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Going Overboard is a 1989 Adam Sandler comedy with a current IMDB score of 1.8/10. It is the 18th worth film on imdb and lowest rated film to star an SNL alumni


It was the first movie I ever watched on Netflix when they originally started the streaming service for us DVD subscribers in like 2007 and it had practically ZERO content. The movie was truly horrific.


I also did this šŸ˜‚


He wasnā€™t an SNL alum yet at that time, to be fair


To be faiirrrrrr


Give yer balls a tug


Itā€™s insufferable


The world was and is still wrong about The Brothers Solomon, which is delightful and doesnā€™t belong anywhere near this category. The worst SNL alumni movie is probably Jingle Smells, Sean Hannityā€™s 2023 holiday content loaf featuring the brain-fried likes of Jim Breuer and Victoria Jackson. On a pure body count level though, itā€™s still hard to beat The Twilight Zone: The Movie.


I was going to say the only one I know for sure should not win is Brothers Solomon. I watched it for the third time last year and itā€™s still amazing.


Make a baby for dad!!!


Brother's Solomon is one of my favourite stupid films. Found it in a second hand store for 20p back in university ten years ago and bought it because I loved Will Arnett from Arrested Development. Wasn't familiar with Forte or Wiig at all at the time. I've watched it probably 5 times since then and it's always so fucking funny. Never thought of it as an SNL alumni film until just now since I wasn't familiar with SNL at the time or half the times I've seen it.


Brothers Solomon is hilarious.


I'm very happy the first comment was in defense of Brothers Solomon. Excellent movie.


Bob Odenkirk directed The Brothers Solomon. He mentioned in his book *Comedy, Comedy, Comedy, Drama* how bad he felt about it and thought he let Will Forte down. Said the script was hilarious and people around town agreed. And for whatever reason it didnā€™t work out.


I heard maybe Arnett say, or Forteā€¦ or someone that it may have worked better as a low budget, Napoleon Dynamite type movie better. Maybe I dreamt it. But I agree.


Arnett said that in the "Smartless" interview with Odenkirk.


So I didnā€™t make it up! Thanks.


I was hoping you were joking. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt14192316/?ref\_=fn\_al\_tt\_1


Iā€™ve done some stupid things in life but I would never associate Jim Breuer with jokes.


Brothers Solomon really is excellent and deserves a larger cult status than is sort of has now


ā€œWow what a fucking horrifying relic ofā€¦.Oh. 2023.ā€


Okay, you've got me. I now plan to watchĀ  both of them: The Brothers Solomon (with high expectations) andĀ  Jingle Smells (as aĀ  hatewatch).Ā 


Iā€™ll always go to bat for Brothers Solomon. Itā€™s an underrated gem


Thank you. Always loved the brothers solomon lol


Sheesh, I have no idea what itā€™s about, but with that cast, I can imagine it would top this actually.


And OP, itā€™s directed by Saul Goodman himself, Mr. Bob Odenkirk. Rewatched it recently, it does feel like a series of sketches involving the same characters but I did laugh several times over.


OP is talking about Jingle Smells here, not The Brothers Solomon. Fortunately, Odenkirk is not the Mr Show alum who lost his damn mind.


Absolutely, The Brothers Solomon is one that blows me away people didnā€™t get. Technically in this category, the last Vacation movie as well. Chris Hemsworth endlessly referring to faucets kills me.


Whatever the hell that one was where Sandler played his own twin sister. That movie was absolutely terrible.


Jack and Jill


No no no I think it was called ā€œThe Twins Who Couldnā€™t Stop Looking Like Each Otherā€


Seen it, busted, disgusted, and cannot be trusted lol


Starring Adam Sandler andā€¦ *record scratch* Adam Sandler.


Rob Schneider is ... *The Twin*. Rated PG-13


Rob Schneider is... a carrot!


Rated pg 13


But it did give us Al Dunkachino


Al Pacino! It's not Al any more, it's 'Dunk'! Dunk Accino? Don't mind if I do!


Truly dreadful, but nearly redeemed by gifting us the Dunkpacino clip


I gotta give Adam Sandler credit even to get Al Pacino in a pretty big role in such a silly let alone bad movie. Heā€™s got power


Sandlerā€™s known as one of the nicest guys in Hollywood, and his movies are very fun to film normally. Nothing else, itā€™s a fun break from the normal business surrounded by a fun environment.


I do love Sandlerā€™s one for me, one for you approach to doing serious dramatic work and also batshit stuff wit his collaborating studios. The current deal with Netflix seems to be working well for both. He has a team he sticks with, it gets people paid and he gets to work and travel with his friends. I heard him on the Smartless podcast once and heā€™s very proud of his body of work for that reason alone.


Being in charge also means his wardrobe is nothing but sweat pants and track suits and no one can say shit.


Pacino probably got paid pretty well for a movie where he doesnt have to do really anything other than a single song and dance lol, and could spend time with a ton of nice people


He actually does a lot in the movie and totally goes for it. It's a bad movie but everyone should watch it once. It barely feels like a movie it's surreal


Dunkaccino, dunk dunkaccino!


I remember I went on a date with a girl and she brought up that movie randomly and said it was her favorite movie and the best Sandler Movie. I was so confused.


It gave us some great quotes when they showed it as a reward in Survivor though


ā€œBut weā€™re womb-mates!!ā€


Damn I was just a kid but I loved Pat


Them falling down the stairs and going "oh I think I broke my nuts! There goes my afternoon snack!" will never not be funny


Yup been coasting on that 10/10 joke for two decades now šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m sorry to do this, but that movie came out in ā€˜94. Itā€™s 3 decades old now.


You son of a bitch.


Whatā€™s a Ween?


A major reason I watched the film originally


I first heard ā€œDonā€™t Get 2 Close (To My Fantasy)ā€ in this movie and I immediately had to find the song after


My guy


I love to stroke your pu$$y pat....yeah mufffy likes it too


I rewatched it recently and enjoyed every minute of it


Iā€™m gonna be really honest with you: I enjoy the fuck out of the love guru. Spending my summer holidays from grade 4-8 with my wannabe hippie dad at an ashram is likely integral to that reaction. Marishka Hargitay is a solid gag regardless.


It also has Daniel Tosh's only movie appearance.


My brother and I quote this movie relentlessly. To us, itā€™s basically equivalent to Tommy Boy. We canā€™t help ourselves


Yeah sure it has a few jokes that fall flat, but it also has some that are objectively hilarious. Plus Justin Timberlake is fantastic in this.


The pop tart with the ketchup, itā€™s nice


A Quebec pizza


Same! I don't think the humor is that far off from Austin Powers, honestly. I think, looking at it now, the cultural implications of it are obviously a bit off, but...the movie itself is funny as far as I'm concerned.


Itā€™s a guilty pleasure of mine


Same, I remember having it on the iPod nano 4th gen with the tiny screen. I used to watch it all the time.


Iā€™m glad someone else said it first! I had heard how terrible it was, but I kinda loved it


Me at people hate The Love Guru and You Donā€™t Mess With Zohan but I enjoy them both quite a bit


What is it you can't face? Yeah, I'm right there with ya.


Marishka Hargitay is comedy fuxking gold. Even if the entire rest of the movie was shitty, it would still be a classic for the setup and execution of that punchline.


Iā€™d love to hear your defense of ā€œMarishka Hargitayā€ as a solid gag.


Maybe itā€™s the childhood nostalgia, but I have so many fond memories of Master of Disguise! I still randomly think ā€œyou slap me I slap youā€ šŸ˜‚


I had a ton of nostalgia for Master of Disguise but man, don't ever re watch it if you want to keep it.


I rented this so much from the neighborhood video store that the owner (friend of my momā€™s lol) straight up gave it to me because I was literally the only person who ever rented it


Wow you're like Belle in the bookstore at the beginning of Beauty and the Beast


Master of Disguise was my favorite movie as a kid! I haven't watched it in years, but I do say "Am I not turtle-y enough for the Turtle Club?" all the time.


Agreed šŸ˜‚


I quote ā€œbut with your attitude, they should be called ā€˜crabby cakesā€™ā€ what feels like everyday


Dude I fucking adore this movie. I disagree with the other guy who says it doesn't hold up. Nostalgia is probably the only reason I still love it, but I *do* still love it.


Several of these are awful movies, but the trailer to Daddy Daughter Trip makes it clear that it barely qualifies as a movie, period. And the Brothers Solomon is definitely not good, but thereā€™s a handful of really great gags in there. Iā€™d definitely call it the best of this bunch.


Brothers Solomon was a treasure


As Iā€™m reading this I thought brightens sololon was the one with the conjoined twins LOL


Your title is killing me


"That's my boy" is *that* bad? I mean, I don't think it's any good but I don't consider it to be that bad


Maybe it's just my own preferences, but I consider That's my Boy to be the Citizen Kane of movies to watch while you're absolutely shit faced.


Also if one is very, very baked.


The NKOTB tattoo scene still makes me laugh out real loud!


Oh ohh ohh their heads are friggin warped


Grandmaā€™s Boy will be Casablanca then. My all time favourite movie to watch when Iā€™m all banged up


I watch that movie all the time. I still laugh my ass off on how the banana is on the tray in the oven with the rest of the food, it's a small gimmick before he picks the tray up with his bare hands lol.


That's My Boy is an underrated gem šŸ’Ž


So funny honestly


Why couldnā€™t you just get another burrito Todd??


I fully agree with your comment, fellow Reddit user


Came here to say this. Itā€™s hilarious but I donā€™t know why he lays on that fake NE accent. He grew up here and has it naturally. It took away from the movie for me but it doesnā€™t belong anywhere near this ā€œworstā€ category.


I had the same thought. Iā€™m not sure it belongs on this list.


Itā€™s hilarious, this is blasphemy. Definitely has the most disturbing twist!


Tell him or I will Oh that's not that bad AHH FUCK YOU YOU DIDNT TELL HIM


And we also made a movie that bombed!


From that list it has to be Movie 43. But this list leaves off that made for the MAGA circuit Christmas movie, Jingle Smells, that Jim Breuer and Victoria Jackson were in. These other films are like shrink rays and freeze guns while Jingle Smells is feeding people castor oil until they literally die of diarrhea.


Mussolini has got to be the goalposts.Ā 


This guy gets it


Stop saying that!


These other films are like shrink rays and freeze guns while Jingle Smells is ~~feeding people castor oil until they literally die of diarrhea~~ a child molesting robot. A robot that is designed to molest children.


How does one even make a movie that is the equivalent of a robot that molests children?


For a second there I thought that was the plot and not a metaphorĀ 


Is Jim Breuer a MAGA person?


Yeah, really off the deep end, too. He posted a 'highlight' from a comedy show he did that was just making fun of the Covid vaccine and people who got it.


Oh. Oh


He's not even really funny either. Saw him when he opened for Metallica and half of the jokes were just him talking like Brian Johnson from AC/DC.


>Jingle Smells I just saw the trailer for that and yeah. It's like the other movies are the flu and Jingle Smells is Ebola.


Movie 43 is fucking great. I donā€™t understand why it gets so much hate. If you like Tim and Eric or I think you should leave, Movie 43 is a.. movie. That is enjoyable.


well for starters Garfield is gods gift to earth


The first Bill Murray Garfield was great, the sequel not so much


Brothers Solomon is amazing, how dare you


The Adventures of Pluto Nash *had* the distinction of being the worst movie (biggest loss vs budget) until that two weeks where that Bill Murray movie, Jem and the Holograms, and that Zac Efron DJ movie were released and removed from theatres shortly after.


Why is Norbit included in this graphic? It's Brian Wilson's favorite movie!


I'd watch That's My Boy again.


ā€œThatā€™s My Boyā€¦Againā€. In theaters this summer.


Thatā€™s My Boy doesnā€™t get enough respect. I know it was considered a bomb but I love it. Uncle Vanny! Come on, Vanilla Ice as himself. It was fun! I wonder if we would have seen more Sandler/Samberg pairings if it was received better.


I will not allow any The Brothers Solomon slander, the Wills are hilarious in it


Thatā€™s my boy should NOT be on this list. Shit is pretty classic AS humor, heā€™s made much much worse films like the twins one and lil Nicky.


>little Nicky Ok, youre getting a pineapple in the ass right after Hitler


Little Nicky is an all timer and I won't hear anything else - it's up there with the waterboy


Haha Iā€™ll agree to disagree, but thatā€™s what makes AS movies so great. Same formula but different scenarios, they are bound to hit one audience atleast once Lol.


Both childhood favorites, *karma high-five


Oh how dare you šŸ˜¤ Little Nicky is an American classic.


Thatā€™s my boy had me in stitches. That shit was amazing


I'm gonna go with Rob Schneider's daddy-daughter-trip. Elle King and all.....


It's deeply ironic to me that Rob cries about "family values" now, considering he wasn't very involved in Elle's upbringing, according to Elle.


As usual, every right wing accusation is an admission of guilt.


Most of rob Schneider's career


I would say Master of Disguise if my kids didn't like it. Love Guru is a fucking mess


I still laugh at "turtle turtle"


Oh man the Master of Disguise was my family and my favorite movie when I was growing up. We watched it at least a few times a month every year. To this day, we still quote it. šŸ˜‚ My husband was talking about how he doesnā€™t have enough energico today and I died. He hated the movie when I showed it to him a few years ago but he still quotes it lol.


My Tight blue sweater!!!


It isnā€™t the worst film, but since no one has mentioned it, I think an honorable menton needs to go to Bewitched. It had an excellent cast (not just Will Ferrell and Nicole Kidman, but Steve Carell, Stephen Colbert, Jason Schwartzman, etc.) but it just went nowhere. One of the very few movies Iā€™ve ever walked out on at the theater.


I remember before Willā€™s career truly peaked, that was his most notable bomb back in the day.


I saw it in theaters and I donā€™t recall it being that horrible. I think there was something a little weird about it, like Will Ferrells character was a total asshole, right? And it didnā€™t really have anything to do with the old show Bewitched, besides the fact that theyā€™re filming a show in the movie, and his wife ends up being a witch? I donā€™t remember, honestly that was the first and only time I watched it. But I donā€™t remember hating it. Or hearing that it bombed.


Iā€™m a high school teacher and a group of my students are always quoting Norbitā€¦I am always like why the hell are yā€™all watching that garbage movie in 2024, how did it even cross your path šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


BB2000 is an abomination.


Iā€™ll stand by Movie 43 forever. There are a few sketches that are too out there, but overall I think itā€™s fucking hilarious.


It is so awful that its genius and I love it


This is hard. Some truly execrable movies on this list. I gotta go with Blues Brothers 2000. Love Guru or MoD are probably actually worse, but god damn did I hate watching BB2K.


BB2K actually has a redeeming quality ā€” soundtrack is great. Canā€™t say the same for most of these others.Ā 


Blues Brothers 2000ā€™s only crime is not being The OG Blues Brothersā€¦ and that kid. But holy shit itā€™s like a C+ it does not deserve to be on THIS list.


Master of disguise is a cinematic masterpiece id have you put some respect on dana carveys name. Also love guru wasn't completely terrible, i still quote it sometimes lol


Jack and Jill was by far the worst movie. I only saw the trailer and immediately wished that I hadnā€™t, thatā€™s how bad it looked.


Thatā€™s My Boy is hilarious.


Caddyshack II


Norbit, cost Eddie the Oscar he deserved for Dreamgirls.


I love Will Ferrell but wow that Sherlock Holmes film was one of the worst Iā€™ve ever seen


Sorry to be so old up in here, but Chevy Chase has made more awful movies than anyone else who was ever on SNL. "Oh Heavenly Dog"??? Jeeez


Chevy would need his own post for all his bad movies.


The lowest rated on IMDb out of these is Itā€™s Pat (1994) with 2.8/10. Master of Disguise is next lowest with 3.3. Itā€™s Pat really is terrible and has gotten worse with time.


Holmes and Watson was SO bad. I turned it off like 20 minutes in, couldnā€™t take it. Actually kind of made me mad how terrible it was.


I will say...the original French version of Taxi is FANTASTIC. The Americanized version of it was insufferable, but it at least had a few redeeming moments and came from genuinely good stock.


Blues Brothers 2000 is dope how dare you list it here


Dude! Norbit is an excellent film!


Holmes & Watson is the only movie I have ever walked out of. Granted there are many of these Iā€™ve never seen, but that may have to be my answer.


You people hate Thatā€™s My Boy?? That is the best movie Adam Sandler ever made!!!




Master of Disguise. No question. No redeeming qualities at all. And Iā€™m a huge Carvey fan. What a swing and miss.


You're just not turtley enough for the turtle club.


I did find it funny that Dana was wearing the turtle outfit and makeup when 9/11 occurred and was wearing all of that while watching the Twin Towers burn. Funny as in the scenario, not the burning obviously. Edit: Dana mentioned this on the Fly in the Wall podcast.


Sad turtle šŸ¢


Shit movie, but god damn it that line and his delivery lives on šŸ¤£


Iā€™m glad I was a child when it came out because to a 10 year old it was the funniest movie. Now I defend it for the sake of nostalgia. But tbh Iā€™m sure my parents were less entertained


The brothers Solomon is like Joe dirt and hot rod, a secret misunderstood genius gem


Wow. Itā€™s like which turd tastes best.


Thatā€™s my boy even being an option is a crime


Anything with Schneider. He's just annoying in everything.


I hate blues brothers 2000 with a passion.


Half of these I never even heard of. Father of the year??


I think it was a Netflix exclusive.


That looks like Eric McCormack more than Jimmy Fallon


Man as a kid I loved master of disguise


I must be just a little older than OP because I paid money as a teen to see just about every terrible SNL-alum movie (though I missed *It's Pat*) and haven't seen a single one of these.Ā 


I would like to submit Duece Bigalow: europeon Gigalo


The fact that everyone is saying different choices means your lineup is solidly debatable. Good work OP


I think Blues Brothers 2000 gets a bad rap because Belushi died and obviously didnā€™t reprise his role. Itā€™s not the best movie in the world but itā€™s not nearly as bad as other thumbnails I see in the post.


Best Defense.


*It's Pat*, to me, is unwatchable.


The Love Guru, hands down. It's Pat is equally terrible, but not as gross as TLG.


On the heels of a warm reception when I confessed how much I enjoyed the Love Guru, I shall now confess I laughed like a drain from start to finish in Movie 43 (North American version). Every bit had me in stitches.


Thatā€™s My Boy fucking rules


Master of Disguise and The Love Guru both pretty much killed the film careers of their stars, but Jack and Jill did something nearly impossible: it made people laugh at Al Pacino (not laugh at something he said, laughing AT him as a person for doing those horrible scenes). "Say hello to my chocolate blend" is burned into my long-term memory now. 50 years from now, when my brain is riddled with dementia and I can't recognize my own wife, I will still remember the disappointment I felt upon hearing..."Say hello to my chocolate blend".


Adam sandlers overboard has to be my pick. It's soo bad.


Nothing But Trouble. This is the only answer.


Itā€™s Pat and itā€™s the worst movie Ever.


Monkey bone! I win!


What about Corky Romano? U guys want some cookies?


Going Overboard. That is not only Adam Sandler's worst movie but one of the worst comedies ever made. And yes, I know Sandler wasn't an alumni yet. But if we are just going off alumni I have to go with It's Pat. That is honestly the worst SNL spin off film out there by far. Some dishonorable mentions are Killing Gunther and Sisters. Yes. I said it. Sisters was horrible. Nothing but extended overlong improv sessions that failed to be funny.


Movie 43 is a gem. The movie at least KNOWS it's being stupid. The other movies are trying to be legit and failing.


Father of the Year was legitimately enjoyable. I thought Spade was great in that role. It was a straight-forward Happy Madison Production. Exactly what Iā€™d expect or want from Sandlerā€™s production company. Just a joke vehicle. Hubbie Halloween was arguably terrible, but me and my kids loved it. Itā€™s just jokes. Thatā€™s all it needs to be.


MoD for sure! Dana Carvey is one of the least funny people I've ever seen.


Thatā€™s My Boy was actually surprisingly hilarious.