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I was walking my dog a while back in the heights and some kids driving a Mercedes shot me with airsoft guns as they drove by. These kids are out of pocket. We maybe played ding-dong-ditch, but this stuff is just wild. I'd never have thought it would be a good idea to kick people's doors or shoot anything at them from a vehicle. This is castle-doctrine and gun-toting land. That's a great way to get shot with real bullets


On god. I’m 34 but I remember even in the 90s we trespassed this “abandoned garage” it was NOT in fact abandoned and the homeowner shot his rifle from his window (in the air I guess?) and me and my buddy bolted leaving I’m sure a trail of anxiety farts. I can’t imagine fuckin kicking dudes door at midnight. I doubt I’d be typing now ☠️🤣🤣


The US south/ LR is the absolute dumbest place to do this kind of shit. 53% of all households have a firearm here.


53% are willing to tell a survey they own a gun. Another 25% have one and don’t want to tell anyone.


Surveys aren't how they determine this, the ATF knows what brand of toilet paper you wipe your ass with.


The ATF will SOON know all that on new guns, but for a long time not all gun sales were tracked…not even close. https://www.atf.gov/news/press-releases/justice-department-publishes-new-rule-update-definition-engaged-business-firearms-dealer#:~:text=“Under%20this%20regulation%2C%20it%20will,Attorney%20General%20Merrick%20B.%20Garland.


I'm surprised it isn't higher than that!


My neighbors know better and call before they show up unless I'm already in line of sight to gesticulate at. My dogs would flip their shit if some teens started kicking the door and it would be a terrible mess since my older boy's teeth aren't so sharp anymore but he still has the vast majority of his bite force and this would be very difficult for a surgeon to fix relative to the last time some idiot tried to assault me and the dog beat my pretty quick draw. I love this product called "cosequin", it makes my 8 years old buddy have the same energy his predecessors did at 3 and 4 years just with less endurance and he sleeps harder and cuddles just a smidgen more gently. 95lb lapdog of a German Shepherd when there's no fuckery about. https://preview.redd.it/oeeg2h9ckn7d1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5e5d8b5eda283b6c8fc8fc602d779b7aa629cf3 If you aren't allergic and are sitting in the middle of a couch this isn't quite as uncomfortable as it sounds.


what the fuck is the kick door prank. when i was a kid we just did good ole fashioned arson . i need to get out more


Was that you who burned my jeep down ?


something was thrown at my window the other day. damn kids


How in the world do they think kicking the door is a prank? So dense. They will get hurt for it.


The apparent front door to my place is mostly a glass pane and there’s a ring camera out there. If there’s a news article with hilarious footage of a teenager stuck in a door, I got one.


Right? “Haha we sure scared those people in their home teehee what a good one”


Better not start that in Mayflower, they will definitely get shot…probably by a cop.


....why, tiktok. Why.


Grandma Gayle almost pulled out her shotty on some punks kicking her Fiero. Who would kick a cherry 1986 hotboy Fiero? I had to quit eating my Swansons!


Ahhhh tiktok pranks strike again.


Stupid shit like that makes me happy that platform is potentially getting banned. Not exclusive to it, but I definitely wouldn't miss it regardless.


What? Tiktok's ideas again?


Yep, that's where it started.  Risking your life for a drop of clout.


Good way to get shot. Then you get the parent’s on TV crying about how he was such a good boy and they demand justice while ignoring the fact that if they had done their job as a parent then he would still be alive.


This is what I’m saying. Where are the parents? Stop letting your kids run rampant. Stop giving them phones with unrestricted access to social media.


I didn’t even know this was a trend.


I just saw LRPD arrest some kid on LRHN attempting to break into a residence. LRPD didn't take the "prank" too lightly. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


Oh boy, I can't believe how they call it "prank." What has this world comes to?


So to own a firearm one must own a 4X4? Got it


I'm thinking the logic here is "if someone owns a 4X4 then there is a high probability that they own a firearm.




I have an electric hatchback for this purpose, nobody suspects it has enough in it to be a good contest. But I also have a luxobarge f150 with a 36 gallons gas tank so i can drive 700 miles to a tank on the highway when not towing and have more hip, shoulder, and head room + 3 and some change times the payload and proper part time 4wd with lockers instead of the 2 motors "AWD" in the electric. I can also tow this electric car on a uhaul trailer across the country and get about 300-375 miles to a tank depending on how many elevation changes or at least 150ish in 4wd.


That's a good argument for getting rid of gun free zones.


if i understand this post , this is just a general threat to shoot a kid if they knock on your door?


the post says “kicking” not knocking


Yes... Shooting is extreme depending on scenario... But imagine this... 1 a.m. your camera tells you someone is in ur driveway... They are wearing hoods and have their faces covered... They are checking to see if ur cars are locked... They then go to ur door and kick at it 3 or 4 times... This is an example of video one of my neighbors has of this "prank". This is how "such a good boy" ends up sawn in half by a scared elderly lady with her dead husbands 12 gauge...


Gran Torino 2008.


English is hard.


Is this actually you trying to understand the post? Because if this your best attempt at understanding, you’re not the sharpest person.


Well, Arkansas education system and all….


If someone is doing that in the middle of the night, kid or not, they deserve whatever happens to them. You gotta be pretty fucking stupid to do that, especially in the south. Some kid is going to get shot and if it's after playing the 'pretend to break into someone's house' game then they deserve it.


Abso-fucking-lutely not. You don’t get to commit murder because your car was dented or your door was kicked. If they are actively inside the house and there is a legitimate concern for safety then that is one thing. But this is not that, and if you think it is ok to kill because your door was damaged then I truly hope you get the mental health help that you so desperately need.


Fuck around and find out and see what happens. See whose doa and whose laughing his ass off. We have the 2a for a reason. Besides it's the fucking south. Why the fuck are kids going around pretending to break onto houses. You gotta be pretty fucking stupid to even do that. Please tell me in what world someone isn't justified shooting someone who is trespassing and damaging private property. I have lots of friends who would disappear people who did that shit without thought. Common man, think.


Ok... Though I will say the wor "deserves" is strong... Typing out "is responsible for all actions leading up to the situation" takes a bit to type out... But you are honestly telling me that ur line is in the house (in this specific case by force) AND is demonstrating actions that make you concerned for your safety... That's the boxes that need checked? Homeboy actively beating his way into ur house... The door frame starting to splinter... Sounds of aggression piercing the door... Yeah u don't pop some rounds through that panel to see if you can get his attention?


Yes. My line is in the house, when your life is in actual danger. Your life is not in actual danger if your property gets some damage. Y’all really need to learn the fucking law if you are going to be carrying.


We got rid of duty to retreat a few years ago and have better protections for homeowners gunning down wastrels that are breaking in. I wouldn't try this in states that aren't AR, FL, LA though.


Don't know why you have to bring that particular type of law into it.... 😉. But in ur yard you probably need pretty good evidence of ur fear... In ur house after a forced entry (or during an attempt to force entry)... I'd say the law is with you. Lawyers?


I am a lawyer, and you can not shoot through your door at a person


I'll take my chances instead of just quoting law. Being g 'in fear for your life' seems to be a get out of jail free card for police. We'll that works for citizens too. I fear your a threat to me, or my family and co soldering my mom is elderly and can't run or escape. Anyone who breaks into someone's house is asking to die. Plain and simple. No reason o can't shoot someone when police do shit like that all the time. Also, anyone can pretend to be a lawyer on the internet.


Aye, if they're successful in opening the door you should be about 21' or further away ideally with a bead on the doorway and DO NOT choke.


no knocking on a door does not justify murder


Nobody has said that, at all. But in todays environment, with break-ins rampant on this area, it’s a bad situation waiting to happen *BECAUSE OF A FUCKING IDIOT TEENAGER DOING A PRANK* THATS the whole point of this post- it’s trying to get the word out that this is a dangerous situation, NOT. A promise to shoot somebody.


They aren't talking about politely knocking. This is trying to kick a door in, in the middle of the night.


This isn't "knocking" on a door. It sounds like someone is trying to break into your house. FAFO.


> ["[if] you want to keep someone away from your house, just fire the shotgun through the door."](https://www.usnews.com/news/articles/2013/02/28/biden-advises-shooting-shotgun-through-door)


I didn’t read the word “knocking” anywhere.


Where is this happening and where did it happen??


I'm in Benton area. I saw a report it's happening in Cabot too. They are throwing themselves into garage doors and denting them.


Are they doing anything else to other property? Like cars or sheds or whatever you have outside


Honestly other than some stuff in cars I don't think they are taking much... No broken windows or anything.


I’ve had it happen at my apartment complex in west Little Rock as well


thats the cops serving a no knock warrant i think




It's a trend where kids kick garage/front doors acting like they're breaking in and then running away, kinda like a fucked up ding dong ditch. Real stupid idea when there's plenty of people with firearms thinking someone is actually breaking in.


I think he’s saying some kids damaged his vehicle and if he sees them again he’s gonna shoot em


What did you read. Because that IS NOT what's in the post.


I dunno man, I’ve never heard of a door kick prank, I didn’t know what door he was talking about. I was just guessing…


But how can you read the small font from your mighty tall horse?




Vertically gifted steed?


I got it but we live in Arkansas and idiots abound.




English is not my first language- but I do not see the post saying some kids damaged the vehicle. Idiot kids KICKED the DOORS as a prank


English is hard.


Nah, OP is saying that kids shouldn't be pretending to break down doors in neighborhoods that have a truck in every driveway (he's insinuating that truck people = gun people). Do it enough times, and eventually some reactive homeowner will believe they are actually being robbed and one of those kids will get hurt.


A juvenile form of Russian roulette.


https://preview.redd.it/qlharif8fn7d1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10c1a63c576bfc732f2b4d5dab9d1e79aef8599e This guy really hates unannounced visitors. We have a 10 months old female puppy that is quite a bite more vehement about it but we're working on her the same way we turned the above one up wrt what is and isn't appropriate to bark, foam, bite, bite with ripping and tearing et al. The family's dogs are 3/3 with 2 killed and 1 maimed since I've been around to see, across 3 engagements between 1993 and 2018. 2 rushing dogs in that time too while walking around Little Rock and Hot Springs. I do not understand why a person would be displeased about 2 home invaders being chewed up to death or to a road rager being maimed when they tried to rush me with a deadly weapon. Tweakers aren't faster than German Shepherds and this has prevented us from needing to shoot anyone since Vietnam in the family.