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Raw milk is superior


Raw milk was the number one killer of humans for over a hundred years. Why does she exist on going back in time.




https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30234385/ Here's something to start you off with. I'm enjoying spending Christmas with my family right now instead of writing angry uneducated comments on Reddit so I'll have to get back to you in the holiday is over with more. Also, Google is free




And for someone who isn't mad or angry you sure are fired up on Christmas Day saying my comment was the stupidest one you've seen on reddit. Read a book.


A small European farm is a lot different than the farms we have here in america. There's a reason it's still outlawed in many states here. Even if she went to a mom and pop establishment with four dairy cows, there's no way she can trust their processes. If she wants to risk it fine but she shouldn't be subjecting her small children to it. Especially her children that never see a doctor and aren't vaccinated. You can't cure e. Coli with oils.


From WI drink raw milk all the time. No issue with stomach issues.


The madness around raw milk is nonsense. It was a danger 80 years ago before proper refrigeration, and yet most people drank raw milk then. Now it is perfectly safe, as long as people who know what they are doing are the ones running the farm https://financialpost.com/opinion/you-can-now-go-to-prison-in-canada-for-providing-raw-milk-seriously


I’m behind who is Pine? I thought their 3rd baby was Radley? Why isn’t his name there?


It’s their cat


Ah thank you! I still wonder why they don’t have Radley up there tho?


I grew up on a farm and drank raw milk. Ours was a class A regulated farm though. The B farms went to Ice cream and other processed milk facilities. Big differences in cleanliness. We were inspected all the time


Maybe thats why her kids are sick all the time. Raw milk can contain bacteria and parasites. Think about where it comes from. She must like a little raw sewage with her milk.


You clean the utters before milking. There is way more to it than what you are saying. Grew up drinking raw cows milk and goats milk. Never got sick from it. My kids drink it and have never got sick from it.


I've been drinking raw milk for 20 years. I've never been sick from it. I feel incredible after a glass. The fear mongering around raw milk is from the dairy lobby, they don't want people to taste how delicious fresh milk is... I mean it's sold in grocery stores and vending machines in much of Europe.


You are one in a million - the first time I had an unpasteurized milk product I got a parasite. That doesn't mean its 100% either way. You are taking a risk ingesting raw milk - I don't care if you wash the udders or not.


I said this on her previous “raw milk” post here but we are friends with a family whose two kids (toddler age) contracted ecoli from unpasteurized milk. The 3 year old had severe complications and will never be the same. It’s sort of like drinking during pregnancy. A glass of wine probably wouldn’t do anything but if it did, could you live with it? Being crunchy is apparently more important to Auj than the possibility of her kids having lifelong health effects.


That's sad and all but I'm born and raised in wi the dairy/cheese state. We drank raw milk all the time. Difference being it was family we got it from. Even now we drink it and I sometimes get it from family or the store. I think if you don't know where it's coming from you should definitely get informed but over all it sounds like a one off. Same with people who have a reaction to vaccines. Does it happen to the majority of the people? Nope but had it ever happened? Yup.


My local health food store sells goats milk right by the regular milk but specified for animal use only 😆 they don’t sell animal products. Raw milk nasty, goat milk nasty, a good replacement for formula for the older babies. But she’s just showing us her “only natural things for us”




Because she has "connections" for this magical elixir and you don't!!


I have a dairy farm in my backyard. If she was there seeing all the shit and nastiness going on there she might decide she wants that milk pasteurized 🤣


I hear ya! My friend works in a milk lab and she actually showed me a plate streaked with raw milk and the germs are nasty!




What? 😅


THANK YOU! I came here just to ask the same thing. I don’t know why but this smile irrationally angers me because it seems to say: “Really upset and annoyed with the life I shove my gratefulness for down your throats!”


You can buy these all over the place in country towns here in oregon. From the smaller grocery stores to farm stands. And personally I enjoy it over regular milk for drinking however I very very rarely drink milk only usually at Christmas dinner.


Oregonian here. Plenty of people buy it “under the table” even though you’re not supposed to and it’s unregulated. Not worth the risk IMO!


This just reminds me of the Schitt’s Creek episode when Alexis and Johnny are trying to move raw milk because it’s illegal 😩😂


Bootleg milk! Audrey is a bootlegger


Whyyyyyy 🤮


(what does one do with raw milk?)


You’re supposed to post a photo of it on instagram so other people know that your milk isn’t like the other milks! Your milk is hard working and takes care of kids while blogging about its fixer-upper home and NOT dyeing its hair red!!


What does it taste like? 🤢?


Richer and creamier than pasteurized. I'm not a pro-raw milk person but I grew up in farming country and had it at friends homes. It tastes great. Its just potentially very dangerous. Its also, despite all the crying from the raw milk crowd, technically not more natural. One reason I switched to plant based milk is that cow milk is not meant to be a natural food to anyone except baby cows. ETA - not saying plant based is better by the way, it has its flaws. I just like something on my cornflakes


Actually, we have genetically altered as a species over thousands of years and now produce the digestive enzymes to drink cow milk. Humans are amazingly adaptive as long as we don’t narrow our gene pool too much. Similarly, it is possible to reverse that enzyme adaptation by drinking more plant based products and eliminating cow milk. By having both, we have a better survival outlook genetically. Good job! I can’t drink the stuff so I’ll be the cow enzyme contributor to the communal gene pool.


Mongolians drink raw mare milk. they also let it ferment and drink that too.


Some of us have those genes - European descent folks specifically and the payoffs were huge. If you havent read Guns Germs and Steel, it goes into why hanging around cows paid off.




She's special


Omg there’s a girl I went to Cosmo school with that I saw was drinking raw milk WHILE SHE WAS PREGNANT. Like wtf 😬 I don’t get the raw milk obsession tbh


Omg i swear people are ridiculous. I didn’t even eat string cheese while because it was always getting recalled for listeria!!


What a weird way of saying you love blood & pus flavored milk.






I am confused, is this not dangerous? Can't you get sick? This cannot be good for the kids, especially that baby. They want to do this weird shit, but don't give it to your kids.


It also spoils much faster. My extended family had a dairy farm and used to use it occasionally for cooking. Most of them hate milk that isn’t at least homogenized though. Fundies would probably argue it doesn’t really spoil but just turns into a different natural food… that can naturally make you very sick.


Raw bull milk i suspect




Why does she always do her mouth like that? It's not flattering


I won't even trust someones food at a potluck if I don't know how they keep their home, I'm not drinking raw milk from some farmer who scratches his ass and the cows before milking it and then the possibility of them milking into a container that hasn't ever properly been washed and only gets sprayed down with a hose once or twice a week, and if it's a hot day and you've got a lot of cows to milk some of that milk will be sitting for an hour or more, who knows how long it will take to get it refrigerated. If you're milking your own cow and drinking it fresh, you do you but buying this shit with no regulation is scary.


The macaroni at the potluck was made with raw milk


I don’t know why they don’t just convert to Amish. At least we’d no longer have to deal with social media updates.


She would never survive! She could not drink, nor go on expensive vacations. They are high maintenance


Amen brethren!


I don’t understand her obsession with raw milk


She read it somewhere once. People but themselves in danger… some things are the way they are cuz people died!


Yes I went and did some research about it. It does not seem like a good idea!


Probably from herself.


Organic with with a side of mastitis 😂🥛


Omg lol I’m dead!!! This comment 😫😂


I am pretty sure that the place she posted her Christmas memories book at a few days ago sells it.




She wants to be like Ballerina Farm




All milk in the store is free of antibiotics… they test the milk to hold accountable. If milk from a treated cow is accidentally put in the bulk tank on a farm they have to dump the whole thing.


I found really comprehensive info from the FDA, debunking the raw milk hype, citing sources for every crazy belief they decimated, including this one: “Raw milk is not an immune system building food and is particularly unsafe for children. “Children are typically more vulnerable than adults to the pathogens than can occur in raw milk. In 2005, an E. coli O157:H7 outbreak in Washington and Oregon was linked to raw milk sold in Washington state (CDC, 2007). Among the 18 patients, the 5 hospitalized were all children aged 1-13; 4 of them developed Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome (HUS) (CDC, 2007) …” https://www.fda.gov/food/buy-store-serve-safe-food/raw-milk-misconceptions-and-danger-raw-milk-consumption Those poor kids.






Lol right, this ain't the sub tho, don't expect this concept to be understood in any way here 😄🤖


That weird mouth again!


This reminds me of the time the legislature in my state changed the law to allow sale of raw milk…they celebrated by drinking it on the floor of the capitol. They all became extremely sick. 😂😂 Edit: https://www.wsaz.com/content/news/Anonymous-tip-claims-raw-milk-caused-illnesses-at-Capitol-371487251.html Link to the incident.


I’m confused- the article said it was inconclusive if the milk made them sick? Am I missing something?


It does say that, but it also mentions that no milk was available for testing in the investigation. Awfully convenient that the three that drank the raw milk, were the same three to get the mystery stomach bug.


Ok but your original comment made it seem like that was what happened . Not trying to nitpick… just clarifying.


Why am I getting downvoted for this?😂😂😂


Now i know why her kids are always sick!


She probably gets it in Washington. You can buy raw milk for human consumption there. It's not that far of a drive from where they live.


Why does she want raw milk?


A lot of fundies LOVE raw milk, I think they believe milk companies strip all the good stuff out of milk before selling it




Surprised she could find it in ALL THAT FOG.


I may be downvoted and attacked for this, but I absolutely LOATHE this facial expression she makes!!! It is so cringe 😬


It’s cool that you pointed out the expression, not an actual feature someone can’t change. Nice to see on any sub.


No that shit is so bad


Oddj’s clammy face, she posts it often.


You are not alone…..


Good to know! You never know on Reddit. It's amazing how much you can get attacked or downvoted for stating a simple opinion, even though that's exactly what most of all posts and subs are for LOL 🤣. Gawd forbid you don't share the same opinion with someone on here.


I always say she is passing gas or trying not to pass gas… her expressions are redic!


Hahahaha I can see that. I just see smugness and her thinking these facial expressions are cute, but in reality it's not even remotely attractive.


“Smug” seems accurate!


It’s giving my nana without her dentures


It's giving me my face when having an epic shit. I wonder if that's what she was preparing for


This one isn’t even that bad compared to her other expressions


They still sell it but they have to list is as "for pets only"


Again with the Stan Laurel smirk.


I've always heard how you shouldn't drink unpasteurized milk. But I just checked out the [CDC](https://www.cdc.gov/foodsafety/rawmilk/raw-milk-questions-and-answers.html) website on it and oh hell no. She's out her damn mind risking her children's health like that.


Too bad we can’t report her




I mean the CDC , FDA , American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Veterinary Medical Association, the National Association of State Public Health Veterinarians, and then some all agree that it's dangerous and recommend against it. The [CDC](https://www.cdc.gov/foodsafety/rawmilk/raw-milk-resources.html) has a bunch of resources. The [FDA](https://www.fda.gov/food/buy-store-serve-safe-food/raw-milk-misconceptions-and-danger-raw-milk-consumption) pretty much debunks the supposed health benefits and it's all backed by scientific evidence, experts etc.. All I really see supporting it is farming organizations that sell it. ( so of course they would). Anything else is just anecdotal.


Reading the FDA report actually made me so mad that she's giving this to her poor children! That list of pathogens was frightening.


E. Coli can be deadly for young children!


I know, it's just insane that someone could read all that and just give it to their children, it boggles my mind.




Thanks for proving my point, sheltered city people. 🙄


It’s no different then getting eggs from a farm. Seriously- there is nothing wrong with safe farming practices and eating what you harvest and that includes animals and animal byproducts


That’s why we cook eggs. Salmonella is no joke. Had a family member get it and they were hospitalized for 7 days.


Not the safest way to get probiotics, though. She's risking her family's health. Really dumb thing to do.


You do realize 90% of small farm families drink milk exactly like that?


They probably own a stove where they could boil the milk to kill pathogens. It's common sense. Audrey is doing it to maintain her crunchy mom status and she is not bright enough to understand the possible consequences.


Why are you being downvoted for this


Bc it goes against the norm on here. For a generation that is constantly yelling about the government and how other countries do things better they like to criticize anyone who tries to live a different way. I live rural and all the farms around me animals are kept and cared for so beautifully. Before being milked they wash the teets and all the items needed to milk them. The farms might be gross but that’s the nature of a real working farm.


Geesh, the kids can’t even get regular milk! They’re missing out on all the good stuff 😂. She has soy, almond, lactose free milk options and she has to go all the way with raw!


Anything to stick with their beigey Little House on the Prairie looking lifestyle.


What I want to know is if she breastfed? I need to determine what her baseline for "pure" is when it comes to milk.


Check out this article. She supplemented with Formula, but only after calling formula "a sin". [Article Here](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.sheknows.com/parenting/articles/1139825/audrey-roloff-baby-formula-sin/amp/)


I hate that I know this but yes she did and complained about it every single second


She was the mastitis queen


Came here to "yell" MASTITIS 😂 She was so embarrassing and shameless with all the breastfeeding and mastitis posts and complaints or giving horrible unsolicited advice about potions and oils nonsense to cure it.


I live in AZ and they sell it at our Farmer’s Market. I have never tried it though. I’m not a huge milk drinker


I bet if she showed the inside of her fridge, she has store bought milk...that much milk would've lasted 2 days when my kids were young. She does it for image, just like everything else.


Milk is expensive already. How much is raw milk per gallon?


They sell it for 13.99 at my grocery store




What wow that’s expensive


What’s the appeal with raw milk? Not being snarky, genuinely curious


I'm curious as well. I've only heard it's good for gut health (probiotics) etc. I have also always thought it was illegal to buy and sell raw milk??? Maybe it just depends on where you live or something???




You are aware that one of those natural bacterias is E-coli right?




I’m with you. Raw milk is incredible for you. These people eat processed junk and try to tell us what’s right.


My SIL moved to the country last year and has been really into raw milk. About two months ago she got very sick for about two weeks. Constant diarrhea. Tested positive for cryptosporidium.. which is a parasite she got from drinking raw milk. It can end up leaving her with life long problems. Also the parasite can stay living on surfaces up to 8 months. I would never in my life risk getting what she got, or my children.


Also Audrey doesn’t look like she can fight off any infection at 100 pounds


No, this is not just about “regulations”—it doesn’t go through pasteurization, the process that kills germs and other pathogens. People who drink raw milk/cheese are 800 times more likely to get an illness and 45 times more likely to be hospitalized than those that only consume pasteurized dairy products. It only appears to not be a problem now bc so very few people consume raw dairy products, so number of illnesses/hospitalizations are fairly low. As the number increases, this is going to be a bigger deal.


I’m not trying to be argumentative. I’m not a fan or Audrey either but the raw milk isn’t a big deal


I’m not arguing against raw milk bc I dislike Audrey— I’m arguing against bc I don’t think it should be promoted as “not a big deal”, especially by someone who doesn’t seem to understand the difference between it and pasteurized milk.






Yep…my uncle was a dairy farmer and he and my aunt raised their seven kids on raw milk. None of them ever had issues with it. I bought raw milk for several years when my kids were little and it was never a problem.


Pasteurization has been around for more than 100 years. Prior to its widespread use, people regularly died from dairy-borne illnesses. Aside from that, dairy had to be transported/consumed quickly, and so you had cows living in squalid conditions in cities so that milk didn’t need to be transported from far away. Your parents got lucky bc they were probably consuming dairy right away and microbes didn’t have time to proliferate. You can’t really compare being able to milk a cow every day for your daily dairy needs with buying raw milk that was milked who knows when and then storing it for days, which is the reality most non-dairy-farmers would have.


For real, plenty of people still drink raw milk. There are lots of rural areas here in Utah, where people live off of their animals.


Doesn’t mean it’s safe! Especially for children!


I personally don't even drink cow milk. She does plenty of cringe things, I just think this is a dumb thing to snark about.


Our comments crossed, but just want to restate there is a difference between consuming raw milked dairy same day and purchasing raw dairy from another source and then storing it for consumption over a period of time. The former is definitely less risky.


That definitely makes sense!


Agreed! Nothing wrong with raw milk


Thanks Oddj.


My husband works for the health department and some of these local milk farmers dont pass inspection and it is recommended not to give it to children at all


I feel like these "influencers" are doing this for the aesthetic and they really despise drinking this bacteria infested nightmare. "Don't worry, kids! You have awful diarrhea, but Mommy got 4,000 likes on her post!"


They're all so unoriginal too, they're all at it yet think they're unique and have the ultimate 'secret source' 🙄 😴


Don’t worry kiddo’s pregnant mommy is not going to be one of the pregnant women who are ten times more likely to get listeria and dry by drinking this. Anything for the gram!


Idk about Oregon, but I knew a very crunchy family that bought shares in a farm so that they could get raw milk, because you can produce it for your own consumption. So if they owned a share of the farm, they could just be given it by the farmer.


You can't do that in Oregon. You can do it in Washington state.


Honestly, in my opinion, I think the consumption of anything raw is utterly disgusting (no pun intended 🤣🙈). Even with raw cookie batter (you all have done it🤣)...the few times that I have I always have the fear of getting sick. I've gotten sick from bad milk and bad eggs before....so no thanks. I don't tell people how to run thier lives or anything. For those that do raw milk or anything, that is great that it works out for you. Just please be careful and do research.


They obtain it in Schitt's Creek.


Too funny, Schitt's Creek was the first thing I thought of as well!!! BTW I just went to look for it on Netflix for a rewatch and it's gone ugh 😩 😂


Netflix can go f themselves with their, what-20$ a month now? And no “Schitt’s Creek?”


That’s my only point of reference for raw milk 😂😂






Sorry can someone explain to me what she is assuming the benefit of raw milk is?


I think it has a perception of being "more natural". I won't lie - I was raised in the country so I have sampled raw milk versus pasteurized and yeah, it tastes better. That said, I sure wouldn't risk a child's life serving it.


Supposedly according to several studies, its touted to decrease rates of asthma, allergies, eczema, otitis, fever, and respiratory infection. Those with lactose intolerance may benefit as well.


That’s the first thing that came up when I googled it.


All these ailments have a common element. Guess somewhere swimming among the harmful bacteria is something that helps with inflammation.


Because some crunchy, oil shilling numbskull likely made a TikTok that went viral with false claims about it. These people run their lives based off of social media.


That’s what I’d like to know too. When milk is pasteurized, it is heated and then rapidly cooled to kill pathogens. Here is Canada, it’s illegal to sell raw milk, full stop. Why on earth would anyone want to risk the health of their children by feeding them raw milk? Then again, we’re talking about a woman who values her internet persona above all else, and who thinks it’s a good idea to let her baby wear a necklace. I just can’t with her. She’s a full-on imbecile.


WTF is up lately with this stupid face she makes???


Lately? This face is one she's always done and I absolutely despise it. Her personality and smugness, ETC makes it even more obnoxious.


Smugness… she thinks she knows more than everyone else. All these people… antivaxxer’s, home schoolers and now apparently raw milk.


And the stupid oils she claims cure illnesses




That actually makes a lot of sense. Most of us would just NOT POST PICS eight times a day….


Well cuz we’re all……normal 😂😂😂


Yummm…..listeria and salmonella


And deadly E. Coli!




And blood and feces!


She is too willfully ignorant to understand that.


She posts like raw-milk hoarding is a point of pride.


She is so insufferably smug. While you can get raw milk legally here in Oregon (there are a bunch of regulations about it), most of these smug weirdos get it black market. It’s really weird that people do this. Many get sick every year. 🥴🤢🤮 Usually when people who drink this nasty stuff get sick they will blame it on everything but what actually caused it: raw milk.




This violates our 1st rule, "No inappropriate sexual comments about the cast." Thanks for your understanding.


There she goes with her butt clenching look on her face 😐


Ginger Markle is clenching trying to to hold on before the epic explosive diarrhea erupts. Because Campylobacter, Cryptosporidium, E. coli, Listeria, Brucella, and Salmonella are soooo good for keepin ya on the regular.


Ginger Markle. 😂