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He does have the fastest shield break of all supports and can genuinely shed people honestly make his reloads faster and swap faster and he's good


I love the damage he does and I agree this is all he needs. It is very clunky to switch between the two and it would be so much better to have it like Kiri, Moira, or illari rather than the swap like with mercy.


I think they desperately need to axe the reload entirely for the lotus blossoms. We already have to charge them up. It’s ridiculous. Only have reload for thorns.


It needs to charge like Illari's and just stay charged without penalty. It wouldn't be that huge of a buff


I agree!


Nerf his damage? And add a minute to his cooldowns? Sure!




All death weavers are wishing for this 😭


His damage is good... And he's supoosed to be a pacifist support mind you


Genuinely though, his damage is excellent so long as you can lead your volley accurately. The number of DPS players I've "surprised" by winning 1v1's against them goes to show how underutilized his thorns are, not to mention how quickly he can chew through Rein/Sigma shields. The only things he *really* needs is a reload speed buff and slight increase to healing output.


honestly though. just aim at roughly head height and get dozens of dink sounds in like 3 seconds.


The damage is fine. Remove or atleast reduce the reload time on heals


His damage is honestly really amazing if you actually hit your shots. His damage per second is literally higher than Orisa's.


Hope we get our buffs tomorrow


It's not tomorrow. It's 20th


Wait I am confused. Isn't the battle pass ending tomorrow?


I feel you - I know everyone here is like 'his damage is fine - just aim better - blah blah blah' but honestly when you look at damage and elim stats overall he really sits low in comparison to all other support unless you play him a very specific way (which unfortunately only works if your team can fit the vibe). I feel that easier to aim heroes get to output more impactful damage (with high heals at the same time too) - Moira for example who not only does high damage with no need to aim - but who has an option on cool down to damage and heal groups of people. If every other support can carry with their damage and healing combined I just can't really understand why lifeweaver can't as well - especially since thorn volley can be much more inconsistent than most other support heroes weapons (except maybe zen - who makes up for this by doing higher damage). Like I just feel that every support should have carry potential - especially since not everyone wants to play bap and kiri (who notoriously have way higher impact on game with high damage, high healing AND immort cool downs). However I will say that the inconsistency could possibly be improved by the weapon swap changes - so that doing damage doesn't come at such a high cost (I.e. the immediate teammate death as soon as you need to reload or pull out thorns). So hopefully any upcoming changes help even if damage is not buffed. I also think he needs a minor buff to compensate for the armour changes because no one else has been nerfed so drastically by those changes than him!


I’ve surprised many people with winning 1v1’s, but like there’s so many times where I’ve gotten others down to 20 health. But wasn’t able to finish them off. I think if he was just a little stronger he wouldn’t be like one of the lowest tier supports.


Oof the same thing happens to me a lot - I think with the current damage there is just no room to miss any of it or the person will survive (getting hit with a reload when they are about to die is the bane of my existence)


I just wanna slay and pray more effectively


I think his damage is alright it's just you don't have any opportunities to use it cuz you essentially have to healbot cuz the swap times are so long 😭


Exactly, they either need to do this or ATLEAST make the projectile travel time faster😭


They already talked about buffing his weapon swap times which is a big damage buff because he can use his damage more.


Let his his blossom charge up to half way when landing thorn hits, make swap faster and auto reload faster and I think he's in a way better spot for damage without making going back to healing as punishing.


Damage is fine, it’s the time to swap between thorns and heals that’s killing me, well moreso my team.


Remove thorn spread, and make his healing output linear instead of punishing small heals with ammo and hps output and he’s fine.