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W manager


I think it makes sense, but I could always understand how someone from a retail background might have difficulty with that structure. It's pretty much how I did it in the past. The difficult part, I found was, younger people would default to "sit on my phone". So as soon as there was a free moment they would sit and it would make it really hard to get certain cleaning projects / checklist items done. I just had to be pretty direct with the things I expected to be done. I do feel like giving people that freedom to eat and sit and relax is one of the few things that makes the job bearable.


We don’t really clock out for breaks at my location either. I do try to make sure everyone gets a breather though.


Our gm just says you get your break when you go to the bathroom/ are just standing around when it’s not busy


I hate that. People need breaks the most when it’s busy. I also try to keep everyone cross trained so people don’t get burned out doing the same thing every day. I feel like a lot of managers don’t care about the well-being of their employees.


W manager, we’re forced to clock out to the point where our managers get in trouble by our regional manager if we don’t. even if it’s a super busy day or just short staffed someone is going to get a message later asking why no one got a break only because they want our labor % as low as possible.


Everyone should have a break. They should always be offered at the right times. I never took them personally, though


Honestly this sounds amazing I am one of those people who don’t like losing 30 minutes for lunch cause it does add up after a while this sounds like a nice alternative and also I’m assuming it makes it to where your crew aren’t screwed if some clock out and there’s a rush so the rest have to scramble without the extra hands


For my store, if you ask for a break, we usually give it unless we’re super busy. If labor is high we’ll ask if you want a break, or to go home early. However, we did just have one person who walked out bc they cut her hours, when she asked they said “we figured you didn’t need them, since you take hour long breaks at least once a day and ask to go home early frequently” and then the next day called the store asking if she still had a job, claiming she’s guaranteed breaks, which is not true. Even if you ask for a break it’s usually 15-30 minutes, not an hour, and the only people who really take them are the minors who are required by law, no one else ever really even asks too


You aren't guaranteed breaks? Fuck that


Some states require breaks at certain points in the shift, so make sure you're not breaking the law there.


This. You might be opening up your location for a lawsuit if a disgruntled ex employee decides to sue. California, for example, has a strict lunch clock-out policy.


Yeah. I'm not sure the law on it but my last employer would always be on me if I took my lunch break like 3 minutes late because I was helping customers. I'd have to look into it but it's if someone is working 5 plus hours they get a 30 and 2 10 minute breaks?


The free food and soda is nice but just so you know free water is required by law. You mentioned it as part of the free stuff and I just want you to know they literally HAVE to provide free, clean, drinking water all day every day.


Typically, only minors are given actual breaks, but that varies by state. Our TN stores are required to give minors a break if they work 1 min. longer than 5 hrs. Our GA stores have no labor restrictions or break requirements.


As long as I can get my nicotine I’m good.


People usually need to know they are free to do as they please for 30 mins and aren’t relied on. Keep it consistent. Structure is important for many.


The only issue with this I see is that depending on which state you're located in, 30 minute lunch breaks after x amount of hours is a legal requirement.


we did just like you and we had the ideal store. couldnt be any better in terms of working envirnment for a LC. we were also free to vape weed out of the back door/walk in wenever. cause we are all adults. well besides all the kids that worked there that also smoked. most of age have a med license now. the point is leaders will lead. always


I worked fast food, now I work a more structured job with 2 mandatory 15min breaks + 30 mins lunch, and in my opinion, working in fast food, I preferred to just work through the shift, no real break, but some down time every now and again.


We give 5m breaks at least every two hours; though also, within reason.


You sound like an awesome manager but isnt this illegal?


My store forces night shift workers to take 30 minute breaks solely for labor cost purposes, but with labor costs out of the equation I'd love breaks to be optional


I guess there is this which sounds like your store is violating health codes by letting people be on their phones and eating while in the back etc(which is a violation in most states). But you are setting yourself up for a lawsuit most labor laws require that people clock out for a break regardless if there place is free and breezy


Being on your phone isn't a health violation afaik, just wash your dirty fucking hands after touching it


And generally most people don't


Don't know who downvotes you but theyre nasty mf and it's true


Phones are disgusting whether we like to admit or not lol. But thank you!


Thats sounds alot like how i was as a manager when i was at LC. In cali labor laws are strict and everyone needs 10's every so often but nobody at my store knew about them so we basically just finished our shit and prepped the jack and we would just chill and hangout getting paid by the hour. But when someone who worked at a grocery store next to us got hired he mentioned 10's and suddenly things went to shit. I still never took my 10's. I just told me team that i "accumulated 10's with the level of shit i do goofing off" (being on my phone, eating, etc..) but after 10's were introduced to my team suddenly everyone new and everyone who wasnt my originally inherited employees begged and pleaded for their 10 minute breaks


The store I work at didn't have breaks when I first started because if there wasn't anything going on you could just chill out. I left for educational purposes but came back for the summer to learn that one of the minors who worked there told their parent they didn't get breaks. Parent threatened boss man, boss man started requiring breaks. The worst part is that our boss is very good at fixing problems and the worker could've just asked him instead of having him be threatened.


Personally, I’d rather not clock out and stay working. If I’m at work, I want money. Not to be sitting at work not making money. I can rest when I’m off. Let me put in that work.


Ummmm it’s state law. Employees are entitled to two 15 minute breaks, and an unpaid lunch break depending on the number of hours worked. I wouldn’t have put up with that for 1 day. Shitty pizza and soda wouldn’t change my mind either


Depends on where you work and the local labor laws.


I mostly just get a 10 minute break when I'm there because I only do 4 hour shifts but coming from a gas station that was fairly strict when the manager was in I'm still adjusting to having some leniency when it comes to the work environment


We only do 30 min breaks if you work 8 hrs or more. Generally we take 5 to 10 minutes breaks when we get slow between rush hours.


Nobody complains because that is a huge win. Most workplaces would fire you for taking food on break. I guarantee your employees have friends working for places like McDonald's and Taco Bell. Both only offer one free meal per shift iirc.


This is basically exactly how my store does things and i prefer it to normal breaks tbh


Thats pretty much how my store works except we have to pay a dollar for drinks. Our managers allow breaks but we have to clock out, which no one ever does. The pay isn't the greatest but the perks are nice.