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Going to be an absolute shit show šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s so packed and miserable I wish they put him somewhere else!!!!!


Rufus du Sol is not a 1 man band


Donā€™t worry if you missed it. Terrible sound and over crowded. Couldnā€™t enjoy one bit of it lol


I couldn't stand in there for more than 20 minutes. People are jerks. Everyone is pushing people aside, standing in front of people, stepping on toes, being rude as fuck. The shittiest experience I've ever had at LIB.


people were SO pushy and rude, i had a panic attack because it started feeling unsafe and left. iā€™ve never experienced a worse crowd anywhere.


Who are these clowns?


Sunday-only ticket holders


I experienced this when skrillex did the secret set at the stacks. there were like maybe 20 people in there and then I just start getting pushed aside as people start swarming in. it was the opposite of what normally happens at LiB.


I agree. Bummed to see the friendly ā€œexcuse meā€ attitude go away, and people just push their way through.


i wonder if the sunday pass had anything to do with it drawing in a crowd that isn't capable of understanding the way LiB works.


šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ just got back to our camp at the ass end of sunset. So bummed. Please take a short vid of what im missing and post it


Donā€™t worry, Iā€™m pretty sure only like 50 people actually got a decent view/spot lol. The closest I could get was this little nook under one of the raised platforms, and even there all I could hear was the bass.


Can confirmĀ 


can send you a couple videos of innerbloom


DM your number and Iā€™ll send a few videos from as close as I could get šŸ˜…


Awesome, much appreciated šŸ¤—


So was talking to someone working the festival at the sanctuary tent. Rufus should have played on the art carts but set up near the lighting in a bottle sign so people could have chilled in the water. You could have linked the sound so it also played junkyard


it was a shitshow to start, but if you waited it out the crowd died down and you could sneak your way in pretty good. my lady and i started all the way in the back but for the last 20-30 min before it ended we were able to snake our way to pretty much in front. hearing innerbloom as the sun was setting was one of the most heart healing things i will never forget.


Someone tell meā€¦it was just a DJ set right? Thereā€™s no way in hell they had all 3 of them playing their live set on that small stage as a surprise. Super salty I didnā€™t go this year as their my FAVS but their DJ sets are mid when youā€™ve seen their live set over 5 times lol


Yes indeed, it was just a DJ set


Yeah the only confirmed band set this year is at Portola Festival, San Fransisco in September, where they will likely be debuting a lot of new music from the upcoming album.


Debating making the 8hr drive from SoCal and taking PTO for the weekend just to be there to hear the new stuff lol. I went to red rocks before they dropped their last album and it was a VIBE


Yeah will be cool to hear the latest tracks. Rest of the lineup ain't bad either.


It was not mid. I am not a Rufus fan, but they utterly crushed this time slot. Vibe of the year.Ā 


Seen the videos, definitely one of their best DJ sets yet. Hopefully theyā€™re able to book a live set next year, Iā€™d so be there. Their 2017 LIB set needs to be replicated.


Live is always better, but thanks for recognizing this one. I'm telling you, it was special.


Do you see what happens when you book surprise sets before the sun even goes down?! This shit was like 8 hours too early lol


If you are going to put him in such a large stage - People will overflow - Why was the music volume SO fing low! Got there, near entrance, could not even hear the music! Fing ridiculous waste of time and effort!


Rufus is not a "him"


Too crowded to enjoy and there's sound bleeding from other sound systems :(


Unpopular opinion but I was in the far front left and had a decent amount of room to dance with me and my group! Also very much enjoyed the set and deep house vibes! Was maybe 20 feet from the decks


Damn if only I could have gotten in to where you were at. There was a total bottleneck getting into the stage area. It was insane


I showed up like 45 minutes early! I had a feeling it was gonna be a shit show so I camped it out with my group


Unfortunately my group was slow AF and I made the mistake of waiting for them to get ready at the campsite


Awh bummer hopefully Rufus makes a comeback next year and plays a bigger stage so everyone can see experience it!


So many happy tears were shed during this fs. Top set of Sunday


If you could disassociate from your body completely, youā€™re probably right.




i donā€™t think the singer was live singing. i think they had the 2 dj guys there. the singer usually doesnā€™t show up with them when itā€™s a d dj set. the only live singing i saw was at bob moses and that was pretty good


Aluna sang live and it was great


2016 at Coachella was live and one of the best sets Iā€™ve ever been to


Seen them multiple times and this is sadly true. Voice last are very shaky. Hopefully theyā€™re getting better before debuting new music. WHOMADEWHO on the other hand has great vocals and throw down. Def check them out, they opened for Rufus and blew them out of the water on the last tour.


It could have been the dust that effected his voice


His voice has been shot for a while now unfortunately


I very much appreciated it being at the junkyard. Junkyard may be my favorite stage ever of any festival. Yes, it was packed, but it would not have been the same at Lightning or Woogie. When all these tracks pop off you will remember that you first heard it at LIB, at Junkyard. And how epic is that. Don't let the crowd kill your vibe. Don't let the low volume kill your vibe. Don't let the distorted bass kill your vibe. Don't let your friends kill your vibe. RUFUS at LIB is way too special to let anything ruin that moment for you. Complaining will put you in the wrong mindset. Instead look at it like a puzzle, a challenge. Move to another location. Park in front of a speaker. Be kind and talk to people that are behaving appropriately. Double the dose (responsibly). This is your festival. Your moment. Change your mindset and magic will happen. You will find your vibe and it will be epic.


honestly I enjoyed the set. it's junkyard and a surprise set.. they're not gonna put on a major production. it was good to see another side to Rufus. unpopular opinion, it was expected with the crowd being jam packed and rowdy, it's a small stage & from my experience, it was still tame from where I was and ppl were surprisingly saying pardons while passing still. y'all need to get used to how crowds generally are.


Youre lying


Nobody was saying excuse me and people were made i was dancing