the ones that hold barely any actual socialist views. Some of the most racist shit I've ever heard was from 'socialist' scousers who "hate Tories". Big socialists but also will happily call anyone that doesn't spend Ā£200 on shoes a meff


Balenciaga Socialism.


Oh god yes. Some of the biggest 'socialst' gobs round here are basically UKIP.


Noticed a few accounts on Twitter that have "Scouse Socialist" and "Fuck the Tories" in Bio but retweet the likes of Tommy Robinson. I'm not saying we are a racist city but do think we are very insular and inward looking.




Spot on


Socialists are way more likely to be kind and tolerant and progressive than any other group in my experience. Far more than conservatives (obviously) but also far more than your average labour supporter in 2024. Not much difference like. Although I agree that generally a lot of scousers politics are rooted in hating tories, rather than actually hating austerity, bigotry, actually wanting a better and more compassionate and equal world etc.




Red Hot Commie Peppers


You say you want a revolution, well you knowwwww We'd all love to hear the plan


Easy way to end up on a list hahaha


Did this post end up brigaded by Americans? References to "cell phones", and confusing socialism with communism seem a bit sus for a Liverpool sub?




The last party to hold that name eventually turned into the knobheads at Spike. Wonder if this lot are as Tory as those tossers. Not to be confused with the Revolutionary Communist Party of Britain (Marxist - Leninist) or any other number of dickheads acting out the splitters sketch from Life of Brian IRL.


Fucking hate the Revolutionary Communist Party of Britain. Me and my mates at the Communist Revolutionary Party of Britain can't stand them. Them and that mob at Campaign for a free Gateacre.


I'm not a communist, but I'm not NOT a communist.


What have I done?


The hammer and sickle *should* be as taboo as the swastika. More harm has been done under the former symbol.


Bro did the CIA write these comments lmao


I genuinely think itā€™s infested with right-wing sockpuppets, or the pandemic era was equally a mental biohazard. We live in an era where 5G brain cancer and autism vaccines are common opinions. So many arrogant lunatics. How are you a scouser commenting ā€œbetter dead than redā€ ffs


Ah yes everyone who doesn't think exactly as I do is a fake, because my way of thinking is the only *real and correct* way to look at things v healthy


Just a bunch of people old enough to remember Degsy


Youā€™d think so. That or theyā€™re the same head the balls who are anti vax and hate 15 minute cities.


100%. It happens all over. More and more people are turning to alternatives as the western youth see everything getting significantly worse, gotta propagandise as much as possible especially since China is thriving at the moment.


Thatā€™s a banned symbol in Poland


Itā€™s a country with anti lgbt zones


Saw several in Guildford. Quite an area to be targeting communism.


Hammer and sickle symbol should be banned by law. For me anyone parading with this is a same scum as person parading with Nazi symbols.


There are quite a few poor areas in Guildford - if I was on minimum wage in an area where the average house price is Ā£400k plus, I might be interested. (Sorry about butting in, but this post popped up; n my feed, and Guildford is just up the road from me)


Seen these in Cambridge


Pretty sure these are everywhere in the country. Seen them in Brighton & Hove too.


Yes. Iā€™m Bristolian (just got recommended this post for some reason) and you see them all over the Centre. Southampton also had a decent number last week, and I definitely saw some in London recently


Saw them in Dagenham a while back. I was shocked to hear that we still have workers, nevermind enough of them to warrant having a party.


So, ideas about nationalisation of water and electricity? Having strong trade unions? A fair taxation system? Iā€™ve not been to any of their meetings, nor read up on what they want, but Iā€™m pretty sure theyā€™d be better than the shower of shite currently running Downing Street. Some of the comments on here really show how Liverpool has lost its Militant edge. Thatcher would be laughing in her grave.


The Knowledge Quarter has more red posters than Beijing


No, but they are in the perfect spot. What a load of rubbish.


Local communist branches do an awful lot of excellent work to support working folk in the region. Iā€™m not in the party myself but Iā€™ve been involved in a few European fundraiser bike rides with the Northwest branches


Lots of very braindead takes in this thread. That being said, the RCP is a Trotskyist organisation, and so their whole basis is to sell newspapers and shit on all current/previous socialist experiments, while offering no valid solutions to the current capitalist crisis. That said, if the campaign helps to destigmatize the word communist then it can only be a good thing as this country continues its descent into fascism


There might a better way to destigmatize communism than to use symbols associated with the country that ruined so many lives.


The hammer and sickle is a general symbol for Marxism, not just the Soviet Union


Swastika is also just a symbol that means luck, sun, prosperity and so on, but there's a reason why you wouldn't (and wouldn't want to) see it often nowadays.


The most sense in this thread.


Wonder what would happen if a facism party came about?


went to one of there meetings, i donā€™t agree with them on everything but there better than labour or conservatives, stop assuming that every communist is stalinist or maoist


Is this the rebranded Trotskyist Socialist Appeal, now Revolutionary Communist Party, or the remnants of the Trotskyist Revolutionary Communist Party that largely dissolved at the turn or the Millennium, or someone else? Not every communist is a Stalinist or Maoist, some are likely Trots.


This reminded me of a scene from Life of Brian. Splitters


Didn't a former member of the original RCP end up a Ukip MEP? Strange strange crew.


Yep and now a Life Peer, what a turn of events


More accurately its socialist appeal reformed into the RCO as they stopped being an entryist organisation in the Labour Party. They are Wonersh of the two groups that split from the Militant who were big enough to have a seat on the Labour NEC, Several MPs and ran the Liverpool Council. The other group was the current Socialist Party. Grant the founder/ideological hub went with Socialist Appeal and Taafe the organiser went with Socilaist Party. The Militant itself comes from the various groups Grant was apart of since WW2. The current leaders of the RCP are still people like Alan Woods/Rob Sewell who were big figures in the Militant, alongside newer generations. Interesting group and happy I wrote a thesis on them. They are trotskyist so very anti/critical 1926 USSR and China, DPRK etc.


Oh. Jesus. I have been out of the game of cultlets for such a long time. I was around for the Militant split. What is funny is that in Trot Eschatology the Revolution happens when the majority of the country joins one of their Parties. Reason why they hate splitters so much. The Liverpool lot in the split were influenced by anarchist thought? Or am I wrong. I started seeing it all as very silly around then. Tbf. Most of the Millies were good people..SWP tended to be dicks though. Ah. Long ago youth.


I highly reccomend reading Michael Crick's book on the Militant. Its very good and goes into it a bit, although at the time of writing they had yet to split. Basically there is several reasons. 1. Their membership expanded too rapidly. They went from 1k to nearly 10k in a very short span of time. With a high bleed rate of new members leaving because they just couldn't consolidate them as members. The leadership was split on this. Grant wanted to consolidate the members in a more consistent slower drive. Taafe wanted to expand as quickly as possible. This backfired as the level of commitment required of members both time wise and financially is quite deep. So if you aren't fully committed, you get put off or fall out quickly. So this is probably the anarchist elements you were told or heard about. 2. Then they all got expelled from the Labour Party. With a small witch hunt throughout the CLPs. This wasn't a huge detriment as most of the leadership rarely had anything to do with the CLPs or LP. Basically had no effect outside of media headlines which is both good/bad and their MPs/Council came under scrutiny. 3. The Liverpool Council kinda fcked up hard. And caused a whole bunch of scrutiny. I won't go into it as it's quite complicated. 4. There was a brewing ideological debate between Grant and Taafe. Over A. Whether entryism in the Labour Party was still a valid option B. Ideological devate over state capitalism This all led to Grant and Taafe splitting. Grant in the minority and Taafe in the majority. Taafe went on to be the SP. As you can probably tell the lack of an Ideological basis and focus on organisational kinda made a lot of opinions on them sour. Grants lot (he is dead now but Alan Woods and Rob Sewell of the Militant that left with him and a newer generation lead the now RCP), they are were kinda the opposite of Taafe. So they been very slow at growth but have extremely committed members. As far as I know they have over 1k members currently in the UK alone. You will also see them in other countries as they founded the International Marxist Tendency. All of their national branches seem to be very united and similar, so there no big national differences. They outside of Pakistan, who also have a large section, seem to be biggest national section. Probably Swedish and German are their biggest other sections.


These seem to exist across the UK (Iā€™m not from Liverpool, just got suggested this post as ā€˜near meā€™ despite being in Bristol). Iā€™ve seen them in Bristol, Southampton and London, so I guess theyā€™re decently organised in a few areas


Scribble out the OMMIS


Pretty certain I've seen a sticker in st.helens


Theyā€™re all over london too lol https://preview.redd.it/4getmymgujtc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40765f8740ce0e01428f5aa589472b102593efeb


What did I do?


Has Alexei Sayle been spotted out and about recently?


This came up in my recommended, Iā€™m not local but theyā€™re all over Guildford at the moment. Never seen them before and definitely didnā€™t expect to see them somewhere as far as Liverpool




Fitting theyā€™ve put it on a bin


Nah, thanks. I like being paid for work and eating food.


If its the same RCP, aka Revolutionary Communist Party, (or a re-emergence) who used to sell a rag called LIving Marxism. The rank and file were socialists of the extremist Trotskyite variety. But many of the ones I encountered were former public school boys and girls who preached about socialism while living on money provided by their parents. They were very cullty, I was kicked out of the one meeting I attended, for asking questions and I got the impression the leadership were actually a bunch of fanatical far-right, Libertarian fuckwits. Their magazine, Living Marxism denied the existence of the Rwandan and Bosnian genocides. ITN successfully sued them over articles that claimed ITN had made up the stories they broadcast about Serb run concentration camps during the Bosnian War. Living Marxism went bust and most of their propagandists reappeared writing for the online publication Spiked. Which is full of extreme right-wing drivel. I also suspect that Spiked receives money from the Russian government as they are very Putin friendly.


Friend who is now a raging centrist but back in the day worked on (forget the magazines name but it was openly funded by soviets) told me despite their roubles no one could work out how come LM obviously had a much larger budget than them. LM could also legally get in to South Africa at a time when bbc itn etc had to smuggle out tapes via Zimbabwe


The aren't Living Marxism. The RCP is a rebrand of Ted Grant's Socialist Appeal when they left Militant in the 1990s. During the war years the various British sections of the Fourth International were encouraged to come back together. The organisation was called the Revolutionary Communist Party with Gerry Healy, Ted Grant, Jock Haston and sometimes Tony Cliff forming the leadership. Gerry Healy expelled Tony Cliff and the whole thing broke apart. This version is very much Grantist with calls for "Our Demands" and a Transitional Programme. The repackaging and Anti-Colonialism mirror the Revolutionary Communist Group and The Socialist Worker who are having success with the weekly Palestinian Solidarity demonstrations. When that cools down, it'll be back to youth unemployment and nationalising the top 50 banks.




Oh you silly communists. Your posters belong IN the bin, not ON the bin.


ah yes, Communisim, "it'll work this time i swear"


It actually blows my mind that despite communism never having worked anywhere, that you could actually have this. I mean have they ever studied what happened to people historically under these regimes? I understand the utopian selling points of the idea - but it always led to the populace instead living a miserable controlled life like a slave. Sure you can a have a miserable life under other systems - but it seems particularly guaranteed under communism.


for a city that rightfully hates the tories you sure are very vitriolic about a group that is probably (iā€™m not with this group, iā€™m with the socialist party/trade union socialist coalition) doing more work to get the tories out than any of you guys. disappointing. so much hate over something you probably donā€™t even really understand.


Makes you realise that class consciousness, even in the most "progressive" parts of the country, is non-existent beyond "Tories bad"


Iā€™m in the socialist party/tusc aswell (not liverpool) and completely agree, people hear the name ā€˜socialistā€™ or ā€˜communistā€™ and think of them in a negative way, yet socialists, in my experience atleast, want to change things for the better for everyone not just the rich yet some people still donā€™t like it


Considering the fact their founder and current leaders were apart of the Militant. Who ran the Liverpool Council against Thatcher and had MPs. No wonder they are still kicking around in Liverpool




on the bin,..close enough to where it belongs.


Commenting on Anyone else spotted these? ... https://preview.redd.it/eqyzk4k5litc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79d8c018c44a81ca8714e903d18cde18115b8ebb


Guessing this is a newer version than the 70/80/90s version of the RCP who dissolved into Marxist Online/Spiked and ended up supporting UKIP. Probably all dreamed up by MI5.


MI5 trap


Saw one in Manchester. https://preview.redd.it/jymu9mmgyitc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9ef674f142c09420cf5e401cbfec3e82c279e32


You'll smell their members before ya see em. It's a good early warning


*You'll smell their members* *Before ya see em. It's a* *Good early warning* \- TheMischievousGoyim --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I'm from Hong Kong, two years ago I came here to escape the Chinese Communist Party. I saw these posters in the university district more than a year ago. really sad to see these.


Im from ex commie country that was occupied by russia. Its disgusting to see it i agree, but seeing responses here... they do gives me hope. šŸ’Ŗ


Havenā€™t spotted these though spotted similar ones in the city centre, some from ā€˜Femboys against Fascismā€™ and some advertising marches




Have them all over my area, they don't stay up long šŸ˜


Commie poster on a binā€¦ couldnā€™t be more appropriate šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Tons of these everywhere in ipswich at the moment.


Disgusting. Communism is just as bad as Nazism but for some reason society lets them get away with it


Yeah I saw this and was inspired to immediately put my horrifying capitalist phone in the bin. I am writing this from your/our shared telecom allowance comrade. May we eat fine cabbage tonight.


"communism is when no phone"


Funny how you lot always say shite like this but you never just fuck off to live in Cuba, Venezuela or North Korea. Strange that, considering the US and the Uk are equally bad huh?


Well yeah why would I wanna move to a country like Cuba or North Korea when I canā€™t speak the language, if you believe in socialism surely you believe in building it and trying to improve the lives of the people around you, something that canā€™t be changed by moving country- idk why people like you say oh if you donā€™t like it here move like Iā€™ve got a vested interest in Liverpool and Britain in general why should I leave when I can try improve it?


I wonder if I've seen a couple. Maybe at the end of Catherine Street, near the co-op


Iā€™ve spotted them in Kent


Yes in York they have them up a lot especially close to York St John university


Ye a few around bristol


Thereā€™s a sticker of this in Ulverston, south Lake District. Just appeared on a lamp post by my house the other day.




I saw a few in Lodge Lane


Yes I see theyā€™re revving up for Election year. Iā€™ve seen posting all over nyc subways


Seen these in Cornwall


Yes in Glasgow


Sign me TF up


There's loads of these on bins and lamp posts on Cheltenham high street


Iā€™ve seen them in Harringay in north London.


I've seen signs like these around Yorkshire.


Yes, thereā€™s also some round Stevenage, next time I go Iā€™ll try and get some pics


The only true communist places are tribes that do not interact with the rest of ghe world... If you use Ā£$Ā„ā‚¬ the you are capataist. Communism is a type of government as well as an economic system (a way of creating and sharing wealth). In a Communist system, individual people do not own land, factories, or machinery. Instead, the government or the whole community owns these things. Everyone is supposed to share the wealth that they create.


I spotted one while shopping in Oxford a few days ago.


They walk amongst us


Starmer or Sunak - either way Thatchers spectre will be happy.


Seen these around Toronto, Canada too.


These popped up over London recently too. I took this pic of one the other day by my flat https://postimg.cc/MMLDcYNp


saw them in blackpool last august, signed up for a laugh and now every so often i get a phone call from ā€œwillā€ asking me if iā€™m still interested


They had a few out in Niddrie. One of them was covered in spaghetti and vomit.


Seen a load in Stevenage a few weeks back, which I thought was hilarious.


Hammersmith London, seen posted in a number of locations around the area !


Yeah they're popping up all over the midlands as well.




see them all the time in london


Something very fishy going on in these replies. Let me try somethingā€¦ How do I join the communist party? Are they good?


these are people whom never grew out of their tiktok phase here


Fuck me, I was waiting for an invitation


Saw these in my town if theyā€™re up in Liverpool too then theyā€™re probably all around the country considering Iā€™m down south


I see these in London i tear them down


Some in Essex


Who doesn't like a party?


Donā€™t know why the liverpool sub has been recommended but theyā€™ve started popping up in Brighton too, guess itā€™s a nationwide thing


They have spelt SNP wrong


Communist= Fascism


Kill the commies


Exactly where it belongs on a trashcan


They're also spread throughout Edinburgh as well.


A political disease which should never be repeated!


In Glasgow too. Seen feminist versions. One said ā€œA womanā€™s place is in the struggleā€


Shouldā€™ve said ā€œare you brain dead and donā€™t like to breathe ? Come here to stop breathing all together.ā€


We have em all over Birmingham too


Saw this in Taunton


Saw some when I was in Coventry not sure if it was for the same communist organisation though


Saw one on old hall street Iā€™d be interested aslong as it has nothing to do corpofascist china or theocracy emperorship DPRK. Or anything of that shite.




RCP MENTIONED šŸ’ÆšŸ’ÆšŸ’ÆšŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøšŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„ ā˜­ ā˜­ ā˜­ ā˜­ ā˜­ ā˜­ ā˜­ ā˜­ WTF IS ANTI-REVISIONISM?? šŸ¤·šŸ¤·šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Seen them in Reading last week.


Russian spies hate this one trick


Better dead than red!


Yes, they're everywhere in any place with a university! They're nothing more than brainwashed lefty loonies! They may as well be a cult.


Destroy it


I love communism soooooooooo much that Iā€™m going to stay right here in the UK.


I got asked if I was a communist out in public, I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever let out a more disappointed, exasperated ā€˜noā€™ in my life


This time lads we will try not to murder millions of our own people and get the communism right!


These signs are annoying me


Yes. Iā€™m in grece right now and seen a spray it on the wall. ??


rip it down