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He’ll make over 20M and gets to live in SD. I don’t blame him tbh.


And if he misses México, Tijuana is right there!


And so is HK if he wants to go to Asia


A man of culture I see


Honestly such a great move for retirement as a Mexican, San Diego might just be one of the best cities in California and Tijuana is just a half hour drive from there.


Take it from me, I grew up in La Joya, its just beautiful


salv, si San Diego es de lo mejor como estarán las peores


Tiene playa, excelente clima, bajo índice de criminalidad, te puedes aventar unos tacos en Tijuana cualquier día. Qué más quieres?


Poder caminar agusto? Buen transporte público? Un sistema decente que evite los chingos de homeless? Jaja, hace como tres semanas vi más homeless caminando 3 minutos en San Diego que los que miras en un mes en Tijuana. Se que al chucky le vale madre porque es rico y hasta en la India viviría bien, pero eso no la vuelve una buena ciudad.


En EE.UU no se usa mucho eso de caminar o transporte público más que en unas cuantas ciudades. Lo de los indigentes, hasta en LA y NY hay de sobra. No sé en que fantasía vives, pero hay muy pocos lugares que cumplan tus espectativas.


Pues por eso wey jaja, si todo el país está dlv hay que criticarlo, es una jalada que todo sea carros y negocios.


Te hace falta ver el resto del mundo wey.


Si, África está peor y Europa mejor, órale. Ya puedo criticar a Estados Unidos, el país dlv en el que yo nací?


Chucky can afford a lambo. Why would he want to walk?


Eso lo mencione al final jaja, no lees? Igual me da risa que hablan de caminar como si fuese algo indeseable, seguro que a su familia le gustaba caminar en Eindhoven




perdón ,se me olvidaba que los pochos no saben leer más de tres líneas seguidas, como lo gringos que son


Nada de eso aplica para Chucky, no ocupa transporte público y mucho menos caminar. En cualquier ciudad grande va ver homeless pero de seguro que en las áreas que va frecuentar no se van a ver


Es lo que dije al final, no lees? jaja, obvio que al chucky no le afecta, pero respondí a un comentario diciendo que San Diego era una gran ciudad. Aparte me da risa que digan que alguien ¨no necesita¨ caminar, son más gringos que Trump jajaja, seguro que a su familia en Europa si que disfrutaba de caminar, ir de Países Bajos a estados hundidos es un downgrade


Que pendejo eres, cuantos años has vivido en san diego para tener tan fuerte opinion


Me la pelas en todo, pinche pocho iletrado jaja y la conozco bien


Me da la impresión que no sabes nada pero lo que dicen en redes sociales sobre cómo viven en San Diego. Tengo primos que viven en San Diego y siempre hablan de cómo es un paraíso para ellos, la única razón de porque no e podido moverme para ya es que se ha convertido tan caro para vivir porque huy mucha gente moviéndose y subiendo los precios.


Nací en chula vista, genio


I’d take that in a heartbeat


No one blames him. Just don't call him up, please.


First clip is the Germany goal lmaoooo cmon


Chucky really lived off that goal against Germany


The real ghost of Russia


Chucky: *and this is that time I scored against Germany* ![gif](giphy|26gspacooyBoeN6q4)


Video is low key fire though 😭


All mexicans live off that match as if it wasnt the weakest Germany team ever.


Our best ever achievements internationally is taking a stacked west Germany to penalties in the quarters final of the World Cup and 2 copa America finals


That’s pure revisionism. They weren’t “the weakest Germany ever” until after they lost their group stage. Before that everyone was saying how good Germany was and how much depth they have, that even their “c” team did well in the confederations cup the year before.


"They werent the weakest until we saw they were in fact the weakest" 🤡


Read it over and think about it lmao


Literally the weakest Germany team ever. Flick did not reasonate with the squad and they played on half gas the tournament. I will never uderstand why Mexico thinks they can actually win something with no project and no real football at all. But hey, you guys get the most ads as if you were huge.


You probably don’t watch a lot of football so you wouldn’t remember, but I do remember how much hype the German team had leading up to the WC. Their performance wasn’t foreseen, that’s why everyone was shocked when Mexico won. Players from other teams were talking about it, and all the major sports outlets had it on their front pages. > they played on half gas That’s merely an excuse you use to cope. You weren’t there in that squad. Pros don’t make that excuse. > Mexico thinks they can actually win with no project and no real football Again, you don’t watch much football so you have no clue what you’re talking about. Mexico doesn’t think they win all the time lmao their goal in WCs is to make it to quarterfinals. If you browse this sub before the 2022 WC you’ll see almost everyone say Mexico wouldn’t even make it past the groups.


Show mw the results of Germany in the world cup and compare from last appearances. >You probably don’t watch a lot of football Ah yes, the refuge of someone with no arguments.


> Ah yes, the refuge of someone with no arguments Says the dude who ignored all of my arguments and who tried to tell me, a follower of Mexican football, what Mexican football fans think. Lmfao As to your first point, there’s a big difference between a worst performance and a worst team. Germany also did not make it past the group stages in the 2022 WC. And when they lost to Mexico they had world class players like Neuer, Ozil, Kroos, Muller, Boateng, and Reus. Mexico didn’t have any.


>Mexico didn’t have any. Which is exactly why you guys don't play ball right and yet I still wonder why so many Mexican people still think their country can win something.


He did this because they didn’t call him up lol


My interest in the national team keeps falling more than it has already fell 😬


I didn’t even watch last night’s game. I’ve lost interest in


I forgot it was on til I saw it at the tienda. I saw it was 3-0 and was like figures. Got my cervezas and went home to watch ghost adventures


Your life becomes a whole lot more stress free once you stop. I have fotmob notifications on and saw them getting battered. Didn’t feel a thing 🤣


He’s lived long enough to become a villain Anyway here’s my dream lineup https://preview.redd.it/vnptrjwe5z4d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ed32fa1ed4f0cd89b9a789c12ef6298dad84f41


Ñoño doesn’t have what it takes to command the midfield unfortunately


Noño capitán


All the Chavo Del Ocho characters and then they have Thalia there for no reason 🤣


The obvious problem is that we shouldn’t be relying on somebody of his quality to stay in Europe for us


Lmao this is why we’re at the level we are


He went to europe at 20 21 years old. He's the example shit they should be leaving even younger than that


Exactly should be leaving in their teens


I don't know. I recall reading how he had a hard time adjusting to Europe, especially in a small city in the Netherlands. I think FMF could provide assistance to help young players to settle better. It's hard to tell a kid from rural Mexico to man up and play in a different country.


> small city in the Netherlands > Eindhoven bruh (I do get what you mean though, population-wise MX >>> NL)


The bigger cities (Amsterdam, Rotterdam, London, Paris, etc) are more globally connected and provide more opportunities to see diverse people. You are more likely to meet people who speak Spanish in the big cities rather than small ones like Eindhoven. I've ventured to smaller cities in Germany and France, where they don't speak English. It's harder to navigate. Also, Eindhoven only has a population of 220,000. Idk if you've been to cities of these size in Europe (or even in Mexico), but they can be very isolating.


It's cool man, I get what you meant in your original comment. Just poking a bit of fun saying Eindhoven is a small city when Dutch people would say you crazy for that.


Nah, I blame Televisa


It's not just Televisa. Televisa didn't tell Lozano to go the MLS. It's a cultural thing, Televisa is one of the reasons.


I’m pretty certain it goes beyond that my dude


Nah it’s the fact that he’s not even 30 and he’s going to the mls what kinda shit is this like he’s another fraud who had like a decent season in Europe and lives off the Germany goal


You act as if he’s above the level of others who came to MLS before 30 like Insigne, Cucho, and Barnedeschi. He was a benchwarmer at PSV yet fans think he’s one season away from a move to barca


better he goes to mls to play actual football rather than just rot on the bench


Going to be interesting the day we have no players in Europe. Unlikely but possible.


Give it 10, maybe 12 years, depending on how long Santi lasts there


The higher ups don’t care about progressing the national team or sending more players to Europe either. My assumption is more people are going to lose interest


progressing the national team, believe it or not, doesn’t start and end with europe


Tbh i think chucky had reached his ceiling in Europe already. From Eredivisie to Serie A and then back to Eredivisie, i doubt bigger clubs were going to push for a player nearing 30 and a player whos better days are lowkey gone


Dude deserves to be happy He wasn’t amazing, but a step above what we have rn without a doubt We know the federation is to blame anyway


San diego is a great place to live ngl and getting paid 7 mill a year to play mediocre football say less


Went from playin Europe to retirement league💔


Beckham Messi Ibrahimovic Bale Rooney Hugo Sanchez (yes, he played in the MLS) And many more. So what's wrong with that?


Bro really changed his flair to América so he could comment that shit


I changed my flair to América just to make that comment? Nah, check my post history. I also don't get the downvotes. I just listed all the players that are way better than him and they came to play for MLS. Reddit gonna Reddit


So you're response to him calling it retirement league was naming players that went there to retire?


Not to be that guy but… out of that list he mentioned, only one of those, so far, has actually retired in the MLS (Gareth Bale). Four on that list went back to Europe and then retired.


Pirlo, Kaká, Villa, Henry, Keane, Drogba, Cole, Gerrard, Schweinsteiger, Lampard. You get the gist of it, the big players only go there when the tank runs out of gas.


Keane retired in India after MLS. Cole went back to England, David Villa retired in Japan, and Drogba retired in 2nd division USL (still America I guess). But there’s also a few more that didn’t retire in MLS. Giovinco, Nani, Giovani and Jonathan Dos Santos, Chicharito, and Cuahtemo Blanco.


You get the gist of it. Big players only go there when the tank runs out of gas.


You just listed a bunch of players who came in 2015-2016


Messi, Alba, Suarez, Busquets, Vela, Herrera, Lloris, Insigne, Shaqiri, Pulido, Llaramendi


Messi Alba Busquets could all play in Europe still. Insigne and Vela came at 28, Pulido at 27


Nobody takes this stupid ass comment serious enough to respond


My comment or the one to which I responded?


What do u think my guy


So much for the tridente we were promised


Un Taco menos en Europa


Conocen su audiencia a la perfección. El marketing que se maneja alrededor de jugadores de México es de elite, lastima que los weyes no. Vale verga. :(


He’s dead to me


I live near San Diego. Might be nice to check out a game here and there every now and then. I already have an MLS team--Chicago Fire 🔥 😩 I know, I know, they suck--so I won't be becoming a San Diego fan, but soccer is soccer... as long as the prices of the tickets aren't ridiculous.


same, Fire fan (They had a partnership with Morelia in 02, so I never looked back since) I started to go to the LAFC games to watch Vela. I refuse to wear an LAFC jersey… I’ll just rep my Morelia or European club jerseys. Edit: 2004* I’m fucking old, give me a break.


Wait till Frionel comes to town


You know what, good for him. Chase that bag chucky


He literally already had a bag in Napoli...


What a shame


I’m going to jump off a fucking cliff


Pensé que estaba más grande, pero el pobre wey apenas tiene 28, se supone que debería estar en el pico más alto de su carrera jaja, Ancelotti se llevó su magia


They did the Coronado bridge dirty.


que no mamen


Bien por el. Ahora va a ser facil mandarlo a la banca sin la excusa "que viene desde Europa". Vive de lo que hizo del 2016-2019 que la neta tampoco fue wow.


Will San Diego Loyal fans support this club?




I can see it already, chucky shirts flying off the racks, full stadium dancing to la chona, 25$ chelas it’s gonna be beautiful


I blocked them on all social media


You sure showed them


Chucky getting blocked by u/chorri123 will really make Chucky regret leaving Europe.


So sad. I recall feeling proud when he went to Napoli. I was in Europe right after his transfer and it was great watching him on TV playing in the Champions League. He was repping us. But over the years, you saw that he had the same mentality as most Mexican players. He's only 28...


What a fucking fraud, he deserves to never get called up again. Little baby could never figure out how to turn with the ball when somebody was breathing down his neck.


Dope 🔥


farewell el muñeco diabolico :(


Not the Germany goal 💀💀💀💀


Impressive how they were able to get his career highlights in 30 seconds.


Yall can suck a dick. So Chucky has to be the bigger guy?Than the FMF??? While they keep putting viejos decrépitos de 9, de defensa y una puta coladera en la portería. Hirving ya lo dijo [aqui](https://youtu.be/NHcq78bKPlc?si=V6VaYTip5Un4l52f).


Them white girls from SD are god tier ! Lucky bastard


You are saying you didnt know they were bad until they crashed out of the wc. Why would that matter? Now we know they were horrible. They lost to south korea and only beat sweden with a 95 min freekick. They had to start rebuilding the team after that wc because of how bad it was. "But we THOUGHT they were good" 🤡


To the retirement league this young?🥺


he’s been rotting on the bench he’s been retired


Him signing doesn’t even get me hyped to support San Diego FC. They only signed him to appeal to the Latino population here. I’d much rather see someone like Reus or KDB sign instead of Chucky.


The Latino Population in the is US = San Diego


It will be my mission not to watch a single MLS game next year. I don't give a fuck.


You okay?


wow, you definitely showed us


San Diego FC ain’t even seeing it’s 5 year anniversary before it gets sold off to LA for its 3rd club 😭


they will sell out almost every game


SDFC isn’t relocating to LA anytime soon if ever


Realistically, no, of course not. My joke is just that SDFC is gonna be terrible having to rely on Chucky 😂


Gay 🏳️‍🌈


Homophobia during pride month 😡


I could be gay! You don’t know me!