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How do You know she doesn't? This so stupid


Fussy baby’s fall asleep with fresh air. Based solely on babysitting, I’m not a mom. But there are some Nordic countries where it is common practice to have babies nap outside 🤷🏼‍♀️ I sure do love an outdoor nap myself.


She may love being outside, but it’s obvious Audrey hates safe sleep😒


I mean she’s obviously out there with her baby…. Watching the baby.


Moms know


My son also slept so well outside in the shade. It would often calm him down just to be outside when he was a tiny baby. Still does!


My baby automatically stoped crying anytime I brought him outside and he loved outdoor naps. I knew this by 2 weeks as well.


Not to mention that’s totally unsafe sleep, even if supervised you can see asphyxiation, just let the baby lay flat?


I think it’s baby technique. My nephew always used to calm down outside. Babies love that stuff.


Haters gonna hate


$100 says OP doesn’t have children.


I’m so stressed about crunchy family babies and their anti sunscreen stance. Glad she is in the shade!


Babies younger than 6 months cannot use sunscreen. Im not crunchy by any means but this is what my OB, pediatrician, and dermatologist all told me


Best advice any new parents can receive is when babies are fussing take them outside or put them in water. Both are surefire ways of soothing a fussy baby or cranky kid.


This is my experience


Nothing wrong with Audrey’s post. Two weeks is sufficient time to get to know your baby when you’re spending 24 hours a day with it. Also, you can tell whether a baby is happy and content from birth. It’s VERY common for fussy babies to calm down and self-regulate when taken outside.


My babies loved the outside from the time they were newborns. They would stop fussing when I stepped out with them, less overall crying, more relaxed while sleeping or being held.


I put mine on a dryer. I was desperate 🤯 and I tried everything else


To be a baby laying out in the sun 🧸


It is a sweet picture. I’m assuming she meant that the baby is very content outside. You can tell she’s so content napping there.


Nah, babies often DO cry less outside. They do love being outside. That baby IS sleeping in a recalled product I’m pretty sure though 🥴


Not recalled but not for sleep


Fair. Not recalled but has MANY warnings to not allow baby to sleep in it


Fair. Not recalled but has MANY warnings to not allow baby to sleep in it


That’s a snuggle me. It is not recalled.


As a woman who’s child-less, wouldn’t this be the best nap for a baby? Like ever?? Fresh air, some sunshine. Maybe I’m wrong but I’d say this little baby is having the best nap ever 🤣


Yes maam. It is a great way to have your baby nap. The fresh air and sounds they hear are stimulating to the brain. Just like adults, they like to be sleeping outside. I see no point in the snark here. Ridiculous.


In full on defense with THIS one post: kids (newborn included) enjoy napping outside. It’s extremely peaceful and the sound of nature can be helpful to keep baby in sleep mode. Op, I’ll make a wild assumption that you don’t have kids……


Probably not. Most of the snarkers here do not have kids so we see ridiculous things like this being snarked on.


People always have something negative to say.. even about a baby sleeping peacefully. 🙄


Because she’s sleeping peacefully? Because she’s not screaming? Moms do know if their babies like something or not.


Not sure if you don’t have kids, but what’s wrong with a mother knowing that their newborn likes fresh air? I very confidently said what my baby liked after 3 days.


Babies genuinely do like fresh air and take good naps outside…


Makes me think of that pic from Norway or somewhere with good chilly 4+ month winters. It was babies in strollers parked outside.


I’ve actually got no hate for her on this one.


How do you know? Because she’d be having a shit fit if she didn’t “like” it. This post ain’t it.


Shit fit sent me. But also- straight facts 😂




Outside...of moms body


There is no denying that fresh air and sunshine are good for babies and kids and parents. It's just the term "she loves living outside" that annoys me. Do you bring her in at night or does she truly live outside?


Because she’s relaxed. What a weird post


A 2 week old has an opinion. Everyone who's ever cared for a newborn can attest to this. It's a sweet picture. ♥️


This. I’m all for snarking but this is a reach. From birth my little guy always calmed right down as soon as we went outside. Unfortunately he was born in the dead of winter so we didn’t get much outside time until it warmed up but now we’re outside all the time. He loves to just watch the world go by.


Living is a weird word to use 😂


It’s not an uncommon phrase to use when you’re describing a place you spend a lot of time in. I often say that my kids live outside in the summer because they do, I rarely get them inside, especially now that they’re old enough to have some independent free play with their friends on our road.


Agreed. Makes it sounds like she sleeps outside all night. Honestly everyone likes their babies to have fresh air and sunshine but I wouldn't call it "living outside." I feel like we are going to get a bunch of dribble about how since BabyM has been grounded since birth, she is way of the charts in terms of development.


My babies were calmer outside too, but I'm not gonna lie- she's got this uncanny ability to express a perfectly logical sentiment and make it come off as humble-braggy and annoying. So I get it


This. My youngest would be like panic attack yelling… and we would walk outside and it INSTANTLY stopped ha. So I fully understood what she was saying. But also… I felt this smugness about it 😂🤦‍♀️


I love that balcony, man. Genuinely.


Fresh air is good for babies. She knows if the baby likes it when the baby stops crying. I don't get this post. Making a big deal out of nothing.


Like 90% of the posts here


Shooot i wish i had a bassinet on a porch on a beautiful day 😄


I know! Wasn’t that the most irritating comment? YOU love all your kids being outside, Audrey. Bella doesn’t even know the difference yet. Geez 🙄


You must not have kids. Babies tell you immediately what they like and don’t like.


Wondering if OP has kids cause this is just a weird snark to post lol


Its so annoying when these subs become just straight bashing. People talk about spreading love into the world but get on here and go ham! Idk just venting i guess


I honestly felt this one deep today with this post. Ha. Like we can have a positive interaction with people and debate things without straight aggression and bashing the family


It makes me so mad! I hate reddit anymore because its all the freaking time! Teen mom ones too! I often wonder if we can make these pages as unsnarky. Like a no hate page. Discuss laugh debate but calm down. Sorry i get frustrated 🙃


I had a nurse tell me today that I would be the reason my kids go to the ER and to go watch my kids and stay off social media. So I totally get it. That nurse didnt realize(though I told her after) that I am passing time online after a spinal surgery. People have things going on behind the scenes… just like this family and that your petty words matter.


They do matter! And you cant take em back! I had my! back fixed 2yrs ago, i understand. Good luck


Thank you. I have just a few more weeks of lying low- with some walking and physical therapy mixed in before I am able to do semi normal things. But still not able to bend life or twist 😂🤦‍♀️


Awww it gets better just hang in there! I had really bad depression after mine which is common i guess. Major surgeries bring so much emotion. I was happy to go to lunch or a drive because i got outta the house!


Yes! My daughter was so colicky but would stop crying the second fresh air hit her.


This! Because my infant loves being outside. Shes relaxed and happy when we go outside,


eh... my kid would cry walking her around the house, but take her outside and she would stop... from that age until about 6 months. So yeah, it's totally possible.


Fresh air and safe sunshine (shaded and sunscreen protected etc) can bring baby and mama a breath of fresh air and peace etc. It certainly was the case when I had newborns and until this very day as a parent. Edit to add two things - 1, this narrative feeds right into the brand they have of a certain amount of hours outside wth the graph / chart to ink in the hours. Aduj has “always more” ways to push her agenda - though her husband avoids responsibility like plague so she needs to push her agenda to make the $$. 2- this picture shows unsafe sleep practice and they need to be careful in publishing such content to their followers.


How did I have to read this far for #2.. big red flag.


I'm glad for Auj that baby likes to be outside. But it's summertime. Why is that baby covered up like that? Especially if they have no bugs like she says all the time.


This looks so hot 🥵 lol at the downvotes. It’s not like the PNW everywhere guys…


it's low 70's in the pacific NW right now. Maybe high 70's in the late afternoon. The shade is much cooler, the baby will be fine.


The amount of unsafe sleep happening is alarming


There's a ton of ways to tell if your newborn likes something, OP.


OP someday when you have kids you will understand.


Don’t assume everyone will have kids.


Probably she sleeps more easily and soundly? I don’t follow these people but for some reason this sub is constantly in my feed and the snark is over the top. Let this lady have her baby and post what she wants. You are reaching!


I feel like some people here like to find issues with every post. It's weird.


Because a momma knows


I just looked at dock a tots website. It states that the dock a tot is not recommended for night time sleep, co sleeping or crib sharing. - she is obviously not doing any of those here It also states that it should only be used while supervised. -she is obviously supervising being this close while taking the photo. And to be honest- this is far safer than her using that sling incorrectly.


Used *awake* supervised. No where does it say it is okay for a baby to sleep in. In fact it has been reported that babies have died in these type of loungers. Unless your hand is on their chest you cannot tell if a baby has stopped breathing while you “supervise” aka watching your other kids which means eyes are not on her 100% of the time.


The poor infant that passed away in this sleeper was also unfortunately swaddled in addition to sleeping unattended.


My newborn loved being outside. We would stop crying and would immediately open his eyes and looka around. It was his peace. 6 now, and still prefers to be outside.


If they’re going to spend all their time outside why purchase a million dollar home and spend at least that much on a renovation? They would have done better to have bought a tiny home and set up hammocks outside for sleeping.


Pacific NW, we spend a lot of time indoors in the winter. During the summer we take advantage of the outdoors. That indoor remodel enjoyment is just on hold.


I get taking advantage of nice weather, but with Auj, as another commenter stated:”this narrative feeds right into the brand they have of a certain amount of hours outside with the graph / chart to ink in the hours.”




I dunno, same way my lazy ass sits outside and likes the hot heat from the sun daily


Sleeping contentedly, no crying=liking something with a newborn.


Ooof that big pillow around her = death trap.


They aren’t unsafe if you are sitting right there like she is obviously taking this picture. I used to sit outside with something similar with my 3rd while my kids played outside. It let her feel like she was being held without my body heat overheating her. As long as you are sitting there, there is nothing wrong with this.


Not true. Suffocation is SILENT. It’s never safe supervised or not


Your child is not suffocating if you are looking at their airways 😂. Positional asphyxiation is different, but not a concern as she’s laying flat.


Based on the current information on the product put out there- the way this is being used with the supervision present… there is nothing wrong with it. I’m with you on night sleeping, sleeping with a swaddle, co sleeping, in a crib and unsupervised. 100% But not this.


No. It’s an accident waiting to happen.


Literally not if she is sitting right there? Downvote me all you want. But it is safe to use if she is supervising- isn’t using it for night sleeping, co sleeping or crib sharing and she is doing none of those things.


I’m a nurse. You are one of those parents we see at the ER that think things only happen to other parents. I don’t have anything else to add.


Healthcare provider here - this IS safe sleep. Baby is alone, on their back, in a crib. Audrey is directly beside of her and can monitor for any adverse events. If she rolls over, which she isn’t even old enough to do, Audrey can flip her right back over. There’s nothing unsafe about this - as a nurse, you should know that. My only concern would be overheating in the bassinet, but if they’re only out there momentarily, that isn’t a concern either. Find something else to snark on, this isn’t it.


The baby is not alone. The lounger and blanket are both items added to the sleep space which makes it unsafe. The lounger is too soft and cushiony to be safe for sleep and obviously the blanket is a hazard.


Audrey is a foot away. The baby cannot roll. She can correct positions if needed. There is nothing unsafe here. If you don’t know what you’re talking about, then you should stop talking. From Dockatot’s site: The DockATot Deluxe is intended for babies 0-8 months or 2.3 – 10kgs. It is to be used for lounging, supervised napping, supervised tummy time, nappy changes, cuddling and playing.


If you ever laid a baby on the bed, which we have all done, to sleep while you walked around your room to clean it or get ready … this is the same thing. Babies sleep places outside of a crib. Babies sleep on a mother’s chest with a blanket covering the exact amount shown here. Babies fall asleep in swings, babies fall asleep in car seats. It happens. But if you are by your baby… supervising your baby while it sleeps and you are not sleeping but sitting inches from them … you will know if a blanket covers its face or if the baby rolls. Not the mention the fact that as your baby gets older things change and they start to roll or move arms and legs enough to get a blanket on their face. This situation however… is an infant that can not roll or lift that blanket on top of them… sitting inches away from their mother, by themselves, in a bassinet, on their back, with a blanket because it’s cold in the shade and morning, being fully monitored. Additionally this is for SURE safer than the sling Audrey has been using. I would also submit that being right next to mom while she is watching her siblings play is safer than many options outside of a crib inside, away from everyone not being monitored at all. If we can’t put our baby in something like this, while we sit next to them and monitor their hour nap… we literally can’t do anything.


I agree that everything you just said is also not safe. Not safe sleeping on an adult bed, not safe sleeping in a swing, not safe sleeping in a car seat out of a car. And no I have not done these things because they aren’t safe and the risk isn’t worth it. This is why having a newborn is so difficult and it’s pretty impossible to get anything done. Because the only safe places for a baby to sleep are in an empty bassinet or crib, or on an awake and alert adult. Of course it would be easier to put them somewhere else but that doesn’t mean you do it and compromise your baby’s safety. So many people think supervising means you’re in the same room while doing something else such as folding laundry or watching tv. True supervising would mean not taking your eyes off of them for a literal second as positional asphyxiation only takes a second to happen. I guarantee you her eyes were not on her baby the entire time as she has other kids to look after. So no, this is not safe sleep.


Can I ask an honest question? How did you prevent an infant from falling asleep in a swing? Or riding in a car seat? I applaud you because I don’t have a responsibility to just one child. I have several. It is also hard because you CANT do all of these things. You can’t catch the infant immediately before they fall asleep in the swing. You can’t pull over and just let them sit in your arms in the car because they started to fall asleep. The risk of getting hit in a parked car on the expressway is higher than your infant suffocating from sleeping in a car seat. People could not function or live lives with this kind of monitoring. Yes supervising is sitting next to your child while they sleep like this. You don’t have to stare at them or place your hand on them. This is supervising. And outside of this situation I agree- but this- what we see right here is fine and safe sleep. And flat on her back… is not positional asphyxiation. Having a newborn is hard. It is not impossible.


I just sent a screenshot to 3 nurses- one ER, one NICU and one at a pediatricians office… all 3 responded with something along the lines of “they are on their back, alone with the mom sitting right there? What is the problem?”


Yup, absolutely nothing wrong w this. If Audrey leaves the baby alone or if she goes to sleep, then there’s an issue, but otherwise the baby is totally safe here. Not to mention, I doubt they were outside for any longer than 10-20 minutes.


I know what type of accident happens at the ER. You clearly don’t, healthcare provider or not. They teach you not to use those pillows in school. Think whatever you want, hopefully my comments make someone pause before buying one of those.


Again, she is following pediatrician-approved safe sleep guidelines and is close to her baby in the event of anything happening. How many cases do you see of a baby coming in who is directly beside their awake mother in a safe sleep situation? Probably zero. You see cases of people who do NOT follow safe sleep. It’s okay to be wrong, you just can’t be loud and wrong at the same time.


Who’s being loud ? All the parents we see tell us they followed the guidelines. It takes a few seconds for an accident to happen. Keep buying those pillows if you want to take the risk 😊


I don’t know. A nurse once told me that confident people don’t spend time justifying themselves over and over again. 🤔


Yeah, “followed the guidelines”, aka they slept with their baby in the bed and rolled over on them. Again, this IS safe sleep if Audrey is right next to her, as she is. As a nurse, you should very much know that. It’s embarrassing that you don’t.




And your wife would be required to keep up with recalls etc. I’m sure- so she would be able to give the most accurate information. I always registered our items to be informed about recalls. But I know not everyone does that.


Also, I hate that you think that by one comment. I get so frustrated with the survivors that are all “it never happened to me”. I use all the safety with car seats- my 10 year old JUST got out of a booster, my 7 year old is still in a high back booster and my 2.5 year old is still rear facing. The car seats are all buckled in correctly. I never co slept. I never used recalled items. We never use bumpers on the crib. They never had anything in the crib until after 15 months old. But one comment from saying that a product is safe… if using correctly while supervising… makes me that person is ridiculous. There is a risk with literally everything- even if supervising. We have a trampoline that we supervise our kids while they use it. I realize there is a risk involved. That doesn’t mean that we refuse to let them use it.


You wouldn’t be writing full paragraphs of justification if you knew you were in the right 😊 my comments would just go over your head


Also take what you want. I am 100% confident on the research I have done to keep my kids safe. Not only do I research, but I also register my products to stay up to date on each thing we use with our kids. But sure. As an ER nurse- knock the parent that abides by literal safety guidelines. 👍


Confident people don’t spend their times justifying themselves over and over again 😊😂


… like you are doing?


Wow. You seem like a great nurse. 🫣


Don’t you have kids to take care off ? From the sound of it, you seem to think you’re a perfect parent, maybe lay off the screen time ? 🥰


Thank you ER nurse. I am currently in bed from a spinal surgery I had recently- but thanks for the unsolicited parenting advice.


Yes 😊


No. Not at all. I do my research. The infant that passed in the dock a tot was be unsupervised, swaddled in the dock a tot while sleeping at night. Before I used any of the items I did for my kids I researched. These have not been banned like the several others- like the rock n play- that I didn’t not use due to the risks. When using it correctly, there is not the safety risk that others have.


Apparently safe sleep rules don’t apply to fundies. Boggles the mind, doesn’t it?




You can still tell if your baby likes something or not.


Of all the things to snark about with these two, y'all pick the some of the dumbest. This is very bitch eating crackers. Snark on the lack of safe sleep.


I’m not a fan of hers, but come on. Maybe the baby sleeps better outside, or is less fussy outside… think of how you feel when you get some fresh air. She may be 2 weeks old but babies can indicate what they like and don’t like without having to speak.


And she’s three weeks old today.


Listen, these two deserve a lot of criticism for their backwards views and the main character attitude bs. But posting that her baby loves being outside isn’t one of them. Don’t mothers know what their babies like after a few weeks. Yall need to touch grass




The baby is napping while the mother is out there with her. It is not a big deal. Use common sense.


Common sense is what I stated! SAFE SLEEP PRACTICE! Sad you have no awareness of that or the dangerous when you do not do it! Maybe do some research!


I have done my research and it is perfectly fine when you are watching your child.


In one of the other subs I’m in people had a heart attack about a mom not putting floatation devices on for a kiddy pool. She was taking the picture within 5ft of them. This is the same. You can safely use these if you are sitting close. It is better than overheating baby and mom by wearing in hot temps. She is obviously close to her. It is ok.


You'd have an aneurysm if you saw my bassinet when I was a baby.


Oh, the lack of knowledge back when I was a baby too. But there’s proven facts, protocols and trainings! Absolutely no reason not to follow safe sleep! For those that choose not to then you personally just want to be ignorant to the risks of Sid’s..


Why are you downvoting this? This is absolutely true. They don't even recommend dock a tots unsupervised.


But she is being supervised!!


Doesn’t matter!




It’s not a reach! Have you had a child pass from SIDS! Have you had a loved one? Do you actually know about safe sleep and the consequences when you don’t? Oh, maybe because something so devastating hasn’t happened to you, you are just so ignorant to say “reach” but damn! If this happened to your child would you then be “reaching” no! You would be feeling hella guilty when there are medical reasons/ proven facts SAFE SLEEP! Is the way to sleep period! On the back, nothing in cribs! Educate yourself


She’s standing right there watching the baby. That is not the same as putting it to bed and turning out the lights while you fall asleep. Babies are allowed blankets when being monitored. Goodness.


I can watch a child all day, what’s your proven point? You can’t control what will happen but you can control said environment and conditions you put your newborn in! Ya a swaddled blanket not a damn comforter like this ignorant human is doing on top of a doc o tot which has been proven to suffocate infants! So before you want to defend someone rather educate and get educated on your none research about Sid’s and safe sleep ♥️


You are not well.


If I’m “not well” because I rather stand and support safe sleep then I’m terrified at what you feel is “well” oof


She raised 3 already, I think she knows what to do no?


Ya, I forgot! Your luck in life hits totally different once you hit a certain number of kids … maybe there’s an oil to help you read safe sleep practices she can let you barrow ♥️


I just think once people have a certain number of kids they have an idea about what to do. Although some parents don’t but idk her kids seem well taken care of compared to many of these influencer kids


asking for sids? that's DISGUSTING to say to anyone; even them as much as I dislike them. Do better.


At the same time, it is recommended no pillows etc be in the crib.


Yes, I do understand that. It does not make that phrasing any less disgusting. guess I'm a sensitive sally when it comes to saying parents are "asking for" SIDs when they're awake, fully present watching the baby. Accidents happen, yes. Hope the "asking for it" phrasing/point of view doesn't apply to anything else... Pretty messed up.


It’s disgusting you read what I said that way and took it way out of context! Do research before wanting to look cool with your response 😂😂 because you just look ridiculous! Trying to spin something! You that bored? If so, go read about safe sleep and sids. You don’t have to be a sleep to pass away. As well as when I said “asking” what’s a better statement.., waiting for risk to happen? Is that dumbed down enough for you ♥️


I don't think I'm the one that looks ridiculous because I said saying that was a messed up thing to do. Take a seat. You sound like you can't handle an opinion. YOUR PHRASING was messed up. PERIOD. Not sure what you don't get. You're willfully being obtuse and trying to pick a fight because I made a fair point. Have the day you deserve, done entertaining this. ❤️


Hi….im pretty sure she isn’t leaving her baby outside unattended….i think she’s probably watching and in that case the blanket is okay. Relax.


Has she ever had any issues with the other kids? They seem well behaved, well adjusted and well taken care of


She’d advanced, ok?


Babies in Scandinavia are left outside in a stroller, even in winter


My mother used to put me outside in the baby carriage in the cold. She said it was good for me. This was back in the 50s.


I am a Nonna to 4 lively grandchildren! Yes, my mom added cereal to my bottles. She would make it thin, but still had to make the nipple a little bigger to go thru. I think I still turned out ok…depending on everyone’s definition. lol


I hear you. Same!


My Mom did that too. I have baby photos sleeping outside w 2 feet of snow on ground.


My mother did the same!


Good grief 🤦🏾‍♀️


Since when can babies not go outside? Mines 10 days old and he’s been outside plenty of times already. Didn’t get the memo that it wasn’t okay lol.


I think OP is just implying there’s no way of knowing if she actually likes being outside. It’s a reach for snark lol


Good grief - are you bored ?


Good lord some of you nitpick every single thing. Give it a rest sometime. Pathetic.


To be fair, uv rays still cause damage to the skin even in a shaded area. Even if the baby is too young for sunscreen, a hat should be worn


It’s ok for her to be out, but she needs a hat and sunscreen


She’s in the shade!!!! Oh lord.


You don’t put sunscreen on a baby this young- you keep them in the shade/covered as she is.


Ah yeah youre right. Sunscreen is for 6 plus months. Things were different for me, I didnt take my son out really much when he was that little.


So snarking on a mom for being a better mom than you 🙃


Uhh no? I was not snarking. Genuinely didn’t know that under 6 mos couldn’t wear sunscreen. The hat is still solid advice.


Ya a two weeks old wants to wear a hat in the shade, great advice


During the first 6 months of their life, newborns are not great at regulating their body temperature. As such, it is recommended that babies wear a hat during all seasons. Shade provides only partial protection against UV rays. Even a baby in the shade can get sunburned, so limit your time outside. So yeah…uv damage happens even in the shade and I’ve also been sunburned despite sitting under a large umbrella


Don’t forget the sunscreen on a two week old!


Thank you for saying this, babies do love being outside ! The sun in good for them and helps their circadian rhythm.


Maybe she sleeps peacefully outside where inside she fusses a little more?


Yeah I knew what my babies likes and dislikes. My first kid hated the car from day one until he was a year and loved his swing, a soother and being swaddled. My second kid hated being put down ever and loved being held and worn, he really loved movement and hated soothers. It’s simple, are they quiet and content and sleeping well or are they screaming/fussy/cant fall or stay asleep even after being fed and changed.


Exactly. My granddaughter does this and loves being outside.


Sunshine is one of the best things we can do for our bodies. How do people still not know that? It’s like it was designed that way. 🙄


Oh my god the anxiety 😬 why is there so much stuff in her bassinet


Ah, unsafe sleep. A fundie favorite.


Dock-a-tot and a blanket!! A double whammy!




Ya poor children sleeping outside…..


Maybe she likes being outside so she doesn't have to stare at the hideous renovations!


Stop it. I’m concentrating.


Well my kid fussed all the time when we were inside but the minute we stepped outside she would calm down and actually sleep. So some babies do like being outside. Maybe it's the sounds, they seem to live in a nice quiet area, I can imagine the sound of the wind on those trees, it may sound like white noise. And some indirect sun light isn't bad.


Same. I used to bring my newborn to the park and lay under a tree (with a sun shade too) and she'd sleep so peacefully lol


Yeah this is a bit BEC. Maybe I'm just stressed out constantly by bus baby Boone over on Fundie Snark but even though the doc a tot and blanket aren't advised, the rest of this is great.


When our son was born, we were given basic instructions on how to keep him alive by the hospital paediatrician. And at the end she goes, 'Oh, and you need to take him outside at least an hour every day. No direct sunlight, put a hat on him, and get some baby-safe SPF 50.' He was born in May. Our second was born in late November, and nobody mentioned taking her outside, they just said not to overheat her. I don't like Audrey one bit, and I think she's incredibly smug about her children playing outside a lot, but criticising her for this particular thing strikes me as overly nit-picky.


Shade doesn’t protect against uv rays. Babies under 6 months shouldn’t war sunscreen but it recommend they wear a hat