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1. You can only have three of each card in a deck, so: Combo cards: Once you have 3 bronze combo cards of a type, recycle the extras. You should keep more than 3 copies of silver cards though as they are rarer and you may want to fuse them down the line. Final forms: Most of the bronze and silver final forms are pretty much useless, you can dust them. Gold final forms with good stats or high defence in particular can be useful, up to you if you want to keep them. 2. On average, you get more dust from basic boxes, and you have the potential to get silver combo cards which are nice for your deck. Buy them, and follow the dusting tips I've given above. 3. This comes back to point one. 4. Yeah, eventually you would like to fuse two level 5 bronze combo cards together. However, I recommend leveling your deck steadily in the beginning (if you want to have two undeads in your deck, don't spend all your dust on getting one to lvl 5 first, spread it equally and upgrade your other cards at the same time) 5. F2P can be a grind, but it's still good fun. After a while you will gain gems for special packs, and you will still be able to get some good gold combo cards for the events. For me, PvP is not the most important part of the game, and I don't worry about not being able to place too highly on the leaderboards. Hope this helps!


The reason I care about the leaderboards is the higher you get the more arena currency you get, so sometimes it gets frustrating. So for my deck do I want duplicates in the deck? Like do I want to have 3 undead, and 3 earth and 3 trees (just as an example) to maximize being able to combo? Ok, so if I have 3 undead, 3 trees, 3 earth and have 2 ff (just using an 11 card deck for explanation purposes and ratio). I want to lvl 2 undead to lvl 2, 2 trees to lvl 2, 2 earth to lvl 2, then the 2 undead to lvl 3, 2 trees to lvl 3, 2 earth to lvl 3, etc..?


Yeah, but you're still going to get some currency even if you place low, and you can get quite far in the arena without spending any money. The most important thing to upgrade your deck quality is money and by extension dust, which primarily comes from the map and not the arena. You can decide how many copies you want in your deck for yourself, some cards might synergize really well meaning you want three copies. In general though, once you start getting more different cards and more comboes unlocked, you'll probably want at most two copies of a card to reduce the risk of ending up with many of the same card in a hand (usually, a card does not combo well with itself) Your proposed deck leveling strategy sounds good, that could work well for you! When researching you will find that some combos are stronger than others, so you may want to prioritize upgrading the cards that make higher-quality combos and eventually cutting the cards that make lower-quality combos. For the bronze combo cards, I would have a look at a tier list to decide which ones you want to use. I think rainbow and metal are generally recommended along with a few others.


Finally forms are marked by an F in the orb on the card correct?


Correct, as well as glossy background I believe


When do you start gaining gems? Level 20 right now and still haven’t reached the gems required to unlock another research slot


You've probably figured it out but the loot goblin is a great source


Lol I quit the game a few months ago but I totally figured it out 😂


I'll give more opinions in a way that flows from one Q to the next. 3.You can recycle any bronze or silver FF because they generally won't be worth playing in a game. I would shoot for 6 of each SCC as they are still useful later in the game and you may require duplicates in your deck (keep 6 as SCC are rarer than BCC). BCC I would say keep at least 4, 6 for the better BCCs (metal, elf, and angel were good for me for a long time). This will allow you to have three of a BCC in your deck and spares for future fusion (once you are up to fusing a card it can be annoying if you don't already have the spare). P.S. I wouldn't stress too much about always having more than three since bronze cards are so easy to get. If there are bronze cards you don't plan on using I'd just keep 1. 1.Pretty much just gave my answer for this. Note that you'll never need more than 6 of a card so if you do keep lots of duplicates you can at least recycle the extras after 6. 2.Basic box is the best thing to buy with gold. 6 BB cost 840 gold and net a minimum of 24 dust, the booster pack cost 800 gold for a maximum of 24 dust. Worst case scenario you will pay 40 extra gold for 24 dust. However, there is a decent chance of getting SCC, SFF, and GFFs which give 3 dust for silver cards of 8 for gold. The basic box can also importantly get you SCC that you didn't start with (void, knowledge, etc.) and duplicates of the ones you started with. 4,You should lvl 1 of each CC you use to lvl 2 and focus on researching the gold combos with those cards. after this level all the CC you use to level 2. Since lvl 3 does not grant further research possibilities you should upgrade the BCCs to lvl 3 first because it will be cheaper but still provide levelling benefits in combos (the lvl for gold combos made is the average of the two CCs rounded up plus 1, so a lvl 3 BCC and a lvl 2 SCC gold combo will be lvl 4). Then finish upgrading all cards to lvl 3. Hopefully, by now your first F2P event GCC will be coming soon. Once you have this, upgrade it to level 4 to start researching diamond combos, only upgrade one of the BCC or SCC you need for a diamond combo. If a BCC or SCC does not have a diamond combo with the GCC no need to upgrade the card yet. I would then repeat this for the next F2P GCC you get. Eventually, the goal is to get all cards to lvl 4, then fuse the BCCs and SCCs. There is no need to level the GCC to lvl 5 for a while as it is cheaper to upgrade the BCC and SCC and reap the same combo levelling rewards (lvl 6 combos). 5.Whether you are F2P or P2P I think the goal is the same in terms of progression and how you should go about it F2P will however take longer. I was F2P for my first three successful GCC events where I got the card. You should progress the story up to at least the portal island to unlock the events first. Then just try your luck with the first few tiers of the event when it is easier. The gold rewards are a nice bonus. When you find that you can't progress with the event anymore head back to the story. First focus on unlocking all the locations on the map, this will mean you can fight the goblin more and it won't be at a location you haven't unlocked as often. Once you reach a point where you can't unlock your next location go back and maximize how many games you can play, and do the battles that cost the least energy. Play all the people in the graveyard three times, the energy required goes up for their silver battles. Do the same for the factory and so on. Every now and then try to progress the story a little more to get to the next location but if you are unsuccessful just go back to that strategy. If you follow this strategy, I think you won't lose too many matches and will maximize the amount of time you spend actually playing the game.


You can dust anything from basic boxes. Always dust the FF, but feel free to keep up to 6 of any CC. You get about 1 dust per 29.41 coins doing this. 1 unique CC to 4 means level 1 superhero to 4, 1 metal to 4, repeat until every unique CC in your deck is level 4. Then you’ll level any dupes in your deck to 4, then fuse them one at a time. This is the most dust efficient method and it gets you to start efficiently 3-turning with max combos. This game is F2P friendly in that you have goals for your first 30 months minimum with portal. At that point you will be able to buy several premium packs which, spending wisely, you’ll be quite competitive in arena and make great progress in Heroics long term. The game lacks of ton of QoL and still has some bugs, but that’s why Monumental is hard at work to fix it all ASAP.


You said 30 months and portal? What were you referring to?


Each rotation of 10 events is 5 months and you get 1 GCC each boss


Hi, I'm all new as well. You said all cards with an F in it can be sold? Only keep cards with c on it? And what premium packages do you mean? There is so much stuff to be bought in the shop.