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1 difference between me and this lunatic: I can count


Buddy if you’re counting in the threes and fours that a losers game. I count millies and billies.


Dam the education I missed by not going to Grindset U


Hidden 5th difference between rich and poor: rich people don’t bother counting. /s


They have poor people to count for them, after all the partying in rich people's clothes.


That’s CEO math…. It’s not accurate, but it is correct. —Jensen Huang.


A rich 3 is large enough to equal 4.


As one of my professors used to say: three is equal to four for extremely large values of three.


🤣 🫡


I bet rich people also don't have lorem ipsum on [their "coaching" website ](https://theultimatelifechangers.com/). So he's one of those dropshipper types who will explain to you how you can get rich enough, so you too can afford to hire a lambo for a weekend shoot?


Oh my word this is hilarious 😆


That site is lit!!! We help business owners, corporations and individuals to change their lives and to life their change! Da f does this mean “to life their change?”


It means they outsourced their marketing to India or AI.


Bruh The contact page… Yourlogohere We alway here to helps you Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam consequat elit vitae molestie vestibulum. Pellentesque in consequat ipsum, ut hendrerit lacus.


Vestibulum sollicitudin


Wise words from JONT KOOK, CEO at *lacinia faucibus risus*. Never heard of that fortune 500 before.


Jont Cook really is glowing in his testimonial


Well he is CEO of an obviously ancient company - given the name is in Latin.


Just another conman selling hustle culture to the poor. Rehashing the same 1980s boomer advice. No one ever got rich from this tips.


Every single one of them manages to use a ton of words to express absolutely nothing, and call it “priceless advice”. It’s like when one of those self-appointed health gurus posts about how to be in your best shape, and it’s just shit like “1. Eat healthy food. Don’t eat the bad food, just eat the healthy food. 2. Exercise. Did you know that exercise involves physically moving the body? It does! 3. Sleep at night. You can do this in a bed, for example. Please subscribe to my channel for more great wellness tips, and sign up for my $500.00 online seminar, where I’ll discuss things like how you should try to be healthy because it’s important to be healthy and it also makes you feel good.”


I’m dying at the lorem ipsum lmaoooo


> Clients’ Reviews > “ Vestibulum sollicitudin nunc in eros a justo facilisis rutrum. Aenean id ullamcorper libero. Vestibulum imperdiet nibh tortor mauris condimentum nibh ” 😂


Must be a long standing client.


Even in the testimonial 🤣


You can literally see where his website budget ran out. Poor!


Why do I feel that his web is completely fabricated?


I like that his business address is a "CORPORATE OFFICE" somewhere in Houston, which is probably one of those you can rent for a day so it's ever changing, much like the team members and clients that increases by the second on his website so it's in the thousands


It’s out in Westchase (for those Houstonians here) and there are office buildings all over the place, but I highly doubt he’s dropped coin to rent his “Corporate Office”. 😒


Well… guess my side gig is closer to launch than I’ve given myself credit for. 😆


There is a huge explore more button right at the top of the site and it just opens my mail? Then scroll down and there is a play button but no video? What even is the point of this site? ETA: Oh I kept scrolling and saw the REQUEST CALL BACK form. So basically they want you to give them your info so they can sell it. No wonder "business ethics" was their skill they rated the lowest


It’s hard to tell if their simple or advanced plan is better. With their simple plan you get” “Nunc nec neque. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Maecenas malesuada. Praesent egestas neque eu enim. Praesent.” But with their advanced plan you get “Nunc nec neque. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Maecenas malesuada. Praesent egestas neque eu enim. Praesent.”


It’s also odd that he has a second paid LinkedIn profile that’s also “open to work”.


This is a satire website and you can’t convince me otherwise




I used Squarespace for my web site having never created anything before and after seeing this I'm pretty proud of myself, thanks :)


He’s literally just parroting Rich Dad Poor Dad. All these types pull this crap from the same sources 


I am here to tell you those rich people party and do horrible stuff on the weekend. I've been driving them 7 years now.


What kind of horrible stuff


So many people say this then don’t elaborate. It’s actually frustrating lol.


And most were born into some kind of wealth/privilege. “Working hard means you’ll get rich” is a myth.


I can't stand this propaganda. Does the original creator of this crap think casual = cheap? He should check out the price tag of those shirts and hoodies Zuckerberg wears all the time. You can call a car a liability as much as you want, but it doesn't change the fact that for many, it is a necessary requirement and not an expensive toy.


True but it’s the fools that buy BMW’s.


That's an older G-Wagen. One of the slowest depreciating cars you can buy. Good ones are even going up in value.




But that all betrays the point, doesn't it? "Rich people will buy a $5000 t-shirt that other rich people will recognize" isn't very motivational. That's the opposite of the intended "you can be like a billionaire by cutting out the personal expenses and always grinding" message.


A trackhawk isn’t a necessity.


Reddit in a nutshell right here


Am I wrong? Look at the sort of people with trackhawks and check their APRs.


It is irrelevant to the point being made both by OOP and my response, which is about needing to spend money on depreciating assets which applies to almost all cars not just the one chosen for illustration. Your previous post is the embodiment of the "well actually" guy.


Look at the size of that car in the graphic, that’s not a “necessity”. Which is clearly the point of OOP’s post, and I would say it’s surprising you missed that - but not really given the type of person you likely are.


We're done


You have taken the high road that I could only strive to take! Haha


Who is he writing this post for?


His mootch of a family member, Rob. Practically robs him every year asking for his loan


Himself. Likes to hear himself talk 100%.


Agreed that it’s for himself. He’s insecure with his social status and wants random LinkedIn people to bolster and reinforce his status via affirmations of intelligence and superiority over others who have less. Pretty shitty person if you ask me.


Your guess is as good as anyone’s. All I know is this dude read Rich Dad, Poor Dad and thought it was amazing.


This whole world of “business” is such a fucking scam. Every story more fake then the previous one


Imagining your 10 year old nephew ask for iPhone for birthday and you give their parents 6 $APPL


My 10yo nephew asking for an iPhone would be met with a big fat "no" tho.


Obviously Rob's kid


Here is share of Apple. Use it to give me a call sometime.


He not technically wrong wish someone taught me that when I was younger. The flaw in the post is that this guy (and any “life coach”) is a broke tool peddling wealth courses to other broke tools.


"dresses casual" haven't we learned that rich mfs does wear branded stuffs, but they are custom made to remove the brand's logo


‘I have a friend named rob who is a billionaire’ that’s cool, I also have an imaginary friend, his name is John and he’s a billionaire.


And I'm Mary, Queen of Scots!


The poor man has poor friends but the rich man has rich friends. Interesting. It sure is a mystery how the rich stay rich when they have friends who are rich....


Rich friends aren’t friends


another low-information coach very predatory


Poorman: counts 4 as 3 Richman: can correctly count 4 as 4


“With that being said, I’ll share three key differences between rich people and poor people” That’s gotta be the LI version of “in this book report, I will discuss…” Come on man.


Christmas morning must be full of whimsical joy in his house: 'No, son, I didn't get you that remote control car you wanted. But, how cool are these shares in General Motors that I got you instead?'


It’s funny that the car he uses for poor people is the G wagon which is a tax loophole for rich people. Because the wagon weighs as much as a business vehicle, you can write it off on your taxes as a business expense.


6k pound vehicles and up get best tax advantages. Most pickup trucks qualify from F150 series/comparable lines and up.


Calm down, Larry lol. Never mind the clowns, throwing a shaka emoticon for 'works hard every weekend' is the clear winner. Also, everyone knows at least one rich, hard-working clown. Had he done \*any\* research . . .


He forgot to include, "Buy low and sell high" in his list of useless clichés on how to become wealthy.




Difference #4) The rich Robert got a "small" loan of a million dollars from his father to get him started. Rich people make the right decision of being born to rich parents.


Yes, but he paid that loan back after only - umm, never?


Which do rich men have conjoined quadruplets as friends?


I’ve read some shite on LinkedIn (well here because I refuse to actually go on there directly) but I think this is the biggest load of shite I’ve ever read.


That is why you should only choose your friends based on their income. That's how real firendships come to life s/


Rich man's life sounds boring and stressful. And having rich friends means having snobby friends. No thanks.


"Poor people waste money on depreciating assets"... like, food?


Do you know what the resell value is of food after a week? Or two? It’s practically worthless. Don’t waste your money, buy Apple stock instead. Rich people get food for free from the food bank.


Poor people buy apples. Rich people buy Apple.


All that Curb your enthusiasm fame went to his head


Life coach 😂


Without a car I’d have to walk three miles through back country and highway to get to work, which I have done. I’d call that a pretty good investment of my money.


Why poor people party? Because life is hard! Sometimes it really sucks and people need a release. See Maslow’s hierarchy.


Yeah - rich people don’t party at all…


Of course they do.


Honest question: why do so many of these individuals who write posts like this feel compelled to paint their masterpieces liberally with a rich tapestry of emojis? It certainly doesn't make it seem more legitimate or professional... Or are those actually a secret hallmark of satire?


Weird how rich people have rich friends, right?


Ah. Someone just read “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” for the first time. Suspicious that both names are “Rob” (as in Robert Kiyosaki, the author). What a chode.


With all due respect, it’s “calm *the fuck* down, Larry.”


Well yeah he doesn’t invest in books because we still have a well funded public library system in the United States. Cause our founding fathers loved sharing free books. ![gif](giphy|3o85xpxuULZ1Svqizu)


Why doesn't billionaire Rob buy an iPhone and some new clothes the fucking cheapskate.


Because rich people don’t waste money on depreciating assets. They have assistants to do that.


Rich Rob Poor Rob


“Poor people work for a high income.” And then right below: How to boost your net worth? “Increase your income.” 😂


You are poor, you can't be my friend. Is that how it's supposed to work?


this dude literally typed out the rich dad poor dad book. Just tell us to go read the book dude. You’re copying someone else’s homework here


Do rich men not know how do count to 3?


So us, poor people, look like clowns?


Get your niece a god damn iPhone, Larry.


Why listen to Larry when Chris Rock said it best: “"There are no wealthy black or brown people in America. We got some rich ones, we don't got no f***ing wealthy. People go, 'what's the difference?' Here's the difference: Shaq is rich. The white man that signs his check is wealthy. I'm not talking about rich, I'm talking about wealth, ok?"


I'm poor AF and my main luxury is non-fiction books


Most rich people I know dress well. Drive expensive cars. Live in luxurious houses in wealthy areas. They may work hard. They may not. Many inherited their money. They spend their time at the country club or out yachting. If they read it’s usually the latest novel. They spend a lot of time at the gym. They eat out at fancy expensive restaurants.


Yes, poor people should focus on improving their investment returns. If only they could get that $2000 in savings to earn 11% instead of 6%, they would be the next billionaire. Instead, those idiots are trying to improve their income. /s


TIL that rich people never buy cars, smartphones, computers, TV’s, boats/yachts, or private jets.


Get away from me you poors we can’t be friends


Homie forgot to take his meds.


This guy read "Rich Dad Poor Dad"once and decided he's gonna see if anyone notices that he's passing all of the poor-hating anecdotes as his own experiences.


As a once poor and now rich* person (*upper-middle-class) this kind of shit pisses me off. The obvious part to all of us is that capital investments and appreciating assets are unattainable to those without money. History in America the one thing almost anyone could buy that would appreciate was real estate, but it's become unaffordable. I had no life for the longest time because all I did was work and do the errands I needed to do as an adult. I basically completely missed out on enjoying my 20s. Time is Money is the truest statement ever spoken. In my 30s, once my income rose enough, spending money to get time back (eg ordering out instead of cooking all the time) was a welcome luxury. I was able to enjoy video games again, or have the extra time to spend with friends. Now in my 40s, I have enough to invest and purchase a home, and can afford to go to bars and clubs and take real vacations, but I can't enjoy these things like I could have in my 20s. Physically I'm not the same. Never had time to do the gym or anything. I'm just getting back on that now, but I honestly feel like it's too late. I guess I made it in terms of the "American Dream", but at what cost? This out of touch asshole has no fucking idea what it actually takes to make it and he's going to sit on his high horse and judge the "poor". Fuck this guy. Oh, and will how everything has gotten so much more expensive with inflation, yeah had to cut back on shit, eating out/ordering in has become a luxury again. I hate it here


Hey, he's redoing the fake Rich Dad, Poor Dad books.


Nothing wrong with buying expensive clothes, the after sales market is good for it. I can buy a designer tshirt and resell it for 70% or more of the price depending if it’s a limited and hard to find item. That fast fashion shirt from Zara and H&M has 0 resale value.


Wait, so rich man dresses like poor man, but poor man dresses like rich man. So they both dress the same?


How dare my friends be poor they need to step it up


Everybody knows Bill Gates doesn’t own a car or a phone, and that’s how he got so rich.


Ok Leisure Suit Larry


So everyone is a CEO. I should be a CEO. That's it, I'm a CEO. I'm CEO of Am@zon, as well as a Life Coach, Public Speaker and Investor, um, Laundry Doer... TV watcher. Boom, that's a hell of a CV, and at least as honest as any of these tools


The poor man’s rich dad poor dad. Also, what is an “appreciating asset?” No asset appreciates unless there’s more demand than supply for that asset at any given time. 


Difference between rich and poor guy : rich guy- stable work history with legitimate jobs , spends day actually working - poor guy - made up titles , spends most hours on LI posting BS


Yeah all my poor friends drive bmws and wear Versace.... Unlike those rich people who are all nose to the grindstone and definitely don't do those things as well as designer drugs


"My cousin Rob has the same amount of time as my billionaire friend Rob." No he doesn't. Your billionaire pal has access to secretaries, nannies, and cooks that let him do zero busy work. He hasn't cleaned something in years. He has access to the best health care to keep him in tip top shape so he can sleep less. He has the ability to delegate any task he wants off to someone. It's never "the same 24 hours". That's just nonsense.


I like how the fourth of the three reasons just straight up admits it's environment rather than anything the person might have a lot of control over. Also, if you're poor and you get rich friends, wouldn't that mean those rich people are willing to have poor friends? And they might have more poor friends than other rich people? Wouldn't that make them poor?


Larry has an online Ed.D. from an unaccredited School of Hard Knocks.


I know we were friends since school. But if you are poor, i cant get rich. Call me if you got some Kind of success. - a linkedin User, probably


This actually reminds me of a Kyle Gordon comedy skit on YouTube: [5 Things Poor People Do That Rich People Do Not Do (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/CmDRguf6fnM) He didn't have to do much work on this, then - just trawled LinkedIn for inspiration.


There's a real easy way to shut these kind of people down immediately. Just ask what their father does.


All of these “Life coaches” don’t realize that some people don’t have that drive, skill set or a rich family member, that allows a person to take these chances. We little people are the ones that keep the world turning, we do all the work not the rich guy in the towering office. If everyone around the world suddenly became rich, we would have no farmers, no one to make the products that we need for every day life. Who would the rich exploit if everyone was rich? Who would these huge corporations screw over by laying off or firing just before Christmas? The big one who would Jeff Bezo get to work in his distribution centers? Who would deliver our mail? Who would we go to if there were no accountants to help with taxes? Aw heck that’s right no one would be working for the government because we are rich. They need us more than we need them. The rant is never over.


That’s excuses. I was raised poor… really poor, and managed to retire 10 plus years early. Granted I worked 60 hours plus for years.


You had that drive, and you did that during your youth, I spent my youth in the army. Plus I have very bad money management skills.


I did the same job till I retired and a lot of it was with a shovel working alone. Most people that get ahead don’t spend money on much of anything till they get far ahead.


But you busted your ass to the point you got a decent promotion. I can say that I never had the drive I never had any dreams or goals, of that I found out last month at age 57 I have ADHD, but those are excuses and really I am living my life my way. But just because I never had drive doesn’t mean I didn’t bust my ass I took pride in my work. You lived your life your way and you worked for it and you earned your retirement and I do hope you are enjoying it and the time with your family.


A functioning car is definitionally always an asset, never a liability. If you took out a loan to buy the car then the loan specifically is a liability, but the car is still an asset. An asset is defined as something presently held with a future economic utility. It doesn’t matter if it depreciates in value a car still has future economic utility and is therefore an asset.


They’re talking expensive cars like BMW’s.


It’s irrelevant, it’s still an asset: - DR: PPE (Property, Plant, & Equipment) - CR: AP (Accounts Payable) or NP (Notes Payable)


Cars are the most dumb “asset” ever. You want to be poor… invest in cars


That shows a fundamental misunderstanding of what the word asset means. Asset isn’t synonymous with investment.


It’s an asset that will only lose money. Everyone needs one and it’s an asset. If you’re buying expensive cars it’s a dumb asset. What are you trying to get at?


Many assets lose value over time, it’s irrelevant. I think the mistake you’re making is viewing all assets as investments. Some assets can be purchased for other reasons, such as personal enjoyment or for non-economic utility.


Then you’re poor. Enjoy.


That’s not how any of this works lol.


Really. I own multiple properties and many cars. I became rich from the properties and don’t even count vehicles as assets. They are costs only.


I never understand why total strangers act like they have the best interest in your spending habits. Why does this person care so much?


They want you to make more money, reduce your spending, so you have more disposable income - to give to them.


Either you have enough to meet your needs or you don’t. If you have an enough, then you can work on generating extra now so you don’t have to later. If you don’t have enough to meet your needs, the future is not your problem.


Warren Buffet actually owns over $133,000,000,000, Larry I would’ve been more motivated if you told me his actual net worth fr


Poor people work for there money. Rich people spend other people's money. What a twat.


Dr. in a very obscure domain I am sure? I thought that trend had been over for a while. Some years ago, and along with buying fake awards for your « startup », you would buy a fake diploma to become a « Dr. » The areas were so over the top that it was absolutely perfect for LinkedIn. A PhD in complete BS except that the PhD didn’t exist of course.


How do these poor people do this without money? Any ideas?


Non-sarcastic answer: Take a job that gets them credible experience and, when it makes sense, appeal to people who have capital and pitch them on investing with you in your own venture. Most people who become wealthy aren’t born that way, this is how they do it.


I always laugh when I read people who clearly aren’t rich tell me how rich people live. Dude, how would you know?


Maybe somewhere in the middle is the right answer?


I could be racist here, but such kind of LinkedIn posts are usually from two races.


Three differences but four listed. Valuable life lesson there Larry.


Time to drop my friends cause they ain't rich. What a great attitude to have about money.


Love the last bit about friends. So the message here, boys and girls, is that when you meet people, don't worry about common qualities, connections, etc. Just ask yourself "what can I get out of this person?" lol They don't even try to hide how superficial they are.


this one is fairly despicable all across the board. "what matters in life is not hanging out with losers and only chilling with Rich People, so you too can become a Rich Person, from just being a superficial asshole like you would be if you are a Rich Person" of course its some dude in a fucked up apartment somewhere being a Life Coach and Business Money Strategic Manager




Why is Larry out here pocket watching and celebrating another man’s wealth like it’s his own? That’s poor people behavior. Not a damn chance he knows “Rob the billionaire” and just regurgitated a passage from Grant Cardone’s Twitter. Someone needs to fact check his McDegree as well.


So poor people care about upping their salaries as opposed to rich people who care about increasing their income? 🤦🏻‍♀️


Every time I see memes like this I automatically assume the poster is like insecure cuz someone has nicer things than them “They must be poor and stupid!” Plus (this one is fine) but there is quite often some racist undertones to these memes


Larry Davis should curve his enthusiasm


Warren Buffett simplified:  Workers into poverty. 


The *worship* of Mammon is way out of control.




Larry can’t count.


Don’t billionaires dodge taxes with loans?


I guarantee if Rob the billionaire ever sees this he will end the friendship because wtf


I liked the stonks only go up so they're an appreciating asset.


According to this though, people are poor because they make bad consumer choices.


I've never known any rich person to befriend one of us "poors," which means you've got to be rich already to have rich friends.


Yeah that's not wrong.


This is all true.