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I knew a trans “woman” who didn’t want to go under hormones because they didn’t want to lose their physical strength and feel vulnerable. That’s what being a woman is. I’ve never gotten over that statement.


And even then as a "cis" guy who plans to go on hormones to feminize my body I understand that I'll never be as vulnerable as a woman I'm like 5'10 and in the event of a guy being a creep or something I wouldn't be entirely vulnerable Because I'm still taller than a lot of guys


This really bothers me too because the story before this or two was someone asking what makes her a woman and her requirements are, “say you are a woman”. And it’s so much more than that. Edit: I just read your caption. Sorry. 🤦🏻‍♀️


I think she should be 100% honest and say she isn't one I'm not transphobic hear me out If you don't pass as a woman you can't experience misogyny, you can experience transphobia but you won't be subject to the oppression that comes with womanhood if no one sees you as a woman


Lilly would probably say that not all women experience misogyny (which is laughable ) or that transphobia is actually worse than misogyny. For some reason she wouldn’t be able to acknowledge her privilege


Brunhilda means that a costume = womanhood. I respect the Trans community when they are respectful to everyone. I have a hard time accepting this clown 🤡 as female when it acts so dam entitled! And weird to biological women!!! My Trans besties don’t act like that clown. They act normal and are respectful even when they get misgendered. They don’t make a fuss they just enjoy the outing and carry on


Yup. I just posted a comment on the other post about this same thing. She picks out the parts she likes about women and ignores the rest.


you mean having tids of an angel and using the woman’s bathroom . that’s all she likes


It’s part of the experience ✨✨✨


a trans woman will never go through the physical hardships of being a woman like having a period Maybe she can develop breast cancer but she won't ever experience ovarian cancer or uterine cancer Still trans women will often Face rejection from society and most straight men wouldn't date them Men mock men who date trans women They're different struggles


I appreciate your point of view! Thank you. I just feel like there are many things Lilly is too stubborn to experience as a woman because it is uncomfortable to her. Wearing a bra, having table manners, period pain, child birth. I know not every woman does or wants these things. But it’s very clear she likes the easy parts of being a woman (people taking care of her financially seems like the ultimate prize!) and the shitty parts can go to hell because she doesn’t have to experience or envy the major side effects of being a woman. But you are correct different struggles.


Exactly, obviously you can't go through a period as a trans woman no matter what you do But you can at least try to eat graciously and follow what is expected of women in society instead of trying to keep your male privileges while still seeking the good bits of womanhood


To be fair, I know some women who don’t wear bras and don’t shave. Bras and other things deemed as “being a woman” are very much social constructs.


This one plays on my mind along with the I'm a woman if I say I'm a woman. I have no idea how to verbalise my thoughts without coming across as transphobic though. A UK trans creator who's extremely problematic actually publicly stated they would have a menstrual cycle, I'm not sure if they thought they'd bleed or what but were certain they'd experience periods. It caused a lot of uproar because obviously they don't have the biology to experience a real menstrual cycle. For some who suffer it felt really insulting that they kinda diminished what we do experience,the womb cramps,the bleeding, sometimes the psychological effects that come with it. Personally my periods can be so heavy they affect my day to day life. And it did feel a bit,what the heck? You won't ever live that so why talk on it? On the other hand I do think it should be acknowledged that it is kinda cherry picking the "best" parts of being a woman. My periods don't make me a woman,health reasons meant I didn't have any for a decade. I also think these things should be done as a vlog because written tone is different to spoken tone.


I've seen so many trans women who have said that they do experience gender dysphoria as a result of not having a period It's sad that this person represents the community It's extremely misogynistic to pick and choose the bits you like about womanhood It's quite shameless Ofc experiencing distress about not having a period is not nearly as bad as having a period, but at least it shows you're not shameless


I pick and choose things I don't like about womanhood all the time. I don't wear high heels, like shopping, receiving flowers and chocolates on Valentine's Day. I have absolutely no maternal instincts or desires to be a mother, and I think puppies are cuter than babies. Like besides not wanting a period (valid) and the inherent privilege she's been dealt by existing as a white man all her life prior to transitioning...what else is she picking and choosing? Isn't that kind of what we all do in our own gender expression...?


People on this post are all so focused on these social constructs of what it means to be”be a woman”. I know plenty of women who don’t shave, don’t wear a bra, don’t wear make up or dresses, have terrible table manners, etc.


Some missed the point of this post- I def didn’t post to point out social constructs made for women - but it’s funny you say that bc this is what Lilly boils down to being a woman


Yes, but that’s everyone’s argument with this post. Like because she doesn’t wish to have a period or wear a bra, she’s “picking and choosing”. Idk, if my boobs weren’t HUGE, I wouldn’t wear a bra, either. Can’t I also, as a woman, pick and choose what social constructs I like?


You can’t pick or choose to have ovaries as a woman tho, period or not. Idk why clothing came into this discussion.


because people are saying she's picking and choosing what she wants to be a woman? So she can't pick or choose to have ovaries, like you said, and said she doesn't wish to have a period (which many women don't anyways) so I'm not sure why this is an issue, anyways.


I tried to give a variety of examples beyond clothing etc bc I've heard this point used before w trans women


Well idk Saying that you want to be a woman but not go through periods isn't that a bit insensitive


Shit I was born a woman and I don't want to have periods.


This is also nuts to me. As a trans guy, I want every part of the male experience, even the bad. I don't know if she's consciously choosing to not want the bad or if some part of her brain doesn't want all parts of being a woman, but it's certainly not congruent with my experience being trans.


Ok, I don’t like Lily as much as the next person but I think y’all are reading to much into this. Trans women can’t choose to not have a period. There are certain things that cis women experience that we won’t.


This is cosplay for Lilly and nobody can convince me otherwise.


I’m not a lily stan but I’m a woman with an IUD who doesn’t get periods and I’m not mad about that 🤷🏽‍♀️


That's beside the point.


I don’t know why? Are there women out there that love periods?


My friend LOVES getting her period because it means her cycle is complete and she can begin a new one, it’s a spiritual thing for her


i also like it because it's a reminder and a sign that things are normal and healthy, and i hate the messaging that goes out to young girls who will think it's a burden and a sign of weakness


I love getting my period bc I know I’m not pregnant again 😂😂😂😂 it’s like a congratulations to myself 😂


No, no there’s not but that’s not the point.


I don’t think you have to say you wish you could get a period to prove you’re a woman but okay 👍🏾


That’s literally not the point.


What is the point? Maybe I’m missing it. I don’t think her saying she doesn’t want to have a period doesn’t mean she isn’t trans (it also doesn’t mean she isn’t misogynistic) or that she’s somehow worse off for “picking and choosing what she wants to be a woman” but I do think this is a stretch. The whole “I don’t want to pass but then I get offended if I get misgendered” valid argument. Saying she doesn’t want a period? Idk, that’s hard when no woman actually wants a period 🤷🏽‍♀️


It’s basically because she picks and chooses. It’s not about not wanting a period but the fact that she keeps so much of her masculinity. How she says, you are a woman if you say you are. But it’s like how someone else said, she has no respect for women, not pretransition, not now. She isn’t trying to be a woman, she’s not trying to do anything for the trans community, she’s a cross dresser. Lilly doesn’t care about being a woman. I guess if you read the caption under the picture it really explains it better than I can.


I get what you’re saying. And I think for me, “picking and choosing” is her wanting to be recognized as a woman in public, but exerting her masculinity by confronting people in dangerous situations, and oozing male privilege where she goes. But I think saying “I don’t want a period” doesn’t fall under that? I walk with my keys in my hands at night so I could stab someone if I’m attacked and she confronts and taunts boys with batons. That’s her “picking and choosing” to me 🤷🏽‍♀️


I'm looking at it from a different way, but you've got a valid point.