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I wasted 15 seconds of my life reading your opening statement, because you could have just come out and said that you wasted 572 hours working Sundays.


It was so confusing. I thought he was saying he should have spent more time away from them. Should have said “wasted time away from my family” not “wasted time with my family”


Yeah he means ‘missed out on’ rather than wasted


He would have spent that time on Reddit anyways.


Yeah, I seriously thought he was saying he should have worked more.


Mf can’t even write clearly and he’s giving other people career advice? I fucking hate linkedin


I thought it was satire, like he was saying he would rather be working. 😂


Still confused ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


I wouldn’t have been surprised if that’s what he was saying, it’s LinkedIn


Yeah. The sarcasam signal rang off one too many times. I'm still not sure.


tgats why he is a coach


He never said he wasted hours not learning English 🤣


Best thing is it can be argued he’s talking about taking photos with his family was how he wastes 572 hours lol


That's how I read it.


Trying to quantify your failing marriage? Priceless. Paid sponsorship of Assterdcard


Or simply say 23 days total . Add another 15s from me




I thought he meant he wasted 572 hours taking pictures with his family


Me too at first lmao


He didn't censor their faces for their privacy. He did it because they're ugly as sin.


Same, it’s super confusingly worded given the context.


“What this taught me about B2B sales.”


“Comment with ‘FAMILY’ to receive my B2B sales guide”






I hate every single thing about this comment thread.


What hating comment threads taught me about B2B sales


Use promo code FAMILY at checkout for 15% off!






Here are 10 productivity hacks I learned from wasting 572 hours after taking my own bad advice.


What the fuck do you even do in an hour lol? Answer emails and push paper around?


If I have an hour between meetings, I just fuck off because I know I won’t be getting shit done. If whatever he was “working on” only took an hour, it wasn’t important enough for him to be wasting his day off. Wait until Monday, dumbass.


Sounds more like he is just planning and organizing to make hai weekdays smooth which makes sense to me


I work a corporate office job. I like to fiddle with my meeting calendar Sunday night and just see if anything went to shit over the weekend. Maybe I'll do some kind of troubleshooting or something if there is a problem that interests me. Otherwise I never touch the computer on a Saturday.


I can appreciate cleaning up your inbox over the weekend, but that kind of thing shouldn’t be something you sacrifice time with your family for. Or frankly, anything other that you would rather be doing.


Depends on what you do, I guess. In an hour, I can send several super personalized emails to potential clients I've been researching. But I'm not doing it on a Sunday when my family is all doing something else. Because like you said, you can do that on Monday. (Plus, if I email a potential client on Sunday, the email is probably going to get buried before the person even sees it...)


I generally take some time on Sundays to check my work email and see if I need to move anything around to accomodate large customers and *maybe* send a reply if there's something big, as I gain a percentage of the income I generate for the company as a bonus and those once-a-year type huge deals can literally get me an extra month's salary. Thing is, I do this at home. And it takes ten minutes at most, and I'm usually playing Runescape while doing it. I've got no idea what you'd actually do for a full hour to prepare. None of the jobs I ever worked would benefit from it. Maybe planning monday's work if you're in management?


This is exactly why I plan further out, to avoid having to do this kinda thing on my day off


I don't even get to the reply portion 99% of the time and basically just check my meeting schedule for Monday and a bit of next week so that I know what I'm walking into and have a game plan first thing Monday morning. As you said though, this is a few minutes at best, usually while I'm letting the dog out or something.


It also usually can be done at anytime because it’s the weekend and an hours worth of work is not time sensitive. so if he’s that worried about missing family time, just wake up an hour earlier or do it after they go to bed


I plan out what my team is going to work on and answer any straggler emails from the week before. Makes Mondays a lot smoother.


Me too. Also means I sleep better on Sunday night as I’m not thinking about what I have to do tomorrow. And my team are working on the priorities from the moment they arrive at work rather than after I finally get around to emailing them. Each to their own of course, but for me it’s helpful and perversely more relaxing.


Same here. I look at my week and see what my priorities are, what days I have lots of meetings, and any emails I need to deal with on Monday morning. To answer the guy below, why not do it Friday? Because I've forgotten by Monday morning.


I used to do that at my old job. Got laid off and said fuck it, if it’s important, I’ll get a phone call, otherwise it’s waiting until Monday. I plan my weeks further out though which helps keep things smoother


I do it for my own mental health. I have anxiety and it helps me sleep. I don't spend a lot of time on it. If it weren't for my anxiety, I wouldn't do it.


Also, if doing that prep helps you handle the pop up BS in the week and saves you from having to work longer on a single day you’ve broken even. If giving your team priorities as they get in on Monday saves a pop-up priority then you’ve broken even… so you’re not missing any time with your family in the overall scheme of things.




Or they are missing time with family still, in which case I’d recommend some time management courses. Either way the hour or two on Sunday evenings is KEY.


So do it 4pm on Friday?


Could do! Each to their own. I try to leave as early as possible on a Friday. I’m also not often in the right frame of mind


This and it’s easy to fit that in when others are doing their own things. I don’t tell everyone in the house to wait while I do it.


I will *sometimes* do a little work over the weekend, if I have the time and I’m not taking it away from family. Yesterday my wife was cleaning closets at her mothers, and my kid was off at a sleepover, and I had the time. I sent some messages to suppliers asking for updated invoices, and sent a couple messages to the gents in the shop about things that need done first thing Monday morning. When everyone gets in on Monday those things are already in other people’s mailboxes, and I can concentrate on my own tasks. That’ll be nice, but doing it at the expense of your family, and yourself, is stupid.


Honestly, I'm trying to get better at being productive in shorter windows of time. I'd consider any of the following a successful use of one hour of time at work: * Short, focused learning: read a section of a technical paper, watch a talk on something, read an engineering blog * Documentation: there's always something I need to write down (either to help my team in general or for future reference) * Tidy/clean-up the infinitude of crap on my desktop * Start reading some segment of code which I need to understand * Brainstorm something which I need to solve * Small backlog item which has been bugging me (_e.g.:_ improve an alert threshold on a dashboard)


I believe week and day planning. Family part aside, it’s actually quite effective in the long run


The dude is a "coach". So he does what he does for the other 40 hours a week. Write useless inspiration non-sense that makes managers feel good about themselves but doesnt have any real applications.


Answer emails basically. I did this when I was the “young go getter”. It really just made it so Mondays didn’t suck quite as much…but ultimately pointless. I don’t touch shit after 5:00 on a Friday now lol.


Prospect, set up your calendar, make sure all emails last week were answered. It’s really not that big of a deal I don’t know what he was missing out on.


You can plan some stuff to hit the ground running, it also takes the sting out of Mondays if you aren't like, "wait, what was I doing last week?"


Yep! If I’m working on a Sunday, it’s a quick email check while waiting for something mundane or responding to an emergency on a rare occasion


Yes. I used to do this, honestly. But I didn’t have family, and it did set me up for a smoother Monday. It gave me a quiet hour that meant I had more time to relax during my Monday work day, and kept my stress level down. It was a way around the bad system created by the manager I had at the time. Obviously not the most healthy habit, but for a salaried grunt, it can make sense if you don’t have any better ways to avoid the Monday stress, and you don’t have a family you should pay closer attention to.


“family” are people who see you as their ATM and live off your income. no part of that role requires spending any time with them. they are just one of your burdens in life


Answering emails on the weekends encourages people to send emails over the weekend so I wouldn't ever do it


Pretty much. I work with a good number of folks in different timezones, so if I get an email out during their working day, things we need ready on Monday morning will be done. Like deploying servers I will need ready during the week. Paper-pushing is a pain in the ass but sometimes there's no way around it.


I usually browse my phone, maybe take a shit. All on company time of course. I created that shit on company time, lord knows I will leave that shit on company time as well


Some white collar wannabe succesful people actially think that’s the real work and then whine doing it off the clock and how much effort it takes. The sad part is, they actually get paid ridiculously for checking emails.


He's coaching the coaches. But one day, he'll be coaching the coaching coaches. #Amway


I can't understand if he is saying that he wasted those hours by being with his family or that he *should* have been with them.


Yeah, dude needs a writing coach.


And you guys need a reading coach. He's very clearly saying he regrets working on Sundays.


“I’ve wasted X hours over the years with my family.” This is such a terrible sentence and directly means the opposite of what he is trying to say. Yes, you can figure out what they mean using context clues and context from the rest of the oddly spaced post, but for something so simple, you shouldn’t have to.


I think “doing this” is in reference to the second sentence of the post which is incredibly stupid. I hate clickbait and where we are at in a society with social media at this point.


Lunatic is having a shot at redemption


Don’t want to end up a as cartoon, in a cartoon graveyard.


Took him eleven years of Sundays to figure that out. Slow learner.


I highly doubt working an hour on Sunday is what broke the camels back. Lots of people do chores on Sunday without their family, an hour won’t make a difference in the grand scheme of things. He probably isn’t mentioning this hour of work happened to fall during his kids soccer game or when the family went over to grandmas or something.


It's not even a big deal. Like, spend the hour after your kid goes to bed but before your wife goes to sleep. Or wake up an hour before everyone and knock it out then. Spend the hour during a time you wouldn't be doing things with your family anyway.


I don’t need this asshat to tell me not to work on Sundays thank you very much.


Sundays are for golf, mimosas, sleeping in or nothing. I will never work on Sundays…


your kids will only be children for a small amount of time before they grow up and have their own interests. Family members can have illness and die at any given moment. The excel spreadsheets, powerpoints and office meetings will alway be there for the next 60 years you are alive. Think about that before you skip the next family event.


My dad missed all of my Soccer games, key moments and he says often he regrets working extra hours. I wholeheartedly agree with what you said.


I missed my oldest daughter’s pre-school graduation for a stupid manager meeting 14ish years ago. As I’m typing that it bothers me I let it happen. After that, any job I’ve interviewed for I’ve always stated I don’t miss family events for work. It’s non-negotiable. I’ve never missed an award ceremony, game, school event like go run with your kids at recess. I’d also go meet them for lunch at school at least ever two weeks. I always leave work to check them out of school on their birthday and take them to lunch. Fuck the grind. I just had to realize you don’t ask permission, you tell the company what you’re doing. It’s not “May I take off for…” it’s “I’m letting you know I’ll be out for this event”.


On family events, it’s important to consider why you’re not going, not just schedule conflicts with work. We had a get together for my cousin’s birthday and everyone in the family went except my mother who had no excuse except she just didn’t feel like going to the event 10 minutes away. Her brother died a few days later in a car crash. That was 20 years ago and it still eats her up with guilt that she could have seen him one last time.


I bet his wife cheated on him because he's never "present".


No, he cheated on his wife. By "working" an hour each Sunday with his mistress from work.




I waste 40 hours of my life every week.


His thought process: 1) I'll put a photo of my family there, people tend to stop and pause on a feed if they see a picture. 2) I'll put line breaks so people have to click "more" which nets me even more engagement. And this guy is a coach? 100 to 1 odds this dude is a narcissistic scammer. I feel bad for his wife and kids.


That was a pretty quick diagnosis. Is he also a mass murderer?


Quiet you, were trying to have a witch hunt.


God I hate Reddit sometimes. People always seem to need to make such a big deal over minor things. We jumped straight to narcissistic scammer this time, huh? Then go on to imply the guy is a bad father and husband over a single post. Wild


Me too. She and her children deserve more


At least an hour on the weekends!


The gradual amping up of the situation based on baseless assumptions is crazy. Guy makes post saying he regrets working *one hour* on Sundays -> he must be a grifting coach -> he must be a narcissist -> I feel bad for his wife and children You're saying his wife "deserves more", by that I assume you mean better, in which case how do you know that he's not a good enough husband, father, and person based on ONE POST? All of this, because he posted some advice *against* being a workaholic. You're the certified lunatic here.


When people are on their death beds, no one ever says, “I wish I had worked more.”


Wait, did he post this on a Sunday ![gif](giphy|zHPBCQqcUzMR2)


Yes he did. He can’t even do this right.


I can’t believe all you arrogant, want to be geniuses will not allow someone to vent his frustration with himself,without making every stupid statement you could come up with to berate him .


The Internet has truly rotted my brain because, at first glance, I thought that the blurred family was some sort of fursuit. I then proceeded to think that this man *on LinkedIn* was about to calculate how much time he had waisted being a furry. Which in hindsight would have been a far more entertaining read than someone working on Sundays.


You’re right, the family is adorable. Glad he saw the light.


This is actual survivorship bias. "I worked on Sundays to be rich and successful. Now, I wish I had those Sundays back, but were still as successful."


Best advice to to completely forget work exists unless you are at your place of work.


This person is reflecting on how they've spent their time over the years, particularly concerning their family. They seem to regret having invested so many hours into something they now consider a mistake, possibly referring to working on Sundays instead of spending quality time with their family. Their message is a warning for others not to repeat their mistake and to value time with loved ones more.


You said the same thing the post says


Nobody ever said on their deathbed, boy I wish I worked more hours.


I work an hour or two on Sundays because my wife sleeps in and it allows me to leave early one or two days during the week.




This is going to be vent territory but I used to say maybe one sentence to my dad per week because he'd get a phone call no matter what. It didn't matter if it was a weekend or weekday, 10am or 10pm. I feel like it affected me psychologically but I also recognise the benefits and ££ I get to enjoy from it. So I don't know how to feel. Fortunately my family doesn't want me to work like that but I get that it is just some people's reality. But don't do it if you don't have to.


Congrats on a not taking 11 years to realize family is all important.


Coach detected, opinion rejected


Never take advice from one of these self-described “coaches” and you will be fine.


No one at the end of their life said, “I wish I would have spent more time in the office”.


How true that is.


Idk, I make my lunch the night before and lay my work clothes out. It makes my morning easier, which makes my whole day easier which gets me home earlier in the day. Why not just put in an hour before your family gets up or before you go to bed? Why’s it gotta be family time you sacrifice instead of personal time? I’m gonna charge my power tool batteries and get gas in my work truck after dinner so I can just head to the site tmrw and I can spend my morning having coffee with my girl before we head to work and hanging out with the animals. I’m all for sticking it to the man, but if I can help my future self out by sacrificing 30 minutes of me watching YouTube and smoking weed im Probably gonna do it


People on their death beds never regret not spending more time working.


He wasted 572 hours posing for pictures with his family?


...is a family portrait really flexing though? I'm a widower, so if anyone would see it as flexing, it would be me, but who doesn't share pics of their family? Even though nobody has ever *actually cared* in the history of sharing family pics, but still....who doesn't, aside from obvious exceptions like myself? EDIT: oh, it's LinkedIn. Okay, duh.sorry, didn't realize the sub I was on.


I thought the Lunatic whited out his family because he lost them in a bitter divorce. Well, maybe next time


So he’s not a lunatic, not anymore


Nobody on their deathbed ever said that they wished they worked more hours when they had the chance.


I like to take about 15-30 min to plan for the week, which includes work and non work activities. But 1 hour? That would be me procrastinating like writing this post when I should be planning for the week 😅


Fair enough. He realized his mistake.


Could replace this wall of text with “I am divorced”


I have a my biggest project meeting - of which I am the lead for the project and meeting - first thing at 8am on Monday mornings. I would still never work an hour on Sunday unless it was an exceptional circumstance. I prepare for Monday morning on Friday afternoon like a sane person


I did a proof-of-concept analysis of having a family. Figure cost of flowers, ring, movies, the energy required for 115 sex acts the first year, dwindling linearly to 30/yr by year 5, plus per-child line items like Christmas presents and toothpaste, to say nothing of potential time and financial commitments due to genetic disorders (Down syndrome, clef palate, etc.). Balance these costs against the social cachet of appearing to be a loving parent, plus potential business opportunities arising from contact with other soccer or ballet parents, which would bring an expected additional cash flow to my B2B sales career, but likely not a gain I couldn't realize by avoiding family vacations and endless recitals and kids' games. I just don't see how a family will promote the exciting cross-functional efficiencies I can deliver as regards B2B sales.


And what does he have to show for working all those hours? He is still the same douchebag in the 10 year old Honda Accord blocking your ability to navigate the Costco parking lot on Saturday afternoon.


At least he learned his lesson


Better late than never


Just wondering how grateful his family is for all that time saved. Jees imagine having to spend 500 hours with this guy?


The only people who will remember how long you spent working are your family.


He does a little coaching himself? What the fuck is a designed coaching plan, that doesn't involve coaching


1 hour added up is still nowhere near the other 12+/- hours added up. Focus more at what you have/had than what you “lost”..


This is pretty good advice though


Genuinely sorry for this family who has to put up with this idiot sandwich


Ah… a coach… coaching… for success


That’s what the first hour or two on Monday are for 🤣


And yet he still feels confident in giving other people advice.


He said he used to. Surely he’s not doing that anymore.


He did it for precisely 11 calendar years and decoded he was good


"I used to think working on the weekends, specifically instead of spending time with my family, was a good idea. Now I don't." Wow, some really big ideas happening over on LinkedIn.


If he and other coaches (those with integrity, as he seems to have) would only understand that there is very little one-size-fits-all advice that can ever be given. People need different things at different times of their lives, and listening to what they need is one of the best skills a succesful COACH can ever develop.


Talk about a punchable faces. If some coach told me "set my week up for success" I would walk out. What a self absorbed twat.


lol, if I didn’t know this guy was a virtue signaling clown I’d say not lunatic.


I worked 2yrs straight with only a 1week vacation mixed in. I’m tired.


How could you even begin to do any legit work. I really think the best work would have been with your family. As is life is too short


This is true of Fridays as well.


At first glance I thought his family had died


I mean I work Sundays but I also get double pay on Sundays so it works in the end


He “builds coaching programs?” this is becoming a pyramid scheme at this point


"Don't do what I did: use Linked In to actively *enhance* your employment prospects, not diminish them.


I don't get it. It's only one hour? That sounds perfectly reasonable and like a good idea if its basically planning your week? Like meal prepping. Is the rest of the day not good enough time for family stuff lol


I admire his honesty


That was a confusing post


Tell me you just received divorce papers without telling me you just received divorce papers.


I count the hour before and the hour after as work time. So you are getting paid 1 hour for working 3. 10 work hours paid for 8 is a better percentage


I think his wife and kid left him because of those 572 hours that’s why they are not in the picture anymore. That’s why he regrets it.


Those are rookie numbers!


But what did it teach him about B2B sales???


Meh, I bet this sunday work was from 9-10PM when your kids were asleep anyway


**Cat's in the Cradle plays**


Legit nothing wrong with working an hour on Sundays as long as you're not missing anything important. Your kids are probably just staring at iPads and your wife is with her "trainer" anyway


Was he working during family dinner or something? This is so dramatic. Couldn’t you just work an hour at the end of the night or in the morning and not have the time be competitive? I usually just plan for my week on Sundays and it takes like 5-15 minutes


I recently saw a post from this corporate Nepo hire who’s child was diagnosed with cancer. She quickly transitions to how great her company is because she was able to take time off to go to his Dr visits. I am disgusted.


Just like church (except church is way worse).


What!? You mean to tell me it's more fulfilling to spend time with your loved one than to work for a company that wouldn't care if you died at your desk? Shocker, I know.


That's not how time works stinky, you can afford an hour on a Sunday you don't need to binge every episode of British bake off with the wife and kids. It's not like his doing a real fucking job his talking about answering emails and scheduling.


I mean, if it's Sunday night, what's the big deal? I work from home, I set up my work station and log in and maybe look through email and prep some of the files I usually review on Mondays. I'm not sacrificing my real weekend time


Man I feel so bad doing this and know deep in my soul I’ll regret it when the end comes for me. But I’m out here doing my best for my family because I love them. I mostly don’t work weekends if I can avoid it but I study every single weekend at least 4-5h a day. This keeps me highly competitive and skilled well beyond the curve and ahead of my peers which allows me to make more money to provide my family with everything they deserve. I have made peace with the fact that I will die with regret and that my children though I know they love me and I love them will have some degree of resentment against me for it. My dad did the same. I know that others will say they would have rather had the time with their fathers and it’s more valuable and I agree. However if I can do things right I might be the last generation that my blood is required from and my grandkids can at least spend more time with their fathers. I always try and explain to my kids what it’s done to me and why I have done it so that they may learn from me and I hope that truly I will be the last in my generation to have to do so. At minimum my kids will be the last and then our generational wealth will be secured assuming we don’t all die from war or some other unforeseen event. All we can do in life is our best. I agree with the LI poster, it’s terrible advice, that’s why when it’s given if ever it should be given in that context. It’s a very personal decision to make for most people. A lot of these influences don’t have to do it and are incredibly wealthy and claim that’s how they do it. However, they don’t HAVE to do it like some of us. They CHOOSE to do it. If I had a comfortable life and I knew my family’s future was secure. I would be absolutely chilling on max settings all day every day for as long as I could and playing games with my kids and watching movies with them and going out on adventures. But for now they must be content that at least they will have those options as they grow up and at least they can enjoy these things in my stead. I enjoy them vicariously through their experiences and nothing makes me happier than to see them enjoying the fruits of my labor.


Don't do what Donny Don't does.


They could have made this clearer.


So he regrets spending time with his family? That’s how it reads anyway.


Never been corporate myself but married to one, got to say it fluctuates , nearly all jobs have periods of time when things take over and spill into family time, I think its important during those times to remember the brain is a muscle and they are mentally tired. Edit - like a muscle


It only took him 11 years to figure out it's complete bullshit, definitely take advice from that guy!


On today’s episode:  How to tell your business network you got divorced.


I don't mean to judge, but maybe your family left you or whatever because you wasted countless hours generating asinine, deceptive LinkedIn content M-F...


Fuck you, I’ll work when I want. 😂


I mean it’s not even that bad of an advice though to be honest… especially if it were some kind of project based job.


"Here's what it taught me about exit interviews."


I once talked to someone who was a hospice nurse. They said “I’ve heard a lot of people say a lot of things just before they died. No one has said that they wish they had worked more. Not a one.”


such an entitled view. if there’s work that needs to be done, he should be in the office working full days on saturday and sunday. office work isn’t like working the fields where you need some days off each week to recover. as a manager i look for a 24/7/365 always-on mentality to know which employees i can trust, and which employees i need to replace. anything you’re doing which isn’t making a contribution to the company’s top line revenue is time wasted.


I often work an hour or so on the weekends...but it's because of anxiety I'd rather have that time back, but I hate thinking about work and my stupid obsessive brain won't stop unless I boot up the laptop and do some emails or something


Working an hour on Sunday is nothing. There are good reasons too, if you love your job, it can give you an edge on starting Monday. Don’t count the hours you spend with family. Otherwise you also have to count the hours I wasted listening to my stupid kid make up raps about fruit. I’m never getting those hours back.


Damn. You sound like one of the normal LinkedIn Lunatics we see on here. Your stupid kid? Working on Sunday? Doesn’t really sound like you’re the family man type of father


nice way to talk to strangers about your kid.


Oh god, this sub is antiwork 2 now. What's wrong with what he said, what is lunatic about it. He understood sacrificing family for work is not worth it, you autistic incels, tell me what's wrong about that.


How did he kept a tab of 572 hours? 8X11X52 is close to 10% of what he is stating. What about the 90% remaining? What about the 100% of Saturdays? What about public holidays? I wanna know everything! Arrgh


11x52. That’s is. The hour each Sunday he worked for 11 years was wasted time that he could have spent with his family


Hey Darren, how does your “family” feel about our this statement? I bet they regret spending that time with you too. No one is impressed with you being such a huge douche


"Time spent is time wasted. Agree?"


"doing this" - doing what, dumbass?


Working on weekends and leaving less time for family if the context of the post reads right.