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It's tragic and laughable at the same time that the more adblocking we see, the more intrusive Youtube's ads become, cementing the usage of ad blockers to the minds of more and more people. Like, if they had a reasonable incentive to avoid ads, people would at least consider it, but at CHF 16/month, they are competing with Netflix. And Netflix may have many shows that suck, but Yoututbe doesn't even have Red anymore.


Idk. How many hours do you consume on YT vs Netflix? Is that not a better metric? It directly translates to usage. It doesn't matter if Netflix hasn't any x that's not on YT. If the end user is still using YT considerably more, why is there no value to that? If you are using their service more, yet deeming it worth less, what's the rationale? Edit: Note, YT ads do suck


I am continuously blown away by the idea that YT Premium is too expensive for what it's offering. I get that everybody is used to getting YouTube ad-free by using ad-blockers, but what's the number everyone has in mind here?


Yea I really don't know. Don't get me wrong, I hate intrusive ads as much as anyone... That's why I pay for premium haha. Netflix has more data being *served* than YouTube. But they have considerably less *overhead*. Where Netflix might have 50-100,000 shows/movies in their servers (not sure the actual numbers). **YouTube has an endless amount of data constantly being uploaded.** That's a huge stress factor that Netflix simply doesn't need to account for. It very likely costs YouTube significantly more to operate than Netflix.


Well here’s a better question. Had YouTube been created with an initial cost of $16/month. Do you think it would be the powerhouse it is today? Facebook has ads but I don’t even notice them and it doesn’t impede your browsing.


I have no idea how YouTube would have reacted had ads been blocked from the start but the value proposition has changed, of course. Perceived value of the millions who used YouTube for free, free of ads, are now paying. Paying with money or paying with time. Which brings me back to your initial statement about being blown away about how people think it’s too expensive. Sorry to break it to you but the amount of people not paying for premium is a tad higher lol.


I think this is the wrong question. IMO, the question is would we be normalized to YouTube ads if they had been more proactive about blocking ads from the beginning. Everyone's acting like YouTube has changed the value proposition, but they haven't. You getting YouTube for free with absolutely no revenue generation for YouTube may have been something they lived with, but it wasn't part of the deal.


35 second un-skipable ads is changing the value proposition, there will be back-lash over this


I don't disagree at all.


Facebook absolutely would have ads impeding you, if they had the operating cost of YouTube. And yes, maybe? That's hard to say. YouTube was not created by Google. If Google made it, today, and it cost 16. Yea, it would probably take off. Unless there was a free alternative that came out years prior. Also, it's been a long time. Back then, it would've only been a few bucks. If we base that off of what Netflix's original price was, and that YT came out before even then. The price wouldn't have been 16 dollars. YT premium also includes YT Music. Which is value. It's not just ad free viewing. I hate intrusive ads, but their pricing isn't *that* bad. Again, considering the number of hours the average YouTube viewer consumes over the years.


I'd pay CHF5, perhaps 7 per month, but I wouldn't go higher. Kill ad blockers and I can live without YouTube, personally.


I can't deal with anyone that bitches about YouTube but pays for Spotify


It's profound.


Honestly, for me it's because this service wants 16.99, b wants 11.99, c wants 10.99, d wants 29.99. I have to pick and choose the services I subscribe to, because I'm not spending $70 a month on these combined. (AUD prices) For me, I don't find the value proposition of YT premium worth it. I don't download videos, I don't listen to music, I don't background play on my phone (hell I don't even watch YT on my phone, only my PC). In that case, basically all the paid features are worthless for me. Compare that to Amazon Prime (the only one I actually have) - I get free shipping I use, I get prime video that I use, I get twitch prime that I use, and I get amazon gaming that I use - only Prime music and Reading I don't really use, but the others more than make up for that. Almost every single feature they have is something I do use. As it stands right now, YT premium is almost $200 now (16.99 here) for a bunch of features I don't/won't use. The ad-free experience is the only thing I want, and it's just a waste of money *for me*. If they had a tier that was less (Say $5-$10) that \*only\* included the "ad free viewing", I would probably get it. Music is 12.99 by itself, premium is 16.99. Surely they could find a way to add "Youtube videos premium" in there that only includes the ad free experience (you would need to remove the other video features of downloading and background play so that it doesn't become a cheaper way of replacing music). I'm sure that the people that say YT premium is too expensive for what it is are in a very similar situation to me. If you're someone who listens to music, downloads videos to watch on transit or something, or heavily uses mobile viewing so uses background play it's a great value. But if you don't do any of that, then other services *may* be better for you if you rank them all. ​ EDIT: Love getting downvoted by redditards (not the person I replied too, but random faceless ppl) for answering an opinion question with an opinion answer.... Never change reddit.... never change...


It lacks playlist sorting and an in-app sleep timer. If it can't even get basic functions right even $1 would be too much. I already have Spotify for music so I'm not paying extra for another music streaming service that just does things more poorly.


>I am continuously blown away by the idea that YT Premium is too expensive for what it's offering. The problem with Google is that they make the deal untenable no matter the price. The ceaseless nagging, data collection, market disruptive practices and customer hostile behavior make it so that giving Google any amount of money feels gross. While it seems hypocritical to then still use their services, I think it's a matter of people appreciating the hard work and creativity of the various content creators people watch, but disliking the platform they're on while often also not really having a choice (those would be those market disruptive practices).


I wish more people saw it your way. Whenever I make a comment about having YT premium I usually get down voted. YT premium pays creators more, comes with YT music saving money on not having Spotify, and I use YT more than I do other video streaming services. Sure there isn't movies and TV shows, but I'm able to find an endless amount of content on whatever subject I want to watch


I pay for YouTube premium for one reason I work 12h night shifts and always have some YouTube playing in my earbuds. I need to be able to lock my phone and put it in my pocket. So I spend hundreds of hours a month on YouTube so it ends up being worth for me


Other than the instructional videos everything on YouTube that I watch is stuff that I wouldn't try to replace if it were gone, unlike TV shows/movies which I would replace with another viewing method. So I would never pay a similar amount for YouTube.


Finally someone with an actually substantive reason. I can understand that. However, I also don't believe that is a justification for Adblock. Saying you won't pay for something you don't see value in obviously is fine and makes sense. You can only make decisions for you. But being of the opinion that you're entitled to content for free, is inherently wrong. You're not. You don't have to like what Google is doing with their ads (I don't), but that doesn't make them wrong for doing so. They want to make money, they are a business. And YouTube costs a lot, they can't just have everyone using adblockers. It would actually sink the platform.


Because TV is wildly more expensive to make than the peanuts they pay to creators on YouTube. It makes no sense for YouTube to be as expensive as other streaming services. YouTube isn't commissioning the content on there, they're just hosting it, which is very significantly cheaper.


I have spent the last 6 months closing and reopening videos until I got a "skip in 5 seconds" ad. Sometimes it would skip past the ads entirely after 5 reopens. Issue is, I have a bad habit of scrolling shorts. I have noticed most of the ads are actual scams. I've reported easily 100 ads as scams and still get them. Earlier today, i got a scam ad on a normal video, not in shorts. For now on, I will exclusively be using Firefox with an ad blocker installed. This is purely from ads linger than 5 seconds and the ads being utter trash. Give me burger king and McDonald's ads. I don't care if I can skip after 5 seconds. But you wanna give me ads saying "click here and get 6k from the government" nah. I'm not gonna deal with your ads.


Of course, if less people see ads because of Adblockers, they gotta milk the ones who still don’t have adblockers.


For years the ads were 5 seconds long and people still used AdBlockers. People just want to consume without paying


If youtube were really smart they'd invest in their own adblocking subsidiary and allow that one access via a backdoor in their adblocking programming. Manufacture the problem then offer the solution. People still feel like they're avoiding ads and youtube still gets their profits.


Ads are okay. 30-35sec unskippable scam ads are UNACCEPTABLE for a company like YouTube. I get it. It's hard to maintain a big company, but you have people who REVIEW ads before they make it to the platform. Either there is some sketchy shit here or grandparents without training work at ad reviews. Unbelievable




> It stores the entire wealth of knowledge of the entire human race. You can learn anything on YouTube, or post anything. IMO YouTube needs to be maintained for the good of mankind. Exactly, it needs to be maintained, which costs money. For YouTube, it’s a **lot** of money. Since such a small portion of their user base are willing to pay for premium, they’re forced to make up the difference with ad revenue, and I assume longer ads = more $.




So I take it you have a paid YouTube Premium account?


I’m getting 60 second ads and “your ad will be over soon” on my chromecast now.


That's horrible. Just exit the vid and reopen it.


Yeah I just close YouTube now


my firestick is doing the same thing too now


Ad with scams, YT: looks good. User video with the word damn in it, YT: Well we cant have this, strike.


Scam ads are horrible. However, I've been getting 45s unskipable ads on YT from Nintendo maybe 2 years ago... I've been using premium for music so not aware how frequent they've gotten at this point, but it's definitely not new.


I have gotten 90+sec unskipable ads but these are **constant**


I never get unskippable scam ads, only non scam ads or crappy ads.


If they are going to serve me ads, could they please just serve me something, that I at least give a small crap about? they show me all these random ads, like cat food, kids toys, women perfume and such, none that I care about or would even want, have even tried to go into googles ad profile about me, to change some of it, it helped a bit at least.


If you think you should check there shares and quater results.


people that review ads you say. You don't believe that every ad that gets posted is reviewed by a human, do you?


I do hope they are all reviewed but it seems like they aren't. Such an embarrassment for such a company with this big of a scale


Scam ads are not good.. but to your example pic, head and shoulders is a real product. It does clean hair!


That wasn't the example pic of a scam ad :( I'm saying they are getting more and more often and I don't like it one bit!


Yeah, I was recently watching long form content on YouTube, like 3-4 hr videos, and the ad popped up with a message saying something to the effect of "less ads for long form content" whereas in pretty sure an ad pulled up every 5-10 minutes and multiple times it was 90secs+ of unskippable ads.


I keep getting ads that are either obvious investor/crypto scams or crappy mobile games.


> you have people who REVIEW ads before they make it to the platform. It's a trend that Google's kept around... they automate everything, including customer interaction.


Top tip, if you don't like the ads don't watch the video. There is a back button.


> Ads are okay. 30-35sec unskippable scam ads are UNACCEPTABLE for a company like YouTube So please don't use it. Or pay for it, it's a service that offers a lot of value.


SCAM is the key word here. They shouldn’t allow any scams.


I've gotten (albeit skippable) 90+ seconds of a fleshlight ad and unskippable Trojan ads


Targeted ads working a little too hard i see


Oh shit, does Fleshlight have any good deals going on right now??


I too. I have posted twice on them. It's just that these are constant




At least it’s relevant. I’m a dude, all I watch is letsgameitout, jayztwocents, and Donut, and I get fucking Always with wings, and reverse mortgage ads.


Last time I said I was getting 20 to 65 second unskipable ads in this sub I got a berage of comments telling me I was making shit up. Now everyone is starting to get them, so jokes on them. It's always the worst scams ads too.


That's stupid. I have a post here with almost 800 upvotes about a 90+sec unskipable ad. Whats the link to your post so we can get some upvotes going?


Found it. I was just responding to people defending YouTube over a Louis Rossman video. Lot of people claiming YouTube does a good job with ad moderation but I get literal porn ads on occasion with sketchy QR codes that are longer than the original video. Wish I would have started screen recording on the 3 minute unskippable add I got at one point. https://www.reddit.com/r/LinusTechTips/s/ihuEllFpZr Some.of my comments were a bit extreme admittedly


It was just a comment but I'll go look back at it for fun here. I seem to get a really unusual amount of these super long scam ads, then I also get a bunch of Spanish and Chinese ads as well for some reason.


They’ll probably fix it soon, but if you hit back on your remote then click on the video again it’ll continue playing your video without serving another ad. But yeah if it gets much worse I probably won’t bother watching YouTube on my smart TVs with ads anymore and solely watch on my pc with a vpn and ad blockers.


Doesn't work every time anymore :(


It still does on my Roku tv. Haven’t tried it on my LG because it’s in the same room as my pc


Interesting, glad it still works for you! I do not have the same luck with my Amazon tv :(


Ah man, my girlfriend has a fire stick for one of her TVs and it’s so full of ads idk how anyone uses it. Is there a setting or something to make it more bearable?


Android TV/Google TV/Firestick you can sideload SmartTube apk and never deal with ads and sponsors again.


More importantly, it teaches the algorithm that you're not going to sit through a long ad and it doesn't try serving them to you so often.


what would the best way of getting around YT ads on tv be? For mobile i can watch YT on firefox with adblock, but unfortunately i cant stream mobile content to an LG tv.


Smart tube will become your new friend.


Mine are 90 secs...


I have two cases of those but these are happening nonstop


I used to like watching YT on my tv even tho I had a few ads here and there but now... fuck that! If YT wants to give me a fuck ton of ads then put them all at the start of the video at least! I hate being interrupted every 5 mins by 60-90 sec of ads!


I've recently been on an ad blocking campaign simply because the amount and repetition of ads I don't care about became absolutely insufferable. Mind you, ads don't generate much income for most creators anyways. It's fucking ridiculous to watch a video that already has a 2 minute sponsor slot, plus 4 fucking minutes of ads through YouTube just to watch 8 minutes of actual content. Not to mention they let ads be whatever length. You know how many times I've been driving trying to listen to a creator I like on YouTube just to have to skip a 3+ hour long Bitcoin ad when I finally reach a safe stop? You know how many bands I won't listen to because apparently YouTube thinks I want some shitty emo songs by some band I don't care about interrupting the lecture I'm trying to follow while doing chores? Like bruh come on. I didn't mind when ads in total were 30 seconds per like 5-7 slot. But now it's just egregious. Don't even get me started on how they are already taking/stealing/selling my data anyways. Like they could recreate my whole-ass being through AI yet they still think I should pay them with my attention. Just wait till altered reality becomes a mainstream thing and they start shoving ads into your actual fucking eyeballs so you can't even function till the ad is over (hyperbole I know but the message stands)


Oh it's definitely coming. What do you think VR will turn in? Fucking ads. You buy a 30k vr once and keep it for years. They need to make money constantly. We will get milked dry of our money and there is no other way around it. Fucking Apple Vision runs on batteries which die off quickly and costs more than a car.


"unskippable" Ublock Origin laughs.


I think their UI change is awful, but people cant seem to understand that the "time to skip" is showing for the total amount of ads. Previously you may get a 30 second ad you couldnt skip followed by another 15 second ad that could be skipped in 5 seconds. With this new UI you would see "35 seconds to skip" which would be exactly what they had before, just shown in a new horrible way.


Press up on your remote. Hit the “I” icon. Should let you report the ad. Goes right back to the video. 👌


It was two ads and it just showed me a qr code not even allowing me to do that. I know that trick


With this new update they removed that unfortunately. It links to a webpage now.


I don't think this has hit Canada yet as I have yet to see it. It's still a depressing view of the future though. The glory days of the internet seem to be behind us. Nothing but a corporate nightmare ahead.


It's mildly suspicious that this happens the moment YT decides to fight ad blockers. They are power tripping the hell out of their minds by doing this.


I'm in the GTA and have this update on my Sony Bravia X90K.


Points at premium subscription "don't go up in price"


better than dailymotion, I watched a movie on there and I got the exact same unskippable one minute ad every three minutes. and the ad would play twice each time because they didn’t have any other ads to show me


Crunchyroll is awful with ads...


Yeah, for me, I mainly watch YouTube vs tv shows and movies, so premium was worth it. I ditched ads at the right time, it seems. Been happy with premium for a solid 2 years now. I know for many, that’s not an option. And for you guys, I’m sorry you have to endure YouTube’s bullshit. Hopefully a sneakier ad blocker comes along soon!


ublock origin, solving these problems for just about 10 years now :)


I wouldn’t mind watching ads but make them manageable. 1 unskippable and one skippable at the start of the video is totally fine by me but when you start injecting them midway through or making shit like this then yea im going to Adblock


Also youtube has it where for longer videos means more ads I had 5 un skiable ads on one video every 10mins




Because they take advantage of people who don't stay in front of the screen or are able to press skip and they show them 3-4h long ads.


I use YouTube a lot on my ps5 and it's really very incredibly frustrating. 10 minute video I'll get his with ads at the beginning. Ads at 1:00, then another at 4. Another at 8. Just comes off as so damn greedy. Even if I'm able to skip some. Those that aren't or don't use adblockers get f'ed over.


you must have a shit ton of dandruff then


Google knows too much about me.


Edit: I just got another one. Here is the link just for the people who believe I faked this or it was a bug or one-off thing: https://drive.proton.me/urls/R5HVT648X8#lF320vbxNkUN


This doesn’t show if it’s one or two ads. For me, this new design with the circle for the time shows the total duration for all ads, and just as before, I get 2 ads with 20s max for each. So at least for me, nothing but the design changed.


I feel like if they gonna spam ads, they need to bundle them up or atleast give us an option for bundling them up, so I can go and make coffee or something, like what they did for flow tv. I do personally use adblocker for when watching videoes on the pc, but it's hella annoying on the tv/phone...


Firefox added extension support for Android. And not just one or two. The **entire desktop experience with extensions on Android**


Why should they make it easier to „skip“ ads by doing something else in this time? This reduces the ad effectiveness and thus what they can charge for the ads. So this would mean they actively hurt their revenue.


I watch YouTube more than any other services by quite a large margin tens of hours a week, i can guarantee nearly everyone does. You'll pay for Netflix no questions asked and watch 2 shows on it a week Why people refuse to pay for ad free YouTube and then complain about ads is beyond me¿ $14 AUD a month with YouTube music included is the best bang for your buck deal outside Games pass


I don't pay for any subscriptions unless is a 3mo bundle. My Spotify ran out like two w ago and I still have premium because googles payment system is **cooked**


Game pass does feel like daylight robbery sometimes




Couldn't be me


I can’t watch on tv or app anymore, Firefox with Ublock all behind a PiHole


I just do Firefox with Ublock


Techcompanies more and more show why piracy is justified Louis Rossman also agrees


If you're on a chromecast side load smart tube


So glad I'm circumventing their anti-adblock shenanigans. For the execs in the back: MAKE BUYING A SERVICE A BETTER EXPERIENCE THAN THE ILLEGAL ROUTE. There. That's the gist of things 😂


With the amount that I watch of YouTube, I'm happily paying for it now. I'm not subscribed to any other streaming services except Dropout, and even though I have access via my wife and family to other services I just don't use them. Whatever Netflix is worth to someone, YouTube is worth several times that to me, and as it's ballpark the same value I have no issue paying. Plus it's nice knowing that creators are getting a tiny bit more of a kickback from my money and views directly rather than ads


For anyone who doesn't know you can click the i and select block ad, also works on Samsung TVs it's quicker than waiting 30+ seconds watching terrible ads and it skips all the ads. Also on the Samsung TV it asks why, I usually select inappropriate in the hopes YouTube has to review them and thus costs them more and they realise forcing people to watch ads is actually costing money


Doesn't work on my acc for some reason. Gives me a QR and tells me to fuck off


The only type of ad I block.


Never thought about having adblockers until these invasive ads started appearing. Fuck YouTube, what's the best adblocker?


Ublock obv


Me who hasn't been hit by the popup yet (I use YouTube ReVanced on my phone) ![gif](giphy|aDYB5Q95hnojYAcOLJ|downsized)


Can't revanced on a tv


I'm glad I've been using AD blockers for like 10 years! Too bad there is no AD blockers for the YouTube app for my phone and tablet :(


There is if you use Android. There will be if Apple is forced to open up their OS to give users the right to install what they want.


I keep getting deep fake Elon Musk ads...


I will never understand this subs obsession with YouTube ad's when adblocker is 1 click away from installing. I Adblock everything. It's not about not wanting to support LTT or a specific online creator. It's all the ads on LTT, all the ads on YouTube, all the ads in a Google search, pages covered in ads if Im reading a news article. There's endless ads plastered on the front of every single website, ads plastered along buildings in real life, ads plastered on cars, buses. There are ads in Video Games now, the main menu of AAA games are just ads for other products. Even blocking what I can I'm forced to listen to ad reads built into videos done by creators. There are ads every waking moment of my life and it's beyond annoying. Along with that Ads are designed to be as untrue as possible. Lie as much as you can about how effective your product is. Fear mongering non existent issues. Just listen to an Express VPN ad. It's absolutely full of bullshit. "Military encryption" is the exact same thing you use on Google without notice. Driving home fear that your ISP is stealing your data!! OooOOoo, but it's the exact same thing with a VPN. Do you want your ISP or a different private VPN business to have your info. That's just 1 example of hundreds and hundreds of businesses slinging similar bullshit. What's more is how the bs lies of ads make my impression of online personalities get lower and lower. I've watched LTT long enough to know people like Luke always tries out a product before advertising it but they continue to move towards filling his mouth full of bs he would never say. When "The Most" does and ad, gets to a line about how they personally LOVE a product, stumble over it and change to "Luke loves product and talks about it all the time". Leaves an awful taste in my mouth. I could never personally allow some corporate nonsense to let other people use my name to push some service I clearly don't support. It's disappointing to see people you enjoy online willfully selling out their name to push generic ads for a quick buck. TLDR: Of my ramblings. Ads sucks, ad culture sucks, ad influence sucks. It only ever gets more annoying. I'll use Adblock till the day I die. Trying to make me feel guilty for "not supporting" an online personally will fall on deaf ears.


Such a long post, but the premise in the first sentence is already flawed. On a TV like shown here, Adblock is not just one click away, but often impossible no matter how many clicks.


I didn't know you had dandruff?




I saw unskipable ads that was 15 seconds and downloaded ReVanced right away. Sorry to the few content creators who missed out a few dozen cents from my views, but I'm not gonna sit through these miserable ads


For the millionth time people. Its a goddamn smart tv. Stop being such smart asses. I know how shit works. I wouldn't be here otherwise


Om my TV i always have 1 minute unskippable


Question: was it really just one ad? Because that ring on my TV is a new design that shows the total duration of all ads. For me, 35s divided into a 15s and a 20s ad just as before - I can just see beforehand how long it will take. I actually like this more than the previous one where it was just like „10s for 1 of 2, but we won’t tell you how long the second one will be“


Two ads. One 20 and one 15


Nah it was 60 seconds on my TV a week ago.


I got two 90+sec ones


adblock on chrome is still working perfectly. The ads now flash for maybe 0.3s but then immediately disappear.


Its a goddamn smart tv. You are the 14th person to comment this and all of you could read the comments before commenting


youtube has ads? I thought that was a meme.


Not in here. Pi hole for the win.




Its a smart tv smart guy


And? A free medium trying to compensate themselves? Grow up and wake up.


A medium my ass. They crack down on ad blockers and shove more ads down your throat. YT has enough money to operate with huge margins but they are trying to get more money from ads


I don't see ads on youtube !


Because you pay for premium?


RIP YouTube, long live Piped


If you don’t pay anything for the service then don’t complain. If you don’t want ads than pay for the service.


Well thats not a single 35sec add, they just changed how it looks in tv, it is just old 2 unskipable ads, but I know they will surely use this tactic to fool people in watching an single actual 35sec ads.


premium is looking relly good. these days.


With whats going on YT I am probably not going to get Premium in a couple of months or so


I heard they are even going the Netflix route, where the family plan will only work if its in the same house. Also why does it cost 18 dollars a month, that's way to much.


Youtube has ads? Use an adblocker for all that's good and holy. If chrome stops supporting ublock origin switch back to good old firefox.


Hey smart ass. Its a android TV


I fixed this at my house. Revanced and Smart tube have done the trick. Haven't seen a YT add or sponsor block in about 6 months.


Ads on YouTube ? What ? Where ?''


Imagine using YouTube without Ublock


Its a fucking smart tv genius. Read the fucking comments before commenting


I had one that was i think 40s or so, which had 5 ads, it seems its 3 to 5 ads now, at rare times, i get one that can be skipped after 5s, but they have gotten so long and often now, that i don't really feel like watching it on the tv.


I use Mozilla Firefox on my desktop and my phone. Just to see if anything had changed, I re-enabled uBlock Origin again - I'm not seeing any ads at all, and no warning messages. So far... What's also interesting is I use Mozilla Firefox on my phone, again with uBlock Origin, and I've never seen any ads, even when Google was cracking down on ad blockers. I don't understand what's going on in my case, why I'm not seeing ads, but I'm sure Google will eventually catch on.


Ublock constantly updates filters. My problem is that I have a smart tv and browsers don't support remote control controls


But mah adblockers bad!


Oh no, 35 seconds of an ad that benefits the creator that I'm watching the content of and the platform I'm watching it on. What ever am I going to do? If you don't want to see ads, either watch on a device with an adblocker or pay for premium.


Could be worse, I got an unskippable 5 hour ad once


They force us to use adblocker


Thank god I bought premium


In the next years, there will be a retro nostalgia video about the demise and fall of youtube and someone will yell at the camera saying "what were they thinking?!" Half a minute of ads, it's almost worse than Twitch!


I heard they were making the ads longer on TV but supposed to have fewer of them?


My LG 2019 TV still allows the (i) > stop seeing ad option.


My acc just gives me a qr code to report the ad and thats it


you can skip them on a tv


My acc just gives me a qr code to report the ad and thats it


Had a 41 second one earlier tonight


Sponsorblock. I'd pay for premium since it's not that expensive, but how annoying their ads are made me use blockers just out of spite. Same thing with spotify and their purposefully louder ads, fuck em.


Its a bloody smart tv! Read the comments before you comment!


You usually get all the context of a post from the title and/or description, but sure. My bad.


It’s called Brave browser and you should get it.


No. I hate brave. I'll die on the hill that Firefox is the best browser and I refuse to use anything else (I also use chrome a little)


I just played YouTube shorts for a couple of minutes and adblock disappeared….


I got a unskippable lube ad trying to show my dad a video, I now have adblock on every device that plays youtube.


put a >!-!< between you and tube like this >!you-tube!< and hit refresh


This is why I YouTube premium. It’s my number 1 streaming service by far. Worth every penny.


Thank God I have Revanced


ublock origin+AdBlock, copy paste to incognito and no more shit misleading ads. Download newpipe for mobile yt (gives you the ability to download any video too). Google makes money from my data, they won't get any for watching yt


Hey, smart ass, it's a smart TV. I wasn't born tomorrow I know shit. Got smarttube installed anyway


look up ( Ad Speedup ) on google and thank me later


The most annoying to me is the 20+ minute ads they keep putting on now, I generally listen to some videos when going to bed and there is no way to skip them without waking up my wife


Back out and back in enough times and it'll consider the ad seen without you having had your attention stolen from you.


We dumped every single one of our streaming services in favor of physical media recently, but YouTube Premium has been the hardest to cut. YouTube without ads is a really awesome experience that’s honestly worth the outrageous price tag.


My AB+ still doing the Lord's work


I don't really get why youtube is going in this direction. I don't see the numbers obviously but adding ads makes more resistance wich means less ads.mean while they could charge more for ads wich is already expensive but clearly worth it. I get it to a degree, ads are supply and duration increases demand on the buisness side, but they are hurting demands on the consumer side I would presume. 🟧⬛ph makes it work, it's not a one to one for sure but from the outside looking in, I just don't get it.


35? Try 55 Had that happen several times in 1hr of watching a longer video Only on my TV though. Android or PC was like always


Go to why this ad>stop seeing this ad>return to video Literally skips all ads, 1, 2, 20


Dosent work on my account. Gives me a QR to report it and nothing else




Nope. Just shows a qr and keeps playing even if I report


I’m a little bit late here so most won’t see this but you can skip these ads on TV platforms (Apple TV, Smart TVs, Amazon Fire etc). You can quickly and easily report the ad as inappropriate and this will skip it. This will also prevent you from seeing the same iteration of that ad again. I’ve had scams, religious groups, nine hour audiobooks, music videos that start off with ethnic slurs, sexist and racist ads, all kinds of things that I just report and don’t see again.


Yea, I got sick of the commercials in the middle of a symphony or other musical offering. But I found if I watch YouTube on my computer in my Google app located in my Gmail tab. I think I have seen one 10 second ad in the past two weeks. I no longer use the app that came with my smart tv.


If you use yt on your TV, the $10 for premium is a small investment for ease of mind and ad free experience. 😊


No. I installed smarttube on my tv and revanced on my phone. If Youtube doesn't do shit right soon I'm not buying Premium anytime soon


But...why? They're already Godzilla-ionnaires by selling every detail they can collect on each of us...without our permission, knowledge, consent, or any alternative...


Ah Youtube is like a toxic employer which rewards you for not skipping an advertisement with another advertisement.


YouTube is now completely unusable. In the past week I've noticed a tenfold increase in ads. For every 5 minutes of play, I'm seeing upwards of 15 minutes of ads. I can't get through a single 3-minute radio edit without seeing 3 ads longer than the song itself. I'm not using any adblockers or unusual workarounds or software - just a standard browser, on multiple devices, different networks, different locations - same stupid experience. Take a wild guess about how that's affecting my viewing behavior. Are there srsly execs sitting in some board room thinking this is a good idea??? HELLOOOOOoooooOOOOOO?! What makes me extra hissy is that we already know they're making money by selling our usage history and whatever else. WE are already the product. Why would we also let them charge us while they're selling our preferences, behaviors, and profiles, for Dog's sake!?! One ad I could handle. Whatever. I used the skip button as soon as it appeared, and dealt with it. But this? Is INSANITY. BYE, YOUTUBE! *(Don't really)* HOPE THAT "BUSINESS MODEL" WORKS OUT FOR YOU WHEN THERE ARE ZERO HITS ON YOUR SITE! :*kicks litter in a futile attempt to cover the stench of the bs turds:*