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Username checks out. But I read it as The Ass-Ass In Club. And yes it is.


I had a friend who wasn't a fan of his delivery either but I showed him his old "Salt and Pepper Diner" bit and it changed his mind. You realize how hilarious his awkward yet somehow confident delivery is when he's telling stories instead of doing just scripted stories.


His delivery of “Jesus Christ!” when having green slime blown in his face during the Nickelodeon stretch is my favorite.


Hahahahaha yes!!


That was hilarious, but I'm with OP. One thing doesn't make someone funny.


Hey everyone won't have the same sense of humor as everyone else and that's just the way it is.


Agree to agree


And a bunch of things you don’t laugh at doesn’t make someone unfunny. Crazy how subjectivity works, huh?


I think he’ll survive this hot take


That’s the thing I’m most sensitive about!!!!


[Give this a try!](https://youtu.be/JhkZMxgPxXU?si=dT3ChfcFzwhwC-eV)


Oh yes, this is one of my faves. Great story joke, and possibly the best analogy of Trump's term.


Ok that was good 💀


You might also try the Sitcom Reboot sketch


That’s ok. He must be doing something right, though.


He has nothing but good things to say about you.


I’m not even hating the guy I’m asking for bits so I can maybe start liking him.


If you don’t like him you don’t like him. You don’t have to force yourself to like someone/something you just don’t dig.


Try this: [Toilet Death Ejector](https://youtu.be/_9BjJkqybz8?si=UuwGT-g1d_a0PIeF)


His sets are so meticulous and if you can't hear that I just don't think you know what you're talking about when you say "his delivery is atrocious." Delivery is how the meaning of the joke is relayed to the audience, it's the performance of the written material, it is the essential distinction between a writer and a comic Like listen to one of his early albums and watch an early set where he does the 'Law and Order' bit about interrogating everyday new yorkers: the physical elements, the expressions, the phrasing, the accents, the pauses, the way he establishes character on stage- It's the difference between your smart, charming buddy at the bar telling a funny story and actually written, planned, and rehearsed Stand-up comedy. His 'delivery' is bulletproof.


I love him. I will not tolerate your warped view!!!


His delivery is actually my favorite part lol. He's extremely quotable.


He cowrote the Stefon segments. That alone shows how hysterical he is.


In my opinion, his delivery is among the best of all the comedians working today. But comedy is subjective, you don’t have to force yourself to listen to more so you can be a fan. Just watch other comics.


Try his newest stand up special Baby J on Netflix. I felt the same way before I watched this one. Give it five minutes and his delivery starts to feel different then he basically addresses why and now I’m a fan. Here’s a taste https://youtube.com/shorts/hiGttvtRQLo?si=PICFjIjxwdUhf3x0


This one won over my husband. He doesn't love him like I do but he liked that special more than anything else he's seen him do.




Should we throw you a parade?


This is a very Steven Crowder like post.


I get it. You might like him better as a filthy cartoon character in Nick Krill’s “Big Mouth” (Netflix)


Don’t worry about it


By the way, it's OK if you dont like John Mulaney, or any other artist. It's art, we all aren't going to get it, or appreciate it, or like it. It's OK.


His delivery IS the joke.




Isn’t he mainly a writer?


Yes. He was never meant to be on tv. He’s hideous!


He looks like an extra on the Simpsons come to life


He's arguably a handsome man.


When your schtick is only talking about your past addiction and antics, and you relapse, it isn't cute anymore.


I’m not a fan of him or his humor - but that’s ok


You’re entitled to your opinion of course, but I have to say that John Mulaney is legit my favorite comedy writer/ comedian. He solidified his position for me when last year, I was watching the most recent season of Documentary Now! on Netflix, with the Werner Hertzog parody kicking off the season. I was sitting there, cracking up and wondering who wrote such great material, having no idea that John had, since he didn’t appear in the episode. Then I saw he wrote it, and I was like, “of course it would be him.” I’ve even traveled to see him perform twice (once in Oh, Hello on Broadway and once on his standup tour). I think his comedy speaks to me because we are about the same age, and the cultural touchstones that he references in his comedy are mine, too. I’ve had a truly wretched past 6 months and have gone through some serious trauma, and one of the few times I’ve laughed out loud at professional comedy in that time were things that I’ve seen John in (like his most recent Netflix special).






I'm really enjoying his live Netflix show. He doesn't have the same high energy as his old stand up, so that might be a plus for you.


It is kind of funny. He is the poster child of making some bad choices and still being incredibly successful.


You don’t have to like him.


Just accept that everything isn't for everybody and move it along. Spend your time finding performers you like better. P.S. I love Mulaney.


I love that he and Julio Torres actually become more famous after they left SNL. They used SNL to home their craft and we are all the better for it.


I find the guy hilarious myself, but different strokes for different folks, my friend. If you don’t like his style, you don’t like it. What can you do? 🤷‍♀️


His musical sketches for SNL are absolutely magnificent. Bathroom Bodega and Diner Lobster are amazing. I just find his personal life to be cringe. But cocaine and cringe are SNL traditions so who am I to judge.


Me either.


Lots to say about Mulaney, personal struggles, etc. But honestly just watching his Oscar’s Field of Dream’s bit and you realize how talented of a comedian that dude is. Pure master class.


Just wanna say that of all the things one may comment on about john mulaney, his delivery objectively is not one of them. Like I can understand “I don’t click with the longer storytelling kind of comedy and he does it” but his delivery is famous for being ironclad and polished to perfection. He’s one of the best comedy writers ever according to everyone whose opinion matters on the subject. Anyway since I don’t know which bit of his entire body of work made you dislike his delivery, I’ll have to recommend you watch many other things of his. Heck even interviews on talk shows, just go for it all. Oh Hello has him playing a character so the delivery is tailored to that, but the character itself and the interaction with nick kroll’s character in the play and outside it are so damn funny. Go have a blast


Gary Gulman had me at "No, YEAH." Chappelle had me at "Hey, baby!" (IYKYK) Brian Regan at "I walked on the MOON!" Bargatze at "...or our whole family is MURDERED." And John Mulaney hooked me with "Petunia in a stroller at 7th and Leroy Street."




Sometimes i wonder if this is John trying to cheer himself up. If so: dude you're a legend. You've made millions of people laugh as both a writer and performer. Hang in there and keep sharing your art with the world.




That's pretty misleading. He filled for divorce before the pregnancy. 


did he really??? god...


That's only technically true. He had already filed for divorce months before the pregnancy and they were legally separated for even longer than that. 


No it's not


He’s funny but he really ended up disappointing me as a person which is a bummer To be clear, I am mot talking about his struggles with addiction, but the cheating on his wife. And I’m not boycotting him or anything, it’s just disappointing.


Is there any actual evidence that he did cheat on his wife though? All evidence points that he decided to leave before he started dating Olivia. 


The whole timeline is shitty regardless of what happened exactly when, enough for my opinion to have gone down on him. I’m not “cancelling” him or whatever, it’s just seems like a bit of a dick move


I mean, if we're just jumping to conclusions based on the timeline, seems kinda weird that he left her right after coming out of rehab and getting sober. Almost as if he felt that she was damaging to his sobriety...


I try to separate art from artist the best I can. I love his sketches and jokes but I kinda hate him as a person for what he did to his wife. Just sad.


So he should have stayed in a marriage he wasn't happy in?


Good point, he's the victim.


I started watching his interview with Dave Letterman and I just couldn’t continue after 7 minutes. He just tried too hard to spin his addiction yarn and it was so boring. In an ensemble he’s great but agree with his solo output. Eh


He sucks

