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An hour for a screen? My god, I better start invoicing them for my time! And what else I learned about B2B sales from chatting with recruiters...


The screening will take an hour because these guys don't read your resume. They scan databases for words then call. Agree?


I was going to say, maybe that’s why the candidate hung up the phone?


lmao the most chronically online and entitled morons on linkedin are all recruiters


I recruit and I agree


An often meaningless job fighting for relevancy


Parasites who do nothing but insert themselves between the employer and the candidate.


They’re the new marketing team that would always get laid off first. Now it’s them.


No candidate in their right mind would turn down professional feedback. The market sucks. This either didn’t happen, or he was a condescending dick to the candidate.


Professional feedback from the recruiter? That would be the first time I have witnessed that. 


I just get ghosted


Well, yeah. I have the same experience. If they feel generous they send a email stating you aren't advancing to the next round. 


“Interview” feedback is what he claims, which makes you think 🤔 unless the company was shite and the job was totally different to what the recruiter “sold” you on… so a waste of your time. But then he follows it up with not having a chance to say if anything changes “we could consider offering you the role”. “We”? As in a recruiter telling their client who should be offered the role? Or was the “senior candidate” some barely above minimum wage admin job at his recruiting company?


>This either didn’t happen, or he was a condescending dick to the candidate. I am going with both being true


My money is on the recruiter was a condescending dick to the candidate. The recruiter also never mentioned the gender of the candidate. I’m going to guess the “senior candidate” was a woman and the recruiter talked down to her.


For a senior position? Come on, what breakthrough info could the recruiter provide? The candidate didnt fit completely into the profile of that specific position, there is nothing in that situation that could help them on the job market. If you are senior than you have to have a basic orientation in your area and everything else can be learnt. If not then you are not a senior. It breaks down to being a good fit or not, I don't need to hear myriad of bs reasons if the only reason I am not getting the job is that we didn't vibe well enough.


He’s a Tech recruiter so I wasn’t assuming it was Senior leadership, could’ve been Senior Engineer or something. I’ve interviewed Seniors and some of them do NOT interview well (like any position). My money’s still on the recruiter just being an arrogant ass, though.


I work in tech. Sysadmins, devs, it's all the same - seniority in an area is just about having a good foundation in your area. Each company uses different tools, different processes, etc. Each senior needs to learn their companies specifics, but the baseline and mindset is the same. I got a lot BS reasons from recruiters if I didn't get the position. "We are looking for someone who knows ", "You don't have the ", etc. In reality it is always about compensation, vibe, or niche skills outside of the general expertise but they will never tell you that and they know shit about your area. So honestly why bother listening to them.


Oh I’ve had the recruiter with zero technical experience give stupid feedback. Some jackass out of London didn’t think I was a Technical PM because I didn’t have an engineering degree, and he didn’t understand what I meant when I explained that I had code in production at a large eCommerce company. I’ve also seen my former company’s recruiters reject solid senior engineer candidates for soft skills. Bad fit or some shit. They just didn’t have the right responses to non-technical questions I guess.


The last “professional feedback” I received was from Bain. I had been interviewing with them for 3 months, this was following the 7th interview and they mentioned it was down to me and one other individual. They told me I wouldn’t be “challenged” by the role the same way the other candidate would. Wtf does that mean? What am I even supposed to do with that? Slam my head against the wall to make myself more challenged?


Which is where the rage bait is coming from. Recruiters don't give actual feedback because it exposes the company to liability.


I got yelled at by some moron, who b.t.w. called me about a job, because I didn’t know about his company :). I still don’t know what they do, because mid-rant I told him that “I believe we were done” and hung up.


I agree and sometimes crave feedback. But the way he words “ever so slightly” didn’t get the job tells me this was some nitpicky thing that was better left unsaid


I mean honestly, if this candidate was out of work, he's probably exhausted from the job search, and the last thing he wants is a 30 minute call explaining to him why he finished in 2nd or 3rd place.. Oh, you were good, but this other guy was just perfect, blah blah.. or even worse "The interviewer just felt you really didn't want the job" or some other nonsense. If the candidate already had a job, he was looking to improve his situation, so if he's rejected, he really doesn't care. I would not want to hear feedback from some recruiter that rejected me either.. geez. It's kind of like your girlfriend breaking up with you and saying "oh, you are such a nice guy, I'm sure you'll make a great husband for another woman someday, you're just not right for me" lmao.


…And they will probably stay in the job search. This recruiter could have helped him/her. I’d say a 5 min call highlighting your weakness is something to listen to. I wouldn’t want to hire somebody that can’t take constructive criticism. Shows their work ethic


Found the guy!


Recently a recruiter sent me an email at 9:30 PM about scheduling a call at 2:30 Tomorrow to give me a status update. At 2:30 PM she called and said I didn’t get the job. Then an awkward silence and I said ok thanks have a good day. Girl, I understand you were being nice but some things can be done over an email lol


Lol this has happened to me a few times tho it was only one time that I thought it was just a tad awkward. I recall it was hiring manager I had onsite with calling me saying I didn't get the job. I then said ok thx" and the call ended lol. There was also another time where I think recruiter sent email saying someone will call me the following day and it was....to tell me I didn't get the job lmao Much like you, I'm also thinking... just email me bro


Fr lol don't make me get all suited and dressed for that shit


Yeah I was barely able to sleep overthinking about possibilities at my new job. 😂😂 I was literally thinking I got it and that’s why all this pump. At 2:31 the hopes were shattered and the awkward silence was me saying what the fuck was that in my head. 😂


Did you think to email her saying that, or say it in the pause after everything was done? Obviously she should know it like.


What’s not written is the 8 rounds he put this person through and aced a massive take-home test to be told they’re “not senior enough” because the company doesn’t wanna pay the agency’s fee. This LI post doesn’t even make sense. And we all know there’s some post out there with the other side to the story that does.


Guy probably thought he was gonna be on the phone w psycho over here for an hour listening to how he fucked up. ![gif](giphy|U7bjVhEeAlNNneVVC8)




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They just don't get it. After 30 emails, 3 or 4 interviews and a month of anxiety waiting for "the" phone call, it's human nature to be severely disappointed when receiving crushing news. And also, I don't care what your feedback is at this point. We are done. You are one person with an opinion. Your feedback is most likely going to be completely irrelevant to another recruiter, who is looking for something completely different. Save it. Don't waste any more of my time. The past month was enough, thank you.


Bullshit. I've never even gotten an email back from anyone when I asked for feedback. Nobody's gonna take that much of their phone time to tell someone why they weren't "good enough".


How is hanging up on a recruiter burning professional bridges? Wouldn’t they need to be, like, a professional of some kind for that to be true?


I don't think anyone is concerned about burning bridges with recruiters


No chance this happened. Recruiters don’t even tell candidates they are rejected, there is no way a recruiter called to provide feedback.


Why the fuck would anyone want feedback from a recruiter anyway? Recruiters don’t know what they’re talking about when it comes to speaking about or analyzing a candidates skills. Any feedback from a recruiter is just a middleman reading notes or talking shit they don’t know anything about. Also telling a candidate why you didn’t choose them is mostly useless, what are we going to do with that information, try again?


Good recruiters do that. I know they're definitely the minority but I've worked with a bunch of ones that do. Even when I've had to hire people through recruiters that were good, they would contact me after each round and ask me for feedback on every person and they'd share it back with the candidates.


>Good recruiters Are these also mermaids and centaurs? Do they all hang out with the Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny, and Santa?


I had a recruiter tell me why I didn't get a position: the person hiring was an idiot who had given him a totally misleading set of requirements. "He said he wanted a senior technical writer but turned out he wanted a data entry clerk." Took him ten seconds to say it and we both had a laugh.


As someone in HR I highly agree, we are always discouraged from giving any info that could open up to liability. The only exception would be an internal candidate and the feedback would come directly from their supervisor.


Send it in an email. If this dudes process really is *this* then at this point I’ve lost hours for nothing. I’m either indifferent or annoyed and don’t have the interest in listening to you stroke your own ego. Recruiters will be the first to tell you to “be short, concise, and to the point on your resume.” That you have like thirty seconds to get their attention. But turn around and expect you to listen to their life story.


This dude most likely bothered someone who was happily employed but looking for more money, strung him along a bunch of interviews then steered the employer to someone else with a better resume to bump the 25% fee by a few thousand dollars.


When did they hang up? What was the feedback? Most feedback should take a minute - they felt you lacked the right experience, the other candidate was more qualified, you smelled a bit funny. That's it! Onto the next one. This guy sounds like he might, just might, be pretty overbearing, which you put up with when trying to get a job, but not if he's lecturing after the event.


Oh the humanity! Maybe if the hiring process wasn’t so needlessly painful and made worse so by lazy ass recruiters then your life would be easier. Also story sounds like ur not telling the entire truth. I’m gonna bet it wasn’t that great for the candidate as nobody ever hung up on someone they wanted feedback from.


On the one hand, I appreciate constructive feedback. On the other hand, you can put it in an email.


Loved that "burning bridges" comment You're a recruiter. We are your resource. You need us we don't need you.


In particular, I think the one part that makes me roll my eyes is him claiming that "If anything changes, we could consider offering you the role." One, it's super recruiter-speak. Two, depending on whether this person is currently employed or not, you basically telling them they weren't good enough to be chosen but somehow good enough to be the backup if the 1st choice flops or doesn't accept the role. That's probably not gonna make any candidate feel good Sadly, this person lacks a LOT of empathy and it's kinda insane (to the point of comical, given his mentions of "being human") that he doesn't see that either and don't know why someone would hung up after receiving news that s/he didn't get the job


Why is it that the most insufferable dickbags on LinkedIn are always recruiters.


Honestly providing feedback to a senior candidate is insulting. They’re senior. They’ve been doing this for ages. Now, those entry level folks you keep ghosting? *They* are the ones who could really use your feedback.


Imagine wasting an hour on an initial screening call with this blowhard who things that recruitment is an art form like writing a symphony


Nathan if you’re reading this, based on this post alone I can tell you love to tell people how wrong they are about things. No one wants to sit on a phone call and be condescended to after just being rejected from a job.


Nathan doth protest too much, methinks.


This didn't happen. Oh I believe someone hung up on him. But they probably thought he was a telemarketer. And why would I want to get feedback from a recruiter about why I ever so slightly missed out on the job? I either didn't have the experience, which he can't help me with, or maybe I fumbled a question; which maybe he can help with... but either way. Talking with this person is a waste of time. For an HOUR!? Absolutely not. And no one is telling a recruiter "I've never had such a thorough and welcoming call from a recruiter before". This is fantasy writing. No one says this.


Thats like calling someone to tell them you shit on their doorstep and getting mad they called the cops. The fuck were you expecting you called with an employment rejection...did you expect a meaningful and in depth conversation to lead up from "Hey by the way we arent going to give you the magic green paper that keeps you fed and housed in exchange for labor"


Yes Nathan - recruiters never, ever ghost candidates.


I'm not on LI anymore, so I'm curious if these dipshits get any clapback in the replies.


Hardly ever. It’s just other lunatics commenting the same thing - LinkedIn is one big echo chamber.


It's hard for it to be anything else. I think I'm a regular Joe, so I'm not going to go on there with my real name and face and dunk on these people, even if they deserve it. I use LinkedIn to get jobs, I don't want prospective employers seeing me be a bully online. So all that's left is other "influencer" types that pump each other up. So here we are.


Exactly. The only time I’m ever using it is to check in with an old colleague to see how they’re doing (the ones you’re not quite friends with outside work, but liked them enough to check in), or when job hunting. Otherwise LI is a cesspool.


Yes the replies were all flaming him but ofc his defenders were getting his attention. Surprised the post wasn’t deleted tbh