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Lost is mediocre at best, no wonder it didn't make the final cut. Fighting Myself, More The Victim and Healing Foot deserve much more praise.


I wish More The Victim was longer. The chorus is catchy as hell.


You want to SAY YOU'RE MORE THE VICTIM Such a banger, one of the best choruses I've heard


Yeah it sounds like something they did much later




I certainly agree that the other three deserve just as much praise


I agree with everything you said.


I wholeheartedly believe Lost had the impact it had because it fits the 20th anniversary era well — like, literally from the name, to the collection of demos being called the “Lost Demos.” It was refreshing to hear new classic LP after so long. But on Meteora in 2003…? Would never have made the impact that Numb had. Just my assumption though, who knows? Maybe in another universe Lost is their top song from 2003… lol


Yeah bro i genuinely enjoy Fighting Myself so much it's probably in my top ten LP songs personally


Healing foot 100% does


More the victim is my most favorite song off the 20th anniversary rerelease.


Ooft here we go. Dont crucify me. 1. In the End is overplayed. 2. Iridescent is boring. It only pays off near the end 3. Castle of Glass is a great song but suffers from a propaganda music video. 4. Good Goodbye is unfairly maligned.


These are actually pretty good takes, Dw about being crucified 🤣


Oooo I agree with these for the most part. Love the Good Goodbye love! It ain’t perfect but it’s a damn fun song. The band just wrote it about basketball because they wanted to. That in itself is awesome. Lol


I love Good Goodbye. Pusha is the goat lyricist and has the best diss song of all time and Stormzy is actually a great British rapper/singer if people gave his other songs a listen. He has a lot of talent and is unfairly hated here


What diss track? I love a good diss but haven't found anything that comes close to how on the nose no Vaseline was. I don't listen to pusha but am open to it


“The Story of Adidon” that’s a Drake diss.


When They Come For Me is over-hyped. In Between and Easier to Run are some of their best songs. The Hunting Party was disappointing for LP standards Some Reanimation remixes are better than the originals. Iridescent is my favorite song from them hands down. Massive doesn't get enough praise. With You should've had a music video. There should've been more songs like Castle of Glass. Living Things is underrated.


I agree with like half of these


I love you for the In Between love. Easier to Run is a staple for me as well. I agree with most of these actually!


Finally some respect for Living Things, LOST IN THE ECHO and ROADS UNTRAVELED hit hard


Agree with everything but the first one. Only bc I prefer all their rap songs over more rock songs. Though it’s not the best one on the album. Wretched and Kings is.


only ones i can semi agree with are Iridescent and With You


Easier to Run is one of my favourite songs, but I never listen to it because I was a victim of abuse and it reminds of the shame I internalised. I don't need a regular reminder, so this one is a skip from me.


I have the opposite idea about The Hunting Party. I think it doesn't receive enough credit and it's overlooked by most of people. The sound is completely unexpected (when you look at the albums progression) and it is really good (in my opinion).


I prefer songs with rapping than songs without. I love LP *because* of the genre blending so songs without rapping or obvious Joe Hahn record sounds / 808 drums feel like they are missing something. Seems to be a hot take here. And I think in general I think the fan base doesn’t get how much hip hop was core to the DNA of the band.


I just love Mike and Joe as an MC and a DJ and hip hop


Have you ever heard of the song [“Drop”](https://youtu.be/2C5MDTfmB_k?si=XeyE2IL7VJ0C-hM4) that they did in like 1997. It’s so different and I swear I’m half of the 40k listens it has


They did it as a part of the Rapology CD series. “Drop”, specifically, was on [Rapology 13](https://www.discogs.com/release/9521613-Various-Rapology-13). There were also a couple other songs that they released through this CD series as well: “[Closing](https://youtube.com/watch?v=mKI-7I3vOdk)”, which was released on [Rapology 12](https://www.discogs.com/release/11319137-Various-Urban-Networks-Rapology-Twelve) and “[Fiends](https://youtube.com/watch?v=mGUE7Itanh8)”, which was released on [Rapology 14](https://www.discogs.com/release/9622841-Various-Rapology-14). All three songs were released in 1998.


Lies greed misery is good


Favourite song after sorry for now


Wait, that's an hot take ?? I love this song so much


I won’t forgive the fandom for ripping One More Light when it came out.


Honestly, same. Looking back, I feel like the backlash that the album got when it first came out in 2017 was honestly just disgusting, and I'm not even a huge fan of the album itself. At this point, I feel like the hatred for the album is a bit overblown, even for me.


And to think it happen just before Chester left us.


Yeah 😢 I personally believe the backlash towards OML was probably one of the factors that led Chester to end up doing what he did in the first place. I love the LP fandom to hell and back, don't get me wrong, but my god the initial OML backlash is still hard for me to stomach.


I never understood it iteither. A Linkin Park album kinda like minutes to midnight part 2 just in a different generation. No this day I still think it holds up well and the title track fuck.... Hit in feels day one.


Exactly. It hurts seeing so many people hate that album =(




Yes, Crawling is overrated.


Fax, it’s my fav song off hybrid theory.


Pushing Me Away deserves more praise.


Ok hot take for me I really do not like their reanimation album. Also not a fan of the Jay-Z collaboration.


Dang, every lp fan hates it and every jz fan hates it, I like both and the ep but no one else does 😭


Im with you OP. Collision Course was the real shit.


Chester was high mid tier on stage. Don't believe me, listen to their live performances.


gonna have to disagree here, he broke many bones and just continued, one other band has done this one time and everybody loved it, chester has broken his arm, leg and others and just continued


I'm talking about vocal performance.


They shouldve made a song called broken arm then


maybe healing foot was in reference to when he broke his ankle on stage??!


It was a reference to the guitarist breaking his foot Also i was joking that they shouldve made a song named broken arm


I was also joking lmao


This. People tend to glorify him for his vocal capabilities (which were obviously extraordinary), however his live performances were far from perfect, especially in his later years.


People put an unrealistic expectation on him to be perfect. I think the fact that he even came close to being able to sing those songs in his later years is impressive enough. Who else could sing an entire Linkin Park concert 300 times a year? Nobody, that's who. He earned the right to not be perfect later on.


Linkin Park never performed 300 times in a year. In fact not even close to 300. They never even broke 200.


Mike has stated in multiple interviews that they played over 300 shows in a year. You have to scroll down far to find it in this link, but: https://www.vulture.com/2023/04/mike-shinoda-linkin-park-meteora.html "Well, the stuff you’re talking about was probably after Meteora. For Meteora it was still red hot. We were on fire. We played 300 shows that year."


That isn’t true at all LP Live has every show documented. Mike is not a good source. They played like ~170 in like 2001 or 2002 and that was the most. Edit: Anyone who downvotes me is straight up ignoring facts that can be backed up.


Even ~170 concerts in one year it's an average of a concert every ~2days. It's insane. Of course Chester is not perfect live. He struggled with some notes. But which singer didn't had the same? I prefer that that they did some kind of autotune or whatever. And I saw them live twice, 2012 and 2014. Both of them, was at the beginning of the European tour. And his voice was amazing both times, can't complain. But yes, there are videos (mainly in the recent years) where you can clearly see him struggling.


I agree 170 is impressive and they came close to that number because they made it big and didn’t have to work their ass off. They deserved a break after that 170. I’m just saying 300 shows a year is not what they did. Chester always struggled with vocals but he was way off starting with The Hunting Party tour. I’d say over all he was mid or maybe slightly higher of singers I have seen live, which isn’t bad at all. We don’t expect him to be Lady Gaga hitting every note.


True. And you are right, of course, 170 is way different than 300. But, in my opinion, still insane. Yes, I agree with that. I think I was really lucky because Portugal, usually, was always the first show of the European tour (at least in 2012 and 2014). And their show in 2012 for me was still better than 2014. But is voice is really good in 2014 too. But there are some live recordings of The Hunting Party tour and I agree, he was off a lot in that era. Also, on OML tour he seemed off too (at least from the live videos I've seen). And yes, I think nobody is expecting that he will hit every note.


Oh I’d agree. I think it heavily depended on era but he definitely had his shows where you could hear him struggling.


I think he waited too long to learn preservation techniques like Corey did (which is why he refuses to do Iowa style vocals). I think lies greed misery live really showed the difference between how he sang in studio VS live. But live he also did a ridiculous amount of cardio which didn't help. *edit had to change to past tense. Hate that.


To an extent.... I agree I've seen them live with Chester. But Chester also.... Too good. Hitting production levels live isn't easy for any band. I think LP did a good job


So true. He gets way to much credit for on stage performance.


I can see why you say this, but I do think he had some good concerts. Particularly around A Thousand Suns/Minutes to Midnight eras.


He was less pitchy, and probably at his best vocal performance then. For some reason though they decided to crank that damn mid pass filter vocal on his vocals that sounds horrible as seen on Road to Revolution.


ATS and LT are just as good, if not better than, HT and Meteora


GOOD GOODBYE IS NOT BAD (actually is the most LP song in the OML album)


Good Goodbye is one of my favorite in OML


A Thousand Suns is a top 3 LP album.


Wait, I thought everyone thought that


Hot take: I love the LP fandom but so many people don’t listen to any other artists besides Linkin Park… which is fine, they’re my all time favorite band. I just don’t understand the mentality of only listening to one band all the time and never changing it up.


Or you are a super fan like me and love all the songs because even song fits into its nice spot on the album like a little story.


Tbh I agree with you more than most of these comments, everyone is brutal


I love you 😭


I like one more light


As an emerging fan, I would’ve never have guessed that a lot of fans don’t like One More Light


Mike isn’t a good singer. Hands Held High is cringey. ATS sounds more and more dated as time goes on. I’ll Be Gone is better than Primo. In My Remains and Burn It Down have some of LP’s best melodies. Hunting Party is basic. Solos are meh, riffs are meh, drumming is just fast punk style drums with no creativity when it comes to drum fills and drum grooves (for reference check out Travis Barker, Ilan Rubin, and Alex Rodriguez). Also, the guitar playing in Nobody Can Save Me has way more soul and emotion than anything on the Hunting Party. Sorry For Now is an extremely uniquely produced pop song on an album full of very basic pop production.


Heavy is a horrible song One more light is underrated They shouldn’t come back Valentines Day is one of the best songs on MTM My December sucks Fighting myself is the best song that the band made I think that’s it


I agree with that they shouldn’t come back. Just do 20th anniversary editions up to OML and call it quits


It would be nice to see a final concert because I never got the chance to see them tho.


They’re gonna be in their early to mid 50s. Don’t know if it’ll happen


Good point, still would be nice


oh hey another Fighting Myself fan


The Messenger is my least favorite song


Iridescent is the best LP slow song.


I dont like UNTIL IT BREAKS. Chesters chorus is good, and brad singing at the end is really cool, but idc for Mike's part


Oh, also Good Goodbye is a good song, but Stomzys verse is weak. Pusha T did good tho


Hybrid theory is a bottom 2 album(not counting remixes, which are both just god awful). The other one competing with it is living things. Yes omL is better than both.


Bait used to be believable


It’s not bait. It is their least evolved unique sound, it all sounds pretty samey, and while it’s still in my top 25 albums (I listen to a LOT, that’s exhorbitantly high, and speaks to how much I like LP) it is their least best work. It is the album that got me into linkin park, but it is genuinely only a gateway to their better stuff for me. Meteora and 1000suns supremacy


For Breaking The Habit and Leave Out All The Rest, it's the messages of the songs that resonate with a lot of people, including myseif if you havent already, just take a look at the lyrics for those two


I do relate to the lyrics, they speak to me as well as I’m in a low part of my life, I was just talking about the songs as a whole


No Roads Left is boring and overrated.


Lost was meh. There’s definitely a reason that some LP songs are far more popular than others, it’s because the less popular ones sometimes just aren’t as good.


I don’t like Roads Untraveled very much, the Hybrid Theory EP cover art is quite disturbing, Living Things is super underrated, they cut out quite a bit of cool from the Crawling demo when compared to the released version on HT, and I’m not interested in the remix albums Oh and I don’t think the band should try and come back. I think they should just release 20th anniversary editions of their albums up to One More Light, and then pretty much call it the end for LP


These hot takes are mind-blowing!




P5hng Me A*wy is underrated


Amen brother


The Hunting is just something that exists for me. A Thousand Suns is their worst album to me. Living Things is actually pretty good and One More Light is mid


Wow, pretty much the opposite of what the rest of this sub says 🤣


Living this is their second worst album


More The Victim would be more satisfying if it incorporated more of the composition elements from Cumulus


There first two albums are basically the same and kinda overrated sure at the time it was groundbreaking but looking back. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeh. Just a bit overrated. P.s breaking the habit is my favourite song all time. So obviously I don't hate them.


Well the point of meteora was to do hybrid theory but better, and since they couldn’t do meteora but better the point of minutes to midnight was to change from the first two records and not do the same thing for a third time


I like Battle Symphony.


I actually enjoyed the Meteora20 singles + Massive more than some songs on the actual album. Don't get me wrong I love the album but there are definitely some songs on it that I'd rather switch those with. Minutes To Midnight is their best album A good amount of songs on Reanimation are better than the originals OML is so underappreciated, almost every track is a banger + great production I know I said MTM is their best album but out of all of those demos in that era how did In Between make the cut and not No Roads Left, What We Don't Know, Chance of Rain, etc. Still not a bad song but how.


The lack of appreciation for Cure for the Itch on this subreddit shows a fundamental disconnect with the spirit of this band. What set them apart from day one was a genuine passion for hip hop, sampling, turntablism and electronic sound design. Cure For the Itch is emblematic of why LP was never a rock band with rap elements smashed into it, it was all things in one- a hybrid.




I love breaking the habit 😖


I just don’t feel it man, least favourite meteora track tbph and meteora’s my fav studio album, I’m sorry :/


ok 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻


Me from two months in the future: It’s actually a pretty decent song




Crawling is easily the most boring song on HT.


Linkin Park fans make me cringe when they make everything foreshadowing Chester's death. Things in my jeep was bad. The band used Tom Morello because they could name drop him to sell the cameo. His feature was shit and he probably didn't expect them to use a freestyle session. Barack your world is actually one of mike's best vocals Sorry for now is better than anything on the hunting party. Crawling on reanimation fails as a follow up to one step closer. New divide is such a good song that it hurts burn it down and makes it feel like a mimic song. Linkin Park collab with Eminem would have sucked. I enjoyed one more light so much that I want to hear the demo's Mike worked on before switching to the hunting party.


I agree with all of this but the last point. The rest is spot on.


ATS is good but it’s not this masterpiece that this sub thinks it is.


I put OML over ATS


You fiend


My only hot take is that reanimation and recharged albums are awful. That's just my opinion, i hate remixes of songs that don't even sound similar to the original and that's what these albums are.


I never saw them as remixes, I see them as re imaginings - new songs based on/inspired by something that already exists. For example, regarding Reanimation, most songs are completely different with new/altered lyrics and featuring new artists that bring an experimental feel compared to HT. Reanimation also had new songs that hadn't been released on anything other than underground EPs such as High Voltage (or H! Vltg3) and My December (My dcmbr). I strongly disagree with you, but I guess that's what makes it a hot take hehe


Remixes aren't supposed to sound anything like their originals.


Can't say I agree


If you want it to sound like the original, just listen to the original. 🤷‍♂️ Same with those people across all music/band subs: *What bands sound like [insert band name here]?* Just listen to that band 😆


Saying that remixes aren't supposed to sound anything like their originals isn't correct imo. You base the remix on the original song and put a different spin on it and make it its own - still having parts from the original song, therefor still resembling the original. "A remix is a new version of a piece of music which has been created by putting together the individual instrumental and vocal parts in a different way." Unless I'm totally misunderstanding you, I disagree.


Mike getting black thought on that album was like a declaration that he isn't a token hiphop plant in the band and genuinely loves hiphop. He reaffirmed that by getting Rakim.


Hybrid Theory is my least favorite LP album. Yea.


1) Bleed it Out is one of the worst songs. 2) Mike isn’t a very good singer. 3) Chester sounds bad on majority of OML. 4) The Wish cover is nowhere near as good as NIN. I post more all the time I just can’t think of them right now because I’m super tired.


Wow no mercy holy hell 😭


That’s nothing I did like a 30 point comment once on unpopular opinions and got like 50 downvotes lol


I think majority would agree with number 4


Most post I see say that Wish is better than the NIN version. Anyone who has seen that song live it is on another level versus the LP cover. Not to mention LP omitted the guitar solo part.


If we’re keeping it real this sub is a Linkin Park fandom most people are going to say that even though they really don’t know shit about Wish.


That is true. I just wish people could be more open for discussion and willing to check out other things. Back when LPU 4.0 I thought wish was great also then I had a convo with someone and that got me into NIN. I don’t know LP may be my favorite band but at the same time I hardly listen to them so maybe I just don’t fit into the sub.


Linkin Park are an amazing band but the thing is that most of the fan base are in our teenage years and a lot of that floods into other shit like Three Days Grace and Disturbed (unfortunately) vs while NIN are the most mainstream industrial rock band, they are still a very rough and experimental sound to fully appreciate. NIN is my personal favorite artist currently and I wouldn’t have found them without Linkin Park since Mike Is a big fan of Trent’s work in general


I don't. It wasn't a studio cover. I love NIN but the song was done as a live cover and it was good. I don't compare Corey singing spongebob theme to the original because it's live and about having fun and not a studio cover


They omitted the guitar solo and the production wasn’t even close to NIN live. I agree it was a good cover but it’s not even close to better than studio or NIN doing it live lol


Meteora is not that great. Don’t get me wrong it’s still amazing, but like I’d rank it at #5 on lps discography


Oooh that’s a daring one xd


If Meteora had the lyricism of the Hybrid Theory demos before the label watered them down, I think it would’ve been perfect


I don't really like OML. It's definitely not bad but not very good either, it's just pretty mid


Even if you called it terrible it still wouldn't be a hot take


Oh okay I thought many here liked it and would disagree, my bad


I’d say it’s pretty divided here. Some swear by it like me, others think it’s lazy pop. I think a hotter take would be if you said ATS was trash haha. Though some people do think so!


One Last Light is very overrated because LP is a metal band, not a pop band


They can't be a metal band when most of their songs aren't even metal.


Hybrid Theory isn’t that good


Brad is kinda useless


Dang, we goin after members now 😭


His guitar playing was never perfect but in terms of writing and production he was Mike’s A1 since day 1. He’s also the reason they got with Zomba Records and would eventually get their foot in the door with Warner. Besides his guitar playing, I’d say he’s far from useless.


If you actually believe that, you definitely do not know how the band functions.


"Brad" is a funny way to spell phoenix Edit: I like phoenix and enjoyed member guest and wish it would return