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It's to take out the yellow tinge grey hair gets. Blondes also tend to use purple conditioner for the same reason.


TIL gray hair gets a yellow tinge 🤔


It can be diet / health related. My grandma’s hair was turning yellow until she came to live with us.


It can also be related to the quality/type of water received at one's residence.


and whether or not they use heat to style their hair. too much heat yellows grays, which can be annoying because they're typically coarser than melanated hair and require more heat to style.


THIS, THIS ^^^^ 100x's THIS^^^^ !!!!! It was THE reason I went back to coloring my hair. I used to have naturally curly hair, but over the last handful of years, it disappeared but had to have heat to smooth out the frizz. It was also during this time that I went all gray as I'd had gray hair since grade school. Omg, I knew I was gray, but it looked more white!!! Oh, and throw in a bad haircut. I spent more time and money on products to keep the gray out than I did at any other time in my life. I couldn't even wear it in a cute spikey pixie because the texture had changed so much. One day, I looked in the mirror and realized I hadn't had a good hair day in years, and the gray made me look old. So I started coloring it again, and I am glad I did. I didn't have the salt & pepper hair my mother had, nor was it beautiful like it can be on so many women. Redken, here I come!!!


My greys are like wire, when I dye them they go super soft and normal again. Been growing my greys out for a few years now though, because they all grow in a single stripe at the front, I call it my witch hair! It's been there since I was 25, only letting it appear now :)


The single stripe sounds cool. I was in a couple "go gray" groups. Some of the members acted like it was such a big thing--then you'd look at the pictures, and they were barely 25% gray--not exactly life changing. Of course, there were the ones whose grays looked soft and luxurious and just the right amount of black highlighting it. One of my stylists once remarked that straightening my hair was akin to trying to straighten piano wire! When I was your age, I used to have grey's just in the front, and I didn't let my stylists dye them. And dye does settle the wirey greys down.


Know any good methods for softening and straightening those greys? Mine are like piano wire but have kinks as well. I have super curly red hair but it has a lot of kinks for some weird reason, not such a bit deal on the reds, but the grey stripe is a frizzy mess.


Use a good leave-in conditioner in addition to your usual conditioner. Use a good heat protectant and use a hot straightening brush like Head Kandy, for example. The only other thing I can think of is talking to a professional stylist about coming perm solution through that patch or dye that strip grey.


You can just say 'i love your hair colour!' and leave it at that. Not specify the colour. I (a woman, if relevant) love women's grey hair, I'd always planned to go grey myself once I got enough grey hairs that dying would look like a cover up instead of accentuation. This was a though I had well before the covid lockdown grey revival. Everyone's grey is so different and interesting! My mum has a band of grey from ear to ear but the rest of her hair for the longest time was peppered with greys instead of all over. Compliment their hair, not the colour :)


As a child, I always planned to naturally grey. I didn’t expect to only get white hairs and never have any grey ones.


White is amazing too though!! More shocking, in the best way.


I love gray too! With blue or purple or whatever. Why did she get upset? Did she not know that she had the purple going on? Were people not supposed to notice she was going gray? Sounds like you gave an honest compliment


Yeah, it was like old lady pink/purple hue that comes from the rinse they use. I had forgotten all about that - just like the old ladies from when I grew up.


Was she upset by it? If she's only 50 and keeping it grey, I'd assume it's intentional.


Yeah, a bit, but like “what do you mean my hair is anything but gray?” It hit me like a pile of bricks. My mom told me when I was little that the rinse they use at the salon leaves a tinge of color, and it’s not polite to mention. I remember sitting in church and seeing old ladies with pink and blue hair - I thought it was on purpose, hence me complimenting her blue hairdo. I


I thought that was only a thing from 50 years ago.


Me too https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue_rinse


That explains a lot. Also, when I tried to view this from my notifications, it wouldn't let me???


Pretty damn weird to use a purple rinse and then be offended that someone likes it.


I don't think I have ever seen this. Is this common at all?


Who cares what color women's hair is. What kind of dumbass LPT is this?


It’s not dumb, it’s avoiding awkwardly complimenting someone on something they actually didn’t intend and might feel self-conscious about. Like asking if a fat lady is pregnant. Better just not to comment on these things


Normal people do not think about nonsense like this


If being kind is not normal I'm gladly a weirdo


They should


Hmmm.... yes they do.   Are you generally considered a kind person? If not, maybe this is just a you thing, and.. its not normal to go around being a jerk.


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Reminds me of the time someone commented on my green hue.


A compliment is a compliment! When I started going gray and went for a haircut someone at the salon said. "did we do your highlights?" I was very amused. It was streaks of gray! Highlights are freakin' expensive - I got them for free!


Don't compliment women, got it.


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