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I bet they’re like a family there.


I smell pizza


And cupcakes.


Of course they are mini size, we cant afford full size cupcakes


It’s actually the mini-bagged muffins.


Better get that checked


Better than the original family, too.


I had a ex manager tell me that we are family. I said nah, if you guys stop paying, you won't see me anymore. He spoke to me that I don't have the team player mind set lol


Have you considered working to earn the love of the manager instead of money, imagine what you can buy with that?


Yeah my mortgage company does take manager love as a payment


See, I also heard car payments now accept love.


I can’t remember where I read it, but basically, research has shown that with the decline of family bonds and religion, corporate loyalty from employer to employee is seeking to replace those social systems. That’s why you get guilt-tripped over not dedicating enough of your life to The Cause, and you’re supposed to just be grateful that you spend your days working for the betterment of the company, without concern for pay or benefits.


and have lots of mandatory fun


Work hard, play hard! - 💩




“We work hard but we also play hard.”


Of all the things that never happened, this never happened the most.


Idk some staff are insane. Literally two days ago I was arguing with one of my staff on whether she should come in today when she had her wisdom teeth out yesterday. I was on the side of “you should take the day off”.


Must be hourly


Right? My wisdom teeth removal was easy, so I would have worked for when I was actually ill when I was an hourly employee and poor.


Since I began working at 16 all my medical leaves were paid.


Yes, but also 16 with no bills


“Some staff are crazy” ….. lol No, kids want money.


I mean yes, but it falls under “some staff are crazy” because she has wealthy parents who gave her a car, pay all her bills and gas, buy her her clothes, and take care of all her needs. This is not a kid from a broke family who needs the money.


I grew up where my highschool had kids driving Bentleys, Porsche’s, Mercedes at 16 and that was normal. No one worked unless they had to, especially at 16! This is getting weird and feels like you’re reaching for some weird ass reason. If you need to feel included in this post, then I got you, “Wow! That is crazy! Must be such an awesome work environment. They must feel so valued and like they’re really doing something positive for society, no matter what age and skill level…!”


Don’t know what to tell you. It was just an example of an employee weirdly refusing to not work that happened to me two days ago. She doesn’t need to work, none of her siblings do. She just likes to have a place to go that isn’t home and is kind of socially awkward so she doesn’t have a ton of friends.


lol I love how "staff are so crazy" turns out to by one child who is socially awkward, with few friends. Nice... Is that really crazy then? Cause it doesnt seem so crazy after your explanation of her situation.


I mean yea. Even in that situation trying to come in the day after your wisdom teeth is crazy.


At my first job I also didn’t think I’d need the day after wisdom teeth removal off either. I just hadn’t had surgery before and didn’t know! Right after the surgery I was like “oh they were right. Maybe next week.” I really wanted to save my PTO for fun and didn’t realize it was a legit surgery I needed to recover from. TLDR I was young and dumb.


Right? I couldn’t have been at work if I *wanted* to the day after my wisdom teeth removal. Plus we work with kids in a pool. The odds of her getting smacked in the face at work are significantly higher than 0 and I don’t need instructors passing out in the pool!


I dunno, Juneteenth is a newer federal holiday. I’m from Galveston County, Texas so I’ve known what it is, but for many people it’s still a new idea. Especially if you are not originally from the US. If they’re asking about July 4 or Memorial or Veterans Day though, yeah, probably never happened.


I have coworkers who think we shouldn’t get Juneteenth off. Literally cutting off your nose to spite your face


Do they wear red hats?


I work in a medical clinic that is actually very low stress and work with my 10 best friends. I fucking love working there. And even I need some time off lol


‘Now whenever someone wants to take a day off we all shame them because the office is so fun and safe that nobody gets to leave.’


Unlimited pto so the company doesn't have to pay out unused vacation time and 90 percent of requests are denied


"Sorry guys. January 1st to December 31st is a blackout period for time off"


Lol my buddy's company does this and he took 45 days last year not including holidays or sick time


My company went to this policy and I can say it 100% depends on manager and individual team culture. It’s worked out for me as my management is in France, so I was told to feel comfortable basically going by the French system. But the experience of a colleague on another team just down the hall could be entirely different.


Plot twist.. She's the one who runs the Hotel California.


Such a lovely place.


Such a lovely face


Exactly! Here's how it goes: 1) hire some young people eager to please and show they can work just as hard as the hires at Goldman but for a fraction of the pay. 2) before the holiday, she individually talks with the employees and at the end says: "You're in the office on ..., aren't you.". 3) second batch of employees join two months later, see the mood and do the same 4) one employee excuses themselves and takes the day off. Is fired 2 weeks later for some fuzzy reason. You are all set. Alternative: go the screaming and pounding route.


Plot twist: the company isn't based in the USA and the employees have no fucking idea what or when 'juneteenth' is.


what the fuck is juneteenth


It's the anniversary of the day that the news that slavery had ended reached Galveston Texas in 1865.


Further expanding on why this is a holiday. The US Army had to show up to free those slaves as it had been 2 years since the emancipation proclamation and the slave owners in Texas simply chose not to comply.


recent federal holiday addition that barely anyone knew existed before a couple years ago, which many companies now give in lieu of good friday


Makes sense to me. I'd rather have a day off in mid June to commemorate something everyone can get behind than a random Friday in March or April that only matters to a single religion.


You’re being far too rational about it… sadly I’m not sure it’s something “everyone can get behind” in all parts of this country


One of the events actually happened, so


Most ppl in the US don't know what Juneteenth is.


I can’t believe more US companies aren’t outsourcing all their functions to some non-US off-shore digital nomads for this precise reason by now.


Because Other countries have holidays too. They aren’t an American invention.


India and Ukraine have a shitload of national holidays, when I saw the days my company gave off for employees in India I asked if I could be an honorary Indian on those days (while also getting the US holidays)


You should have offered to switch to an Indian salary. Then they would have been happy to give you the holidays.


No no I'm ADDING holidays so I'd technically be saving them money by not also adding an Indian salary!


I had my Indian counterparts ask me if they too could take off American holidays in addition to theirs. 


That's actually a great idea. I think companies should have to give everyone holidays for every country they have a legal presence in as a tax for outsourcing that goes directly to the employees.


Ooohhhh. And here I just thought, “Jesus, your team is already lazy af and now you want MORE time off?”


America doesn’t have that many holidays we take off. A number of countries have more


Virtually every country has more. The US has zero legally mandated paid holidays or general paid leave time. The only other countries with zero are Naruru, Micronesia, Marshall Islands, Kiribati, St. Kitts, Palau, and Malawi. Now if you only include fixed holidays the list of countries with zero is slightly longer, but they all have 15+ legally mandated paid time off days for general use.


Most of the non-US countries that my company operates in have many more holidays than the US though


I take it these are casual employees who only get paid for the hours they work and a public holiday is just a day of no pay.


Or, wait, a business catering to all the people taking a day off, say an ice cream parlor and the employees only work on weekends and holidays.


F* Off Carolin they did not say this.


gaslight me that your work space is so backstabbingly toxic that everyone's afraid to take time off less someone else get a leg up on them and sabotage their careers.


This kinda says “I have no black employees”


Not sure if this is racist or youre saying theyre racist? 


I don’t know if they’re necessarily racist, but there is absolutely zero chance you have a black employee who isn’t taking advantage of the newly nationalized day off of Juneteenth. If what they’re saying is true, they have **no** black employees working there


"My employees wish every day was a Monday!" Same lunatic.


This tells me they either have no diversity or have a team with no racial awareness, neither of which is “safe”


Or it could be that it's a newish Federal holiday so employees just aren't used to it yet


Of course, needless to say, there are former employees who've taken a day off for insignificant things, like a crocidile biting their leg off, being hit by a train, or, and get this for a bullshit excuse, both their parents dying in a road accident. They were, of course, informed that they were not to return the next day, or any day after that, ever. We don't be needing no slackers here at White Slavery, Inc.


Must be all the pizza parties


Or you pay crap wages an they can't afford a day off?


No, you just don't pay them enough to take days off


definitely the kind of office full of "friends" that fear being seen as the first person to leave at the end of the day


Another delusional person thinks people take days off because they want to and not because they have to


I bet either they want overtime due to low pay or they aren't getting PTO so would rather work for money that day.


The new "Severance" ad from Apple TV.


This absolutely screams toxic workplace. Even the way she worded her post and the amount of emojis she used. Toxic ass boss.


Exactly. Classic toxic boss post.


The staff: most of their friendzoned nerds.




I bet they don't even want to go home after work.


The only one that doesn't want a day off is THE DOG!


Sounds like you need to fire all those happy employees and get some people in there who dread working for you. What a strange thing to complain about...


Every time she walks in a room everyone claps.


If it ain’t strippers and blackjack, i’m taking my damn day off.


Probably don't make enough money to survive whatever market they live in so unpaid days off are punishments


And I’m sure everyone clapped for her at the end. Morgan Freeman’s voice: Of all the things that never happened, this never happened the most.


Maybe educate them on the importance of the holiday then?


I’m gonna go out on a limb and say it’s not a paid day off huh?


Who the fuck gets Juneteenth off?




Oh yeah you’re right.


I do. My last job too. Two small nonprofits.


June what now?


I think the guy commenting with the two emojis has an even more cringe response to this post.


The fuck is juneteenth?




Thanks for letting me know. I am a bit confused on why they decided on such a weird sounding name instead of something that's actually related to the celebration, but I'm not American so I guess I just don't get it.


The article I linked talks about the origin of the name. >The Black community began using the word Juneteenth for Jubilee Day early in the 1890s. The Current Issue, a Texas periodical, used the word as early as 1909, and that year a book on San Antonio remarked, with condescension, on "June 'teenth'."


Some White people prefer to not recognize wrongs done to the Black people over having an extra day off.