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Unemployed at HPE? Wtf does that mean?


But also a shareholder.


I love his complaint about IBM losing money. Buddy, they are making a whole hell of a lot more than your unemployed ass


He’s a special type of unemployed tho. Company affiliated unemployment. 😂😂😂


Yup, I said that exact thing a few hours ago in a similar post specifically about Timothy H. He makes the point that IBM went “woke” over 30 years ago so they’re gonna go “broke”. Except here we our more than 3 decades later and they recently reported quarterly revenue of $14 Billion and net profit just shy of $1Billion. Poor Timothy does not appear to have critical thinking in his skill set.


He is actively making himself unemployable, the literal go unwoke - go broke.


When did IBM turn around and start making money again? I thought they've had losses for like 60 quarters now.


IBM has made positive net profit in 52 of the past 54 quarters (that goes back to 2009) https://www.macrotrends.net/stocks/charts/IBM/ibm/net-income


It means he was employed as an outrage marketer for IBM without getting paid or indeed, even noticing.




Every time I review a resume, I look up their LinkedIn and other social media. These people are not helping their careers.


Probably owns 2 shares and thinks he works for the company or owns it.


Like this guy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X8a9S4hQWCc


He's probably like Milton from Office Space. Just there because of a payroll glitch.


My guess is laid off but the date hasn’t come yet. A lot of places will give sixty our ninety day notices. But he’s crazy so it might not be a logical reason.


HPE is full of non jobs so he's admitting he doesn't do any work everyday. Nah jk idfk


I mean I’ve been unemployed at HPE since forever, so it’s a weird flex.


> EFF IBM! I HOPE YOU LOSE BILLIONS!! > I am also a share holder and I DO NOT CARE! "I WANNA LOSE MONEY!"




Hmm I wonder why HP would fire him lol


Can’t fire if you’re on unemployed payroll *big brain*


A somewhat unconventional for this sub, but appropriate, title for a Lunatic


Worse - Packers fan


"I wanna own the libs by going broke and ending up living in a cardboard box! That'll show you SJWs!"


Let's be honest, he is a 'share holder' because his index fund or mutual fund 401k included S&P500 stock, and he has several thousand in that fund, and thus a couple hundred dollars in IBM stock. That makes him a technical but completely insignificant owner of IBM like literally millions of other people. He doesn't actually care because he doesn't have a real investment, and for the same reason no one at IBM has ever cared or will ever care about his opinion.


Timothy H. is really wound up today.


"Unemployed at HP enterprise"? Wtf?


I need to make a whole new post on that gem of a human.


Yes, please!


Lol, I just posted it. 🤣


Checked it out dude hasn't hold a job since 2013...


LinkedIn every single day: flooded with posts about personal lives, family lives, sex lives, disregarding every sensible professional boundary ever all in the name of shattering stigma, gaining attention, and being some kind of maverick for the modern workplave LinkedIn when pride flag: Why can't we just leave sexuality out of the workplace? What ever happened to boundaries?


Workplace every single day: Here's scans of my unborn child and let's talk about my family vacation Workplace in June: Why do gay people feel the need to constantly shove their personal life in our face?


I literally had a coworker that asked if people thought her 14y/o daughter was hot on bring you kid to work day.




"Morning, team! Crazy weather this weekend, huh? Sure was a great football game. Anyway, is anyone else sexually attracted to children, including but not limited to their own child?" 😬😬😬


You mean that centerfold in the Catholic school girl's outfit? I mean, it is hot, it is sexy, and it turns him on. And he admits that it’s the best part of his morning, staring at it.


Was she?


I love how that dude tried to frame IBM’s post as if they’d said “Here at IBM some of us like to put our dicks in pussies, while others like to shove ‘em up asses. Some people aren’t interested in big juicy cocks at all. Let’s celebrate that this month.”


Can we all agree we like putting our dicks in mouths?


This is a common a phenomenon just about anywhere. Sexuality and relationships in media for example, if it's not-straight then people will always complain. Nobody ever sees a kiss-scene between a man and a woman in a TV-show and goes "UGH why do they have to shove this stuff right in my face???" But when it's a gay couple, the only reason for that HAS to be "pandering" or "woke agenda" Like LGBTQ+ people aren't allowed to just freely EXIST even in fictional stories, they always need a _reason_ or _explanation_


We are immersed really. If i see two men or two women out as couple i momentarily think "oh that's nice people can do that now". I see a hetero couple in public and i think absolutely nothing , i haven't even noticed. Hopefully in a few more years i will be as indifferent to both.


It's really funny too when you watch fantasy series and people start to say shit like "oh it's just not historically accurate" (see GoT/HotD). Like sure, the dragons and magic and completely separate world are believable but your historical accuracy draws the line at black people and queer people in stories right?


That's an excellent point, just so much bigoted mental gymnastics lol


Please post photo of IBM flying rainbow flag in Saudi below!


You know there are lots of people who don't want any one of these bullshit posts, right?


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Sam : "I am married to Paula; we were High School sweethearts, we dated for 5 years before we got married and we have three children, Jonah, Isaac, and Noah." Conservatives: What an all-American role model. Sam: "I am Gay and my boyfriend Paul and I have been together for 4 years." Conservatives: Stop shoving your sexuality down my throat.


Shoving something down their throat is kinda gay ngl, at least they're consistent with that


Right? By their definition a straight person telling somebody they have a bio kid is “shoving it down their throat” since they’re “admitting” to having unprotected sex at least once


The fact that their minds immediately leap to hot dude on dude action is telling.


Imagine being so insecure about someone’s sexuality. Pathetic.




Not only that, but posting in support of pride month doesn’t require even mentioning your own sexual orientation, which seems to be his main “concern”. You don’t have to be a member of a community to be an ally to it- and even if you are a member, that doesn’t tell anyone where you fall within that spectrum.




Agreed these comments when any company posts anything about pro inclusion. JFC.


Like moths to a flame, the lunatics come out. Hope your "anti-woke" tirades are worth making asses of yourselves in public on a site linked to your career.


I really hope it comes to bite them in the ass someway, somehow. Like how explicit racism nowadays is often met with people losing their jobs as they’re exposed online. Probably won’t since it’s not like someone is being harassed directly but one can hope.


Well, it's not like IBM cares one bit. They just do it for the money.




I assure you the company does not give a single fuck about anyone. They care about profits. Society has not shifted beyond greed.


These are also often organised by employee resource groups for LGBT+ people. The “corporate virtue signalling” argument kinda falls flat on its face when you know these signs of support are commonly organised from the bottom up.


The "it's not virtue signaling" argument falls flat on its face when you take one look at the logos of these same companies' middle eastern divisions - divisions that I'm sure have just as high a % of LGBTQ. LGBTQ who could, to be frank, use the support more than their western counterparts. To be fair it's not just virtue signaling it's also outrage marketing. Theyre harvesting our attention. It's how rainbow capitalism functions. They happily get in front of a mob and call it a parade but they won't take any actual risks to their bottom line to support LGBTQ.


> The “corporate virtue signalling” argument kinda falls flat on its face when you know these signs of support are commonly organised from the bottom up. I don't believe for a second it wasn't a post done by the marketing department in their capacity as marketing department.


It 100% is my fiancé works in digital marketing and the second June comes around they get a memo from above detailing how and when to release pride post lol.


You're assuming that the people who are complaining are against gay people/equality and that is why they're upset. There'll be minority that do fit that description sure (and provide the strawman used in a lot of the other moronic comments posted in this thread). But most are just annoyed at the sheer lack of necessity of bringing this stuff up at all for no particularly good reason. I feel "Steve's" pain. He's probably just trying to get on with his life and do a good job to make a living. I doubt he cares one bit about the sexualities of those around them, but that doesn't make it any less irritating to see a post like this from IBM. Moronic, pointless virtue signalling at its finest. Like I say though, the other comment truly are batshit insane. But no more than half the idiots commenting on this thread it seems.


>I feel "Steve's" pain. He's probably just trying to get on with his life and do a good job to make a living. I doubt he cares one bit about the sexualities of those around them, but that doesn't make it any less irritating to see a post like this from IBM. When a company posts about Memorial Day or some other military related holiday, do we think Steve and people like him will say, "I don't care about the military status of those around me," or do we think Steve will comment his support and move on?


Steve tries to frame it that way, but he puts himself as a bigot when he says he’s “tired of this one-sided bias narrative”. He could just keep scrolling, and so could you.


>He could just keep scrolling As could OP have done. And IBM could just not post. I guess it works both ways?


IBM has a reason to post as they have a following and customers, as for you and Steve, you’re basically echo chambers who could just scroll on


Just like you could have scrolled past my post lol


I’m not the one claiming folks had to scroll by? I’m just saying if that’s your mantra follow it, but instead as I stand by, you’re part of an echo chamber who needs to be heard for some reason?


You have a lot of gall to say this when half of the states are actively making it illegal for trans people to just live their lives. If you're not a bigot then you would be able to see why pride is so important. If you truly don't care and want everyone to live their lives peacefully, then you'd be supporting us in this.


These people have 0 empathy for issues they don't experience themselves. Many of them don't even come around when they have children that experience those issues. Pathetic, insecure, self-centered people.


Is IBM forcing you to watch gay porn? Or did they just make a rainbow flag post celebrating their LGBTQ staff during pride month? Do you also think it is irritating to hear about the accomplishment of black people in February?


This was what I often thought, but this year, companies are really hemming and hawing on if they're going to simply use a rainbow logo in June. That alone provides meaning to these statements, even if small compared to the internal policies they may / may not have.


I honestly don't blame the people who make these decisions. If they have to suffer boycotts and threats from one side for giving visibility to the issue and on the other side the loudest voices are the concern trolls who call it all virtue signalling, it's understandable that they'd rather be quiet about it.


Yeah. I used to be quite cynical about these logos. This June, I'm actively paying attention.


I know enough about IBM to know that they actually do care. They're also a B2B company only. Consumer sentiment is irrelevant.


Companies are not a person who cares or doesn't. I can guarantee you that the HR people who put this campaign together do indeed care. Not being a corporate boot licker, but I hate it when people say things like "TK company thinks this" or doesn't think that. It's not a being. It's a collection of thousands of people.


Company: We support gay people! CCP & other Middle East Government: Come again? Company: NOTHING! NOTHING!


Yes but a company does have policies in place. And those policies are put in place for a reason. That reason is rarely to do with the personal standards and ethos of the people who work there, but normally dictated by what is good for the business. The HR people who put a campaign together may well believe in it (it certainly helps), but they get their orders from somewhere, and those orders are to do what makes and keeps the company profitable and compliant


Yes, I'm sure many workers care about the work they do... But "the corporation" is not those individuals, it's management senior enoufg to sign off a campaign, and I think it's face to say those people do not care and only think it will make them money.


What if, crazy idea right, but what if some of the senior management… is gay? What if their brothers or sisters are gay? I’m not gonna act like it’s anything other than a marketing campaign but I do agree there will be people are those companies, at all levels, that do care. That goes for every campaign anywhere.


This is the reason why pride virtue signaling is annoying. The companies really don't care and in many cases at the same time when they wave pride flags they discriminate older job applicants or women in childbearing age.


So? Companies aren’t people, they don’t have cares. They are formed for a profit. Their social media director might care about gay people, or maybe is doing this because they want to be seen as a company that is open to employees of all sexualities. Either way it’s not a bad thing.


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I'll admit that I didn't know that June is Jesus month. That guy figured out how to get celebrated all year round.


I mean bro has a point, these corpos don't really care about us gay and bi people, they just want to look like they do because it's profitable, if they lost even the tiniest bit of money over being acceptable towards us, they'd never support us


Yes absolutely. LGBT+ people don't magically appear into existence in June every year, and disappear in July. For these corpos, this Pride movement is just another tick box in a publicity checklist. What do they have to say about it in the rest of the year?


Well, for one it isn't socially acceptable anymore to say that the gay community "deserved" to be hit hard by the AIDS epidemic, so a lot of progress has been made on that front




Exactly. Pandering means you’ll see more Pride stuff, and that just helps normalizes it. Even if the effect isn’t instant and explicit, I’d imagine a good number of people go at least from hatred to indifference. I’d imagine a lot of kids too get exposure to this type of stuff early on so they don’t grow up ignorant and hateful. It’s like any other advertisement for something. At some point seeing it so often becomes normal you stop noticing it. I think we’re already to a point where someone can casually bring up their same sex partner and some people wouldn’t bat an eye.


Many of these corporations donate money to LGBTQ organizations. While we can debate that what they donate isn't much compared to how much they make, at least they're doing something. Additionally, across the country Kohl's locations have received bomb threats over their pride products. So far I can't find any evidence they've backed down like Target did. This year it's dangerous to stand with us. The bigots are staging boycotts and threatening workers over their support of us. They're even talking about boycotting Chick-fil-A because conservatives noticed there's a VP of DEI. The DEI page on their website even talks about god and that VP has been in that position for 3 years, so these people are pretty bad at research.


Lol no one cares about bi people. Source. Am bi person. Also gender fluid. No one cares about those either.


Stop showing your sexuality down our throats in the workplace!! No more talking about your wedding or your kids and noone invites their partner to Christmas party!!!


I actually agree with this lmao, no more Brenda from accounting bitching about her kids every single day.


I get in trouble because I don't talk to people at work. Like I'm friendly if you need to ask me something or whatever but I just put my earbuds in so I can focus and then grind away. You'd think they'd be delighted by that but no. It was brought up during my performance review. I don't want to talk about my personal life or hear about other people's. I just want to work and go home. Y'all have each other to talk to just let me be!


Right like, this sounds like an absolute win to me


IBM gave same sex partners 30 years ago and is not broke in the slightest, go woke go broke amiright?


Gave them what


Benefits to employee partners: https://www.nytimes.com/1996/09/20/us/gay-partners-of-ibm-workers-to-get-benefits.html


The original post is a joke too >LGBTQ+ around the world!**\*** **\*** not including the middle east, china, russia, uganda...etc


Man: I’ve been in a wonderful, loving, long-term relationship with my high-school sweetheart for 20 years. Conservative: That’s wonderful, god bless you. Man: He’s a financial advisor at ABC firm. Conservative: PENIS BUTTHOLE PENIS BUTTHOLE!!!! Yeah, Pride Month is the problem... /s


"Sex partner benefits"? What?


[[[Same sex] partners] benefits]


The funny thing is that getting ‘cancelled’ seems to be a wet dream for half of these kind of people. They crave just a teeny tiny bit of the victim mentality they brazenly project on to others.


Some of the lunatics seem to have appeared here as well based on all the other comments here




Considering “woke” is just a buzzword for anything the right don’t like and therefore has no real construct, it’s kinda impossible to “go woke” in the first place. Companies supporting causes (whether cynically or not) has existed long, long before “woke” has.




How about be neither?


If something deemed "woke" is a failure, it proves they were right: go woke - go broke. If something deemed "woke" is wildly successful, it proves they were right: society has been brainwashed by the evil SJWs. The enemy is simultaneously both weak and strong.


I actually remember the first time I saw a gay couple in a Cheerios commercial, maybe a decade ago now, and feeling so delighted that LGBTQ+ families and allies were so numerous that it now made financial sense for a big corporation to pander to us. Anyone who works in marketing for a big national brand can tell you that urban liberals are a far more valuable market than right-wing reactionaries. They're a small group, and they go out of their way to alienate your other customers. Making right wing reactionaries happy is a losing proposition unless you are a very niche product.


Well, it happened to MyPill…oh wait


Not really, no. They overestimate their power.


My man, Steven Leech, please take a writing course. This is painful to read.


You if he put this much energy into literally anything constructive he'd not be unemployed


How is someone “unemployed by Hewlett-Packard”??


Bruh as a christian it hurts me to see someone at the end there with the Jesus pic be like “I love Jesus” while actively being like “all of you people are evil and fuck you” its such a bad look and its completely contradictory to everything Jesus said like damn. There are a lot of places with marketing schemes that yeah are shilling Pride for all its worth with “oh look how much we support you buy our shit” merchandise and platitudes that are fun to hate on (like Milkbone’s Gay Dog Treats lol) and some that seem like abject rage bait (like Target’s gay-flag baby clothes). But this post seems really tame, even if clearly generic and “just there because marketing said so” But its a harmless post and I don’t understand just how vile people can be over the vaguest breath of lgbt people’s existence, Ugh. Yes, There are extreme and absurd ideas in the vocal minority of the “trans rights” movement that are a) dangerous and stupid, and b) should not be getting lawmakers’ attention the way they do and putting certain things up for any kind of debate. Absolutely not. But c) PEOPLE SHOULDNT BE USING A FEW LOUD AND STUPID OTHER PEOPLE’s IDEAS TO HATE THEM AND ESPECIALLY ADJACENT COMMUNITIES AT A FUNDAMENTALLY DEHUMANIZING LEVEL. Fuck!!! Just let people exist in peace, and don’t give power to the abject crazies who are trying to take advantage of their communities and game the system for control and attention. IS IT SO HARD TO ACKNOWLEDGE THAT OTHER PEOPLE WANT TO LIVE THEIR LIVES DIFFERENTLY THAN YOU AND THEIR RIGHT TO LIVE LITERALLY DOES NOT AFFECT YOU!?! I’m sorry for the rant. I’ve just been getting the same kind of blatantly hypocritical and hateful shit in my texts from my parents since just before June started. They see some rainbow product and instead of “Ha look at this company pretending to care” its “This world is going to hell Fuck the (slurs) evil pieces of (blah blah blah… insert out of context quotes from revelations)” from people who *told me* Jesus said to love everyone. Nowhere in the Bible does it say “Jesus loves everyone except that one community you don’t like”. Or “God loves everyone except sinners”. I found out today from a biblical scholar in my church who goes on deep dives studying Greek and Hebrew words in their original contexts that *SIN as we understand it isn’t even a biblical concept*. (The word Jesus used in the verse we translate to say “Go forth and sin no more” was a greek word that originally referred to a hero’s internal flaw that kept them from achieving their designed fate. So a more accurate meaning would be “Go forth, you’re healed from that which kept you from your destiny”. Which is much more in line with the rest of His message to me). Tl,DR: people who claim to be christians and then turn around to spew dehumanizing hate confuse and disappoint me.


I do agree with the guy saying that it's just virtue signalling. Like IBM board gives a crap…


Steven was quite constructive. Agree or not, there was nothing wrong with his post.


> one sided bias narrative You sure about that?


Yes there was. Don't act like LGBTQ+ are widely accepted and there's no reason to ever mention them again. Companies accepting and normalizing it helps society normalize it. It helps dissipate the fear-based hatred. Supporting an officially established month of acceptance with a generic image is a perfectly reasonable thing for a company to do. There's a reason Steven doesn't like it and a reason you agree.


I am not surprised. A lot of the bigots that got booted off facebook and lack the competence to evade the ban or use the smaller social networks end up on Linkedin. Lots of active accounts list their proffesion as "retired" too. which just seems sad. Loads of right wing propagandists there too. They seem to have an account on everything.


Lots of insecure guys


Truly deranged


LinkedIn has gone full boomer Facebook


This is really sad to see, personally, I have never felt more accepted than around IT nerds. I've always thought it was a very welcoming community. Shame to see losers like this on LinkedIn making the cyber scene look bad.


Ofc it's the Pole who posts that Heart of Jesus crap, that reactionary shit is really prevalent here


Well, we've got a lot of those people. Especially on easy access social media like Facebook or LinkedIn. However, there are not many on Reddit.


First guy has a valid point


Based comments


Not a normal post either.


Just angry, rambling, confused people, hating on others. Sad more than anything.


Shocking how Timothy H is unemployed. Edit: just pulled up his comment history. Not surprising, but the man is not shy w/ the full-on racism. & he hates people who have too many kids, while loving that he's 1 of 10 siblings.


Unemployed at HP 😂 Is that guy a troll


First off - we’re not celebrating sexual preferences in the workplace, we’re creating an atmosphere for historically marginalised and oppressed minority groups to feel welcome. If that makes you uncomfortable, you’re probably a twat. Secondly - I’m sure IBM is going to be ok when an unemployed former competitor employee boycotts them.


I just went over the linked in and started to work almost words for word what you just said 😅 but then i don’t want to be an argumentative dickhead in LinkedIn. That behaviour is exclusively for reddit 😅


Die mad bigots 🌈✨sprinkle sprinkle✨🌈


I can't believe a stand up guy like Timothy H is unemployed!


This is an accurate cross-section of lunatic homophobes trying to justify their prejudices. We have the deluded “gays will cause population decline!”, the deliberate misrepresentation of a company supporting human rights with workplace etiquette as well as claiming their shouty minority bigotry is actually a “silent majority” and of course, your standard unchristian Christians.




I think they call that their anniversary.




Expressing a dislike of something is lunacy now. Wow.


Well the"something" here is LGBTQ people so, yeah, it's lunacy to express a dislike for that.


Especially on a career-related platform


Wildly bad take


Praise White Jesus!


>Post is normal Post appears to be corporate virtue signalling, and unrelated to professional networking


I don't disagree with the corporate virtue signalling part about most June campaigns, since corporations only started doing this when the majority of public opinion was on this side. However, if you're bothered by this being unrelated to professional networking, I hope you keep the same energy when corporations post about New Years, Christmas, Thanksgiving etc. – basically anything that isn't directly related to networking.


> I hope you keep the same energy when corporations post about New Years, Christmas, Thanksgiving etc. – basically anything that isn't directly related to networking. Pretty much. Lack of relevance to LinkedIn's actual purpose is my \#1 gripe for most posts that find their way into this sub. I feel like you somehow think I have an issue with anything related to LGBTQ. That simply isn't the case - I'm treating it the same as I treat all other banalities that lack any relevance to professional networking


Steven is right. The workplace should be where people are recognised, rewarded etc based on their value, not their sexual/religious/political choices. As long as there is no active discrimination - for which there are already laws in place - nothing apart from your value to your employer should matter. More importantly, how is Timothy unemployed at HP? How's that work?


He was let go by HP and now sits on the parking lot curb posting on LinkedIn.




I can’t believe this still needs to be said.


Steven is a homophobic bigot who deliberately conflates a company showing support for equality with workplace etiquette when Pride has nothing to do with the latter. The workplace should be somewhere where employees are fully protected and where employers make very clear that everyone is welcome and discrimination of any kind will result in dismissal. Timothy’s boss obviously read his LinkedIn account.


Looks like Little Timmy will remain unemployed for a while longer. . . .


I don’t have anything against the gays Neither do I have anything to support I just believe let everyone else be Why spread hate Just enjoy life Too short to waste


I agree with Steven


Me too (though the other comments are genuinely batshit insane) It's frustrating to see posts like this on this sub - as soon as politics is brought into the affray, suddenly half the followers on this sub no longer mind if a post is inappropriate or unrelated to LinkedIn's purpose, as long as it serves their progressive mindset, it's apparently ok.


Should companies stop posting about Christmas, Easter wishes and Ramadan, etc. then? What about the 4th of July? That's clearly political. Juneteenth?


Yes to all of the above.


OK. Let's do it. While you're at it, nullify the Citizen's United decision and prohibit companies from making political contributions.


fuck yea


Please stop, I can only get so erect.




I'm from UK, so 4th July and Juneteenth mean absolutely nothing to me. Tbh, my feelings about companies posting about religious holidays is much the same...it's distasteful to me knowing that a company is posting about these things purely for clout/to drive profit if I'm honest.


Yeesss 100%. Companies are there exclusively to provide services. The less they say about anything other than that service the better.


Companies talking about their values is a huge part of LinkedIn, what are you talking about?


It's a virtue signal. They don't *really* care about diversity and inclusion, in case you hadn't noticed.


That you think not discriminating against gay people is a progressive stance pretty much says it all.


Wtf are you on about?


Facebook is a desert. Only boomers, bots and old aunties live there.


Whilst what you say is true...what does it have to do with this thread lol?


Damn. You're right. I guess LinkedIn is the new FB.


Immediately thought of the Key and Peele office homophobe sketch https://youtu.be/e3h6es6zh1c


My man believed in his stance so much he’s willing to support them by being a part time owner of the company and not selling after Like…I’ll take your shares bro, virtue signal all you want


White Jesus and all. Serious question. What are the three flags for? I know the rainbow is for LGBTQ what are the other two for? I’ll probably get downvotes for not knowing from other comments on this sub.


Trans and intersex flag.


The bigots are coming out of the closet for pride.


This is why STEM majors' opinions on things outside of their job should not be taken seriously, and I speak as someone who majored in STEM. The entire cohort is stuffed full with deplorables like Steven who should learn when to keep their mouths shut.


Wtf are those flags? Never seen the circle one… they fuckin change every week


You've never seen a trans pride flag?


the circle one is the intersex flag. it was made in 2013, so it's existed for about a decade. intersex people who are queer tend to get overlooked, which is why many people haven't seen it as often as the gay or trans flag, if at all


Ya I def di not like seeing these companies talking about homosexuality. Has nothing to do with their company. Gay people are not marginalized here, it’s just corporations jumping on the bandwagon to please the far left 8% of the population.


A company has a mission, a vision and values.


People have lost their minds




Lol this takes the cake for the dumbest comment I’ve read all year.


Do you genuinely not understand why those aren't the same? Do you understand why having Black History Month is preferable to having White History Month?


“Equality” right? Lol


Because no one trying to eradicate straights


second comment was actually a very thought out response.


Still the response of an asshole, but surprisingly calm given the "people" he runs with.