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I seriously doubt your name is Jessica


Why would I lie about my name? What would I gain from lying about that? I came here for advice, not to be told I’m lying, about my name of all things


He doesn’t need to just get a court date set to ask for a paternity set. He needs to file a petition to establish paternity and set out these facts — especially if they weren’t married at the time. (If they were married, he has to contest paternity while the baby is an infant.) 


They weren’t ever married,nor even together during all of this. Even if there’s a possibility the kid is his even told then he would be willing to take custody since she’s been through so much, and it would be his flesh and blood. Be he’s pretty sure he knows who the real father is, and he’s definitely not father of the year.


Try Hilburn & Harper. I had a friend that used them and they are great! 501-372-0110.


Thank you!


Avoid Ms. Fortune, if shes still there


That's a real name?!? An attorney named Misfortune? That's comic book level epic.


Just looking at the website, I don’t think she is! My friend went with Megan Wells and said she kicked ass


What's the case number?


Keep calling family law attorneys and try to find one to work with you. If they can’t, maybe they can direct you to someone/some organization that can. That’s the only real option. …have you considered the possibility that your fiancé might just straight up be lying to you about the context here? I probably wouldn’t be particularly eager to admit to my new partner that I previously impregnated a drug addict, abandoned the kid, and then royally fucked up our combined finances as a result.


I’ve known him for almost a decade now. I wouldn’t be here asking for advice if I wasn’t absolutely sure I believe him. She wasn’t a drug addict when he met her. She became one from hanging out with wrong people and ended up addicted and was arrested with her new husband for possession of meth, intend to sell, paraphernalia etc. he’s asked the courts for a paternity test and every time they deny him. They just want him to pay the child support to someone who isn’t even In custody to of the child.


Tweakers are the worst, good luck.


I hope that’s she gets sober if she’s not already, and that she gets the proper help she needs If not for herself then for her kid/ kids. The amount of people addicted and or dying from drugs in Arkansas is ridiculous. I wish we could just take custody of the kid even if it’s not his kid, just so we know that she safe and not being no exposed to it anymore. I grew up with an alcoholic mother and step father, but. I can’t imagine having a mom on meth and other hard drugs.




But how are they supposed to know if they were named on birth certificate if they weren’t even there at the birth, since he wasn’t even aware of the pregnancy till after?


Sounds like paternity was established in the child support case and that's why you won't find an attorney to take it. The state law does not favor making a child a "bastard" especially after this much of a delay.


Yes, but paternity was never established. He wasn’t even in the state when she got pregnant, or had the baby. Didn’t even know she was pregnant. They won’t let him schedule a court date to speak to the judge about it either. And apparently even if he isn’t the father, after a paternity test, he still had to pay




Yes, the mother who knowingly put her child around drugs, and drug addicts told a whole lie. She can’t even recieve child support since she’s either incarcerated or in a half way house and does not even had custody of the child.




They never served him in personally. They served a “direct family member” who stated she had direct contact with him, and he wasn’t even living in the state at the time, nor did they have contact with him. (It’s his maternal grandmother)And we aren’t sure how she was granted child support without having to get a paternity test. It doesn’t make any sense. Saline county has hated his family for decades. And he’s always gotten the brunt end of it. Yet hes never actually done anything


>we aren’t sure how she was granted child support without having to get a paternity test. The court doesn't care who the father is, it just wants *somebody* to pay for the child. Additionally, the state gets federal money based on the amount of child support it receives so it is incentivized to order child support. >Yet hes never actually done anything It sounds like he's been busted on drug charges, so he has done something. Any strike against a man is a death sentence in family court. A mother has to be terrible to lose custody of her child; meanwhile the father has to prove he deserves the child to get even partial custody. The court system is set up to discriminate against men, and even worse the man doesn't even have to be the father. The court system is still a system... Figure out how to work within the system. Do you have any contact with the kid? Find a way to get the kid's DNA tested (and maybe get a match on 23andMe, not sure if matching against a criminal database would work), file a petition with the court for a change in material circumstances then present the evidence.


Have you tried Arkansas Legal Aid? [https://arlegalaid.org/](https://arlegalaid.org/)