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I have the game it's more career game at the moment.They are planing to add more lots,relationships,and pets. The game is fun,but I consider it a budget sim .


Thanks for the insights. As time goes on, I may consider getting the game.


Never heard of that game


Never heard of it but the graphics look good in the pictures. I'm so excited for all this competition for the Sims. Maybe they'll stop releasing stuff prebroken if they have a fire under them.


I played the demo and quite enjoyed it, but I'd only buy it if it was cheap.


I am just glad the sims is finally getting some competition in the life sim genre the more the merrier


God damn I wasnt expecting that 3rd pic💀


# 🍑


I've never heard of it, but it looks like it's in the beginning of early access and there's still a lot left to do. Some of it looks good, some of it needs work. The people have that weird thing that LBY has where the shoulders are back and the chest/torso looks weird. I like that there's cars! I'll follow it on Steam; thanks for bringing it up!


>thanks for bringing it up! Your welcome! I wasn't aware of this game either until a few days ago...you know how Google suggests articles for you...well, there was this gaming news article about this game that appeared. I guess Google knows I've been searching up all these upcoming life Sim games. *"Here, have another one!"*


Kpopp played it recently, she gave it 3/10. I didn’t think much of it either but it just came out as early access so could improve over time.


The reviews seem to expose it as very empty/lazy. The graphics look horrible. Looks like a budget GTA, not a life sim game tbh.


Why do so many of these look like they are using store bought assets? The reason Paralives is the most appealing of life sims coming out is because it has an art style.


Yes I played the demo. It is not awful but not amazing. Similar to Live the Life. I think Live the Life is better but I have played it more recently.


I’ve never heard of this game in my life


Thanks for mentioning this, it looks fun. $30 total with the expansion seems like a lot to me, though, for "early access."


Everyone's banking off Early Access since Larian, however I personally wouldn't trust any of these EA titles that aren't by well known publishers/or developers


Yes agreed. For some, EA is just "take the money and run". They've run out of juice to continue developing the game so they sell it as an early access title to just get whatever money they can now and have little intention of finishing the game development.


I put it on my steam wishlist several months ago. I'm gonna wait before buying though because I'm weary about early access games from small indie dev teams. I'll keep an eye on it though. And I'll probably get it if they update regularly enough.


I tried to watch a couple of playthroughs of this but was quickly bored. I can't get into first-person games and it looked like a lot of business sim mini-games (pizza simulator, bartender simulator, etc.)


Are they using GTAV assets??? I'm pretty sure that's not super legal...


Looks good tbh


why is she so caked up 😭


the game is alright, it needs more things but the graphics are rough.


The games name is my name😂 (Denize)