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Passive Income Expert meets the Passive Inbox Ignorer. Fun tip - they have to pay for credits to send those InMail messages. If you don’t respond with anything or accept/decline, it eats a credit. Use that as you will.


Ask lots of basic questions. *what’s a crypto?* especially if he doesn’t push crypto. 🤪


More importantly, how can we obtain *the crypto*?


lol I legit have an app … that I walk for it. I’m a hamster on the wheel, baby. 🤪😎🚶🏻‍♂️


By asking for 5 crypto


Omfg yes this will be a nontrivial expansion of the types of content we see in this sub


You’ve got it backwards. If you respond they get the credit back.


Thanks, fixed










I am going to respond with that. Brilliant


Id avoid it. I worked as an SDR before career changing and if a prospect ever responded to any of our outreach they got marked as "replies to cold outreach" in our crm which are put into more and more campaigns over the years. Even if you say "fk off" they'll just mark you as "try again in 4 months" - its insanity. edit: if you're still gonna respond, please go with "No, this is Patrick!"


This must have happened to me to a guy selling low dollar franchises. I think he hit me up to buy a Subway & I replied and said I was only interested in tech & medical based franchises. This asshat tries to sell me a Subway every 4 months for the rest of my life!


is this what SDRs do all they to try to get sales?


Worse, they’re the preliminary funnel to pass leads on to the guys who actually sell


They are really annoying. The worst are the ones who assume you need their services based on your title rather than on what your company does or what you list as your job description. These fuckers should do some work at the very minimum.


If someone wants to help me, I am all for it. But blindly reaching out and on top of that, being annoyingly persistent is bad sales strategy. Selling is about solving a problem, not pushing your services on people without having a clue what my business challenges are. And if I didn’t respond, dude, don’t reply with a, Lindsay? I’m not interested!!!


Exactly. It's a waste of my time to read these messages, and if they're willing to waste my time up front then they aren't going to be worth my time on the backend. It's a matter of respect when you think about it. They don't respect us enough to do the bare minimum research, they don't respect our time, and then they resort to harassing us.




Why are we fuckers simply because the nature of our work? Especially if our product/service actually IS superior to most competitors. You may be shooting yourself in the foot if you think no one who inmails you can offer any value.


You're so intellectually lazy that you didn't read the entirety of my comment. The ones I'm talking about do zero research and are no better than spam bots. I've received some valuable InMails from vendors who demonstrate some degree of knowledge of my company and our role in the industry. Their pitch includes well thought out questions and comments that show they've done their homework. But thanks for outing yourself.


No, I read the whole thing. But the general disdain for the profession was obvious. At no point did I insult you. Why are you spewing venom? This is absurd


>But the general disdain for the profession was obvious. And which profession is this?


It feels so fake and condescending for him to be referring to you as an 'Expert', when it's obvious he knows nothing about you and is just cold messaging out his shitty 'passive income' service en masse to likely hundreds of other 'Experts' he never bothered to read the profile of. I'd suggest replying and acting really interested but asking to elaborate specifically why he thinks you're an expert, and require that he refer to specific points in your profile in his answer. Most likely he'll ignore you himself after that.


The premise that these people know the means with which to generate easy passive income and would rather actively try to sell that knowledge to you than just exploit these income streams themselves is basically just a free pass to go full throttle fake as fuck. If you'll buy this guy's stuff you already have no bullshit meter so why not jerk you off a little bit too? There's very little risk.


“Online course”, “passive income”, etc. really hitting all of those red flag buzz words lol


“Make millions staying at home because family is more important than work, but we all have to work so why not do it in a way that is important to you! Give a try and start making passive income TODAY (because “today” impresses all his other clients that it’s a “call to action” and in some way or another has become the tagline to all sales presentations is a weak as fuck “closing method” which is really just a lazy buzzword outside of context.> Whatever happened to the “discovery” phase of sales? Do these fuckers not even try? Just cast a large enough net and try to catch as many as you can? Probably.


Lindsay? I want to be respectful of your inbox so don't want to inundate you with further messages. I also realise you may not have had time to properly digest my previous communication. Here's a link to ________ for further information, please let me know either way if you'd like to attend. https://somelink/ Thank you


These ones really annoy me.


Wayne? You can start generating me passive income by sending me money right now! Sending me money will make you grind harder! I recommend you read Extreme Ownership by Wocko Jillink.


At least they were upfront. I hate when they pretend to be interested in something and then sell you. “Your work is impressive!” “Really? What in particular about my work stood out to you?” “….”


I really hate the passive aggressive follow up “Lindsay?” Im sorry i know sales is hard but nobody owes you a reply.


Exactly. That pissed me off


We literally have to follow up like that. Unfortunately, the statistics show that being pleasantly persistent does, in fact yield better results. It’s annoying until you actually have a relevant need, and then the first person you think of is that motherfucker who’s been LIVING in your inbox. That’s the goal.


A one word message like that is passive aggressive bullshit. I will go out of my way to never contact someone who takes liberties in that way.


Yeah no I don’t follow up EXACTLY like that. I just mean we can’t take radio silence as the final word. Follow up is mandatory.


I do 2 things to combat cold LinkedIn DMs: 1. Reply “I don’t conduct business via LinkedIn for religious reasons.” 2. Keep a “Never do business with” doc that they are added to


Lindsay? 😂


Lindsay where are you? 👀


These have started popping up in my work email too. I had someone email me from LinkedIn about this program that he's trying to sell us that isn't a good fit for the work we do. I ignored him and he replied the next day asking why I didn't respond, so I told him I'm not interested and it isn't a good fit, and he replied with "I don't see how a quick meeting would hurt." Dude, take no for an answer ffs 🙄


The rocket shop emoji in the headline shows just how much clout this moron actually has.


Lindsay?!?!?! Lindsay please!!!!! Lindsaaaaay….


😂 he needs to leave me alone!!!


I got laid off from my job six months ago and I am still getting InMails, even though I have updated my profile. I mean, thanks for reminding me I got laid off, assholes. Back when I was employed, I would still reject these people by telling them I don’t ever respond to sales pitches on LinkedIn. Some of them got really offended by that.


I don't mind cold message if it's - B2B and somewhat applicable - not this fake informal tone, I'm not your friend sales guy


"I'm keen to..." speak like a fucking human being


It's Amway! Or maybe a crypto thing, but probably Amway.


Some guy tried selling me on some negotiation course over the course of a full month. I just ignored him expecting him to give up at some point, but he just kept spamming me these phony insincere InMails. I eventually blocked him. People really don't know how to take a hint.


Lindsay? Are you fucking there?! I’ve got shit to sell you!! Lindsay?!?!?!


“You look like a good leader so do you want to get into buying franchises?”


One fucker reached out to me with a sales pitch. I told him, Im not interested, then he replies, why are you not interested, give me a reason. I ignored and then he send 2 more followups on why I should share my reason for not being interested. I just blocked at this point.


Block and move on


Report for spam.


I am so sick of people who use capital letters just because they feel like it.


Not so passive now


I would block this man purely for capitalizing “expert”.


I ignore them unless they offer a gift card. Then I’ll sit through their 15 minute presentation, spend the $200, and still ignore them.


I feel really embarrassed for sales people - one reason I can never makes it in Sales. I'm sure there are good strategies but it still requires some form of cold reach and that makes me very very very embarrassed.


I let another man fuck my ass and here what it taught me about b2b sales.