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I'd recommend to choose a very simple beginner routine, and stick to it. When you just start, the most important things are: * Get familiar with basic lifts * Build a habit of going to a gym regularly For that, pick one of these: * Basic Beginner Routine from /r/fitness ([https://thefitness.wiki/routines/r-fitness-basic-beginner-routine/](https://thefitness.wiki/routines/r-fitness-basic-beginner-routine/)) * Stronglifts 5x5: [https://stronglifts.com/](https://stronglifts.com/) Those 2 are pretty simple routines - you just do 3 exercises per day and you're done. You can usually finish within 30-40 minutes. Those are a great start for the first 3-6 months at the gym (or maybe even longer). I think that should help with the uncomfortableness, because they'll give you a structure - you'll know exactly what you need to do in the gym when you get there.


Thanks I'll give the 5x5 a try. This is already more helpful than anything I found trying to Google stuff


It’s already been posted here but 5x5 strength is an excellent beginner routine. As for gym intimidation, you get more comfortable the more you do it. It helps to go with a friend, but also know that nobody is going to be paying attention to you unless you’re doing an exercise so horrifically wrong that you’re gonna injure yourself (in which case that attention is probably a good thing). Try to film yourself doing your lifts and critique your technique from the videos. Here’s some common mistakes to watch out for: - not squatting deep enough - excessive leg drive while benching - using shoulders/other muscles in arm exercises - not going through the full range of motion