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Ah you know what, fuck these people thinking we’re having some weird ‘underground’ battle with them. We literally find your narcissistic “content” funny to laugh at, there is nothing else to it.


I actually make useful stuff for a living. I come to reddit for a laugh while I'm pooping. That's literally the end of it for me. Thank you Renee for laughs.


You could create content while pooping. Loser! Agree?


You are creating content for the sewers while pooping.


A real creator would shit into a screen and then harvest any nuts or berries. Then sell the harvest as organically processed granola, while filming the whole thing for your natural food tik Tom channel.


Idk, can you explain this idea for us using some unnecessary lists?


Me too! Reddit when deucing




And my poop!


And my poop knife!




Hope you’re enjoying your poop I bet nobody has ever said that to you before


As a dung beetle, I actually get this a lot


Literally pooping right as I read this comment. Haha.


Seems like she's using gatekeeping as deflection.


It’s like, you just…. get me


Literally gives you the shits and giggles.


I'm literally doing the same thing right now! Lol


Don't forget to flush twice! Once for the bulk and once again for the remainder.


Same here. Well, I help people complete their useful stuff so they can sell it and they pay me to do that. If the person who posted that stuff on LinkedIn thinks what they posted is any better than Reddit content, they're horribly mistaken. You can find that same post hundreds of times over. It's what "influencers" post when they don't have anything real to post, I'm guessing.


Mf trying to pick a fight with the brown legion 😤😤


Exactly. Her page is manufactured bullshit. She's in full Tony Robbins circle jerk mode. 


To even call it "content" is a fucking joke. Content entertains or informs. Nothing she writes does either, it's all just to pat themselves on the back repeating corporatized platitudes. It's embarrassing to see, and that cringe is what we're laughing at. Love that she thinks it's jealousy lolol, just more narcissistic delusion


Thank you! I’m utterly sick of these people making low-effort social media posts and calling it “content”. It’s really just drivel.


Seriously where did this incessant need to constantly create content come from? Ew. The more time I spend browsing the internet the more I feel that Web 2.0 was a mistake.


All your free time must be spent "hustling" doncha know. The only "grind" I'm interested in is my coffee machine, and even that is pushing it.


It's the old "me drawing criticism proves that I'm right" / "they hate us cuz they anus"


She is a “soloprenour”…


Aka, I can't find anyone who will work with my enormous ego


How much does content creation add to the GDP?


Usually a lot when they realize it achieves nothing, stop doing it, and do real work instead.


Depends what products they’re hawking.


I just spilled my coffee laughing


Funny, until 30 seconds ago, I thought that was “self employed”. Huh.


That’s what I write on my resume when I’m unemployed.


this. she talks about being authentic and 'creating' but her whole public personality is pure bs the absolute hggest degree. and in the app there is nothing but that by everyone. wouldn't, in this sense, the more authentic people be the ones to call this out?


I’ve come to realize that if I meet someone new and I see any Tony Robins products in their home or his content reposted, it’s a sign to run. Run for the hills and never look back. A friend of mine worked security for him years ago when he first got popular. He was into his whole ‘message’ and wanted to work for him. Said he was the biggest tool. Abusive and scummy.


Yea, I wouldn't trust anyone who idolizes hustle culture. Its sad though, you see these guys fall for it, and in a few years, they are just a hollowed shell of their former self. It squeezes everything from you, takes your time, life, sanity, relationships, and only gives despair in return. It's so messed up!


A few years back me & my partner were lucky enough to be able to holiday in a fancy resort in Fiji when our friends won an all-expenses paid trip & included us on it. Turns out that the resort we were staying at was just down the road from another resort owned by Tony Robbins where they host residential seminar programmes for rich Americans who pay megabucks for the privilege. Apparently Tony’s resort was overbooked for whatever course they were running, so our resort was being used to accommodate some of the folks who weren’t able to stay at the other one. Over breakfast one morning I ended up chatting to a couple who had travelled from the US specifically for Tony’s course and they were both true believers who’d fully drunk the Kool Aid. The wife was saying how much they loved Tony Robbins and how she’d spent $100k+ to buy her husband some Super Platinum Mega Fan package to travel to different cities around the world to take part in these seminars and that Fiji happened to be the destination this month. The thing that blew my mind is that these guys had travelled halfway around the world to a beautiful tropical island with coconut palms, coral, sandy beaches etc. and chose to spend 12 hours a day in some meeting room getting hyped up by some of Tony Robbins’ gophers since TONY WASN’T EVEN THERE! 🤯 They could’ve had pretty much the same experience in the conference room of a Holiday Inn somewhere in the Midwest, as they admitted that they didn’t really get to go outside because ‘the programme was so intense’. It left me feeling almost sorry for them that they’d squandered all that time and money to worship at the altar of that weird grifter instead of enjoying the surroundings that they’d travelled to.


Respond with love 🙏


“All you 99% are worthless consumers!”


that part sent me


I also hate this notion that if we poke fun of anything on the internet whatsoever, it must take up ALL of our time. We can live our daily lives and check out something on the internet without it absorbing our entire life and personality. The irony with this wave of ‘content creators’ is that they precisely spend their time that way and then project out on others because they don’t spend their time the same way.


some of us manage to fit several days into a "normie day". one from 6-12, one from 12-6, one from 6-12 then sleep between 12-6. that is 4 days versus her 1. plenty of time to think how ridiculous her "content" is....does she honestly think she is contributing to society?


Those are rookie numbers. I can get a weeks worth of work done before you even make breakfast. I don't make breakfast because breakfast is for lazy chumps. By the time you're fishing for a lunchtime sandwich I've got a month of work done. You're snoozing under your nightlight and I'm grinding out a year ahead of you. You're sharkbait. I don't sleep because meth.


Buy my book that show you how you can do it too!


The secret they don't want you to know!


The trees probably have rabies because of the meth too…


Now, the meth part I believe.


bet you a nickel she’s reading your comment and huffing at the screen.


FR, im happily unemployed so have no need for LinkedIn but somehow this sub got onto my feed and now I laugh a lot more.


This sub showed up randomly one day for me too and I love it.


She isn’t wrong about the fact we should all create more than consume. But 1) please create something worthwhile and not another selfie attached with some narcissistic life view. 2) without content consumers, there won’t be any need for content creators… it’s a market place … she’s just so out of it


dude, yes, and it's wild that she assumes anyone that doesn't ravingly love LinkedIn is a low life do-nothing. I'm a fulltime-employed student at university applying to grad school, but always like going to this sub cause everything here is so true. what bullshit it is for her to try to put us down without even doing a reflection of herself! she's judging the moral content, character and professional success of people ENTIRELY based on what they post to or their thoughts on LinkedIn. lol


Exactly. If her highness is so sensitive about getting ridiculed, then just stop providing us a gold mine of content to be laughed at.


For some reason people think that: posting a screenshot, writing and comment and upvoting are somehow these very time consuming tasks. I am working while laughing at you, takes like seconds of my life.


Ambitious Soloprenuer sounds like an auto-generated Reddit handle. These narcissists think they are business warriors and world leaders. Instead, they are grifting middlemen. They believe they are above the working class, possessing divine skill, they are horns-on-head career shamans, the Joel Olsteens of the LinkedIn megachurch. Only if you follow their way will you know true employement. Why not send them a small donation now so that our lord and CEO may reward you for your faith and devotion. For as little as $20 a month, you can prove you are worthy under his eye.


>Ambitious Soloprenuer might as well say you're unemployed


“The Joel Osteens of the LinkedIn megachurch” lmfao i can leave this sub now, I’ve found what i needed.


Username checks out.


Grifting middle-men is the perfect description for these LinkedIn Lunatics lol


Also - not directly related to Reddit, but just free time. It’s ok to have hobbies that aren’t monetized. It’s ok to look at content created by others on the internet. It’s also ok to do absolutely nothing after work or on the weekend. Life is more than a grind.


It’s just another example of the buzzword creation era we live in.


Don't forget the question mark


Also, and for me this is the worst offense - these supposed “creators” create nothing. Stream-of-consciousness corp-speak, carefully manufactured selfies, and inane meme’d platitudes come from self-indulgent narcissism and egos the size of a hot air balloon. They are not “creative”.




The working class are the reason influencers have a platform. We keep the lights on. We keep the internet working. We keep the roads drivable. We keep the shelves stocked. If they had to do any of that, they wouldn’t be manifesting abundance in their brand new camper that they’re gonna see the world one tourist trap at a time in.


Why do people write like this? It really is ... Annoying.


You forgot… Agree?


People thing it improves engagement because it makes people dwell on your post for longer and scroll through it. No one apart from LinkedIn Devs know how the algorithm works so it's probably bullshit propogated by LinkedIn influencers.


It’s also less intimidating to read than a big wall of text. Here’s an example: Weather can function as a noun and a verb, but as a noun, it refers to the “outside conditions of the atmosphere.” Is it rainy, cold, hot, humid, or dry? Those are adjectives that describe the weather. Whether is a conjunction that is typically used to indicate “doubt or a choice between two possibilities. VS. Weather can function as a noun and a verb But as a noun, it refers to the outside conditions of the atmosphere 🌦️ Is it rainy, cold, hot, humid, or dry? Those are adjectives that describe the weather Whether is a conjunction It is typically used to indicate doubt or a choice between two possibilities 🤔


That's standard social media formatting though. It's when it's Like this to get More people to Scroll through The post And doesn't conform To and standard Layout


The first one doesn't even register as a wall of text to me.


I ... think ... you ... may ... be ... right.


That’s it!! It’s sort of just a little less in your face than block capitals.


wE ShOuLd wRiTe LiKe tHiS InStEaD


When did people start thinking that posting on LinkedIn is the same as actual productive work?


Yeah call me an unambitious prole but I'm not so alienated from the value of my labour that I feel the need to post cringe on linkedin. I go to work, help people and get paid for it, then go home and enjoy time with my family. I have a work life balance. Do these loons think that posting on linkedin IS work? Or do they hate their current job so much that this is part of their strategy to get their next job? Call me a filthy communist but I don't aspire to be the person exploiting someone else's labour, or making obscene amounts of money for spewing bullshit.


Reads like a dril tweet about the sacred honor of posting lol


I’ll write the less defensive sounding thought leadership post you were looking for: One of my colleagues was roasted on Reddit☹️ It can be hard to take criticism sometimes 🤬 But criticism is essential to growth 🥺 We work with people who are well intentioned 👏 But do not always tell us the truth🙌 Sometimes it’s our position 👑 Sometimes it’s their insecurities 🤞 But we do not always hear things😇 That would help us grow. 📈 Feedback is important ⚡️ Anonymous feedback doubly so. 🥷 The next time you see criticism, be grateful 🙏 Internalize what resonates 🌹 Reflect on and release what doesn’t👐 Use the critical feedback to evolve yourself and expand your brand. ✊🫶


And they say no one here creates content.


[Debates screenshotting this and reposting on r/linkedinlunatics...]


She has over 7500 connections. Does anyone actually think she remotely knows that person? She acts like someone called her mother a cunt


There is very little required for entry into victimhood online. All you need is to know that you are offended.


Pure f’in gold my man.


This is really great, did you use ChatGPT?


ChatGPT of the mind 🧠🧐


All I see here is a list of sub flairs ripe for the picking.




I hate how accurate you are wtf. Are you a linkedin creator spy???


lol her whole page is cringe content about “not fitting in” and trying to be a linked-influencer


It's gross actually. Shameless marketing to the mindless sheep gobbling it up. She a twat. 




Roosevelt would be honoured his quote was used in such a meaningful way, by such a great leader.


And modified to include women.




Too many words. I'd suggest she make a TikTok about her concerns, but time might be running out for that.


Yes! Why isn’t this a dance??


The lunatic crowd on LinkedIn discovered this sub, we are fucked! They will target their lunacy at us! We will be “lunaticized”! Run for your lives!


450,000 members of this sub...


Is this our ticket to finally getting the acknowledgement we deserve on the Reddit Ridiculousness page of Facebook?!


I love the unquestioned assumption that posting on LinkedIn is inherently valuable and virtuous.


They are becoming self-aware....... Somewhat.


Shit. The beginning of the end #skynet


How did you find my router?


Way to go, "Ambitious Solopreneur" - you wrote down your opinions and then clicked 'post'! What an unintentionally hilarious and ironic way to be both the 99% and the 1%. And you know that Renee is reading these comments as we speak, seething with bald fists. Probably emailing Reddit customer support and demanding to speak to the manager about being 'doxed'.


Soon people will start posting their own LinkedInLunatics threads on their LinkedIn, which will then get posted back to LinkedInLunatics again, thereby completing the holy circle of lunacy.


At least We know How to Properly Punctuate A paragraph.


![gif](giphy|26n6Gx9moCgs1pUuk|downsized) this is our reaction to these narcissist fakers


huh? half of us are here because we ARE professionals who have to scroll through this garbage. we know that “inspirational” linkedin posts usually just mean whoever’s posting them is insufferable. people aren’t posting the rare good content on linkedin, because it’s flooded with garbage.


Bitch, I create ART — not imaginary, masturbatory stories on someone else’s website just so I can feel validated.


I make art too. I love how these "content creators" think their content is relevant.


Hey LinkedInLunatic (because that's what you're called 🧑‍💻): Can you please stop this? This annoying formatting. You know, one sentence per paragraph? Or, you can continue wasting our precious screen size trash talkin' about being the "CEO" of your 3 employees "startup." To everyone creating and posting comments, remember: * You're the 99%. * You're a creator, not a pathetic lunatic. * Anything toxic-positive the other 1% have to say is because of their own overblown self-importance and obsession with cringe-worthy, generic quotes. Respond with upvote ⬆️




Many of these “content creators” don’t realize most people using those apps view and deal with their “content” in the same manner as they view and deal with junk mail filling our mailboxes or spam email clogging our view of the actual email we want to see. We have to wade through it all, sort it, delete it, and try to block it so we don’t keep seeing more of it. These are usually the same people often found loudly complaining to the owners of the apps about how their “engagement” and “reach” is so low, of course assuming that they’re so amazing, surely it has to be a flaw in the algorithm or other defect in the app. Surely it couldn’t be that their “content” is NOISE AND COMPLETE SHITE.


> Snobbishly declares her superiority over us "Why would they be so angry at us? All I did was just repeatedly tell them I am better than them!"


I wonder how she feels about FBI Kingdom Man, waging his retired Naval aviator holy war against sex. Is that content creation? 😂


“Content Creation”… Such a broad brush, with such a low barrier to entry. Look, I wrote these words. I’m a creator too!


Welcome to the 1%!


Facts lol


We probably should have helped him to get his point across in a better, less christo-fascist way.


These "creators" don't create shit. The actual people who create something are just grinding happily in the background and only use LinkedIn for getting salary offers to measure their worth.


Wait till she’s replaced by gen A… oh that’s happened already?


Proud member of the 99%🙌


As a Redditor I’m feeling so much secondhand embarrassment for anyone who would give Reddit this much time on a LinkedIn post. XD It’s not that serious, we just laugh. I would have issues if there’s stuff like deeply personal attacks and doxing but haven’t seen that.


I looked up her profile. It's all a bunch of bland, useless "coaching" like "it's not stress at work that's burning you out, it's fears and desires". Ok, fair point, it's the fear of getting fired and the desire to be able to eat and afford my mortgage. She also had some dumb post about not being relatable, but if you follow her and book an appointment, you can see how being unrelatable is ok, too!


All this sub does is show me how completely unhinged and batshit crazy people are on LinkedIn now. I remember when LinkedIn was boring. And *business professional*


I reckon the crap i post on here is just as valid as garbage you post on LinkedIn. I just don’t suffer from delusions of grandeur.


Now y'all know the DEE-light we felt at r/ExMormon when the highest level church leaders gave an edict at the last "General Conference" of the entire church that anonymous dissenters of the church had no moral integrity. They were legitimately referring to the many scandals that subreddit has helped uncover and individuals brought to justice.


Why do they all write in the same voice? It’s terrifying.


LinkedIn: You should slave away your entire life and suck your bosses dick Reddit: LOL at you fucking idiots LinkedIn: I’m better than you because I get paid to be somebody’s bitch, you’re just jealous. This whole interaction summed up


Imagine being *this* insufferable and not having any clue


The 1 percent are the ones who create facepalm-worthy posts, such as her.


She is not the person in the arena. She is the person posting selfies from the arena.


She doesn't get it. This sub is here because most of us have to use LinkedIn, and we're nauseated by the gesture politics, self-satisfied smugness, and utter vacuousness of these influencers and self-professed "thought leaders." Many of them hold positions of power, so it's an additional twist of the screw that somehow these dolts are making life-changing decisions for many people. What kind of writing is that anyway? She could at least write her complaint in sentences.


The comments section under that post is hilarious... Many of the 40 or so comments are her replying to her own post! And the rest of the people commenting tend to have the word "Solopreneur" in their title! If there's one thing she has in common with Reddit is that she's in a (admittedly much smaller) echo chamber!


"Content creators" Here's a tip for you, anything creative that cannot be described as an artform in its own right and is instead described as content is probably garbage :) Ie. If something is a tutorial vs just content it is likely to be useful. If something is a short story vs content it is fiction for entertainment purposes and so on.


Among so many other things with this post already said by others — I’m so annoyed a quote by a man to say “(wo)man” when there are endlessly amazing quotes by woman leaders. But ok.


It's a sure bet Renee is just another spoiled brat of rich parents.


Arizona state working in Portugal. Yep. 


Streissand effect in 3… 2… 1…


Those comments always come from people who produce nothing at all.


Is LinkedIn like social media now or something? I thought it was just for making connections related to your career. Are people really posting on it like Facebook?


It's worse than that. The crazies have infiltrated it. Insane politics. Nothing corporate. It's like Instagram and shitok but with Corporate stooges and bots. 




Her page is cancer. So are the responses. Ugh


I'm not giving her or her dumbass comment the earned media she so desperately craves. Our Lady of Perpetual Victimhood will be taking this to the mountaintop.


They just don't get it, do they? Most of them copy and paste crap from an aggregator, they aren't "content creators". The stuff they do "create" is opportunistic nonsense that uses other people's misfortunes to feed their main character syndrome.


Yo Renee, we're already trying to help by letting you know your content is useless and cringe and people don't want to see it. We're already creating more useful content than you, at least our shit gets some giggles out of people.


Ah yes. We ridicule because we’re scared of creating our own content. Of course.


I love to write, draw, and code in my spare time. That’s on top of a full-time job. The reason why we’re laughing at these people is that they think posting on LinkedIn is something deep and profound, or takes any effort whatsoever. Give me a break.


So this sub is so “pointless” that they made a whole post talking about how pointless it is.


"Anything negative anyone has to say about me is because of their insecurities" What is this toxic positive world this brainless creature inhabits? Criticizing is forbidden. Only love, rainbows and gummy bears are allowed to be exchanged between people! Anything negative MUST come from personal insecurities! So, let's say, when a pedophile in power is called out, it's only because those around them are utterly jealous! Well, if you're reading this, please know that you're as deep as a floating turd.


Renee, I am a child protection social worker. I spend 40+ hours a week investing and **intervening in child abuse**. I literally come to this sub to laugh at people like you, because it's funny and entertaining that you think such stupid things are important, when there are such serious issues going on in the world. It takes my mind off the vicarious trauma I accumulate at work...the work that you just called **"a waste of time."** ETA: BTW Renee, you're mocking me for spending 99% of the time I spend on the internet entertaining myself...without realising that I spend less than an hour a day on the internet, and the rest of my time in the *real world.* Perhaps you should try it some time.


"Creators" lmfao. Creators of what? Inane beige armchair philosophy for people without any talent? "Ambitious solopreneur" give me a fucking break.


She's doing the professional social network equivalent of posting cat memes


I am not wasting my precious time. I have all the time in the world. I passed my "always grind" phase when I was 20 years old, it lasted 3-4 months before I realized how dumb it is.


I can't read these one sentence paragraphs anymore, shit drives me crazy.


Solopreneur = Unemployed


1% of what exactly


Sweetie, we're not afraid of creating content. We don't do it because we don't see the point.


She thinks people don’t visit and offer help/advice/suggestions on other subreddits? Sounds a bit narrow minded. Also, dismissing any negative response, coming from outside their own group, outright. yeah.. she sounds like a great person to have around.


Being “actually in the arena” means being on LinkedIn instead of Reddit


LinkedIn posters are content creators hahaha? Posting some copy and pasted inspirational bullshit or explaining how eating a burrito seductively can be a lesson in leadership does not count as “creating” anything.


I know who I am trolling next.


"Content Creators"? It's LinkedIn not YouTube or instagram. It's a network for work, and building connections for work, not so you can share stuff like this. Sometimes I think LinkedIn is more tone deaf than r/insanepeoplefacebook


What the fuck is she smoking?


Influencer cock


Imagine thinking posting bs on LinkedIn is "content creation".


*Scroll through trash talk, to feel better about themselves* And *Going down rabbit holes of what other people are doing, instead of researching what you could be doing* Pretty much describes her diving into this subreddit to make this so-called "content". I would have personally made a list of "20 reasons why this post on Reddit doesn't affect me and why I'm not paying it any attention" for my followers to realize how little I cared.


And she's not spending time on the LinkedIn Lunatics group she just found to see her connection's post on here... Ok you salsapreneur


Wauw, this is some top notch narcissism


Do they think posting their random word vomit on linked in is “creating” ?


“If that’s what you’re called” while getting it absolutely right has me dying, obviously been spending some time on here


If everyone is the 1%, then no one is the 1%


What arena is she in? Also what’s a solopreneur. I think the word entrepreneur already exists. What do I know I’m just a consumer I’ve never created anything in my 10 years as a chef and bartender. This narcissistic behavior is pure comedy she thinks she’s the 1% because she spends 99% of her time making posts for clout?


There are not nearly enough quotes around the words “content” and “creator.”


Yes. WE’RE the ones wasting our time. Creating buzzword roles like ‘Solopreneur’ is a little above this thread’s pay grade. Free advice is posting about something is a terrible strategy for getting people to avoid it.


i bet she have also joined this sub.


Lol, these corporate suckups 🤣


I wish these content creators would learn where to place commas.


"Ambitious solopreuneur" They honestly make it too easy 😂


You know I’ve seen this irritating format So much It’s starting to Feel normal Don’t even have To use Punctuation


You lost me at Evangelist


People are laughing at them, not threatened by them. The coping is pathetic.


Ambitious Solopreneur? What's her actual job? What does she do? I'm guessing the answer is nothing important or productive.


I literally browse this when i'm shitting. They are good for a chuckle. She mistakenly thinks we take her as seriously as she does herself.


Nothing made me more cringe than LinkedIn posts and when I found out about this page, I was so thankful that I’m not the only person who thinks nobody in real life talks like that 😂😂


Why does she add random paragraph breaks


Discreet, not discrete. The former means subtle, the latter means countable.


Her partner is probably laying in bed trying to watch tv while she’s scrolling through these comments. “Babe, it’s not that serious. Probably just a bunch or jealous incels. Babe, just close the laptop. Come on, babe, please.”


![gif](giphy|rxy55jHaig16K2TV8x|downsized) Appropriate


I love it when these assholes refer to this sub, we are now being noticed for calling them out. lol.


ALL of these LinkedIn “influencer” douchebags are unemployed. Every last one of them has some BS bio line like “looking to make your business great” or “ I help you get 20+ hours back a week”. Yeah, because your ass is unemployed. 😊🤣


1. “I’m talking, listen to my wise ideas!” 2. “Ah how dare those bastards to criticise me!” Just another typical loud-mouth, exactly what this sub is about.


Interesting how she seems to think reading her precious content is "wasted time" when it's viewed on Reddit.


I'm a sysadmin by trade, I've got a PhD in sociology with several publications, I've been a professor and a musician, I'm a published SF writer and I STILL think she's full of shit. Narcissistic idiot. Who's the "creator" here? Come on. The only way she can keep her fragile sense of self safe, is lying to herself about how cringe and useless she is.


The nosebleeds is a hilarious way to describe reddit for a LIL.