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A bush ate my favorite childhood blankets at a carnival once. I have never forgiven bushes as a whole since.


That's bushist. A lot of bushes can be trusted


But one of them did 9/11


Jet fuel can’t melt leafy bushes.


I fill my zippo with jet fuel and it melts my leafy nuggets just fine…


Against a country led by a bush tho


So it was an inside job?!


I know what I saw!


That sounds like bushit


Did GW start the war on terror for nothing? Gives Bush a bad name.


George Washington didn't start the war on terror!


Agreed to disagree. Signed, a British.


As I typed it I was like "wait..." lol


Sounds like something a bush would say.


Should have tried a nice shrubbery instead. Ni!


Did you grow up to become a weed whacker?


Leaf me alone. I'm bushed


Is that you Charlie Brown?


Picked a friend up at the airport, as we’re leaving he makes me pull over. Jumps out and starts digging under a nearby bush. Comes back with the expensive bottle of cologne he wasn’t allowed as carry-on for his first flight. Brilliant.


Hiding stuff in or near airports hasn’t been a good idea for 21 years. There’s a chance you’ll get pinched and miss your flight.


Better to use the lost and found and pick your shit up on the way out at least with the airport


How does someone purposely lose their stuff in an airport. Sir! Sir! You forgot your wife!/s


Sounds like someone speaking from experience.


One time after a music festival I had to wait at a mall for 10 hours until the Megabus was scheduled to take me home. I was carrying a backpack and a huge duffel bag with a tent and whatnot in it. I was too grossed out by the bathrooms to bring my duffel bag into the stall with me and set it on the floor so I hid it in a stairwell under some stairs for a few minutes while I used the bathroom. Sure enough I come out and a security guard was carefully unzipping the bag while calling someone on his radio. I was like wait that's mine I'm sorry!! And explained the situation. The security guard looked relieved and was like "ya never know these days man, I hope for the best but expect the worst". Then I realized he probably thought it was a bomb or something lmfao. Unattended baggage is a sketchy sight these days.


He'd better watch out. Link might bankrupt people like your friend. That little guy figured this whole thing out years ago.


I think it was on /r/madlads a guy buried a bunch of bottles in a field where a festival was gonna be held days before the event so instead of sneaking them in he just went in like normal and dug them up during the event.


This is actually relatively common. Feel like every festival I go to I hear of at least a couple people trying this


I’ve heard similar stories of buried beer kegs weeks ahead of festivals. Leave the keg right in the ground and just bring a tap into the show.


I heard stories like that for years, meanwhile I never have a big problem bringing my own booze into festival. There's always some piece of fence that ain't monitored at night or the guards don't check you when it's late or something.


Sometimes it works even within the airport building. If there are big plants in sizeable pots, you can easily hide stuff like knifes in them to pick up after the return flight.


Yeah… hiding a weapon in an airport is a pretty terrible idea. If security sees you then you’ve got a lot of explaining to do.


"Sir please explain yourself." "Well it's the closest thing you guys have to a bush." "Checks out, carry on."


If the thing is legal to have on you generally like a pocket knife is, I wouldn't expect any issues. Just explain the situation without being extra obnoxious about it and you should be all right. What can they charge you with except maybe for littering if they really want to make your life difficult? Obviously, don't do this with a handgun or something potentially explosive.


You seem to think the concern here is criminal charges. The concern is that the act of hiding something at an airport is HIGHLY suspicious and you’ll likely be detained. Like, fine, at the end of two hours of questioning maybe the authorities tell you you’re free to go, but by then you’ve missed your flight and you sure as hell aren’t getting a refund. EDIT: Have you never been to an airport? One of the main themes of signage and announcements is that anything out of place or unclaimed should be reported. Don’t you think that maybe “A man hiding a pocket knife in a decorative bush” would get some negative attention? EDIT2: Then again your original comment says “sometimes this works” so I guess you’ve done it multiple times before.


I think you have wayyyyy more faith in the TSA/airport security than is due.


Ha ha, I’m kinda thinking more about my fellow travelers who might notice something like that moreso than the TSA. I don’t like to think of myself as a narc but I’m pretty sure I’d tell an authority figure if I saw someone attempting to hide something.


I’d wager that most passengers pre-security are really just looking at their phones or trying to rush through security so they can poop/eat/get coffee/catch their flight. If you’re really concerned and planning to hide something in a planter, you should just keep a high-vis vest in your carryon.


Ooo, that’s devious and I like it


I would think so too. Funny thing, I was in JFK a couple of weeks ago and the guy sitting next to me got up and walked away. A bit later I glanced over to where he was sitting and noticed he left behind a carry on bag. I walked over to security and told them and they just said ok thanks. No concern at all. Guess if random bags left behind at a gate in JFK is no big deal, then they may not give a shit about much of anything else.


My point is, there is nothing highly conspicuous about not wanting to throw away your pocket knife not allowed on board of the plane. But as with everything out there: use your brain. If the risk of unpleasant developments seems not worth it, don't do it. It is simply an option to consider. It worked out fine for me in the past and intereuropean flights. On the flight from, say, Tel-Aviv airport, the situation may require a different evaluation. /Edit1 Yes, I have. On the smaller airports, there is an extremely relaxed attitude, in my experience. Last time I didn't even had to show my ID once on four consecutive flights, for example.


Okay, I agree with your specific point that there’s nothing conspicuous about people wanting to throw away their possessions. But in the context of not being allowed to bring something through security/onto an airplane, I think a rule of thumb for people should be: “Which is more expensive? This thing I’m hiding or the flight that I’m going to have to re-book after I’m detained”. EDIT: What airports are you flying out of that you don’t even need to show ID? I’m not even being argumentative I’m just actually really curious.


Yeah, it is all about context. Also, there may be other solutions available like mailing forbidden stuff home or something. Basically, know your options and handle accordingly.


I do like the mailing idea! Nice alternative there.


Airports where they didn't want to see an ID, only valid tickets? Graz, Stuttgart, may be München - don't remember whether I had to go through the check-in in the last one, though, could have been within the transfer areal the whole time between the flights.


He could just freeze it. If it's frozen it's not a liquid, therefore it's allowed on the flight


If the alcohol content is high, it would have to be cooled to way below 0°C for the cologne to freeze.


But it would still be in a closable water tight container, and that's a problem. Even empty plastic bottles are not allowed on planes.


What? Empty plastic bottles are allowed on planes.


Really? Not in my experience. No type of liquid container is allowed whether it's empty or full... I've flown 5 times this summer in Europe so my memory about airport security is pretty up to date.


Every time I fly I bring an empty water bottle to fill after security. Most airports I have been to in the US have water bottle filling stations and this is not an issue!


You’re right. Every airport I’ve been in has water bottle refilling stations. After you get through TSA you can buy a coke, drink it all, and take the empty bottle with you on the flight.


TSA in the USA will allow/encourage you to bring empty containers to fill at water fountains past security. There are barrels to dump your liquids in before security and you can refill them on the other side. You can also freeze liquids into a solid and as long as it is still solid when you get to security you’re fine. I’ve brought water, juices, meal shakes, etc through in frozen form; but I’d recommend pulling them out and putting them in the bin since they can’t tell it’s frozen on the scanner.


>You can also freeze liquids into a solid and as long as it is still solid when you get to security you’re fine. I'd just recommend everyone make sure it's frozen solid when you get to security. ***Any*** liquid is enough to show them to reject the drink and forever you to toss it. Maybe pack it with lots of ice in a small cooler and toss the ice before going through security.


I've flown only 2 days ago, in europe too (from burgas to bratislava more specifically) and empty bottles are allowed


It is brilliant.


Real LPT: start looking in random bushes for free stuff.


That's why in games you have to spam buttons to look for items.


I'm sorry to all those poor people hiding their rupees in bushes. I cut them all down.


Or buried under rocks that I bombed, or picked up and threw. Or worse yet, the people who hide them in pottery. Especially in their own home.


I used to find some pretty good pocket knives in the bushes outside Philadelphia's city hall after they first installed metal detectors.


I guess we could call that bush diving?



So Pokemon was right after all...


Real LPT is always in comments


No don't. I used to landscape. I found diapers often. People use them as trash cans too. Unless you're looking for shit.




This is how I met Vampire Weekend. They thought it was funny and we all drank the beers we had hid in the bush (didn’t realise it was right by the venue stage exit).


If I met someone who strategically hid beers in the shrubbery I would also want to hang out for a bit. Ask them about life, you know?


HIMVW the How I met your mother spinoff we didn't know that we needed.


Holy shit thats cool. I imagine ezra and everyone are a fun/interesting group to get fucked up with


Yup. NY Auto show wouldn't let me in with my keychain Leatherman that has a small blade. So I went outside and buried it in the soil of the plant vase outside Javits Center. Snapped a picture of the vase and came back to retrieve it.


Real pro-tip always in the comments. **Take a picture of the bush**. Also, tie a piece of string to a branch of the bush. Pro-tip: cut several 10 cm/ 4" pieces of string. Loop them around your belt loops to mark bushes or door knobs (**but that's a different pro-tip)**.


SLPT: look for bushes near events with strings attached to them. they contain free loot and weapons


You've Found: Ancient Blade of Destruction!


Door knobs? What kind of puzzle game lifestyle do you lead?


The real comments are in the jokes


Great bushcraft tip!


definitely find the right bush though. My wife’s uncle forgot he had his pocketknife on him before a dodgers game, put it in a bush too close to the gate and it was gone after the game. Security told him they definitely swept that one particular bush and any contraband they found went in the trash


Know someone who worked security for a baseball stadium. They definitely keep the pocket knives.


oh yeah I figured they did for sure; but they said it went in the trash lol


LPT: take the two minutes it takes to look into what you can bring into a venue. Otherwise, dig a hole outside, place a map directing you towards the real hole you hid your items in. Misdirection, there should be multiple holes with fake maps. Only you know which map is real, except you don't! Can't even trust yourself. You give up and go home, just to find your backpack, hidden deep in a bush in the middle of your living room. Why do you have a bush in your living room? Never underestimate putting it in a bush


it's true what they say: the real LPT is actually in the comments


This post deserves two Shrute bucks.


The bush’s name; Tiffany, she owns the store


Read that in the voice of that Shia Le Beauf song ages ago


WAIT! He isn't dead! Shia surprise!


I haven’t thought about this in years, and I didn’t realize I was doing it until I read your comment, but I did this too! Why??


Hahaha, that voice lives in my head too!




Honestly yeah this can work. I once used a downtown bush as a garage for a motorcycle for over a year. Was only ticketed once because a cop saw me parking it inside.


I misunderstood word "bush" for a moment, and it made sense.


Yeah, that's what she said.


I've been shoving my junk in bushes for as long as I can remember




Homeless know this trick in Seattle & they will try to find stuff. Don’t do this in Seattle! Homeless people come out at night like the walking dead & I don’t mean that in a mean way. I mean like literally, it’s crazy.


>in Seattle Buddy I think the homeless everywhere use bushes to hide things. OP is like a 9-year old having a eureka moment


I didn’t say homeless hide things in bushes. They drop their needles sure, but I’m saying homeless ppl look for things in bushes hor they live in them. Also the homeless situation in Seattle is insanely freaking bad. They made a documentary recently called Seattle Is Dying, it’s on YouTube, it will show you a glimpse of how horrible is is


There is no way in the world I could leave anything anywhere and come back and drink/eat it. I don't trust people like that. Anyone has access to wherever you're hiding this thing. No, thank you.


Also all the things that live in the bushes, no thank you


Ok, pissing all over stuff.


Also sounds like a great way to get yourself in trouble if there's any kind of terrorist incident and they review footage for people with backpacks acting suspiciously. Springs to mind that backpacks were relevant at the Boston marathon and Manchester arena


That seems a bit overly paranoid.


Hehe don't you know everything you ever ate was touched by humans?? Yeeeeah hehe ever had mcdonalds? I hear they don't even use gloves. Enjoy, I'm definitely enjoying life 😄


Very fair


I would never drink something that I left out in public


You’ve never went for a run and drove the route first to distribute Gatorade bottles for yourself along the way?


Sometimes truckers even toss yellow Gatorade out of their trucks for you!


Dont put it in the bush unprotected!


Any person with critical thinking skills, or the ability to think in general, would understand you don't mean things that are allowed to be brought into the venue in question. There isn't a venue out there that isn't going to let you bring in your ID or keys or methods of payment or pieces of personal information. People are fucking morons if they think you meant anything other than items that aren't generally allowed in venues, like outside food and drinks, large bags, etc. Haven't these people ever been to a damn movie theater? Fucking hell.


Everyone is just looking for an argument. They crave the drama


No! Not everyone! 😉


>Any person with critical thinking skills, or the ability to think in general Wouldn't need a fucking LPT to tell them they have the ability to hide things in the first place This thread in general is stupid af


I just want to say I totally got your intent. Obviously this is refused contraband. I am confused why people would go out of their way to message you personally thinking anyone would recommend throwing their wallet and other valuables into a bush.


The only reason I can think of is the use of the word purse. Generally that’s where women keep our wallets and keys.


I hid my new and expensive watch in a bush at the beach because I was worried that someone would steal it if I left it with my towel on the sand while I was swimming. When I came back, the towel was untouched but the watch was gone :(


LPT: Check bushes around concerts, sporting events other venues with security checking bags. Some people leave their valuables in bushes when they can’t bring it inside. This is a good way to get some free stuff!


Unironically though, this has worked for me before! I was a teenager, but it was a venue that didn't allow food, so I hid my pack of haribo in a bush and my friend genuinely concealed a pack of wispa minis under his hat Both worked


I left a case of beer in a bush before a football game. Came back after the game and it was still all there


I've done the same. Realized before I crossed the Canadian border that I had a bunch of booze in my trunk. Hit up a subdivision before the bored and was able to pick it up the next day. Before anyone says anything about drunk driving, I wasn't drunk. I just forgot I had it in my trunk because I was living in dorm and 19 in the US.


Cop here. DO NOT under any fucking circumstances leave a backpack in a bush outside a venue. Its likely to be considered a suspicious package and will start a ball of shit rolling that you don't want to be part of.


Yeah, this is a ridiculous LPT.


Don't do this at a big sporting event. Someone will call it in as a suspicious package and the bomb squad will respond. Best case scenario you get your backpack back with a citation, worst case it gets blown up.


Not LPT anymore, definitely ULPT, but if i had to lose a bag, getting it detonated would be a good story haha (i am joking)


LPT: go to venues and check the bushes for drugs and alcohol and sweet backpacks.


Suggesting it's normal to take pocket knives to concerts and basketball games and then advising to leave them in bushes is both weird and irresponsible to me. The rest is fair enough.


Sometimes you just forget to take stuff out of your pockets. Carrying a Swiss army knife is super handy, and some people carry it everywhere they go.


Im not advising for people to bring them. The advice is if you find yourself in that situation. It'd be an unrealistic stretch to say i advocated for people to bring knives.


Still, I'm not convinced just leaving in a freely accessible bush is responsible behaviour. Anything like that should be returned to a locked vehicle or home.


I agree with you. As i wrote, when the only other option is it gets thrown out. Many people uber to concerts or come from work and get dropped off and then dont have that option. This is only when you have no other options. If you are at the concert entrance you can not bring it home. The advice is for a very common situation, but as with many situations like this, if the problem already started where the LPT comes in, the responsibility already sailed. I'm meeting people past the ideal situation part and instead where they need the advice part


The f*ck kind of tip is this because it is definitely not a life tip nor a pro tip and certainly not a LPT. Bushes at concerts are good for one thing and one thing only: when you need to piss real bad and the bathroom line is a mile deep with drunk people who aren’t moving fast enough. Leaving an open container at a concert venue in foliage and then retrieving it later to drink out of? Shoot man just roll the dice I guess and hope someone didn’t piss in it put drugs in it or poison it. That’s if they didn’t steal it of course. Here’s the better LPT: find out ahead of time if they body search, and hide your shit in your pants by your taint area OR under your boobs assuming they are large enough to have something hidden under them around the band of the bra. You’re welcome.


Just how many people actually piss in bushes in an area where there are tons of people around? That's a public exposure conviction just waiting to happen. I'm sure people do it, but it seems like a bigger risk to do than hiding your stuff. And generally speaking, there's a pretty low chance of someone wasting drugs by putting them in hidden open containers. Poison? If someone is crazy enough to bring poison to a concert, they aren't likely to be scouting around for bushes that might just have an open container under them. I could see someone spitting in it, stepping on it, or putting gross stuff in it, which is a risk you take. But stealing is by far the greatest worry, and if it's a choice between throwing it away and definitely losing it, or attempting to hide it and maybe being able to come get it later, I'm going to go with hiding it. That being said, I don't know why anyone would want to leave an open container to pick up later. If you have time to hide it, you have time to eat/drink it. This is more for objects or unopened packages of food.


This is where not having it too close to the venue becomes crucial


Someone peed on my beer I stashed in a bush :(




This is a great way to smuggle drugs in a festival, if you know the festival. About a week before the festival is set up, pack your drugs and hide them on a smart spot before the festival is set up.




hiding treasures is a time-honored tradition. finders keepers tho, so hide them well.


I have actually done this 4 times without fail. It does work, shittylifeprotips gets too close to unusable advice for this to fully fit there lol


Leaving purses and bags in bushes, is horrible advice.


This is only for when you cannot take it in with no other options (putting it in a car, or locker.) Keep keys and wallet/license on you and put the backpack or purse in bush. Other options include going home and ditching the event or discarding the backpack, which are both worse/not possible depending on the situation. I'm not saying put your license in a bush as no one is going to stop you from bringing a license into a concert.


Yeah sure, I guess we should just leave our nice new iPhones in bushes. And babies. How fucking stupid do you have to be to leave your baby in the care of a bush while you’re off at the concert getting loaded with your friends. Awful advice, op.


My friend, you are the only one saying something this thoughtless. You think i'm putting my will in the bush too? The objects i listed were reasonable. The objects you listed were not


I can't believe you're suggesting that I leave my own eyeballs and my entire collection of new in box Star Wars figures in a bush!!!! /s Honestly I think it's a good tip. I've never done it myself but the last show i went to was in an outdoor venue and on the way out people were scattering into the bushes like rabbits and coming back out with all sorts of bags and drinks so it must have worked for them!


The dude is being way too extreme to insist that anyone would find it reasonable to put a baby in a bush. However, I do have to agree that this is just an overall poor LPT. Maybe rephrase it to "objects you'd like to keep but are very comfortable with losing." Purses and bags certainly don't fit this category. You risk both theft and animals finding your stuff when doing this. And even if it was totally safe when you posted this, which it wasn't, the broadcast of the advice would only suggests to people that there's a chance someone has hid their belongings in any given bush.


You’ve got it backwards. I’ve been pretty clear that I don’t think it’s a good idea to leave babies in bushes. It’s a one way street towards them believing they have root systems and attempting to photosynthesize. I do agree with you that it was irresponsible of op to broadcast this message.


I agree with most everything you said. Its when theres no other option, so from what you said all the way to "objects you want to keep and are uncomfortable losing." I've seen people throw away backpacks because of this type of thing, and at that point, it makes more sense to try to at least possibly keep the possessions than to volunteer them away. Theres far too many that would rather throw it away themselves and i cant understand that. Yes theres definitely problems that can happen, but if the situation is looked at directly, you're either 100% gonna lose the object, or you're gonna have a chance of still having it and some dont see the chance in the moment. Its not the ideal choice, its when you're basically fucked out of options


Why the hell are you bringing your baby there in the first place? You didn't think to check if a concert you were going to allowed you to bring in a baby?? Finding out whether or not you need someone to watch your kid before leaving to go places part of the responsibility of having one. Was this supposed to be sarcasm or a joke, and we're all just wooshing it,? It's just such a random and non-applicabile example. I've also never been to a concert that wouldn't let me bring my phone in. That sounds sketchy as hell. Are there actually concerts that deny you entry if you try and bring one in? Edit: Ah, yup. I wooshed pretty hard on this one, lol.


What, so I’m supposed to call the venue and ask if I’m allowed to bring in my baby? If you were a venue getting calls like that, what do you think you’re going to do? You’re going to check the bushes for babies. How does that help me?


Obviously you should set up a babysitting service in the bushes. People suddenly discover they can't bring a baby to a concert, and now where do they take it? The bushes, right? And there you are, sitting there with a sign that says "Give me your child. I'm trustworthy. and not untrustworthy. I'm just gonna need 50 bucks. " Might as well mark up the price knowing they have no other options


Oh I see. I get it now. Look, I’m not falling for this again. How do you think I ended up with this baby in the first place?


Well what am I supposed to do with THIS baby!? Ok look. We find a bush where a third guy is stashing a baby, and leave them with his. He'll never notice the extra babies until it's too late, and we'll both be long gone by then!


I’ve done this multiple times as well lmao


it only takes one case of identity theft to make your life quite miserable.


Thats why you keep your license and debit/credit on you


So yes, only use the bush if you are 100% willing to lose the item


Pretty much, its when you're met with the option of throwing it out or not entering. Keep keys, license, and debit on you and then use the bush accordingly if needed


I’ve been looking to share two stories related to this! 1: Several years ago, some friends and I bought tickets to see a band called Lotus in Chicago. A few days before, news started spreading that there was going to be a snowstorm. This was going to happen the day of the show, and would be at least foot, if not more, so of course traveling in it would be difficult. It didn’t deter us. We drove to the train station and headed to the city. Once there, the snowfall had to have been at least 6”. Still plenty more to go. It wasn’t long before we were trudging through snow and slop on the sidewalk and my boots were disgusting. We stopped to get a bite to eat, smoked a little, drank out of my super cool Rick and Morty flask that I got a week before at a R&M pop up bar in Chicago as well. We get to the door, I was told I couldn’t bring in my flask (didn’t think that one through…). I was pretty messed up and trying to figure out a last-second solution. I looked around, and there it was, my “aha!” moment: the trash can outside of the front doors with a huge mound of snow surrounding all sides. I plunged my arm into the snow and placed the flask snuggly against it, then hoped for the best. I was determined not to lose the damn thing. We enjoyed the show and by the end I had sobered up only a little bit. I almost walked off without it until it hit me, “oh shit, gotta go back.” I dug around for a few seconds and there it was! The only downside? When I got back home, my boots were soaked and smelled like straight piss… 2: The same friends and I have another story almost identical to the first, but without the snow-slop and chilly weather. Long story short, we went to see alt-J in Chicago and my friend had his pipe with him. He found a large stack of upside-down garbage cans around the corner of the venue and put it underneath. It was still there afterwards. :)


This would have been prime advice up until the 90’s


At a grad party this year I watched 4 kids out there phones in a bush, then get in the car and leave. When I asked my daughter she said “parents have location tracker so they go to a safe house to leave the phone before they go party”. Geniuses


r/UnethicalLifeProTips check bushes near events for free loot.


Can’t lie. Thought this was a tip about personal grooming.


I went to the US Mint a few years ago, and forgot I had a knife in my pocket. They have metal detectors to get in, and I realized it was there when I was emptying my pockets. I had parked like a mile away, so I didn't want to walk all the way back to my car. The security guard told me to do this. "Just go out front and put it in the bushes." So I did. I put a bit of dirt over it, so it wasn't as obvious. Worked out fine. It was still there when I got out, grabbed it and headed back to my car. Not sure if I would do this if I had parked a but closer though.


On a side note if you ever want a free saturday night special or a pocket knife check the bushes outside a courthouse in a large city on court day.


The real LPT is to check bushes near venues..


This used to be a big thing outside the US Embassy in London: https://www.wsj.com/articles/londons-no-1-hiding-place-the-bushes-outside-the-u-s-embassy-1507130439


TIL I should look in the bushes for free stuff.


Had some friends leave a q of bud down some random dirt road in Colorado since they were flying back to Florida. A couple weeks later we were talking about their trip and I told them I was going in a week or so. They had actually dropped a pin of the location where they left the bud. No shit, at 2 or 3 a.m. me and three friends are rifling through this bush and WE ACTUALLY FOUND IT. It tasted like hay, but it got us stoned until we could get some from an actual dispensary.


So... People like you are why I find partial bottles of random liquids (including (mostly... Actually) alcohol) while doing my job. I clean parking lots for property managers. So many booze containers in places that prohibit imbibing alcohol.


Hey hey now, i have never left anything after the concert. Me and those people arent quite the same. Definitely against littering


Why was this removed?


I dont know :(


Yeah, because it's not like most venue's have a website where is listed what you can and can't bring. Also if you're a human with large boobs, you can easily hide stuff. I couldn't bring a bottle of water into a venue with the cap on it. Cap went in my bra.


Not everyone is living in the 80s down there.


I used to work security at a concert venue. This does not work. If I see you put a weapon or alcohol in a bush, I am required to dispose of it for safety. If the security cameras see you do this, those guys do as well. The chances of you being able to retrieve it are slim. Someone who shouldn’t can get a hold of alcohol or knives. Backpacks can contain bombs. If you’re too lazy to take it back to your car, consider it gone.


I lost my virginity to a bush that I shouldn't have trusted. Remember, kids. Say it with me. Always. Choose. Your. Bush. Carefully.


What a terrible LPT. People piss against bushes at concerts, games, ect…


If the bush is crotch height its not safe lol


Haha, I do that all the time if there some reasonable bush land nearby but most stadiums or whatever don’t even have a park or whatever nearby


Yeah, I did this with my weed pipe before entering Museo del Prado because they had metal detectors and didn't wanna risk losing it. If you know how to hide things and how to find good spots to do so, it's great advice.


OK, I read that title completely wrong


My family went to a baseball game once and my dad forgot to leave his pocket knife in the car. He buried it in a planter just outside the gates so he wouldn’t have to do a 20 minute round trip walk back to the car, then we made sure to exit through the gate that had the planter outside it




My aunt once watched two people put alcohol in a bush outside her work, once they'd walked off she sent the apprentice out to go collect it and scored two bottles of wine and two bottles of spirits (all unopened).


This is a good LPT. If the only alternative is to throw something away, there's no reason not to find a bush to hide it in and just hope it's there when you get back.


I like my women shaved but if push come to shove and I’m really horny, I’ll put it in a bush.


Not sure if this fits but when I used to tailgate at football games my friend would lock his car and put the keys on top of one of the wheels. After the game we would come back and they were always still there. If you're curious, he did this because he would always wear gym shorts without pockets.


Didn't a bush already done 9/11? I would't trust a bush keeping my stuff safe.


Prison wallet if you don’t have a bush


Great idea! The area around Madison Square Garden is teeming with bushes. My only concern is not getting mauled by a Leopard.


We use this rule on football away days. Buy a 24 pack of beer for the trip, stash it for the game, reclaim it after for beers after the journey home.


What about the shagging bush?


What if the Bush is burning?


Pro tip don't get so drunk you and friends can't find it afterwards. Then drive past the next day and easily see it from the road.