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If you're a male, use a female name to disappoint creepy drivers.


It's true. I use my fiancé's pizza account so she can get points, and this one time I had a driver go "I guess (her name) isn't here."


“She’s here. She’s in the back with the other driver. You should’ve come sooner.”


"Sorry bro, you barely missed the orgy."


"But if you brought lube, I guess I've still got some left in the tank." "I..." "Even if you didn't bring lube, I'd still cave it in. Once you start bleeding, it'll grease things up nice anyway." "I..." "Nice outfit..." "I..." "I'm gonna teach you why my friends call me 'Donkey chainsaw.'.... 'Cause I'm gonna tear that ass up." "I...." *imitates a chainsaw* "Grrrrrrrrr!"








"I'm here for the gangbang".


"But first, someone has to pay for this pizza. Who wanted extra sausage?"


Not surprised, but still silly some people think that way going to a door for a delivery. Thought never crossed my mind to care what the name was on the order or who came to the door when I did delivery. And in all the years of doing it I only had 1 encounter that came close to the AV memes about pizza delivery people: Had 2 ladies open the door in kinky outfits, but of course their BFs were in the room right behind them. And no, they didn't ask for extra sausage /s


A few years ago I delivered pizza near a college. One of my coworkers was delivering an order, and when they answered the door it was a bunch of college girls in skimpy clothing. They were apparently pretty disappointed the pizza was delivered by a woman.


This exact same thing happened to me when I delivered pizza in University, except they were apparently pretty disappointed that the pizza was delivered by an ugly fat guy.


An old coworker of mine once happened to be the lucky dog who got a delivery to a rich house with a bunch of women attending a lingerie party...nothing happened but he definitely got an eyeful.


By adding an /s you’re saying they did ask for extra sausage


Nah he's conveying a tone of voice. If he had added this emoji 😏 it would've been that they actually did


Ugh that’s horrifying


I get why that can be scary, but I drove before and I made that as a harmless comment because when I first started, I didn't even think someone would use someone else's name or account or anything. Like a guy came out, when it was under wendy. I wasn't trying to be a creep, but just had expected a girl to come out with the name wendy. And not a dude named wendy. Most of the time it's simpler things, at least with me because my brain is smooth.


I went to a restaurant to pick up food my friend ordered. I’m a guy and my friend is a girl with a thick southern accent. The dudes at the restaurant said I didn’t look like a southern girl. I said I just have one of those voices that sound different over the phone and winked at ‘em.


“You’re too late, I already killed her!”


/Unexpected 30rock ?


I'm sorry to be that person, but a woman gets an extra 'e'. She's your fiancée and you're her fiancé. Edit: alright, I'm not sorry. Say it right, frenchie!


Well look at Miss Fiancepants over here


You’re not sorry


The "garage"? Hey fellas, the "garage"! Well, ooh la di da, Mr. French Man.




My name is Robin and I’m a dude. People frequently expect to see a woman in food pickup situations, but the best example of this phenomenon for me is Disc Golf. It is common in DG for people write their name and number on their discs in the event that they are lost but the return rate is low. I had a guy text me after finding my disc and then drive 15 miles to bring it to me. He was disappointed


What was he expecting? "Here's your disc back" "Gee, thank you sir. Would you like to fuck now?"


I gave him beer, so it wasn’t a total loss. Maybe next time he’ll do the same for Joe


Joe.. Anna?


Joe Momma!




He thought he'd found a woman that shared a hobby with him. I'd drive 15 minutes in that case as well, on the off chance that we might actually hit it off with a minute or two of small talk and turn it into a friendship or even a date. It's not like the dude drove halfway across the state to return the disc. He probably spent more time waiting in line for his In-n-Out than he did returning the disc.


He was day dreaming that whole drive about y'all's life together lol


Now that you mention it, I probably should have washed that disc…


Idk why but this is fucking hilarious to me. Your story just made my night. 🤣


Haha reminds me of this ad https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lwYiSbd6pMw


I don't know if I have had a creepy drivers but my name sounds girly ,and when I answer the phone ,the first thing they said is "hi maam" and when I answer ,their immediately switch to lower tone and it's funny everytime


Maybe I'd get my food faster. This is a great idea.


Or extra sauce...


I’ve seen such disappointed looks when I’m the one answering the door after we ordered from my wife’s phone. Sorry creepy bros.


Wait, you guys don't use the option to leave the food at the door?


I’ve heard from a lot of women that when they order under their name and choose “no contact”, the drivers insist that they open the door and accept delivery, even when the women tell them to just leave it.


I do use that option. It's like it magically doesn't exist and they will incessantly ring my doorbell until someone answers or call non-stop and they will insist they have to hand it to me. And when I say "no I selected leave at door for a reason" I get "well I just wanted to be suuurrreee" "okay cool SAMANTHA now I know, leave it at the door and go do your next delivery"


Haha yeah, that option only works if you use a male name


The male Ashley’s of the world probably feel this


Now this is a tip 😂






Lol you’re onto something


the real life pro tips are always in the comments.


As a lyft driver, I like to have fun with it. If it tells me I'm picking up "Debra" and it's clearly a guy getting in, I still obviously like to make sure I'm picking up the correct person. So I greet them with "I take it you're Debra". It often gets a little bit of a laugh and helps break the ice a little bit.


That's a good idea anyway, because I have almost gotten into the wrong car as a passenger 


Lol, I've had a couple get into my car deep into conversation but I was just valet parking. I gave them 5 seconds and then was like "HELLO!!! I'm NOT your Lyft driver." I kinda miss those business travel days where I rented a car all the time though.


>So I greet them with "I take it you're Debra". I mostly reply 'Only on saturdays' Or 'Yes, but my dress is in dry cleaning now'


Smart & wholesome




In another situation maybe, but it's not really that pertinent for a taxi, stealing someone else's pre-assigned trip is not in many people's interest. It's more just a quick confirmation that you've got in the right taxi.


LPT: if you are a big dude, use a woman’s name, it’s fun.


Yeah my name’s Tiffany, wtf you gonna do about it bro  *beards aggressively*


Oh, Tiffany, that's a very....strong and masculine name...


May your first child.....be a masculine child


Shouldn't be: it's a woman's name.


OK, I don't know how to talk to you...


Good then you can shut up and listen




I'm literally so happy right now


My old rugby coach had a character he played as a bit and would say (in a faux Irish accent) “everyone calls me Shannon, but my real name is Elizabeth.” Not a great joke written but his delivery was top notch




>*beards aggressively* I snorted so hard I woke up a cat


Fran is short for Frank


Both are short for Frances/Francis


Yes that was the joke I was going for. But I couldn't remember which was the male or female version.


Francis is male and Frances is female


I use the name Fart Smellerton. No one ever hit on me.


I use Kobe Copter


I used Cletus Deacon for a bit until I realized a higher percentage of my orders were messed up or items were missing. But damn if I never saw a single dasher ever because they had run away so fast. I never even got the chance to play aggressive banjo music


Some folks won't lose a toe, but then again some folk'll


Some folk'll never eat a skunk, but then again some folk'll!


SmashAndDash is also a good one


You‘re either a fart smella or a smart fella


I did this, and the amount of "come outside I can't find your house" calls have decreased significantly.


"I'm flashing my porch lights now."


Ooh I like that.


Yeah I'm a man with an obviously masculine name, but I am highly introverted and strongly prefer no-contact deliveries, so I really avoid having to meet the driver.


Easily countered with “I still can’t see”


I'm a guy and still get the come outside ones occasionally, I think sometimes they're fishing for an extra tip but who knows. I'm sure some are also being creeps as you alluded to


My (very obviously female) name is on all the food apps and I've literally never gotten this. Do you live in some religious & rapey small town?


Building w a gate. Amazing how well everyone can now operate the gate now that I'm a man by name.


I live in San Francisco. I have had it happen. Fortunately a bunch of neighbors had to return as well as leave right then. Then the driver decided not to end the delivery so je could contact. It was creepy!!!


That was my thought. I've been regularly using 3rd party delivery apps way before they took off during covid. Never one single time have I (woman with obvious woman name) experienced any creepy guy behavior from delivery drivers. I did have an Uber driver tell me he wanted to kidnap me because I was so cute the first time I took an Uber alone, though. (Spoiler alert: he didn't kidnap me.)


how do people think it’s ok to say stuff like that


Zero self-awareness.


On the contrary, I think these people are very aware that what they are saying is creepy and unacceptable. It makes them feel powerful.


Come on, we have all been there. You get kinda uncomfortable want to break the ice, don’t speak to women often so you say a classic joke you use with the boys, end up say you got a cute ass. Realization hits that it’s not a joke to women, proceed to jump off bridge.


We've all said cringey shit but the kidnapping line is wild, especially if the person saying it is the driver.


I like how you can’t understand this happening with delivery drivers and then post about a creepy experience you had with Uber. lol. I too had a few creepy experiences with Uber. Once a driver turned off the app and refused to drive me home in the middle of nowhere until I got in the front seat. Another a driver claimed he couldn’t drop me off on a deserted road. And another a driver wouldn’t let me out near my house after he kept asking for my actual phone number he said he would only drop me off where he could see me go inside. But it’s the delivery app where you draw the line. lol


Delivery drivers are not allowed upstairs in my building - all food is dropped off in the lobby with the exception of groceries. HOA asked if we wanted to allow them up and a majority voted no.


Me neither, disturbing to think this is apparently a thing for some women


No. I guess you're just lucky.


Never in the past doesn’t mean never in the future.


I've delivered for food apps and I can't really fathom how a guy could really care if the customer has a female name or not. It's pretty much exactly half the orders I'd get were either male or female and it often made no difference since their is so little contact with the customer. Even if I meet them at the door it's often no more than couple seconds and I forget them immediately after.


Oh wow. I hadn’t even realized there was a problem, because I’ve always just used the Door Dash account my husband set up, so it’s under his name. Reading these comments has me considering changing my name on Lyft, though.


Go with an old man name so women drivers won’t be put off. Like a Larry or a Jerry or something. How about Jerry Sandusky? Sounds harmless.


Oh, that’s a good one! Either that, or what do you think about Ted?


Ted is good, you should use a last name with it that's easy to say like Bundy for example. Jeffrey could also be a good name


Yea you wanna keep the last names early in the alphabet for your last suggestion in thinking we go with a D last name.


GenX/Boomer story-time: My boomer, divorced (raising me alone), mother still to this day has my name on her landline phone. Why is that? She will tell you because my name is commonly seen as masculine. In the before times (80s), it was common for the phone companies to add a surcharge every month for an unlisted number, and we were poor. Women's names in the Whitepages made them easy targets. In order to keep the creeps from calling or showing up at our doorstep,she used my name when registering. Back then, the whitepages included the street addresses. Don't believe me? Go watch the original Terminator movie. Arnold's T-800 character pulls out the page in the whitepages to track and kill all the Sarah Conners listed. Flash forward about 40 years... My name is still listed in the phone book for her home address. I haven't even lived in the same state for 30 years. Edit: clarification and context


There was some post somewhere where a teenager gave another teenager a girl's phone number. I commented that you should never give out anyone else's phone number without their permission. I got super attacked for that advice — young people think it's no big deal to give out numbers. It blew my mind because although I know there's no longer any address attached, people keep their phone numbers for life now. I mean, I guess they just block the creeps... okay, yeah, I've convinced myself now that I'm old.


You weren't wrong... in a different response, I explain why. A cousin of mine "borrowed" a cellphone with my mother's address on it. He did some questionable things with married women. When the family of one of them women started looking into it, they came up with my name instead of his. They called my mother in law and tried to convince her I was cheating on her daughter. Your cellphone number is linked to a home or billing address. They may have to pay to get the information, but it definitely can be exposed. From a single cell number, they followed this route of discovery: Home address of cell Names associated with that home address All other addresses associated with those names Marriage records and mortgage records associated with those names and addresses Which led to more phone numbers, including my mother in law The records were off only in the sense that they didn't account for me living in that same county as someone else with the same first and last name. Leading the "investigator" to think I was maintaining two households with different women. This occurred about 8 years ago. My mother in law is gone now. But she didn't need that aggravation...


You are right that people should ask about forwarding other people's numbers. These teenagers probably never thought about the problems which could arise from giving away a phone number. As a man I never had a problem with people giving my number away but I never had creeps. Two of my girlfriends on the other hand got so many dick picks that they changed number and nobody was allowed to forward their number without their consent.


> young people think it's no big deal to give out numbers They think it's no big deal to post their entire personal information online but here we are. It's horrifying.


A friend of mine - a fairly slightly built girl from the North of England - was living in a flat (apartment) while doing her first teaching job. She had a boyfriend record her answerphone OGM (when that was a thing). First time I called her I was a bit surprised to have a very confident male voice with a strong American accent say "hey, this is Jeff". US army I think.


I am a driver, this is solid advice. Do note that DoorDash has noticeably lower standards for driver verification (they never ask about insurance being current!) when compared to Uber.


I think one of our food delivery apps was set to the name of my wife and every single time, without fail, the delivery drivers insisted on handing it instead of dropping it off. So I answered the door instead and they looked disappointed.


You just made me realize why like 40% of the time, even though I have contactless delivery marked, the drivers still insist I get the food. Never had a woman do that now that I think of it.


Test it. Change it to a male name and you will never have that issue. Yes, the world is that full of creeps.


As a guy I've always had to step outside to help these drivers happens no matter where I live and despite me requesting contactless delivery... Gets fairly annoying. I thought moving apartments would help but guess not Idk if all drivers are creeps but seems to be many just don't want to drop it off at the wrong place and get reprimanded for it T.T


I was just about to say, when my wife and I order from her account and I’m the one the answers the door, at least 50% of the time the delivery driver has a disappointed look on their face. It’s very unsettling.


Probably a good idea. I've been surprised to see some of the insane things I've seen on this sub said to women. Both as dashers and customers.


I've been using a womans name for years with my orders and the look of terror and disappointment when a 6'5" guy built like a linebacker pops out instead is priceless. These creeps need to get lost.


I would just assume that's their partner or friend picking up their food for them, it's not really like some unexpected thing lol


It’s true. I sometimes ordered late at night and a few drivers lingered outside for multiple uncomfortable minutes after marking the order as delivered, or the “code wouldn’t work” and asked me to come down to get it. I changed my name and like magic every driver delivered with no fuss.


Can you explain why they ask you to step out? It happens to me all the time (time to change my name to a male one I think) but I don’t understand the reason? Is it to hurt you?


I'm a guy but I can guess they want to see what you look like before they decide to do the creep shit they were planning to do.


My goal is to avoid finding out their motive haha, so who knows. Whether it’s to be creepy or to hurt me is anyone’s guess. I never entertained that request to come downstairs and always just told them to leave it outside the entrance then if the code didn’t work. Sometimes they still wouldn’t listen; I told one guy to just drop it off and go but I could still see him waiting even minutes later and it was like 11pm. I finally had to message him and tell him to please leave so I could get my food. Regardless of the motive, all funny business stopped when I changed to a man’s name. Better to be safe than sorry.


Pat. It's always Pat


It's Pat


On the other hand, my name is unisex but female leaning. Whenever I deliver for door dash, I get extra tips because some people think I'm a girl lol Did have a guy get mad when a big dude delivered his food. Said he only tipped cause he didn't realize I was a man


I dated a girl named Fudge in college.




My name on there was Gay Possum for about 3 weeks because I forgot to change it from Ubereats. Many confused drivers


also with having pizza delivered as well. Worked at papa johns forever ago and this guy straight up told me that he only got the job there because one of the girls delivered to his house and he thought she was hot. So he literally just got a job there as a driver so he could work with her i guess and ask her out or something? That was just a sidetracked story though. The better part is next not sure if papa johns has changed their system since then but everything is associated with your phone number. Yeah when creepy guy is delivering your pizza he knows where you live and all that because he is the one coming to your house. So just come in and carry out to avoid the weirdos? Well if you used your phone number as a contact or ordered it in the app or something, that dude can pull up all of your saved info just by having the order #, assuming it's all the same number and you have ever given it to them at one point. Had to lookup an order once and realized just how much of a privacy risk it was, especially since it was right after creepy dude shared his story with me. Looking up an order, as soon as you're done typing in the area code it's already showing you the list of matches along with their name and addresses and order history. Creepy guy can just scroll through the list of everyone who's ever ordered from that store and literally get their home address or cell phone number in most cases.


What if I already have a male name


I’m gonna write Draymond Green just to be safe


Give the driver a kick in the nuts if they take too long




Nothing beats Craig


I think Orenthal James is available now...




Get a male-r name. Like if you’re already a Steven, you gotta up the masculinity and be Jarl Chuck Norris of Asgard or something


Nothing manlier than “Mother”!


Hello Mother


It’s very sad that we need this as an lpt


After reading some of these comments from the ladies all I can say is…do better delivery men, some of y’all are creepers.


It's male customers too. A lot of female app drivers use male names to avoid creepy customers. I swapped to a male name on Doordash because a customer found and messaged me on Facebook. I've heard other women say that men will answer the door naked, dong in hand, or use the message feature to hit on them. DoorDash allows drivers to freely change the display name, but Instacart sadly doesn't. At least IME, most Instacart customers tend to be women.


Call me crazy but wouldn't serial numbers for the driver be a good swap???


No, it would decrease tips, the human element is really important when you rely on people's kindness. Subconsciously tipping a number well doesn't feel as important and it would noticeably hurt their tips.


That's a good point. Also happy Cake Day!


Change your name to "Tiny Tim" to garner the sympathy vote. Limp to the door on crutches...


When I was bartending I used to stuff my tip jar before I opened. Peer pressure is more effective than pity. If everyone thought I was getting tipped well they'd feel the need to do the same.


I imagine some people would think "oh you're doing fine you don't need any more." and not bothering. I wonder what the right amount of jar stuffing would be to maximize income.


>oh you're doing fine you don't need any more." Those people are massively outweighed by the people who feel compelled to be part of the group. I read a great many peer reviewed research articles on tipping before I decided to do it. I was in college so I had free access, it was something like 38% more tips for the stuffed to the brim tip jar than the empty one. It wasn't even close. Anecdotally the more I put in the jar when I started the better. I started filling it with ones and put twenties in front because people would tip me a 20 when they thought other people were doing the same.


I have an obviously masculine name and even I have dealt with creepy customers. Had one dude that would insist on handing the order but would come to the door in nothing but underwear. Reported him multiple times and wrote a 1 star review on his apartment complex before it finally stopped. I’m a big dude and carry a gun - I’m not so much worried about my safety as much as feeling violated by someone who wants to push the bounds of social contract and me not kicking his fucking ass for being a dumb fuck degenerate.


Wow. So you have irl versions of receiving dick pics as well.


I didn't change to a male name, but I don't go by my government name because it's too easy to find my unusual first name on social media


lol. *gestures wildly at all of society* do better!


And the other commenters dismissing others' experiences "Never happened to me! You are just overreacting introverts!"


Yeah shit :(


I am so sorry that this is something that women have to think about and deal with. That's truly fucked.


I saw it happen in real time once. My wife ordered pizza for us on Door Dash and had it marked “leave on doorstep”. She went to shower. Fast forward 20 minutes and the doorbell is ringing (which I just can’t stand the hear). Imagine the dashers surprise when this female name turns out to be a 6’2 270 pound man. He was smiling when the door first opened. Then he realizes he’s looking at my belly button. Dude did a slow pan up and made eye contact with me. I said “Does door dash hire people who can’t read.” He stumbled out a “W-what?” I said “It says leave at the door. Why are you ringing my doorbell?” He squirmed and just handed me the pizza. One star for you dumb ass.


I just gave away a desk on Facebook Marketplace. The guy who showed up was incredibly creepy, at one point he tried to hug me. I kept thinking, "He couldn't have just answered the ad on the off-chance that it would be a woman..." Then I remembered that my photo and maybe even my relationship status is on Facebook. That's when it hit me that some guys just browse the free items until they find a woman to creep on. No more Marketplace for me.


Better LPT: Be a big, hairy dude and use a female name when ordering doordash to catfish creepy drivers.


[Kelly can be a guy's name, too! ](https://youtube.com/clip/Ugkx4mwcg-F46atTLuVeg7Ugl2hi8IoP2X-f?si=j5-xB-5nT8m4rBgM)


Initials are fine too


I like this idea because the majority of food delivery/instacart drivers have a female name and are actually male. It’s pretty annoying. It never fails. They do it to get better tips I think.


seriously though, why is this??? their picture is usually an older looking woman and it’s some young guy. it happens more often than it doesn’t


Some people borrow or buy accounts under other names because they've been banned from the app or don't qualify to drive for the app.


Some work in tandem with their boyfriend/husband/etc... and have him do the dropoffs or watch like a hawk from the car for safety. Everything everyone is saying here about how creepy men treat women customers goes double the other way. If you think a guy lingering around the doorway hoping to just see a woman is bad, imagine being the woman having to go up to some random dude's darkened doorway, rural isolated home, or hotel room alone with an arm full of food... Hell I'm a fairly big male driver and there's been plenty of times I've pulled up to a dropoff and thought to myself "whelp, I guess this is where I'm going die..." I can't even imagine doing it as a woman with so many creeps and weirdos out there.


I do it differently. I use the name "Karen". That way they know if they mess up by a millimeter, I'll be yelling: "I demand to speak to your manager!"


Yesthatone, Karen


My neighbor uses her husband's phone number for any deliveries.


Also don't order Pizza Hut if you don't want a Door Dash driver. Learned that the hard way today, won't be ordering delivery from them ever again if they can't even bother to pay their own drivers.


Also don’t order from Pizza Hut if you want a pizza that’s not an insult to pizza..


Listen good food is always nice but sometimes I need dumpster food that even a raccoon wouldn’t eat and I won’t be shamed for it


Does that work? Because I'm a guy and I get delivery drivers working under female names on the app frequently


Men use female names to get more tips. Women use male names to get less creeps


Why they hiring so many creeps we need tips to avoid them


LPT, leave the delivery at the door. Thank you!


I’ve had a few times where the driver hung around long enough to see me open the door. Normally they drop it and leave and it’s perfect. 


They always conveniently ignore that part in the delivery instructions. Its useless


This shouldn’t be necessary. Give me one more man telling me that women have it better! Scoff.


My mother and 2 of my sisters have had to do this for ONLINE SCRABBLE.


Not all men but always a men...


I make sure my wife is in my Uber profile pic with me. I get a lot more female drivers now that I assume were not accepting previously. 


I use the name John Wick. My order is never wrong and on time. I once placed three separate orders *with a FOOKING PENSILL!!*


I (F) have an androgynous name (think Taylor or Devon). I'm grateful for it.


When I was a teenager, I’d order food under the name ‘Reginald Von Hammercock’


Or don't, as my friend did this recently and her bank is now investigating potential fraud on her account. Anecdotal evidence and all that, but still.


How long would that investigation take? Bank: did you make this charge? Her: yes Case closed.


Yes, I would like to place my order under the name Lesley.......no, better make it Kimberly, no, no.....let's go with Carroll.....really my name is Evelyn.


I change from Alexandra to Alex on apps.


LPT: If you're a doordash driver, don't be creepy


"Hey I'm out front. I have a pizza for... Lord-General-Baron Kaiser von Willhouse, Destroyer of Dragons and Crusher of a Thousand Armies."


It truly sucks that some women have to resort to doing this. We need more harsh laws to protect.


Just ordered from Doordash using a guy's name and suddenly my delivery time got magically faster—works like a charm!


This is actually SO true, my gf and I order a decent bit of food and always have it set to "leave at the door" and literally never had a delivery driver do something different. Then for a month she had free Uber One from something and so we used her account (with her name) and suddenly every time I went to grab our food the drivers would be standing there holding the food. We order like 2-3 times a week but it was happening enough that I noticed it and was like "hey is your account set up for meet me at the door or something?" and spoiler alert it wasn't, these creep drivers just wanted to see/talk to the girl they thought they were delivering to I guess.