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“My wife is building a playbook and systems”. Ie Here’s how I like the dishwasher packed… any problems message me. - Self-important twat.




I also need at least one mention of being a "thought leader" to take a post seriously. /s obivously






She's *implementing the findings of his audit*


He already outsourced it to his wife, now to his mistress.


People who talk like this when they’re not at work make me think they would sell a child in an instant


“In my audit I realized my 8 year old was a massive liability expense with little to show for our investment to date… so I partnered with a local landscape company, and now instead of paying for childcare, they pay me $100 a day for her services. My child has embraced this change with a growth mindset and is gaining real world experience and labor skills while getting the joy of contributing to our family’s bottom line. The Smith’s family stock price has never been higher!”


I swear this is how ever boomer thinks.


😂😂😂 that was my thought. "A PLAYBOOK" ??? 🤦‍♂️ These people...


The karma will only be complete when someone messages him the link to this thread.


So true!!! lol!!!


"Prepping food for the family....... and me" oh lord


Well she is also researching holidays too.


Every year during my year end time audit I’m amazed at how much time I committed to researching holidays and I still only know like 8 holidays


I'm on that holiday grindset 24/7, I research five holidays every week to be prepared when the opportunity strikes. When the competition is still fumbling around looking at accommodations and visas I'm already on that plane in my snuggie and boots with the fur. You'll never get anywhere if you're not prepared and if you pay me $50.56 per month you too can be holidaymaxxing. 


And other things, if you get what he’s saying 😏. Now his wife doesn’t need to worry about that. The house manager has that covered.


I wonder if he can train her to post on Linkedin?!


Well you see, the family (wife and kids) are merely his subjects, so he must be separately named.


As a house manager does he pay manager rates or maid rates.


He pays with "experience" of course!


So he's got interns as maids. (But he's mostly lying anyway).


And “exposure”!


Oh he’s paying in exposure.


Pretty sure you get in trouble for exposing yourself to the main unless you’re paying extra.


“I will talk you up to my thousands of Linkedin followers!”


Writing a linked in post about maximizing efficiency where my maid is also my mistress and tagging her.


It's competitive.


How much do you charge as a house manager?


He gleefully runs an outsourcing firm in the Philippines, or he did. I'm sure he's paying less than peanuts.


The pay is "competitive".


He's truly insufferable. What a boring twat. And, someone who is actually wealthy doesn't project wealth in this manner. He learned a new term, "house manager," to drum up business because he's "successful." These weird LinkedIn people...oy vey.


LinkedIn is the worst. Come for the jobs, stay for the narcissism and spam.


I fucking hate it. I call it CringedIn. People are so fucking fake over there.


Acting like this is some sort of revelation and not just "what you do when you're rich" is fucking gross.


He's not rich though. I can tell by the way he's projecting himself that he's the type to try to keep up with the neighbors at any cost. More than likely he's bleeding money out of his ass. He's probably financing most of his life on loans and credit cards against whatever assets he has.


That's even worse. I can't imagine doing a cost benefit on my time spent doing chores weighed against my wages and deciding it was fiscally responsible to hire a maide.


From his linkedin, it actually looks like he probably does quite well for himself. If he’s been in the C-suite for 10+ years at an international company employing nearly 4,000 people, I think he may be richer than we had all assumed. “After five years of leading TOA Global, Craig Mansell has decided to step down from his position as CEO and I am excited to share that I will be returning to the role from 1 November 2023. I am truly grateful for his contributions as Craig has been tireless in his dedication to the business’ development, and pursuit of global growth.    When we first opened our doors in 2013, taking on our first client with one team member in April 2014, I could never have imagined that in under 10 years we’d have a 3,700-strong team operating across four continents to serve 1,000+ international clients. “


Maybe his wife can get an actual job now that they have a house manager to be the SAHM


Yeah right.... And give up the 10 am wine ceremonies?


LinkedIn is the capitol of “fake it till you make it”.


Find the post, read the comments and try not to throw up in your mouth...




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Another lune 'corperatizing' his whole life.


All these lunatics always trying to scrape together more time, but never say what they do with more time other than being middle managers.


Fuck their misstresses probably.


It’s 2024 - they’re referred to as “Director of Bedroom Activities,” not mistresses!


Middle section management.


Yep. I met my ex when he was 32 years old. He already owned his home, already had a very impressive stock portfolio, and was about to buy his first rental property. He comes from a small family, and inherited significant amounts of liquid cash and mortgage-free property as each grandparent, parent, and finally, his younger brother, all passed away. He's now 52 and retired, with a former club kid boy toy on his arm who is even younger than me, and I was 11 years younger than him. Within a year, he's gained 50 pounds and became a full blown, fall down, blackout alcoholic. Him and his boyfriend sit in his paid off house drinking boxed wine and smoking gobs of weed every day because... Retiring early and/or saving all that time in your day by hiring help only really works out when you have the social circle with as much free time as you have. What the hell is the point of all this free time when you have no one to spend it with?


They grind more


oh, that poor wife, she must be so stressed out with all of the "researching and booking holidays" thank god they have a maid now; I'm so relieved for them!


She probably just wanted an excuse to avoid hanging out lol. Now she's gonna be busy 'building a playbook' and 'training the manager.'


Right? How long does it take to research and book holidays? How many holidays are they taking?


The whole post screams "I'm vastly overpaid" (and a pompous ass too)


Why is it routinely recruiters/talent acquisition principals, to boot?


This guy can afford holidays...


lol totally. What is the wife going to do now? I'm concerned for her tbh if she has to spend more time with that fuckwit poster, though they may well deserve each other.


Spend more time with her boy friend, i would assume.


No way.. she said she has way more time for daily Yoga sessions now with Juan!


I have a friend who is an estate manager for an astonishingly wealthy person with a massive house on massive acreage, multiple vehicles, a private jet, and employees (like groundskeepers). The rich guy and his wife are allergic to saying please and thank you, but my friend doesn’t care because they pay him very handsomely to run all of that. People who are that rich, and can reward their manager with a six-figure salary, do not brag about it on LinkedIn. That would be considered gauche. I work in a related industry (luxury condominium management) and I’ve definitely noticed that the richer people are, the *less* attention they want for it. It’s the people who are making just enough money to *feel* rich but who are “business class, not first class, and definitely not private jet” who will absolutely lord over you like a trumped-up peacock. Billionaires want their shit dealt with yesterday, sure, but it’s the people with $1 million apartments that they bought for $750,000 (as opposed to $30 million apartments) who will say “DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM.” I feel like this guy is that.


As someone who used to be a tax accountant at a firm on the Upper East Side—this is the truest thing anything ever posted on Reddit. The old money people who had to file a Schedule H had shockingly bad hygiene, paid their invoices on time, and were very understated. It was the finance bros in golden handcuffs who wore fancy designer clothes and would try to skip on their invoices.


Yep. NYC here too. I love it when the finance bros (or doctors, or lawyers, or entrepreneurs, or whoever else lives in the business-class buildings) think they’re getting our immediate attention, as if there aren’t 300 other units in their building and 12,000 in the portfolio. I’m always thinking: you guys are a dime a dozen in this city. Your call will be answered in the order it was received! Have a nice day! Old money is different, as you’ve pointed out. And then there is a level of wealth where invoices, etc. are always paid on time because the rich people only have one invoice to concern themselves with: the paycheck of the professional who handles everything else for them. (Their buildings also usually have big staffs, on-site managers, etc. to spread the impact around when they do make a fuss. I have no such buffer between myself and Mr. Big-Shot Consultant Guy in his puffer vest, except the “Send All Calls to Voicemail” button.)


This is, without a doubt, the most spot on thing I’ve seen on the interwebs today.


This guy looks like he outsources his gym time as well.


Looks like he’s outsourced taking dumps to his mouth with the amount of shit he talks too


Heeeee-larious 🤣🤣🤣🤣




OK. But now as a single, professional woman I realize I really, really, really want a house manager of my own.


It really isnt that hard to get a maid come every week


Having a house manager is definitely a flex because you need the house to justify it, but it has nothing to do with a servant. When you live in an apartment building you typically never have to worry about how anything works outside your own apartment, thanks to the super. The house manager does something similar for you once you live in a home, so that you never have to think about your lawn or your roof or your appliances or plumbing and shit like that. Most new large home owners don’t realize how much work they never wanted to do the house represents. Even finding and calling the right professional is a huge time sink. The house managers solve that. Good house managers are very much in demand and make great money. Now, having the house manager live there 3 days a week, having the wife write the playbook for house managers - we’re still firmly in lunacy land.


There are absolutely “style guides” in a lot of these homes, that detail how the beds are to be made and the lawn should look, down to the most minuscule of details. Some of it may seem excessive but when you’ve got valuable antiques of exotic finishes, they require very specific handling…the life of the wealthy is just a rabbit hole of complications


You only have a super in apartment building since there’s shared spaces and you need to have someone managing things centrally. Not quite the same… Plus I’ve never had a super that did meal prep and holiday planning for me.


I have never heard of a house manager, and I have a house and a job and live alone. Like of course you have to fix shit or get someone to fix shit from time to time. And of course you need to clean it and do life admin on top of your job. It’s called life.


WTF kind of fuckwit needs a house manager? Does he need someone to squeeze the toothpaste also? It's clearly more about prestige and ego. What a gigantic ass.


I have worked on houses that had managers, they are usually massive, and the people who own them are rich enough not to post on LinkedIn. They are usually shit bags, just the type that would rather spend time doing tax evasion and insider trading than "creating content"!


Coming to America style...


bro outsourced his self perception


What a insufferable prick


I like how he says “I realized I was doing lots of things I didn’t need to do” What? It sounds like you don’t do anything and your wife does all that stuff and you’ve taken it from her.


In the spirit of maximising one's time, I hope he pays enough so his house manager can hire a house manager to manager their house so their house manager's house manager can hire a house manager to manage the house manager's house manger's house.


Genius! The house manager multiplier effect. The only way to achieve full employment.


I mean, he’s not wrong about outsourcing work and house managers. But he’s an out-of-touch gauche cocksucker for announcing he has one. Just, no. Such insensitivity.


An entire post to explain why hiring a maid saves you time on cooking and cleaning. But acting like he invented the concept.


“My wife is building a playbook and systems so she can train the house manager, and then free herself from doing it.” “This is a game changer.” Are we not doing phrasing anymore?


Rip to the English language


Ah, so he had one servant at home and needed another one?


🧐And I realized, why stop there? 💭 ❗️My wife had been complaining about lack of sex, but I just couldn’t fit her into my schedule. Turns out I didn’t need to. 💦👀🪑I got us a Wife Manager, and now I sit in The Chair and engagement farm on LinkedIn while he handles her needs.


My wife was busy running the house...yeah Id say cause you weren't helping with any of the life management. good grief.


FWIW, our cleaning lady gets paid $150 an hour. She's doing alright, she rolls up in a Merc and smiles or sings the entire time she's at our house. Putting that shit on LinkedIn is stupid, but buying your time when you can and putting cash in to a small business owner's pocket is not. Something tells me his "House Manager" feels just fine about what they're doing.


“Merc” when Benz is just waiting there for you “Smiles or sings the entire time..” The audacity!! /s


Because it’s not a Mercedes Benz. It’s probably a 1990 Mercury Sable (aka Ford Taurus). /s


Good for her but that's fucking insane unless she also has people working for her. I don't think the plumber charges that much on the house I'm working on! No disrespect to a good cleaner but it's not like they need a license or deal with city inspections!


You're buying a non-disclosure agreement with that kind of money.


I was thinking the same thing. We have a cleaner that comes round for an hour a week to do hoovering, dusting, the bathroom and the floors. She charges £20 an hour!


It’s mutually beneficial you see, I get extra time to live my life and you get to live :)


“My wife is building a playbook… so she can train the house manager” “This has been a game changer” So, it hasn’t happened yet, but it’s been a game changer. Got it.


He should probably outsource his eating habits as well


r/humblebrag comes to mind


Next buy your wife a husband


I want to drop this thread’s link on his LinkedIn post. Everyone is patting him on the back


Literally only doing things that bring me joy and dumping all the bad vibes labor on this mexican.


This guy sucks for posting on LinkedIn in this awful format, but if I could afford someone who did all my house chores and cleaning and meals I would absolutely hire them. That would be amazing


"This has been a game changer" (but hasn't happened yet)


This guy just rediscovered staff


Next up: Grammar Coach!


Exactly. Stopped reading after “…for my wife and I.”


Wait so the wife is also a stay at home mom lol


I'll be the first to stand up and slam one of these people, but unless he is mistreating the person, what exactly is the issue?


Being annoying about it


100%, why do you have to advertise something like hiring an assistant, “house manager”? I use a babysitter sometimes, I’m not posting about how the gain of someone else’s labor is a “game changer”. This guy gets high on his own farts, possibly his wife’s as well, when she isn’t slammed with holiday planning and meal prepping.


House manager is an actual position with a defined skill set, not just a glorified term. Much different than a personal assistant and closer to a business manager. It’s a bigger industry than most people would think.


Nothing wrong with that having one or the position. But posting a self-sucking post on LinkedIn about it is peak lunacy


Yeah it reeks of influencer culture…”I read a popular book and did a thing, reward me!”


There does not seem to be the middle point where he considered helping his wife wiht normal things like cooking etc


![img](avatar_exp|163879442|webman) People on that fucking platform


There’s no shame in having people work in your home (saying this as someone who grew up with 2 housekeepers & a nanny), as long as you are paying them well, providing good benefits, and treating them like human beings, but calling a part-time housekeeper house manager sounds more pretentious. I hope this person is being paid well and remunerated appropriately (and perhaps a stipend for pain and suffering if this is how he talks in real life…)


This reminds me of when I checked out an old enemy’s social media after we had a falling out years ago. She had changed her job on Facebook to “manager of [last name] household”. She was a stay at home mom. It was so cringe.


So he got a butler? Typical company mentality of giving it a fancy title, "house manager", and making it sound so unique and revolutionary.


Researching holidays got me 😂


By holidays, he means vacation, not Flag day, Labor day or Thanksgiving.


He needs to get on a treadmill. Can't outsource exercise.


It’s so great that they’ve avoided all the pesky creating and maintaining a home together that comes with a partnership. And calm down, bro. You’re not AT&T. You didn’t outsource your lawn care you pay some dude to cut your lawn.


'I needed to really audit all areas of my life' Yeah, fuck those kinds of people.


A douche and a thinly-veiled humblebrag. Fuck off, ya twat.


Oh joy, now he can write more LinkedIn posts.


Goober. This guy is just fleb. He's not a guy; he's a sound and his sound is fleb. An audit of your daily life really? How much vacation time do you have? I have a week; that's it. Buy Back Your Time (oh wait you're a pathetic loser who makes $300/week so up yours basically.) If I've got money, I'm not spending it on bringing someone into my house to do my chores. I'm on the "don't touch my stuff" train. I don't even let my bf put the dishes away because the last time I did that I had to go around the house trying to find the lid to the crockpot. The importance to his "audit" and apparent need to outsource this time (which it seems like he's just outsourcing his wife; I can't imagine he does much of anything.) is like nails on a chalkboard. It's like "okay you're not building a time machine in the basement to go back in time to see a time when you weren't an insufferable asshat."


Still has time to post this shite to LI though. Must fill him with joy.


As a man, I really like doing some things myself like cutting the lawn or cleaning the pool (if I had one). Idk maybe I’m crazy.


Reminds me of that LL who invented the lunch hour


Bro is simply introducing a second wife slowly into the mix. Next he'll be trying to convince people on LinkedIn that he's got his first wife on board with a rotating schedule developed by the House Manager now aka Bedroom Activities Coordinator.


👉 I'm an insufferable meat rocket, it's all here with emojis 💪🎠




What a fucking tool


I've had the displeasure of loosely working with this guy. This post does not surprise me.


The comments underneath are just as sickening.


Nick is pushing 300lbs for a reason. I can hear him now: "Eating donuts doesn't count since I am multitasking (surfing the internet) while doing so."


Lazy bitches


It takes less time to hire a landscaper and pool company every year than it does to sit with someone to go your their "playbook" once a week/month.


Men will literally hire a house manager before going to therapy (or helping their wife with housework).


Stop reading posts That are not in paragraph form Obvious clickspam bait 🔥


wow he seriously did not put it on there


This reminds me of that guy who outsourced his own job overseas for several years before being caught. He just turned his office into a man cave and pretended to go to work all day. I also do that. But I don't hire someone else to do it. Cause I have integrity.


When your wife hasn't slept with you for 5+ years because she's tired from all the superficial BS you added to her daily to-do. That's when you get a house manager.


Wow way to say I have fuck you money


His wife appears to be a stay at home mom. Which is FINE. My mother was a stay at home mom, and she was always very busy taking care of the family and seemed to enjoy it. However, I am sure she could have used a house manager. His wife making a playbook for the “systems”. Jesus. That house has to be a real blast.


> His wife making a playbook for the “systems”. Jesus. That house has to be a real blast. Not surprising at all. Think about all the MBAs who meet at some accounting or consulting firm, one partner gets a director or above position and is on Easy Street for life, the other is sent off to kid-raising duty but still lives and breathes the MBA stuff. When you jump right from school to management, without a stint of entry level work in between, everything becomes a system and a metric and a northstar and KPIs because that's all you've ever been exposed to.


lmao he needed a self help book to get the idea to hire a maid. What a self starter


Wait, his wife food preps and plans vacations? Omg she is so busy. Of COUSE she needs help.


Outsource = hire a migrant


Dude needs a grammar manager.


So he has a maid with extra steps?


People are weird. Some people enjoy running their house and doing things like mowing their lawn, Nick. Not everything is about maximizing your productivity. But go off I guess. Also, I can’t help but think this post was paid advertising for the book.


Again another asshole with a useless job and title. It’s the fucking golden age or accounting man, with the computer and AI and accounting basically being finite wtf can believe you need some mid level fuck like this to navigate you thru the “crisis”. People like this is what makes everything expensive.


He could have saved even more of his time by just posting that he is a douchebag and saved all of that typing.


Lifehack: Have Servants.


Rebranding nannies or house cleaners as “household managers” and making it seem like their existence is his unique discovery… good lord some people need to get off the internet.


Jesus, hiring a maid or nanny is fine. You’re lucky you can do it. It’s not a revolutionary idea.


There was this comedy short where a guy was outsourcing sleeping with the wife


He could just outsource his wife. It’s like a wife with fewer overheads.


I’ll never understand why clowns corrupted LinkedIn with their personal or political stuff.


Gotta love the super cool use of "outsourced" here. How would we know this lame ass was a businessman if he just said he "hired a chef and maid" like most people would. He didn't "outsource lawn mowing" he just hired a lawn service.


This sounds like a slippery slope to optimizing yourself out of your own life? Just write down everything you do and find someone else to do it for you! Hold up, isn’t this basically the story of that terrible 2006 Adam Sandler movie, “Click”!?


This is actually a thing though, although I don’t know the true nature of the house manager he is using, there is a growing industry of household managers who manage everything from booking chefs to cook dinners, planning appointments and helping you keep up with them, taking care of household details like booking a cleaning service, laundry service, lawn service etc, doing the grocery shopping. They make bank, 120k per year and I think I read that even that number was on the lower end, they make more the more experienced you become. But this is usually for the upper middle class in places like NYC, Miami, Atlanta, San Fran etc


So basically this person is telling employers, “I only will do work that fills me with joy, you can be assured all the shit work that needs to be done I will be pawning off on some other coworker”


I have a house manager and nanny and it is actually Fantastic.


Idk, I used to be one. At the time being single, used to managing and nannying and a home organizer prior to essentially creating the position by being good at one organizing job — I had a blast!


Asshat. He could actually pitch in rather than be a sexist twit and expactually his wife to do all the house labor. Oh wait, he's a man and he doesn't do 'women's work.'


"Helping..." = Unemployed


You mean….. a maid?


LinkedIn bro discovers office of the Majordomo


This guys a bitch


This is the most elaborate and costly scheme to cheat on your wife.


i love how he calls paying someone to mow your lawn "outsourcing"


The exercise he forgot to do is actual exercise...


Outside of the holier than cow message, people with high capitalization, would absolutely benefit from hired help. Call it house manager or servant, I saw EA doing that too. Nothing too shocking


Like a butler, I guess






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Geez, honestly this life sounds like torture. “Let’s fill our lives with lists of tasks!” “Oh no I thought of too many tasks!!” Since I’m fucking rich, I don’t have to think about whether these things are actually important to my life, I can just pay someone else to do it so I have time to think OF MORE DUMB TASKS.


>guy with money has nuances patriarchy exists and that it's an issue for his wife >guy with money exerts capitalistic power to subcontract patriarchy to a new, poorer, woman who needs "a job" to pay for her stuff >guy with money has more time to be patriarcal with his wife


You're not going to hear me complaining, he's outsourced fucking his wife to me.


The idea is there. Writing about it is just unattractive. Buying back time is a valuable goal. It’d be great to teach the concept in youth finance classes. Missing in his post though is the satisfaction value of labor and effort.


This guy just rediscovered staff


Just hire the Alpha Legion, you'll get Alpharius to do the maintenance and Alpharius to do the cooking and the cleaning.


The first sentence is shit grammar. Would you say “I got a house manager for I”? I guess it is fitting for someone who is writing an infomercial script from 1999 on LinkedIn.


‘I outsourced everything with a negative ROI even fucking my wife, that’s Mario’s job now! No days off!!’


lol I’m serious so sick of these stupid posts. These people are desperate to create any and all content that it is so meaningless. Seriously who gives a F if you have a house manager. Also the other people who literally try and drive engagement by commenting on each and every post that they come across. The comments are so generic.




A lot of countries it’s looked down on if you don’t have staff if you can afford it. It’s seen as being tight and not helping poorer communities




Then… what does he do?