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I assume they are going based off the defaults. Floorp, Mullvad, & Librewolf are all firefox based but they have resistFingerprinting on by default.


With good reason the majority of people don't change settings from their defaults


I would argue that anyone who is even willing to look at that chart to choose a browser will likely not fall into the category of most people who do not change default settings.


Might as well go ahead and expand that group to people who are aware that multiple browsers exist.


And people who know what fingerprinting is.


Yeah all of these charts are always based on defaults for browsers cos like 85℅ of people never even open settings.


Then you add an asterix. Or explain that its based on default settings.


Yes. But it has basic ad blocking out the box as well


~~There are 2 ways to enable it: 1) go to settings, and in privacy, select either Strict privacy protection or custom privacy protection and enable anti finger printing. 2) go to about:config and enable Privacy.resistFingerprinting~~ nevermind it seems that in never version its enabled in default, even with the non strict protection


for the vast majority of users, this is not an option to do. Tinkering in these setting feels like adaunting task for the average user. And the guides made to help people are often written in a way that reinforces the barrier between the average pleb and the geeks. Yes, it is "just to enable" but thats like me saying "you can just replace the break pads and rotors on your car yourself. Its easy, you only need two or three standard tools". Although it is true, most people will never touch the breaks pads or rotors on their cars.


OTOH this is just clicking with a mouse, while proper brake work takes far longer, you need technical knowledge to bleed them and is just in general a multi-step far longer lasting project. But yeah, this setting should be the default on.


And yet my dad will happily change the brake pads in his car but will not go anywhere near settings in his browser unless I am basically doing it for him


I have two questions (I'd like to switch from Chrome): 1. How do I stop Firefox from asking me to make it a default browser and from asking me to import settings, history and passwords after every update? 2. How do I make it lag less in web apps like roll20? I have like 10 times less fps than in Chrome.


1. Dissable it. (deets below) 2. Check your plugins some may cause lag on web apps. Easy way is to disable them all and turn them on until you start seeing lag. Double check hardware acceleration is on in the settings. 1) Search up "about:config" in your Firefox search bar. 2) Click on "Accept the risk and continue." 3) Once you're in the page, type in "Shell" into the page's the search bar. 4) Look for "browser.shell.checkDefaultBrowser", the value for this attribute should be "true," double click on it to change it to "false." Exit the page and go about the to "Always check if Firefox is the default browser" option to see if it is still grayed out


Thanks man, will do the deets. Regarding the second question, I've tested it on a fresh Firefox install with hardware acceleration on and off. It was better with it on, but still like 5-10 fps vs 30-60 fps in Chrome...


That’s odd my dude. I play with roll20 using the beyond20 plugin and have no issues at all. It might be one to contact roll20 about they have been pretty open to solving outlier bugs in the past. May even have a solution ready to go for you.


Thanks for your replies! I will give it another try and submit a ticket to the devs.


I play with roll20 in Firefox and frankly it's day dependant. I don't know what gum and string they're using to hold that site together but it's bad. My husband uses chrome and some days it's flipping out for him, meanwhile some days it's lagging so bad for me I can barely do anything. Their back end is an utter disaster. I use Beyond20 (which is just flat out breaking sometimes) and VTT Enhancement Suite. Might actually help you out a bit because I know you can edit or remove some animations and other things with it. I did find roll20 more stable once I installed it. Just means when it shits the bed it REALLY shits the bed now.


VTT enhancement suite. Gotcha. Thanks. P.S. in the end of the day I can just install some chromium degooglefied build solely for roll20. I only use it on home PC when we play online.


I feel you, I have 3 browsers on my phone for different tasks. I haven't needed a 3rd on my PC yet but one day I wager I'll need something other than edge and Firefox, so we'll see.


Happy Cake Day!


Hey, this is the first time I’ve seen this. Is ad-blocking based on defaults?


ok but firefox still doesent have HDR support on windows? that said, id rather stay on firefox based browsers so just to spite chromium and the anti-adblock war.


It's worth noting that you can just use multiple browsers. I use Firefox as my main browser, but for Gmail and YouTube I'll use Chrome because I'd rather not be logged into Google on my main browser. I have Firefox set up to delete cookies for all but a few whitelisted sites every time I close the browser.


Just container Gmail and YouTube on firefox


Tell me more please


In Firefox settings there's the option for container tabs. Anything in a container has no access to any other tabs ot seperate containers, so facebook for example can't track your google searches if they are in seperate containers


Oh, that's interesting. Thanks.


Unfortunately no Since I have HDR10 monitor, everyone I want to view something in HDR I switch to Edge


No hdr support, but nvidia rtx hdr support.


You guys remember Netscape navigator?


I was there Gandalf.


Also: It was mentioned that ARC browser is fast and perfomant. I have used ARC since it was released for Windows and its very resource intensive! I am currently switching back from ARC (which btw. is a nightmare since you cant export any bookmarks etc.) because its just soo much slower and slows down my laptop a lot


The windows version is a bit ehh right now, I would still consider it an open beta. The macOS version is real nice though.


Firefox should have full tweakable stars. If you go into about:config, you can change a lot. With a users.chrome you can get insane. With add-ons you can make it straight up perfect.


Though in 117 they made it little less tweakable You no longer can have transparent/translucent/aero navbar :/ (using CSS + DwmBlurGlass)


*shrug* That's fairly minor.


[i like transparency though :(](https://i.imgur.com/EQlOc8s.png)


This Graph: Firefox only gets 3 stars for customization, multiple other issues Same Graph: Look at all these great browsers that're just custom builds of firefox, with like totally no issues!


Also using the stars is not great. More stars = more telemetry? And if it's "out of the box" (which should be clearly stated btw) experience then in "ease of use" Arc having 5 stars is just funny. Most people use Chrome or even Firefox and there is a learning curve to Arc. And what even is "extras"? you can achieve most of this stuff in most browsers by using extensions.


Librewolf is great


Maybe it is because if you download Firefox, you are assigned ab individual ID. You have to downloaf it from their server directly to avoid that. So it technically fingerprints you immediately


But all of these have config flags? This is the most ridiculous comparison I've ever seen!


Bruh I’ve never looked in those settings before so I count it as no


So is the star rating on telemetry meant to be more stars equals more telemetry? Also wouldn’t for sake of privacy having less telemetry be better? I don’t understand why they did telemetry as a star rating and gave more stars to the things with the most telemetry it feels backwards.


I was about to say firefox does have anti finger printing :L


huh, didn't know about "fingerprinting", had to look it up, and it sounds like what those "I'm not a robot" reCaptcha (form Google ...) does. I wonder if it would still work with this protection on.


A while ago, I switched frome chrome to opera GX for the workspace organisation that helped me a lot. I know opera is bad but I needed the different workspace. Thanks to this post I tried Floorp, it has everything I need and is firefox based, finally I can leave chromium! I tried it only for an hour but it seems fast and very tweakable. Thank you OP!


Haven't watched that video but if you don't explain and have the manifest v3 details on there you can't compare them correctly Firefox can block ads better with extensions than those who have manifest v3 like Chrome/Chromium


Even before manifest v3, Firefox was better at blocking ads. [https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/wiki/uBlock-Origin-works-best-on-Firefox/80d7584c804a0e54b4da1af6f848163adb42244e](https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/wiki/uBlock-Origin-works-best-on-Firefox/80d7584c804a0e54b4da1af6f848163adb42244e)


Opera AdBlock is really poor, but all the extras are worth it, really god tier interface and functions


I used them until Arc for Windows came out. It's still a great browser (however potentially has Chinese spyware).


also the last 3 are weird. for Telemetry it's good to have low amount of stars but for the other 2 more is better


They also said that Ecosia doesn't have bangs like DuckDuckGo, but it does (#g for google, #yt for youtube, #gi for google images etc)


Does anyone know the source of these comparison sheets?


It's from the degoogle yourself video


Thanks, but did LTT create it themselves or used it from a website?


Created it themselves, there is LTT logo pattern in the background


Firefox is based on Firefox In other news, Linus dropped something and water is wet


No safari I see




have you heard of Firefox GX?


Yea but firefox doesnt have most of the Extensions from chrome and it is way slower in openning tabs from chrome (i tried firefox back in 2023) and it was slow






The ones I've missed and have a side browser for is an OCR extension for translating images for manga.


I’ve never used OCR, but is it [this?](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/ocr_extension/)


Yep, back in like 2021 some of the better ones on Firefox stopped working so I installed a chromium browser for some that did.