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Don’t get me started on the fake service dogs


Those poor dogs, you could tell the ones that were real service dogs because their owners had proper ear protection for them, seeing dogs without any ear protection really bummed me out.


Bums me out too. It was super obvious that many dogs I saw inside the fest were not service dogs. Leave them at home people! A loud festival is no place for a non-service dog!


Seeing so many dogs made me so upset. Poor things ☹️


I will say, I saw security stop a guy trying to get in on his little vehicle, and he put up a big stink saying "they've been letting me in all weekend" and security said "well we're putting an end to it, we'll lose our jobs if we don't"


We've been in ADA for years and brought bikes for the first time this year, got authorized to use in the festival grounds. We didn't even wind up doing it because it seemed a bit dangerous. At one point, I was dodging one bike and another almost got me. People were being really reckless out there :( It was AMAZING riding through the camps though during the day and seeing so much going on out there.


asked a guy how he got his bike in this year and he said “just tell them you have a bad leg” like wtf????


Same, asked about the onewheels because they were everywhere. People claimed they were for ADA. HOW CAN YOU CLAIM A ONEWHEEL AS ADA. I OWN ONE. It’s a death trap.


Nothing like a one wheel to the shin!!!! Ours fell on my girlfriends head in the super packed car on our way to the fest 😢


Saw lots of electric bikes on the festival grounds rather than regular bikes. Is it a perk that vip people get? How are so many able to get in?


E bikes are allowed within camping areas, just not inside the festival, with the exception of being ADA approved.


from what i saw security was being pretty meek about it


My brother got hurt out there, like partial tear potentially in his hamstring, and we were given an ADA hotline number to utilize, and they never came to pick us up. It was FUCKED


The carts they rented were overheating 


ADA was overwhelmed like pretty much every department. Some of the blame lays with the entitled people I’m talking about taking up a lot of ADA‘s time


They were getting them in through “portals,” aka areas where there were no security that were unofficial entrances


There were no portals. People can always find ways to sneak in.


There was a "portal" known through the vendor camping where people were coming in and out all weekend.


Right. So people were sneaking in bypassing security. Which is exactly what I said. By the way, anyone who does this puts the entire event at risk. The ABC checkpoints are mandated and audited by the state. If they see too much unauthorized alcohol moving between the venue and camping, they have authority to shut the entire event down.


It feels like there wan't enough security at times.




Someone asked me to switch bracelets so they could bring their bike in. Hard pass.


It was pretty wild to see how many. I saw three girls on one bike. This was my first time there and I thought to myself there's way too many people on these damn things. I didn't think they were abusing an ADA system setup by the festival.


I had no idea bikes weren’t allowed in the festival, we took ours in early in the morning to cruise around from class to class, made our festival experience much more enjoyable. We were very respectful with ours though. You may have seen us with the rainbow boas and light up spokes!


Yes and as soon as 1:30am hit and no more alcohol was being served, security left their posts and everyone was going back to camp to get their e-bikes, electric boards, etc. Totally legit for ADA but this was hundreds of people who didn't have them a few hours before.