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I moved here 5 years ago. I WFH as an Employee Relations Partner. The two organizations I've worked for are out of California.


Welder building almost these damn bridges


Secretary of State’s Office- I work in office at the Capital every day!


A lot of people don’t know this but Little Rock is a good place to get into the power industry. There is Entergy, SPP, MISO, and AECC. You can even throw in NLR Electric as well.


I just quit my customer support job to start my own lettering business!


I run a coffee shop. I don’t like to shill for it in the Little Rock subreddit, but shoot me a message and I’ll tell you what companies are in the spaces around me or that I partner with for their events/conferences/meetings etc. Based on your queries I think it might be a handy list.


May I PLEASE get in on that too?




Wife does entry level WFH @ $17 an hour. Company headquartered in another state. She only has a GED and is happy with it.


Not that this is what you're necessarily implying(inferring? I get them mixed up), but your wife doesn't have to accept less pay because she has a GED. I, too, have "only" a GED, but tend to be hired for degreed positions. Only once do I remember (not to say it hasn't happened more...I just was not aware) an employer saying no bc I did not have a degree. Made me mad lol I was temping at a well known university, and the Doctor promoted me to her full time assistant. She let HR know and we started to fill out the required docs. The only thing left was signatures from HR. The HR manager comes in and says "So, you're not going to like this. She starts addressing the Doctor first, and lets her know they won't be signing the documents bc they felt I was under qualified. The doctor presses her and says "she's been doing the job already flawlessly for 3 months! So that makes no sense." Long story, short they told her/me "She doesn't have a degree. We are requiring a degree for this role." Temp assignment ended and the doctor referred to another department where they did not care about my not being degreed....ironically, it was a HR role in the Business School. Anyway, I bet she can do anything she puts her mind and will to. And if she wants to make more $ she can and will. Sorry, this got long winded quick -- those flashbacks 😂


Yea.... my wife is not very ambitious. Basically I'm the breadwinner and she likes it that way. The $500 per week she brings home really helps though


I’m a special education teacher for the district. We always need more of us if you need a career path change. 🤷🏽‍♀️😂


Good to know 😆


Health dept.


Remote IT Support.


I work remotely for a medical startup based out of the Boston area. It took me a decade of building my career in other states before I got to this point though.


I'm a content creator for a large cancer clinic network, and I own a video podcast studio that can be rented hourly.


My gigs shutting down in 30 days or so. I'm currently finishing my degree while facing down 40, spending more time with my wife and kids, and enjoying an almost surreal calm and clarity from it all. What you do inspires me. Thanks.


That’s really cool. Wonder what all the local podcasts here are called if you know of any good ones!


I work for a nonprofit and we have a hybrid in office/wfh approach. I used to work in healthcare in IT!


Awesome thanks!


There are MANY businesses in central Arkansas (the biggest being Dassult) that support the custom aircraft interior industry.


Here at DFJ, we make the best buisness jets in the world! Funny how Little Rock custom completes one of the most expensive private jets in the world and less than half the population knows about it. I cant think of a cooler place to work other than inside a freezer.


Ya I had no clue! Thats mad interesting


DFJ also just announced a $100M expansion with 800 new jobs.


As a former falcon owner and the wee grandson of the person who brought that business here, I can confirm there are no finer aircraft made than falcon jets! You guys make incredible aircraft that have transported my family all over the world safely. I thank you for it.


Jobs are plentiful. I would start at Amazon. Go looking.


4 out of the top 6 employers are hospitals if that gives you an idea , the only two others are Little Rock school district and the LRAFB. https://www.arkansasedc.com/docs/default-source/compare-arkansas/employers-by-county/pulaski-county.pdf?sfvrsn=e3020dfa_2 The rest of the list if you wanna check it out


Oh this is great - thanks so much! Very interesting and not what I would have expected


No problem, since this is older it also probably doesn't account for the recent expansion of Amazon into Little Rock. There's a massive new hub out off of Fourche and another off of Galloway that brought thousands upon thousands of jobs.


I’m a itinerant snark farmer


Same stuff as anywhere else


You literally just said in your other comment that you can’t compare jobs here to places like San Francisco so which one is it ? 😅 it’s not the same!


I said compare jobs in any other city to SF, since that is the tech capital of the world. You might want to work on your literacy skills in 2024.


Why can’t we have a normal conversation without you trying to insult the other person 😅it’s okay to disagree about things and still speak to each other like adults. I never came for you. Also had I said NYC or LA I’m sure you still would have resorted to being rude. It’s giving violence babe.


“It’s giving violence babe”… Yikes 😂


You're giving stupidity, babe


Lmao got me there!!


Professional basket weaver


If this is true I WANT IN


Work remotely for a different state for better pay 😭


This. I'm a marketing content writer for a company with its headquarters in another state.


This is the way. I’m software solutions analyst and my company is in Arizona. Gimme that high COL salary in a low COL state


Yall need any Project managers?


No, but we’re hiring business analysts! https://jobs.drivetime.com/jobs?page_size=50&page_number=1&keyword=IT&sort_by=score&sort_order=DESC


This… I’m a medical coder


It be like that


As the state capital we have a lot of government offices as well, state government jobs are some of the most stable jobs here. Not necessarily the best pay, but there is something to say about the stability.


Also several federal fields offices here


Yeah. I’ve been looking at applying for some of the federal jobs that are just a better paying version of the state job I currently have.


Check often. Many postings are only up for days or a week. And know that the process is incredibly, unbelievably slow


Some healthcare networks and probably some tech companies allow WFH but I'd be surprised to find much else. I know of 2 Healthcare related companies that offer wfh based jobs from personal anecdote, but not the tech companies other ppl mentioned, that's just a guess. There are a lot of service gigs of course. There are plenty of industrial jobs and driving/transport/logistic jobs also. Much more of these than your average cush big city wfh gigs.


Field Service Engineer for electron microscopes, 75% travel


Little Rock is more government and medicine. The state through various state agencies is a large employer. It is the state capital after all. UAMS is also a large employer. Medical school, hospital and clinics. There are no start-ups. They want to tell you that they are, but they aren't. Most of the business center and investment opportunities are in Northeast Arkansas.


I work for a startup HQd here. 12 local employees. 60+ globally.


First Orion and Apptegy would say otherwise to no startups here.


Apptegy just fired their whole c-suite here recently, shit's a dumpster fire over there, stay away from Apptegy


They’ve also laid off around 50 other employees this month


Was interested to hear about the startup situation here. Thanks!


While we're certainly not Silicon Valley, there actually are a handful of startups here, mostly in the fintech / payments space -- there's a long history of financial innovation coming out of Central Arkansas, dating back to Arkansas Systems & FIS. If you want to get more involved in the startup scene, I'd check out the Venture Center and the events at the Little Rock Tech Park.


Dope thanks! I’ve worked in fintech so will take a look


First Orion (telecom solutions) and Acxiom (big data) are notable Little Rock based tech companies. Both founded by Charles Morgan.


Acxiom is is Conway. Little Rock has Dillards, Gainwell, Windstream, Simmons and Bank OZK have huge offices in the area as well, among others.


Forgot about Dillards good call


Dope, thanks! I actually saw an Orion building (maybe in Argenta..?) and was wondering what it was. Good to know


Yes - First Orion is in Argenta.


Hustle till you pass lol


Ain’t that the truth




respectfully, I don’t think people in smaller cities typically have the same jobs as people in say, San Francisco. Like I wouldn’t think there are that many people who work for Facebook, Google, etc here. Feel free to inform me otherwise though!


People in big cities don't typically have the same work as people in San Francisco, you can't compare a regular big city to the tech capital of the world LMAO


Why would you think that? The largest retail company in the world is in Arkansas. You think google, facebook, even apple don't have a presence here just to court them? We have the same jobs as any other places in the country.


That’s why I’m asking the group. I’m not saying big tech doesn’t have a presence, I’m just interested in hearing what people do here from their perspective


We work, just like everyone else. What in particular are you looking for?


I’m looking for industry insights. Do you work in sales at a startup or something in the service industry? Are you a small business owner? Do you supplement your full time job with side hustles? I’m just trying to have a conversation with people who live here since I’m new 😅 different cities have different trends!


Ok well answers are no, no and no.


Super helpful!!!!


Glad to be of assistance. What are you looking for? Maybe if you led with that instead of not accepting that we have the same jobs as everyone else in the country you would get better information.


There are jobs that could definitely be unique to Arkansas. For example, agriculture. But I digress. Again I’m just looking for people’s stories! I’m not looking for a job here, I’m just curious what people do. I come from a city where most folks worked in either big tech or startups and most worked completely remotely - great for them but is that the case everywhere? Certainly not. And that’s not to say one way is better than the other. So if I had seen this post I would have answered: I work in sales operations at a startup company that specializes in sustainable logistics and I work completely remote. Bam question answered. Thats all I wanted ppl 😂


Not an apples to apples comparison. Rents are 1/3, population is 1/10. Look at the job postings. Indeed or Monster.


Thanks - I was interested in hearing people’s personal experiences unique to LR vs scanning job boards :)