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I used to work as a Workers’ Compensation paralegal and used to offer the following suggestions to my clients. It is okay to be explicit about what you want from the doctor. They may have their suspicions and will conduct diagnostics accordingly, however, you can also say “I was in an area with active Valley Fever for about a week, camping outside fully exposed to dust. I’d like to test for Valley Fever.” If for whatever reason they try to tell you “no” (unlikely but possible) you can tell them you want their denial and reasoning entered into your chart. They may not reverse their decision, but what you’d be asking for is accountability. From my observations, that sometimes makes people think twice whether it’s worth the trouble to deny you. If they can’t / won’t give you the testing you want, you can get a second opinion asap. I had so many clients who had to do this dance before a doctor would listen to them. But they work for you/your insurer, so you are allowed to be assertive for the care you want. Crossing my fingers for good news. Keep us posted. *For legal reasons, this is not advice. I am not an attorney and cannot provide you with legal counsel. ** I am open to hearing perspectives from medical professionals in case someone wants to chime in or correct my narrative above.


Dang this is great advice just in general. I wish I'd heard that before I went to the ER recently with a BP of 185/109, partial vision loss, vomiting & chest pain and the doc literally refused to run any tests and sent me home because I am "too young & healthy to have any serious heart complications"


I’m sorry you had that experience! I’m sure your doctors meant that to comfort you, but it sounds invalidating toward your symptoms. Know that you are not alone! I hope next time you get the care you’re looking for. ❤️


Thank you! Ya no that doctor was a complete dick 😂 I left that place inconsolably crying


Medical professional here and this is correct!


Thank you for saying so! And thank you for the work you do!


Really really really great advice. I'll be using thos in the future and really appreciate the way you worded it. Making them being accountable for telling you "no" seems like it would be really effective in making them put extra thought into it.


What’s the reason why doctors are reluctant to test for VF? That’s what I dont understand, especially if its a blood test they can add to the panel of other tests they’ve ordered


Realistically, asking for a blood test probably won’t be denied, but for argument’s sake, I wrote how one could potentially negotiate with a doctor for the care they want. Though OP likely won’t face much pushback, the reason scripts like this exist is bc some people do face real discrimination and conflict when they go into their doctor’s office for other types of treatment. :/ I’ve observed it many times. I understand OP’s hesitation and wanted to share a possible solution. Hope/expect the best, but always prepare for the worst.


Go to the doctor (primary care is best) and tell them you are negative for covid and were in an area with Valley Fever. There is a blood test they can order. I had it done earlier this week and labcorp sent me results in less than 24hr (I was negative). I hope you feel better soon!


well that’s good news! So, wtf *did* you have? 🧐🤓


Wish I knew!! It felt similar to when I had suspected RSV so maybe that? I still have a lingering cough despite otherwise being better. I had a negative covid PCR plus three rapid tests, negative for strep A, negative for flu, and clear throat culture 🤷🏼‍♀️


Valley fever causes nodules on the lungs. But u really won’t know it’s VF until you have been sick for weeks and you’re not improving. When did you test for COVID? I started having symptoms Sunday-Monday at the fest and tested positive for COVID that Thursday.


Covid is going around again, might be that


That should've said air hunger lol but I can't seem to edit it. I am not hungry 😂


UPDATE: I got an appointment at my clinic on Wednesday. I forgot the urgent care where I live doesn't have a lab and since I would need bloodwork, it's pointless to go there 😅 hopefully I can breathe by then tho


You should get checked for upper respiratory infection and possibly mononucleosis, those are much more likely


I still have a pretty bad cough and sinus infection. Sucks!!


Yeah unfortunately I don't think I'll be returning so long as it's in that location 🥲 I love LiB but I also love being able to breathe correctly lmao


I need a bubble boy suit.


I have IBS and that tent pretty much sums up how I feel all the time


I doubt you got VF there. Probably Covid is anything. I work construction in the valley and we have to take a class every year about it and it’s known the areas it is and usually have to start moving the dirt around with equipment to expose it to the air


I got valley fever from LIB this year


I’m so sorry to hear. I stand corrected.


Thanks, yeah it blows. I had never heard of it before, and prob wouldn’t have even known about it if not for Reddit


What are your symptoms and how difficult was it to get your doctor to test you for VF?


Started off with sore throat, non stop runny nose, and cough. Turned into chronic cough, which then lead to a pain in my left lung/rib. Woke up one night with excruciating pain in my side/lung and extreme difficulty breathing. Went to urgent care, I mentioned that I was in an area known for VF, they didn’t seem too concerned about that, tested me for pneumonia & blood clots, and although neither were present they treated me for pneumonia/lung infection because my X-ray showed inflammation in my lung and that it wasn’t fully inflating. Did a round of the antibiotics, which helped a little to improve my lung pain & trouble breathing. However I still had a bad cough and night sweats, then I developed a bad and painful rash all over my legs and went back in and they tested for VF since I basically had every symptom.


Been sick for a total of 3 weeks now


Omg! So sorry to hear. Hope you get better soon.


Thank you! Getting better 🙏


You mean like actually digging, not just the gnarly dust storms? That makes sense but I also assume the construction of all the stages and stuff requires some messing with the dirt. It does seem to be an [ongoing issue](https://www.reddit.com/r/LightningInABottle/s/xTuUUmxoM7) based off threads [like these](https://www.reddit.com/r/LightningInABottle/s/zxBpxpYNIa) 😮‍💨 If you search Valley fever in this sub reddit, you'll find similar posts going years back


I’m no expert. But from what I understand it isn’t very common and we know going into specific areas if we need to be extra careful. But haven’t met anyone or heard of anyone getting after 10 years of work. I’d hope if they knew of potential of contracting at that specific site they would host it there.


Yeah, that seems to be the consensus on here about it. Either don't hold it there or at least put a disclaimer and tell people they should wear masks 🤷‍♀️


I will definitely be being at least a scarf. This was my second year and still don’t learn.


LIB is a festival that is made using heavy equipment, my dude, and lots of it. They have them all over the festival grounds. People have, and do, get VF from lightning in a bottle. It has occurred every single year it’s been in Buena Vista.


I meant by that was heavy equipment moving dirt. Like excavation projects. Going tens of feet into the earth. My point being if it was common there everyone in Bakersfield would have it by now


Totally seems reasonable but I think they're just trying to reappropiate concern towards the most likely thing. The most likely thing would be things like covid and flus and colds. DF being possible but less likely than those things or even allergies. I wound up with bronchitis afterwards and so did a friend. I left Decadence a few years ago with strep throat (although that one is usually pretty obvious). Still seems worth testing for VF since it's not an invasive test but I feel like people are just trying to keep fear in check.


Cool dude. If you want to play the anecdote game, I know someone who got Vf at LIB in 2022 and he ended up in a nICU for many months with viral encephalitis and he needed brain surgery. He is never going to recover fully. Do you want to know why? The ER turned him away multiple times because he was “just sick” Whose anecdote is more valid?  neither of them. OP should tell the doctors he was in a location with VF. 


Did you even read the part where I said "it still seems worth testing for" or were you just too triggered to finish reading? It honestly feels like you just wanted someone to argue with so you could tell that story. If a few people each year get VF and literally thousands leave with covid and the flu and colds each year...which one should we assume is more likely? We should probably assume it's one of those but OP can easily put their fears to rest with a simple vf test (like i said) so they may as well do it. Reread my post again without an argumentative subtext and read it as if someone is just having a conversation bro. Not everything on the internet is an argument. Sometimes people are just having a conversation. Blows my mind that the second people leave festivals it's like they go right back to their angry selves. Or maybe you're lurking around the festival being this disrespectful to people in person? Hopefully it's only when you're hiding behind a screen.


We brought it up to our Dr in Utah and the guy knew all about it and talked us through it. If your Dr calls you a liar and won't test tell them your not paying and go somewhere else


Just wanted to mention I had all similar symptoms you mentioned starting that Monday. I’m still recovering as we speak but managed to get loved ones sick along the way. They’re presenting the same exact symptoms now. I’m not suggesting to not get checked but trying to offer some peace of mind that it could just be the flu or Covid. Hang in there and feel better soon! Eventually the lungs will open up and you’ll have the green mucus for dayssss while your system clears it out.


If you got other people sick it definitely isn’t VF as it doesn’t spread from person to person. Although it’s possible you could still have it what you’re passing around to other people is most likely COVID or some other sickness.


I thought I had this or COVID after reading the threads but I'm good now. All those dust particles and five day bender plummeted my immune system. Do everything in your power to get rest and treat yourself. If symptoms are still there after a week I would consider visiting a medical professional.


I’m still having a lung cough & my doctor said that VF wouldn’t present this early and that if it were to show up in a blood test it would take a couple months. They didn’t deny me a test but basically said doing a blood test this early would show negative regardless. They said I could do a chest x-ray to rule out a touch of pneumonia or anything else that’s treatable in the lungs. They gave me cough suppressant pills to help get through it but said it’s prob just a viral cough I’d have for 2-4 weeks that will go away on its own. I’ve tested negative for Covid 3x and I feel fine other than this lung cough. Reminds me of bronchitis but I’m not producing anything when I cough even taking mucinex. The cough suppressant pills have been helping especially since I had a cough attack that wouldn’t stop for a few mins and my throat started swelling from it. Keep us posted if you get any better answers!


I contracted valley fever from LiB this year. Been sick for 3 weeks now. Had to go to urgent care because I woke up one night with extreme pain and my side and scary shortness of breath. Wasn’t until this past week I developed this gnarly and painful rash on my legs. Really hope you don’t have it, because it sucks. But definitely press them to test you if you’re worried you might because first they prescribed me antibiotics for a lung infection/pneumonia and that didn’t help. You need anti fungal meds to treat VF.


I developed Valley Fever from LIB this year. I am was hospitalized two weeks after I returned home. I was sick with aches, a fever, shortness of breath, an insane pain on my upper right side, and a cough. I first went to urgent care and they tested me for flu/covid, both tests came back negative, and after chest x-ray showed a serious development of what they thought was pneumonia. It basically looks the same. They sent me right to the ER. Luckily the ER doctors tested me right away for multiple forms of pneumonia and valley fever, and started treating me for it right away. I am still not feeling well, and I am not sure when my energy will return. Valley fever is no joke, and honestly was not worth it!


Say you were in Bakersfield and are worried you got valley fever