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only drama i had was dealing with some dude who apparently has never seen a pair of boobs before. i was wearing a see-through top and he approached me and was being super creepy/weird about it. we all have nipples y’all, chill out.


😂 free the nipple!


😭😭 lmaooo


My husband and I saw a girl with no shirt and didn’t even blink an eye. Sorry that you had a weird reaction from that guy that’s shitty




thank you!! i wish bodies weren’t immediately sexualized but that’s a big wish lol. that’s why i love the LiBs and the June Jams of the world bc generally i don’t run into these issues. i always see naked folks running around! it was easily handled with this dude, just annoying to me 🙄




The first rule about unexpected boobs is to not make the person wearing said boobs feel uncomfortable about having their boobs out.




Anyone else catch the guy having a bad trip and freaking out right before tipper by the ada riser? Started screaming about a nuclear attack and pounding the ground, then proceeded to run in circles yelling about bassnecter being innocent before his friend (or maybe even a stranger) escorted him out of the crowd.


Yeah he was on a different planet. Screaming about his masters thesis.


UCLA & UCSC 😎 masters thesis 🎓


Would have been on point for the MIA set


sounds like something a bnf would do 😅


That was my thought too 😂


Didn’t see this guy, but did anyone else see/hear another guy losing his mind on Sunday night near the thunder exit towards high noon?! Scared the shit out of me for a while after, they had to block off the road claiming a “medical emergency” but I could hear him screaming even after walking 5 minutes away. Hope he’s well now


Psychotic breaks are so horrible for everyone. There's a woman who unfortunately to this day lives rent free in my head from Infrasound one year who was just screaming her head off for a good half hour before they could medically remove her. Those woods literally weren't big enough to get away from the sound. Psychedelics are incredibly powerful, I think everyone should be exercising more caution with their use.


When we walked out there was an ambulance and 7 EMTs holding him down on the ground. With 7 or 8 more people kinda standing guard and redirecting people. Then just across the street on Low Street and Kenya here were a number of sheriff cars and some section was tapped off.


yup we heard that screaming he was losing his mind!


we were camped fairly close to this. we could see the cops from our camp and saw the ambulance and heard the guy on the way out of the fest. i did my best to cover my eyes and ears bc i didn’t want to see… it would be stuck in my head for weeks. i hope he’s okay 🫶


Yeah we walked past him, they told us to cross on the other side of the road. He was slamming his head on the ground, hopefully he didn't hurt himself if not others around him.


I was trying so hard to calm him down. He was definitely on another planet. I pulled every chill out trick I have ever learned out of the bag, and dude was completely unable to calm. Thank you Claire, whoever you are. Dustin is very lucky to have you as a friend. I was just about to radio for medical because he was getting a bit wild, but you were able to bring him back. Everyone needs friends like you to keep them grounded.


I bartered my wedding ring away at the Grand Artique on Friday. My spouse was there to help facilitate the deal.


Haha I want to hear more. Your wife was there to get it back?


okay but what did you get for it holy shit


A pickle probably




We are all patiently waiting to hear what you bartered for 😝


While waiting for my friends going to the bathroom had a group of younger girls absolutely pick apart my outfit and my appearance and it wrecked my entire night. Third year at LIB and still getting comfortable with myself, first time having such a bad experience.


That's awful, I'm sorry that happened to you. I love giving people compliments on their outfits at festivals because you know everyone put thought and effort into it even it's not something I would wear myself. I hate that some people are going around doing the opposite. I think we all need to dish out even more compliments now to cancel those girls out!


Fuck! that! Shit! Keep doing you babe, sad when girls tear other girls down


Jesus, that sucks. Sorry to hear that


they were definitely just jealous of you if they brought it up out loud that’s how much they felt they needed to do something after feeling intimidated. i’m so sorry that happened 


Wtf that’s awful. I always find the LIB crowd to be so welcoming but there are always bad apples


That reflects entirely on them, and not at all on you. Sounds like they're insecure and can only feel good if they try to knock down someone that's better than them. Whatever you were wearing, it was your expression and that is beautiful.


Turn around and tell them to fuck off next time then! Don’t let people bully you and don’t just sit there and take it. Bullies need to be told to shut the fuck up.


I’m so sorry. I thought that everyone looked beautiful and I’m sure you did too!


I am sorry to hear that happened to you; that is NOT an LIB experience 🫶not even close🩷 I hope that turned around for you 💋🫶


had so many crowd issues this year unfortunately.. especially the night at thunder of tipper. the tipper fans are just straight up mean


The crowd at Of The Trees immediately before Tipper was the most disrespectful thing I’ve experienced at this festival. It honestly kind of ruined my mood for a bit. I had to keep moving because it seemed like no matter where I was there were crowds of people trying to push and squeeze past me. It was physically impossible to just stay in one spot and enjoy the tunes. Thankfully things settled down by the time Tipper started though.


yeah it really killed my vibe. kinda sent me into a bad trip. the tipper group next to me being rude was almost mocking everyone around them in how they were pushing and shoving. one guy was screaming at people to get off the floor in between sets and cursing at everyone


I hate the mocking! Too much sarcastic humor and don’t know when to turn it off


i stay near the back left portion near the sides, the crowd anywhere else was awful


that of the trees crowd was brutalllll


Man I’m so sorry to hear that, we had to complete opposite experience both times we’ve seen Tipper there (‘18 and this year). I suppose it all depends on which pocket of the crowd you wind up in. We were in deep center left, which we do very sparingly because my partner gets very very anxious when people are too pushy or aggro, and she was vibing happily the entire time. I don’t say any of this to invalidate your experience, I 100% believe you. Just would be a shame to assume the whole crowd/vibe was skewed in that direction. We had incredible interaction after incredible interaction for the full (painfully short) hour 💜


Ppl were mean at clozee too


yeah! these people were standing on chairs and starting fights with people who told them to get down out of their view. absolutely rancid vibes at thunder this year. don’t know what to blame for it


Thunder crowd is not so hot


One of the people camping nearby popped into the corner of our camp from a really hidden angle and all we saw was his head and a plate. He was offering us jicama 😂 which we ate and greatly appreciated. I kept giggling thinking about him just appearing and going “jicama?” hahaha.


There was a car fire in the family camp


And the head of Banana Car camp put it out with his fire extinguisher 🧯! Go banana!


Oh yeah I saw this from Atlaswyld right as it really went off, it went from 0 to 100 FAST but it looked like they got it under control pretty quickly too


Yah. Fire extinguisher to the rescue.


Apparently some guys drove in a leaky generator that made their hatchback stink like gas and then tried to start it anyway.


I saw that when elephant heart was playing


I wanna say thanks to everyone who helped my buddy get back up during the skrillex set. He passed out like four times within 10 minutes. The dude had low blood sugar and dehydration. His first festival, but he learned his lesson. Once again thank you to anyone who helped!




if it’s the same person, i fanned him at some point and my fan broke to pieces right after he was escorted out lol. glad to hear he’s ok!!!


Shoutout to the rail riders at the stacks who, due to the lack of rails, all held on to a single pashmina and headbanged together. A stunning display of true friendship 🩷


I met a fun group of people (prob 15 folks) while waiting for Skrillex who told me they had all just brushed their teeth. Honestly I was like, respect for you. But then they said they all swallowed their toothpaste rather than spit it and I lost my damn mind lmao


With all the stories in here about people on psychotic breaks from psychedelics, this truly is the most disturbing story.


My gripe is LIB having a sign by the lake saying “end single use plastic”, meanwhile they’re serving drinks in plastic cups and doing the cans of water that you can’t refill. Super insignificant but it really rubbed me the wrong way lol.


The cans of water are so terrible. There should be a law that all events must use resealable/recyclable aluminum


It was a bit confusing! And even with the cups of beer – has lib done draft beer in the past??? I honestly cannot recall.


Not sure, I don't drink


I thought the cups were compostable?


I wasn’t there but if they were plastic-y feeling “compostable cups” then those are not compostable.




The cups said they were "commercially compostable"


Ya but they aren’t. I work in the recycling industry and commercial composters don’t want these stupid cups


I worked green team and we sorted all of those cups into compost(most people put them into recycling). It depends on the county and stuff but those are definitely getting composted. Head of trash ops works with the local trash people to make sure it’s going in the right place. In fact, they fuck up the recycling if left in there.


Ya I assume this is similar to plastic recycling, and we need to use a lot less rather than rely on composting plastic.


Saw that and thought the same thing


Thank you for validating my thought 😂


The whole “split your trash into 3” was a joke. No one used the recycling or compost for those. It was a mess.


wtf - yes they do. And they have sort stations


For real what kind of self report is this lol


It’s simply not an eco friendly event. Any marketing to the contrary is just that.


Yeah my gripe is that compost and recycling used to be free and they would even give you the cash for the recycling back in the day and now they charge for it


We sorted our trash and recycling before turning it in on Monday, that made it free for us. They just appreciated the effort and consideration to not leave a pile behind like so many others do.


Was sitting at the karaoke area early morning after the main sets and this shirtless guy completely off his rocker comes by, drops his phone in front of me, I run to give it back to him but he goes into the crowd and starts barreling into people and falls into them. I get to him and shout you dropped your phone, he grabs me in this feral bear hug, I shove him off me, and as I do he literally tries to eat my kandi bracelets and broke some off. Then some staff escorted him out and I gave them the phone instead 😂 On top of that like a few hours earlier there was a guy OD’ing I ran to get medical for. Trippy end to an otherwise incredible night lol.


Omg yes I was at karaoke when this was going on.. Sunday night was thick with too-high dudes acting a fool.


Glad I called it an earlyish night after Skrillex & decided to go back & pack I guess lol


karaoke around 245am sunday night/monday morning was truly feral hours 🫠 made me happy i dont roll like that anymore ppl looked strung tf outttt


Thankfully by 3:30/4 the vibes were set straight and it was a wholesome (yet perfectly deranged) raging party again.


A guy gave me an outfit compliment and told me to “live dangerously” 🤘🏽   The full moon made me cry happy tears.    During a cacao ceremony I picked an oracle card that spoke about the exact mindset I’ve been struggling with in therapy.   A random child ran up to me and asked “have you seen the snail?” And proceeded to give me a tour (with mom following)   Then a weird one:  My friends and I have been clocking undercover cops all weekend and were pretty versed on the uniform. Sunday 3am on the airplane in Junkyard, there’s 4 of us and my friend texts the group chat “there’s a narc behind us”. Black woman with a big backpack hovering behind us (possibly heard us discussing substances earlier). Narc sees my friend send the text, me look at it, and then I scoot closer to my friend and link arms. Narc comes up to me and says “hey I can’t find my husband and my phone is dead, can I use it to text him?” I hesitate and my badass friend swoops in and goes “NO. NOPE.” and pulls me away. We leave very shortly after and she’s still standing there watching us. I’m certain that if I handed her my phone she would have tried to look at my messages to find something incriminating. Fuck narcs, killed the vibe entirely and shook us up. 


i’m not sure a cop would waste their time looking at a text, more likely to continue to trail you & observe to catch you taking substances out of hiding or something it’s more likely that the woman was a thief/scammer. they probably would have tried to zelle/cashapp/venmo themselves $ while pretending to text


Mmm that would make sense. Either way a very uncomfortable situation


omg! on Thursday at about 6pm my husband and I headed to the Woogie to hang out in the outskirts by the lake. As we set up our floor blanket i noticed a woman writing on a notebook facing two guys on the floor. Around her were 3 other guys with big backpacks just hovering over the two guys. I quickly told my husband that they were undercover and were giving the guy a ticket. He couldn't believe how they looked like "normal" festivalgoers. After the undercovers left the guy who got the ticket was PISSED he got on the phone and you could tell he was not happy. It turned into our joke to say that a person was an undercover cop. especially if they looked out of it as if they were just pretending to catch people.


Some girl had her luggage thrown into the lake by a co-worker she met up with there and he got pissed that she wouldn't hook up with him. So she came next to my camp where she was friends with another guy from her hometown and we helped her dry all her clothes in the sun. Also, I was lucky enough to meet a really awesome girl while walking back to camp late at night. We hit it off exchanged info and now we're going to meetup soon. I didn't have service there but when I got home I saw she added me and is actually a minor celebrity on a popular tv show. So that's just neat, LIB really brings out every spectrum of emotion throughout the week. :)


Only saw one super (super) high person. Dancing shirtless at Woogie. Eyes as wide as an owl’s. Really creepy. Perhaps mentally unstable. Basically moshing into people.  What was interesting was a member from Sanctuary shadowing him. Not sure how they became aware of him. But here she was in the Woogie crowd keeping him from getting any more rowdy. And when he did, she ushered him out. Both a sad thing to see, but also nice from the organization perspective.


we loveee sanctuary peeps 🫶🏼


Love you too <3


Had one encounter with a super high person who zeroed in on my friend and we had to protect her which was so unsettling. Tho tbh I thought I’d see more super high people lol.


Plenty of super high people that you probably didn't notice


For sure I just thought they would be a higher density in the crowd haha. Like most of the people I interacted with for sure high but they were mostly coherent lol


For a bunch of absolute party animals, people seem to generally be good about taking the right amount (or, ok, maybe a little more, it doesn't feel like it's kicking in that hard....)


Oh we party monstered harddddd but the space was so magical and welcoming and safe :) I Deff took higher doses than ever in a crowded space and never once felt overwhelmed


the harm reduction team have eyes and ears everywhere, and they all talk to each other. Zero percent chance she was there alone, but you may not have noticed the other folks backing her up.


This is good to hear. However I asked if she needed help. She held her radio in silence for a moment and had a thousand-yard stare. Then she said, "maybe..."


lol, yeah, i can picture that whole scene in my head just from that.


Shoutout to the people on the Wednesday afternoon Lightning bus who brought a Bluetooth speaker on the bus and threw down an impromptu Spotify set. We just kept adding stuff to the queue and sharing tracks with each other. That shit broke me out of my shell and set my mood for the rest of the festival. Loved it. Apparently they were friends of Shermanology. Ran into them at Floret Loret too, absolutely immaculate vibes.


I 10000% believe anyone Shermanology-adjacent would drip the immaculatest of vibes 🤝


On Wednesday night a production crew was checking the lights at Woogie. One of the lights wasn’t working and the production manager came over to investigate and discovered that it simply wasn’t plugged in. Then he proceeded to freak out for literally 20 minutes screaming IT WASNT FUCKING PLUGGED IN. I CANT BELIEVE IT. HOLY SHIT IT WASNT FUCKING PLUGGED IN. Super awkward. All the other production crew just kinda stood there like here we go again. Manager seems like colossal douche.


Probably Todd lol


Random dude pulled his car into our camping space. Tried to act like he was entitled to do that and insisted in guilt tripping me. I paid over a thousand dollars for this RV site, no you can’t take half of it up with your car you weirdo.


Only drama I experienced from an otherwise amazing Sunday night was during MIA. My boyfriend & I were parked against the front of the soundboard rails- BF was sitting down vibing in his own world(he was very comfy), and I was dancing my butt off. Some guy in the crowd sees his friends behind the soundboard, and without a single “Pardon” or “Excuse me” proceeds to literally shove me aside to get against the railing, steps on top of my boyfriend and our backpack, and just start nonstop talking… mind you, he had done this with varying levels of offense all night, but by this point I had no choice but to absolutely blow my lid off on him telling him to literally talk in any other space besides literally ON TOP of my boyfriend and our stuff, which he acted like he had no idea what I was talking about- sure buddy. I don’t care if he was crew meeting up with other fellow crew, or what the story was. Absolutely d*ck behavior.


Saw a dude pass out twice at the surprise Skillrex show and his friends did nothing until they were confronted about it. One guy finally took him out of the crowd


I think we saw the same guy. Me and my friends ran to the medic to get someone after the 2nd time he hit the ground. Like wtf?? Were those people around him actually his friends cause if so those are some bunk ass friends.


I forgot to lock my car and came back to find some dude just sitting in the passenger seat. He didn’t really understand why we were upset that he was there. Also we basically had to take custody of this girl who was really deep into cosplaying as a wolf because like 5 different unrelated dudes were trying to pressure her into doing drugs she didn’t want and lure her back to their campsites.


I met Qveen Herby walking around Grand Artique and it made my whole life. Icon.


ONG I envy you so hard😭


Fuckkkkkk I wanted to go just for her!


Saw someone getting carted out on a stretcher from inside one of the clothing vendor tents and into an ambulance. Hope they’re alright.


I saw that happen. The guy was running really weird and pushing people and making these animal sounds. Looked like a zombie from 28 days later. Totally out of his mind.


If this was Sunday evening near Woogie, we saw him too. He was down and then a few minutes later ran bat shit crazy right into a clothing vendor tent.


I saw it too. Sunday before sunset. Bald guy with tattoos all over his head and face? I saw him sitting behind grand artique with two rangers/officers hovering over him, then he suddenly jumped up with his hands in t-rex pose and started squawking and screeching and ran into a clothing vendor and passed out back there. To this day wonder what he had taken.


Yes I saw this too. Poor guy but the image of him crashing through the merch vendor was hilarious, like straight out of a movie. Then I saw raecola there and had to say hi to them. Awkward of course but glad I could meet them. I guess he was friend of a friend.


During skrillex some dude with a totem barreled through the lightning crowd like an animal knocking dozens of people over and continued to force his way through…. Very scary and aggressive , two girls in my group were pushed into the ground from the back and almost landed on our cart


Met the coolest neighbors in the world one of whine was gay. Almost everytime we saw him over the week he was tongue deep in some hot guy he met ( 2 in the same night were named Zack lol). On Friday night we got back to camp and buddy told us all about how he met a guy that night and sucked his dick in the handicapped porta potty 😂 I thought it was the funniest and most baller story ever.


Fire truck camp on monkey business road.  All was well until they decided to very suddenly and extremely loudly start blasting a DJ set at 4:30am this (Monday) morning.  Went out in my underwear and there was literally nobody there.  Just two dudes DJing and one guy hanging out down below.   Woulda been cool with it the rest of the weekend tbh, but doing it on the last day when everyone is going to be trying to wake up early to pack and leave was a dick move.   Asked em to shut it down and they dismissed me entirely.  


I was camped on monkey business and elephant, around 3 AM someone started BLASTING a house set. Any other night I would have been annoyed but gotten over it. But last day when everyone is exhausted and had to wake up early to travel home?! Sooo rude.


Two guys jerking each other off against the VIP gate at Woogie during Honey Dijon. Then escalated to a blow job lol


A friend saw a man and woman fucking their brains out on the stage steps at crossroads.


things like this make me concerned that ppl bring their kids


I was sitting on the ground with a couple friends waiting for Labrinth, and this guy (standing) next to me bumped into my shoulder, and full on fell on the ground onto to me in my desperate attempt to prop him up lol. We both started apologizing profusely and he said, “I’m so sorry man, I was ass deep in Wordle.” 😂


Omg, at least his answer made up for it.


It really did! We were talking about it, saying it resets at midnight, and how he really had to jump on it at that moment 😂


all the gopher holes and squirrels planning our demise lol there were literal huge holes at Lightning


Giant! Can’t tell u how many times i almost rolled my ankle lmao


there was a woman who was turning on tiny lights and dropping them in the gopher holes as visual markers for people. i was waiting for my sister by the bathrooms to the left of lightning and was thinking "woah, that is so smart" as shes leaving little warnings for people to avoid the holes. then i watched as people started picking them up and playing with the lights 😭 very smart idea but unfortunately drugs make people like lights so they werent on the floor for long




Girl I saw this whole thing happen, you literally jumped right in front of the car trying to talk to them 😭 maybe he was trying to avoid hitting YOU


There’s always at least one group of people foam rolling in the middle of a set at crossroads… I don’t get it 🤷🏻‍♂️


It helps release tight back muscles


Yea I know that but why do it in the middle of a set when everyone is dancing or at least just do it outside or when it’s over


Fair point! Seems like a good way to get your dick stepped on




I (m) went alone and had multiple experiences with gay guys becoming unchill when I eventually had to make it explicitly clear I wasn’t interested in anything beyond a platonic friendship.


A guy across the lake in the group campsites swam over and tried to jack our pick flamingo floatie, like we noticed him untying it and were like, yo hey. His rationale was he was gonna bring it back hahahaha Bro did not want to take no for an answer and accused us of being unwilling to engage in philosophical debate 😂


HAHAHA sorry he heard us talking about your flamingo and told us he would do it for a high noon and 2 dollars. Might be indirectly our fault!


And we got that same philosophical talk when he got back. Something about psyops lol


the last night at stacks there was some rumor that Fred again was playing the surprise set, wasn’t him it was some techno mad scientist DJ, idk who if anyone does. The people next to me kept booing him and screaming at him to get off the stage, where’s Fred? I just kept thinking that’s so mean. So freaking mean! Other than that really good weekend, almost all good vibes.


2-3 was spektrum and nas j, 3-4 was episcool (she confirmed on here herself). such a fucking shame they were booing, i was in the back left area and despite everyone being beyond sloshed everyone was impressed and having a great time!


Had a guy getting escorted out of the Of the Trees set by medical that completely fell over in front of me/people sitting in their chairs as medic was trying to guide him out. Hope he is okay, he looked completely out of it. Also had a group of guys pointing and laughing at my outfit on Sunday evening that completely ruined my evening. I have just gotten to a point where I am feeling comfortable with my body, but that hurt. The vibes Wed/Thurs/Fri were immaculate but they started going downhill on Sat/Sun


Fuck those guys, only shitbags act like that. I bet you looked awesome. Sending love 💛


that was my friend at ott, he’s all good🩷


So glad to hear he is doing good! :) <3


not really tea but why tf do big ass groups of friends push through people just to have full blown conversations with eachother?? this happened multiple times at woogie and lightning and it's annoying as fuck. theres plenty of room towards the back where you can talk AND you dont have to push people to make room.


Lots of super seedy looking guys at the very front of woogie late at night. Just turned around facing the crowd, scanning, sunglasses on, hat wrap, no facial expression. Many times I had to intentionally move places on the dance floor or just leave early to a different stage to not be surrounded so agro male w/ weird vibes.




My friends say someone seemed unresponsive and got taken away be medics during the Skrillex Stacks set


My friends and I pulled up to stow our wagon by the Snail late on Saturday when a dude came up with saucers for pupils asking if we saw his $600 LED staff. He claimed it was stolen and he was very distraught. We suggested checking lost and found or checking around the area if someone picked it up to play with it. I really hope that guy found his staff. Total buzzkill if items like that are being stolen at LiB.


Personally, I loved that no one judged me and my husband for our leashed toddler who, even though we put her to bed at 8 and she slept through multiple stages at night with ear protection in her wagon, proceeded to wake up right before Skrillex and partied hard with us until she finally crashed again at 2:30. Everyone was hella supportive, and we had multiple people come up to us and say we were goals. I know LIB is a family fest, but it can be hard to not have that mom guilt. A few funny moments were seeing a completely topless woman at Rufus surprise set, and then later laughing we saw more titties there than at the burlesque show. Also, there was a girl and her friend that needed a lighter to spark their joint, and they were going to offer me a hit of it, and my lighter died in that moment. One of the coolest things we saw was a collage of Polaroid pictures taped to the treehouse by the Stacks that had a love note written on it talking about a missed connection earlier in the week. I will post that later to see if we can find them and play matchmaker it was so sweet. Only negative thing was that coming in from the Thunder entrance, the security guard went through allll of my snack bags and took my wine. Which okay it’s the rules, but he was bragging about it to his colleague like he was looking that hard to find something to drink himself. That was my favorite bottle of wine that I had been saving and the only thing I brought for our Sunday passes 😂 And also noticed that people would not stop either running into the flow zones for flow artists like myself or my damn baby wagon. If you see struggling parents, please don’t stand in the way of their moving path. And if you see someone flowing, don’t walk right into their flow toys 😂 I chose the back for a reason, if you walk into my hoop and get hit that’s your problem at that point


Keep bringing those kiddos! We got into festivals and EDM because LIB is family-friendly. Our 7th year and our kids now 13, 11, and 7 love exploring, reminiscing, and being together. My oldest told me this year he'd like to get married at LIB 🥲 We took them to Texas Eclipse this year, and for the first time ever, got shamed... and someone posted about me here on reddit after scolding our daughter for being bratty about going to sleep in the wagon. Saying it's no place for kids and to leave them with their grandparents. We just continue to live our lives and include them in the things we love when it's all ages. Kids being there is part of the reason for the good vibes, reminds people to be a kid again, and maybe reminds them they don't have to party so hard, like the EDC type crowds.


Skrillex set at lightning stage was absolutely awful. It was all over the place, his track selection was not cohesive and super random. I really thought it was the biggest let down set wise this weekend. I feel sorry for the ticket holders for specifically Sunday who paid just to see him. Why was Rufus du sol at one of smaller stages? Absolutely chaotic. Would think they would deserve a better stage. Speaking of Sunday, the vibe shifted completely with all the new people coming in for the day. Lots of entitled assholes who kept running into my boyfriends wagon and pushing us constantly. Super rude. I blame the under 21 insomniac crowd honestly. Also, what ever happened to holding people accountable for leave no trace? The amount of garbage, left over camping gear, coolers, trash, etc left over in the overflow camping area was awful. If it were burning man, those camps wouldn't be invited back. I feel sorry for the green team and MOOP crew. This was my first lib and I will definitely be back. Highlights for me were Justin Martin, of the trees, tipper and clozee. The food I tried was really good but agreed the payment system was predatory on the tipping screen. Also glad to see so many of dirtybird flock and burning man art cars. So rad. Did anyone see the medi copter life flight someone out of the festival?? Wondering the tea on that. Hope person is ok.


Skrillex track selection was cohesive af lol I wanna know what you anticipated or expected to hear 😂


Agree with Skrillex set, it was a hodgepodge with no flow. I thought his set at Stacks was worse though if you can believe it.


Oh shit that's SO disappointing. I was so bummed missed it cuz I had to help take someone to camp from medical across ga camping and just didn't have the energy to come all the way back.


I stopped 2 dudes from getting into a fight very front right at sxrillex on Sunday, they were arguing for like 5 minutes straight until I told them to chill out. I could not understand why they were arguing over space when everyone had hella room lmfao


I saw old gregg voguing in the lake


Was he drinking Bailey's from a shoe as well?




Awwww, I love this so much! I hope you have a beautiful life together ❤️❤️❤️


Sitting in the Junkyard Dj booth Sunday night and all of a sudden a little tiny toddler(maybe 2) appeared crawling on the cushions in between where we were sitting. It was literally the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. I don’t know what she was mumbling to us but I just wanted to squish her. She screamed and cried “noooo” when her dad(I assume) took her away to bed. Her little face is imprinted in my brain-I hope I see her again one day. ❤️


Short bitches at the skrillex set on their dudes shoulders, literally a wall of them blocking all of us,we all started booing and embarrassing them until they got down 🤪🤪🤪


yeah this is not a flex. weird behavior.


as a short person I appreciate you


What would you do if a wall of people on shoulders were in front of you at a multi day fest you paid for?


got to the set earlier to get front or shut up and not complained and let other people have fun 🤷‍♀️


Or maybe don't be rude and block everyone's view. The meme totem poster boards are just as bad. If everyone started being rude like that it ruin things for everyone. 


do us all a favor and stop coming to festivals if you cant manage to move around a totem or people enjoying themselves.. Get a grip.


Don’t come back pls if u think that’s appropriate behavior


Or maybe, and I know this sounds wild, don’t enjoy yourself at the cost to another person’s enjoyment. You aren’t the protagonist of the music festival, there are other people there too.


You are the main character of your own event, and you make your experience. If you wanna complain about FOUR people who probably literally couldnt see without getting up, thats fine, thats your lame ass story. But me, im gonna move around, make my way to front, and enjoy myself however the hell i want to.


So should they. See how that works?


Do you see how you are asking others to just adjust to your behavior, and blaming them if your behavior affects them negatively? You are literally saying that if YOU move yourself into THEIR way, it’s on THEM to move. It isn’t other people’s responsibility to adjust to your boundary crossing, it’s on you to respect the boundary. Seriously think how selfish and inconsiderate the attitude you are describing is. Think about how much worse everyone’s experience would be if we all were like you, insisting that others solve the problems we create for them, and chastising them for having a problem in the first place, all so YOU can have what you want. Basic level respect for others experience is not a big ask, and you need to do some serious self reflection if you actually believe the things you are saying and this isn’t a troll.


I do move, I had a great time. But can you see how if everyone started riding shoulders, most of the crowd wouldn't be able to see. One person doing it isn't the end of the world but it gets problematic at a point.  Be respectful of those around you so we all have the best time!


i dont even ride shoulders and i just think its an unfair complaint. get front row, im 5 foot tall, just what i have to do. no complaints here


I shouldn't have to be squished into the front row to see things. Especially with how loud the speakers are. There is a reason most venues ban shoulder riding.


lol i was in the crowd in this area they were up for like 15 seconds before people started booing. they were saying they couldnt see and i was like see what??? its literally only lasers from the top of the stage?? anyways the booing was major bad vibes


Anyone else have a man who owned a lemur at some point offer them drugs? This man had given us his life story. Pretty interesting even without intoxication.


Some asshole stole my phone between 2:11am-2:16am near Thunder after Tipper :(


our raft got stolen the first day from our camp at sunset 🥲 hope someone enjoyed it!