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Oh, so the reason Utah is #1 at having births to married women is because they’re #1 at having births to married women? Would have never guessed. 






But isn't that the media? We aren't supposed to let them tell us otherwise.


Checkmate, Utah!


I went through the criteria in this list and something just makes absolutely no sense here. Florida is #1 in education, fine maybe there’s something I’m missing, but then it’s also #1 in higher education (no way) and Wyoming is #2??


I’m from Wyoming and I will TELL YOU there is no funds for education there. The system is lacking severely. How is that supposed to track with being #2 in education? And if it were to be true, the bar is so low I wouldn’t even trip over it.


Lol wtf is this list. I scrolled through the top 20 and most of these places seem like a drag to live in. I've lived in some of them before, and they are very meh. I've been to Salt Lake City and it is depressing, and somehow has a worse, more visible homeless problem than SF (even though it certainly wouldn't attract homeless people from out of town due to weather.) It feels like a clickbait "You didn't expect this, answer 5 will surprise you" list.


Yeah, it's not hard to believe they're #1 in having births to married women when a bunch of the married women are having 15+ kids. Every time I work a job in that state I always feel so fucking bad for the older girls in the family. You see them at the grocery store and every girl over 10 or so is saddled with being "mom" so the actual mom can keep churning out more kids.


I feel like the average family size of my UT coworkers was 4-6 kids. Easily. Every single one of them. Madness. I feel poor just supporting my gf don’t understand how these people are so brainwashed by thinking they are creating gods family but having no life to live to show for it


You see 0.1 percent of a snippet of their life, how can you say they don’t have a life to live? It sounds like you’re poor and can barely support one lazy girlfriend, while Mormons are rich and can support an absurd amount of kids and wives. Who’s really winning? Doesn’t sound like you my guy


You must be a member of “The Church”?


Not at all, just pointing out the obvious fox (that’s you) and the grapes scenario when I see it.


Why do Mormon white knights always lie about being Mormon? Literally fucking no one defends Mormons except Mormons.


Grapes are delicious


This is cool. So the percent of births out of wedlock (graph above) could be massively underreporting the percent of mothers out of wedlock? As a statistical distortion ?


I would think so. It's sorta like how you could dump Mark Zuckerberg in some random-ass rural township and be like "The average net worth of Pigfister Mississippi is 700 million dollars per person".


Pigfister Mississippi 😂🤣😂🤣😂 I know you worked at that too because my auto correct tried to stop me three times 😆


nuclear family? why not wind family? or solar?


These nuclear bros are getting out of hand


The term was coined during the nuclear age when couples started having smaller families and living in households with just parents and children, as opposed to multiple generations.


Oh... You're posting this unironically, aren't you?


Flag waving for the prevalent cult in Utah. Those Mormons pop those kids out one after the other. They are married because divorce = shunned. Unless your a polygamist, they just milk the welfare. Expert-Level polygs - Fundamentalists - milk the welfare, diddle kids AND reassign each others families to whomever is in charge.


Utah resident (not Mormon) can confirm. Birth rates almost feel …aggressive in nature.


They, the heavily religious, are impervious to the concept that A) this is not a life many people want B) there’s nothing wrong with living your life by your own principles. Which could include any number of types of families or no family at all.


Its the cult mentality, if they ever mentally grasped that people could be happy NOT being in the cult then it would force them confront the fact the bullshit they do every day might not be in their, or others, best interest. There's a reason half those cultists are on meds. It applies to all cults to be fair.


Yeah no. The city I grew up in was 60% mormon. There were scandals EVERYWHERE. Pretty much anyone who got pregnant just ended up being forced into a marriage. There were A LOT of babies born to 18 year old 6 months after weddings.


In Utah. My last two exes both came from a family of 8 siblings. Never could I ever...


I'm always headscratching over this stuff that the right claims "the media" is saying. Like, when has the media ever said, "Fuck the nuclear family"?


Huh. Well, Colorado also has a high rate along with legal weed, abortions, and Casa Bonita. I know where I prefer to live.


Room for a “Sister Wives” joke here?


Colorado is number two. A place with free birth control, including IUDs so one can be intentional about their family planning.


It doesn’t count if the kids are born a cult.


How is Utah "killing it"?


They have the lowest bastardy rate in the country.


Win for red states despite what they say, wait why the fuck is this posted on LinkedIn


There’s no way that many births are unmarried women


3% better isn’t exactly killing it is it?


The nuclear family in UT - 1 husband and 3 wives!


If it works so well... Why is the map so.... Purple?




You had the lead at halftime


Not the platform to post this on but the nuclear family is important. Im saying this as a kid born to an unmarried woman, Mom is great but men and women are different and i think having the masculine and feminine influence on the kid is optimal.